AEW: Fight Forever
AEW: Fight Forever |
Developer: Yuke's
AEW: Fight Forever is basically Yuke's return to wrestling video games, along with THQ returning to publish them.
Unlike their previous WWE games, this one uses a completely different engine made completely from scratch, has way less features (such as a lack of a Paint Tool for custom logos), and lacks a lot of content.
Pre-Release Content
Green Man
An NPC character who, unlike other NPCs like waitresses and talk show hosts, has programming to be used as a wrestler in the game. Can be enabled via mods on PC.
Developer-made CAWs
There appears to be created wrestlers at AEWFightForever/Content/GameData/Assets/DevelopOnly/PresetWrestler/ that would be spawned in for developers to use, to test particular features. It should be possible to recreate them from this data, although because the game saves use encryption, cooking these saves directly is not possible. Each of these named in the form Preset_M_Dev0000001Preset_#.uasset (from 0 to 17) and Preset_F_Dev0000002Preset_# (from 0 to 9) plus Preset without a digit, for a total of 11 female and 19 male presets.
Paul Martinez
Alongside the developer-made CAWs is an asset called ELITE_M_PaulMartinez_210526.uasset that points to another created wrestler profile. This could refer to a former MMA fighter, or be entirely unrelated.
Harima Test Settings
Chief gameplay developer Masaki Harima was testing a number of alternate base settings that dramatically alter gameplay, including some fun elements like brief invincibility on standing back up and increased speed during special mode. On PC, these settings can be enabled via a mod.
Dummy assets
For building the game, dummy assets were used in many cases until they were finalized. The presence of dummy files does not indicate the potential of future content -- rather, it indicates the programmers got ahead of the asset developers and in some cases were working from early directives from AEW Games.
There are dummy images for every potential chat dialogue that might be seen in the game.
At one point, Create A Wrestler was called Scout, at least in dummy files and blueprints.
Early title screen
Alpha title screen render is still present in the game files
Animation test for 2D Standees
Evidence that the 2D renders of the arena audience used to pad arenas at high distances were intended to be animated at one point exists, with non-functional test asset at AEWFightForever/Content/GameData/Resources/Models/Audience/_Common/MI_Material/MI_audience_anim_test.uasset in the same folder as the 2d Standees.
Early roster ring announcer list
What appears to be the initial list of AEW potential roster members was dummied in as ring announcer files early in the game development. Looking at just the names, it appears to be a fairly complete roster from a particular point in time, suggesting that everyone was on the table as potential wrestlers at launch. The presence of many of these wrestlers' themes in the released game strongly suggests that those wrestlers will not be added post-launch as DLC but were intended to be used as create-a-wrestlers instead, as every wrestler who was added post-launch did not have a theme yet in-game.
Cut Content
Shop Unlockables
Icons exist for purchasing Create A Wrestler, Create An Arena, attire slots, and team slots.
Each wrestler has variables for how many attire slots are unlocked for use, even though most wrestlers' options for alternate attires are limited to setting different materials on their existing clothing or skin, or wearing a create-a-wrestler part -- only a few wrestlers have full alternate attires. Before release, the number of slots unlocked was set to 4 for all wrestlers, of a maximum of 4.
Hidden trons
Videos in the same format as wrestler entrance trons are present in the game but not referenced.
Visible referree counts
Leftover textures to display counts up to 20. In game the referree only counts countouts up to 10. Visual indicators are used for pinning for 1, 2, 3 and 2.99, but the remainder of the numbers are not used in game.
Battle Pass Road to All Out
Textures and UI elements for a Battle Pass mode called Road to All Out remain in the game. This was likely cut early in development and replaced with Stadium Stampede.
Storing and spending specials
Variables in datatables for the special charge meter suggest that at least at one point in development, players would have the ability to stock more than one special charge, and spend them on different actions other than performing special moves (such as doing a kip-up, or breaking a submission).
The datatable DT_EliteMeterParams contains the following variables for each wrestler:
"0": { "MeterValue_48_02E9B1DC481533A1B67C1091AED5B61B": 1600.0, "DefaultPercent_82_A5D8816A4E5D2E133D9F679D0451C597": 90.0, "SpecialStartPercent_89_5B44E413464770A64F2584A3C18F480D": 100.0, "SpecialLimitPercent_90_FBCEB0174A98BA47712DB7ACFDC1B6FB": 40.0, "SpecialRemoveSec_103_98780E07498D9F64DCBCFCBE5C1A573E": 20.0, "ExciteRemoveSec_104_05E4F9ED45C5E5242115999A01BF8D58": 20.0, "ExciteLimitSec_96_2F37A7604B20B9ED45A671B95501F168": 8.0, "CalmStartPercent_97_D37B12114692E49F45998B852813492C": 30.0, "DangerStartPercent_100_9220BCB04D7AB5D4408C4B9290A8CB34": 5.0, "DangerRemoveSec_105_A60B79D94B38306D45A888973F67E977": 5.0, "ExciteSignatureDamageRate_108_DA15BC7E4EB0BBE4317AAD89B8BA6355": 1.5, "UseStock_Signature_122_F90FB14E4EC5E0C818E1C2BC52E636F6": 1, "UseStock_PinEscape_123_EEDDEDE34AC3777102B931ADCC4F5D8B": 1, "UseStock_SubmissionEscape_124_51F94B24498443FF2D2DD8AA051A6241": 1, "UseStock_KipUp_125_0E4A876442B1BFCBB08BBA8CAB9AEE85": 1, "UseStock_StockSpecial_131_54129AE943F5A2B27A606BBBE723BD98": 1, "UseValue_SpecialSignature_140_89397A0C48F4BC5A13A3318CC3CA312A": 200.0, "UseValue_SpecialFinisher_141_03A3FD0C48A8E40AA55812A8FCFA5241": 1000.0, "UseValue_Steal_SpecialFinisher_148_D3B5BE214555F5360E7111A905D4396F": 1000.0, "UseValue_SpecialPin_151_6B8B7124481C5565442D9B9A3776916B": 1000.0, "StockSpecialRemoveSec_115_B452234D490B6CA2324F7882FC720D29": 60.0, "StockSpecialDamageRate_117_A58EEA3D45FFA526BF8AACAB35388C20": 0.9, "StockMax_127_2876761B438F878C8CC03F8B0B8505DF": 0, "HPLevelRate_145_954395294213257217224A87198B02F9": [ 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 2.5, 3.5 ],
Bruise Layers
Bruise layers intended for showing bruising on wrestlers. Appears to be implemented identically to blood layers. Blueprint exists in the game to activate at "AEWFightForever/Content/GameData/Assets/AnimationEvent/AnimNotify/BP_AnimNotify_AddBruise.uasset", but is unimplemented.
Many cut features of wrestling character rendering are evident in the Kenny Omega model, as he was apparently the earliest wrestler being developed.
Kenny Omega is the only wrestler who has has a custom bruise mask at "AEWFightForever/Content/GameData/Resources/Models/WrestlerData/M0011_02_Kenny_Omega/Texture/T_Bruise_msk1.uasset" . Everyone else uses the common one.
This suggests the bruise implementation was cut fairly early in development. Sweat and other layers likely didn't even make it this far.
Sweat Layers
Sweat layers intended for showing sweat on wrestlers under certain conditions. Appears to be implemented identically to blood layers except without a colour mask, to make beads of shiny sweat appear.
Wrinkle Map
Intended to be applied on demand to normal map
Game News
A feature that would create a match summary based on events during a match (the same system used to score the game) was apparently planned, but not implemented, and the text can be read from a datatable.
ID | Content |
GAM_NEWS_000001 | This was undoubtedly one of the year's best matches. |
GAM_NEWS_000002 | Who would have thought that {WinWrestlerName} and {LoseWrestlerName} would be responsible for the biggest snooze fest of the year? |
GAM_NEWS_000003 | This was a once-in-a-lifetime match. |
GAM_NEWS_000004 | This was a match of pure domination. |
GAM_NEWS_000005 | Folks, we have our first MOTY contender. |
GAM_NEWS_000006 | This match will surely find a place on most people's lists for MOTY. |
GAM_NEWS_000007 | This match was definitely not for the squeamish. |
GAM_NEWS_000008 | If blood and guts isn't your cup of tea, this match probably didn't do it for you. |
GAM_NEWS_000009 | If you have an intense dislike for the blood and guts style of wrestling, this match probably did little to change your mind. |
GAM_NEWS_000010 | Well...that was a match. |
GAM_NEWS_000011 | That was a banger of a match! |
GAM_NEWS_000012 | A sprint of a match. |
GAM_NEWS_000013 | This more than lived up to the hype. |
GAM_NEWS_000014 | Sadly, a disappointing match. |
GAM_NEWS_000015 | Shorter than expected but entertaining nonetheless. |
GAM_NEWS_000016 | An action filled sprint of a match. |
GAM_NEWS_000017 | This was a solid match. |
GAM_NEWS_000018 | A quick and decisive win for {WinWrestlerName}. |
GAM_NEWS_000019 | An intense back-and-forth encounter with a surprising finish. |
GAM_NEWS_000020 | An effective squash win for {WinWrestlerName}. |
GAM_NEWS_000021 | An entertaining squash win. |
GAM_NEWS_000022 | These two beat the absolute hell out of one another! |
GAM_NEWS_000023 | Your classic David versus Goliath encounter. |
GAM_NEWS_000024 | A spirited contest between two wrestlers on the rise. |
GAM_NEWS_000025 | Accuse me of being a prisoner of the moment all you want but this match was nothing short of a masterpiece! |
GAM_NEWS_000026 | A good match. |
GAM_NEWS_000027 | A good, bordering on great, heavyweight encounter. |
GAM_NEWS_000028 | I may have to rethink my star system after this one; five just doesn't seem to be enough. |
GAM_NEWS_000029 | This was a battle of attrition with neither opponent willing to give an inch to their opponent. |
GAM_NEWS_000030 | This was a pleasant surprise. |
GAM_NEWS_000031 | A chaotic brawl. |
GAM_NEWS_000032 | A spirited bout between two of the more athletic talents on the roster. |
GAM_NEWS_000033 | This was an uncomfortably violent match. |
GAM_NEWS_000034 | A short but impactful match. |
GAM_NEWS_000035 | The outcome of the match was never in doubt but the talent in the ring kept me engaged throughout. |
GAM_NEWS_000036 | A fair to middling, match. |
GAM_NEWS_000037 | An average match, at best. |
GAM_NEWS_000038 | The match was fine but the talent never seemed to kick it into 3rd gear. |
GAM_NEWS_000039 | An abomination of a match. |
GAM_NEWS_000040 | Well, damn! That was great. |
GAM_NEWS_000041 | This was a pro wrestling clinic. |
GAM_NEWS_000042 | This was a car wreck of a match. |
GAM_NEWS_000043 | A solid back and forth match. |
GAM_NEWS_000044 | The adage "styles makes fights" was put on full display in this gem of a match. |
GAM_NEWS_000045 | This was all-action from bell-to-bell. |
GAM_NEWS_000046 | This was the very definition of a spot fest. It was one big move and sequence after another. Far too many to keep note of! |
GAM_NEWS_001001 | From the outset of the match, {WinWrestlerName} was firmly in control. Shortly thereafter, the fight spilled to ringside but much to the dismay of {LoseWrestlerName}, the change of scenery did nothing to improve his fortune. |
GAM_NEWS_001002 | From the outset of the match, {WinWrestlerName} was firmly in control. Shortly thereafter, the fight spilled to ringside but much to the dismay of {LoseWrestlerName}, the change of scenery did nothing to improve her fortune. |
GAM_NEWS_001003 | From the start, {LoseWrestlerName} had the upper hand. It wasn't long before the fight spilled to ringside where he maintained his dominance over {WinWrestlerName}. |
GAM_NEWS_001004 | From the start, {LoseWrestlerName} had the upper hand. It wasn't long before the fight spilled to ringside where she maintained her dominance over {WinWrestlerName}. |
GAM_NEWS_001005 | {WinWrestlerName} controlled the match from the start. An unexpected dive attack can be credited for the hot start as everyone in the building, crowd and opponent alike, were completely caught off guard by the flash bit of early offense. |
GAM_NEWS_001006 | The match started with {LoseWrestlerName} firmly in control. The hot start can be attributed to a flashy dive attack that seemed to come out of nowhere. |
GAM_NEWS_001007 | From the start of the match, {WinWrestlerName} took the lead, helped by an early dive to ringside. It quickly became apparent that this wasn't going to be a traditional type of match. |
GAM_NEWS_001008 | From the outset, {LoseWrestlerName} gained the upper hand thanks to an early dive to ringside. The explosive burst of offense dispelled any notion of this being a traditional mat-based styled match. |
GAM_NEWS_001009 | From the start, {WinWrestlerName} gained early control with a deftly performed springboard dive. |
GAM_NEWS_001010 | Thanks to a deftly performed springboard dive, {LoseWrestlerName} firmly took control right from the outset. |
GAM_NEWS_001011 | From the start of the match, {WinWrestlerName} took the early lead, helped by an explosive springboard dive to ringside. It quickly became apparent that this wasn't going to be a traditional style of match. |
GAM_NEWS_001012 | From the outset, {LoseWrestlerName} gained the upper hand thanks to an early, high-risk springboard dive to ringside. The impressive display of athletic offense dispelled any notion of this being a mat classic. |
GAM_NEWS_001013 | In the opening moments of the match, a well-timed block by {WinWrestlerName} allowed him to prevent {LoseWrestlerName} from establishing any ground. |
GAM_NEWS_001014 | In the opening moments of the match, a well-timed block by {WinWrestlerName} allowed her to prevent {LoseWrestlerName} from establishing any ground. |
GAM_NEWS_001015 | Early in the match, a well-timed block by {LoseWrestlerName} allowed him to prevent {WinWrestlerName} from establishing any ground. |
GAM_NEWS_001016 | Early in the match, a well-timed block by {LoseWrestlerName} allowed her to prevent {WinWrestlerName} from establishing any ground. |
GAM_NEWS_001017 | In the opening minutes of the match, a well-timed strike reversal by {WinWrestlerName} was all that it took to prevent {LoseWrestlerName} from gaining an early advantage. |
GAM_NEWS_001018 | Early in the match, a well-timed strike reversal by {LoseWrestlerName} was all that it took to prevent {WinWrestlerName} from gaining an early advantage. |
GAM_NEWS_001019 | Early on in the match, a well-timed grapple reversal by {WinWrestlerName} was all that was needed to prevent {LoseWrestlerName} from taking control. |
GAM_NEWS_001020 | Early on in the match, a well-timed grapple reversal by {LoseWrestlerName} prevented {WinWrestlerName} from taking control. |
GAM_NEWS_001021 | Things weren't going well for {WinWrestlerName} early in the match. That all changed when he suddenly sprang back to life with an unexpected kip-up. It was hard to tell who was more shocked, the crowd or {LoseWrestlerName}. |
GAM_NEWS_001022 | Things weren't going well for {WinWrestlerName} early in the match. That all changed when she suddenly sprang back to life with an unexpected kip-up. It was hard to tell who was more shocked, the crowd or {LoseWrestlerName}. |
GAM_NEWS_001023 | In the opening minutes of the match, things weren't going well for {LoseWrestlerName}. That all changed when he quickly sprang back to life with a surprising kip-up. It was hard to tell who was more shocked, those in the audience or {WinWrestlerName}. |
GAM_NEWS_001024 | In the opening minutes of the match, things weren't going well for {LoseWrestlerName}. That all changed when she quickly sprang back to life with a surprising kip-up. It was hard to tell who was more shocked, those in the audience or {WinWrestlerName}. |
GAM_NEWS_001025 | At the start of the match, {WinWrestlerName} dropped two opponents for the price of one. The crowd-pleasing display of 2-for-1 offense got him off to a hot start. |
GAM_NEWS_001026 | At the start of the match, {WinWrestlerName} dropped two opponents for the price of one. The crowd-pleasing display of 2-for-1 offense got her off to a hot start. |
GAM_NEWS_001027 | At the start of the match, {LoseWrestlerName} nailed two opponents for the price of one. The crowd-pleasing display of 2-for-1 offense got him off to a scorching start. |
GAM_NEWS_001028 | At the start of the match, {LoseWrestlerName} nailed two opponents for the price of one. The crowd-pleasing display of 2-for-1 offense got her off to a scorching start. |
GAM_NEWS_001029 | From the start, {WinWrestlerName} gained control of the match after nailing {LoseWrestlerName} with a vicious rebound attack. |
GAM_NEWS_001030 | From the start, {LoseWrestlerName} gained control of the match after nailing {WinWrestlerName} with an impactful rebound attack. |
GAM_NEWS_001031 | When the match began, {WinWrestlerName} gained the early advantage after nailing a cornered {LoseWrestlerName} with a high-speed, thunderous blow. |
GAM_NEWS_001032 | When the match began, {LoseWrestlerName} gained the early advantage after hitting a cornered {WinWrestlerName} with a high-speed, thunderous blow. |
GAM_NEWS_001033 | {WinTeamName} got the match off to a hot start with a perfectly executed double team move. The synchronicity and fluidity of its execution was a thing of absolute beauty. |
GAM_NEWS_001034 | The match got off to a tremendous start with an explosive double team maneuver from {LoseTeamName}. The synchronicity and fluidity of its execution was a thing of beauty. |
GAM_NEWS_001035 | From the start, {WinWrestlerName} took the initiative with a well-timed cut-off attack that allowed him to dictate the flow of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_001036 | From the start, {WinWrestlerName} took the initiative with a well-timed cut-off attack that allowed her to dictate the flow of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_001037 | Right out of the gate, {LoseWrestlerName} was able to dictate the flow of the match with a perfectly timed cut-off attack. |
GAM_NEWS_001038 | {WinWrestlerName} came out of the gates swinging with a vicious blow, tilting the match in his favor. |
GAM_NEWS_001039 | {WinWrestlerName} came out of the gates swinging with a vicious blow, tilting the match in her favor. |
GAM_NEWS_001040 | {LoseWrestlerName} came out the gates swinging and landed a brutal blow that tilted the match in his favor. |
GAM_NEWS_001041 | {LoseWrestlerName} came out the gates swinging and landed a brutal blow that tilted the match in her favor. |
GAM_NEWS_001042 | {WinWrestlerName} was put on his heels at the start of the match. However, his fortunes changed for the better after catching {LoseWrestlerName} in mid-air, thus countering an attempted dive attack. It was a pivotal moment that likely altered the course of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_001043 | {WinWrestlerName} was put on her heels at the start of the match. However, her fortunes changed for the better after catching {LoseWrestlerName} in mid-air, thus countering an attempted dive attack. It was a pivotal moment that likely altered the course of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_001044 | At the start of the match, {LoseWrestlerName} was completely on his heels. However, his predicament changed for the better after catching {WinWrestlerName} in mid-air, thus countering an attempted aerial attack. It was a pivotal moment that likely altered the course of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_001045 | At the start of the match, {LoseWrestlerName} was completely on her heels. However, her predicament changed for the better after catching {WinWrestlerName} in mid-air, thus countering an attempted aerial attack. It was a pivotal moment that likely altered the course of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_001046 | Early on, {WinWrestlerName} was able to dictate the pace of the match with a perfectly executed combination attack. |
GAM_NEWS_001047 | Early on, {LoseWrestlerName} was able to control the pace of the match with a well executed combination attack. |
GAM_NEWS_001048 | From the start of the match, {WinTeamName} ran circles around their competition. They completely dictated the pace of the match due to their chemistry, synchronicity, and advanced in-ring IQ. The team is working on a completely different level from everyone else. It doesn't seem fair. |
GAM_NEWS_001049 | From the outset, {LoseTeamName} ran circles around their competition. They controlled the pace of the match with their chemistry, synchronicity, and advanced in-ring IQ. The team is on a completely different level from everyone else. |
GAM_NEWS_001050 | Not long after the match began, a hot tag from {WinTeamName} allowed them to gain the upper hand. |
GAM_NEWS_001051 | Not long after the match began, a hot tag from {LoseTeamName} allowed them to gain control of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_001052 | Early on, {WinTeamName} gained steam with a well-timed tandem maneuver. It was this bit of tandem offense that allowed them to control the pace of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_001053 | The match began with a well-executed tandem maneuver from {LoseTeamName}. It was this bit of tandem offense that allowed them to dictate the pace of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_001054 | From the start of the match, the cooperation and coordination between {WinTeamName} was on full display. They may be two individuals, but in the ring they act and work as one. |
GAM_NEWS_001055 | From the start of the match, the cooperation and coordination between {LoseTeamName} was on full display. They may be two individuals, but in the ring they act and work as one. |
GAM_NEWS_001056 | A scorching hot tag from {WinTeamName} early in the match reversed momentum in their favor. It was a timely and much-needed tag as they were able to turn a potentially disastrous situation into a favorable one. |
GAM_NEWS_001057 | Early in the match, a scorching hot tag from {LoseTeamName} reversed momentum in their favor. It was a timely and much-needed tag as they were able to turn a potentially disastrous situation into a favorable one. |
GAM_NEWS_001058 | Taking the fight to ringside early in the match proved to be a smart move by {WinWrestlerName}. The brawling at ringside reignited the crowd and swung momentum in the opposite direction. |
GAM_NEWS_001059 | Taking the fight to ringside early in the match proved to be a smart move on {LoseWrestlerName}'s part. The brawling at ringside galvanized the crowd and helped to swing momentum in the opposite direction. |
GAM_NEWS_001060 | Early in the match, {WinWrestlerName} got the break that he needed with a high-risk dive off the guard rail! |
GAM_NEWS_001061 | Early in the match, {WinWrestlerName} got the break that she needed with a high-risk dive off the guard rail! |
GAM_NEWS_001062 | {LoseWrestlerName} began the match having the upper hand due in large part to an impressive dive attack off the ringside guard rail! |
GAM_NEWS_001063 | Impressive chain wrestling from {WinWrestlerName} early in the match allowed him to dictate the pace of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_001064 | Impressive chain wrestling from {WinWrestlerName} early in the match allowed her to dictate the pace of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_001065 | The match began with some technical chain wrestling from {LoseWrestlerName}. The brilliant exchange of holds allowed him to dominate the pace of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_001066 | The match began with some technical chain wrestling from {LoseWrestlerName}. The brilliant exchange of holds allowed her to dominate the pace of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_001067 | Early in the match, some fancy footwork from {WinWrestlerName} helped trigger a thunderous explosion which put him in the driver's seat. |
GAM_NEWS_001068 | Early in the match, some fancy footwork from {WinWrestlerName} helped trigger a thunderous explosion which put her in the driver's seat. |
GAM_NEWS_001069 | {LoseWrestlerName}'s expert maneuvering early in the match helped trigger a thunderous explosion which allowed him to control the pace of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_001070 | {LoseWrestlerName}'s expert maneuvering early in the match helped trigger a thunderous explosion which allowed her to control the pace of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_001071 | Early in the match, clever footwork from {WinWrestlerName} allowed him to gain control of the match with a series of explosions. |
GAM_NEWS_001072 | Early in the match, clever footwork from {WinWrestlerName} allowed her to gain control of the match with a series of explosions. |
GAM_NEWS_001073 | The match began with expert maneuvering from {LoseWrestlerName} which allowed him to control the pace through a series of explosions. |
GAM_NEWS_001074 | The match began with expert maneuvering from {LoseWrestlerName} which allowed her to control the pace through a series of explosions. |
GAM_NEWS_001075 | From the outset of the match, {WinWrestlerName} used the barbed wire board to devastating effect! The gruesome attack swung momentum his way. The damage inflicted upon {LoseWrestlerName} was not for the squeamish. |
GAM_NEWS_001076 | From the outset of the match, {WinWrestlerName} used the barbed wire board to devastating effect! The gruesome attack swung momentum her way. The damage inflicted upon {LoseWrestlerName} was not for the squeamish. |
GAM_NEWS_001077 | Early on, {LoseWrestlerName} landed an attack with assistance from a barbed wire wrapped board, swinging momentum his way. |
GAM_NEWS_001078 | Early on, {LoseWrestlerName} landed an attack with assistance from a barbed wire wrapped board, swinging momentum her way. |
GAM_NEWS_001079 | This was a must-see match from the start, with both wrestlers throwing everything that they had at one another. Neither wrestler was able to gain a decided advantage over the other, resulting in visible frustration on both of their faces. |
GAM_NEWS_001080 | From the very beginning, this was a match that you couldn't take your eyes off of. Both wrestlers displayed a level of grit toughness, determination, and savagery that you don't often see in today's pro wrestling landscape. The fans in the arena were completely drawn into the drama and spectacle, as was I. |
GAM_NEWS_001081 | The match started off slow. Based on the reaction and mood of the crowd, perhaps a bit too slow. Due to the frustrating start, anticipation mixed with a healthy dose of anxiousness could be felt emanating throughout the building. |
GAM_NEWS_001082 | Early in the match, {WinWrestlerName} instigated a chop battle. You could feel his conviction to win with each and every thunderous strike, and this gave him a firm grasp on the match's pacing. |
GAM_NEWS_001083 | Early in the match, {WinWrestlerName} instigated a chop battle. You could feel her conviction to win with each and every thunderous strike, and this gave her a firm grasp on the match's pacing. |
GAM_NEWS_001084 | Early in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} instigated a chop battle. You could feel his conviction to win with each and every thunderous strike, but despite this {WinWrestlerName} stood firm, unwilling to give in. |
GAM_NEWS_001085 | Early in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} instigated a chop battle. You could feel her conviction to win with each and every thunderous strike, but despite this {WinWrestlerName} stood firm, unwilling to give in. |
GAM_NEWS_001086 | Early on, {WinWrestlerName} performed a diving attack from the top of a ladder. This death-defying maneuver did more than just shock the crowd; it set the tone for the entire remainder of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_001087 | Early in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} performed a diving attack from the top of a ladder. This death-defying maneuver did more than just shock the crowd; it undoubtedly inflicted a heavy blow on {WinWrestlerName}. But what {LoseWrestlerName} may have failed to realize was that the move took a heavy toll on himself too. |
GAM_NEWS_001088 | Early in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} performed a diving attack from the top of a ladder. This death-defying maneuver did more than just shock the crowd; it undoubtedly inflicted a heavy blow on {WinWrestlerName}. But what {LoseWrestlerName} may have failed to realize was that the move took a heavy toll on herself too. |
GAM_NEWS_001089 | Early in the match, {WinWrestlerName} slammed {LoseWrestlerName} into a ladder. This merciless attack set the pace of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_001090 | Early in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} slammed {WinWrestlerName} into a ladder. While {WinWrestlerName} was clearly left hurting after this merciless attack, he was far from ready to throw in the towel. |
GAM_NEWS_001091 | Early in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} slammed {WinWrestlerName} into a ladder. While {WinWrestlerName} was clearly left hurting after this merciless attack, she was far from ready to throw in the towel. |
GAM_NEWS_001092 | Early on, {WinWrestlerName} delivered some serious damage with a ladder helicopter. His ability to handle the ladder with such proficiency came as a surprise, not only to myself, but to {LoseWrestlerName} as well. |
GAM_NEWS_001093 | Early on, {WinWrestlerName} delivered some serious damage with a ladder helicopter. Her ability to handle the ladder with such proficiency came as a surprise, not only to myself, but to {LoseWrestlerName} as well. |
GAM_NEWS_001094 | Early on, {LoseWrestlerName} delivered some serious damage with a ladder helicopter. But {WinWrestlerName}, who is also skilled with a ladder, wasn't ready to quit just yet. |
GAM_NEWS_001095 | Early in the match, {WinWrestlerName} Irish whipped {LoseWrestlerName} into a ladder. The damage caused by the sheer force of collision into the ladder's hard surface may have been too much for {LoseWrestlerName} to handle. |
GAM_NEWS_001096 | Early in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} Irish whipped {WinWrestlerName} into a ladder. Colliding into the ladder looked painful, but looking back, {WinWrestlerName} may have effectively avoided the brunt of the damage. |
GAM_NEWS_001097 | Early in the match, {WinWrestlerName} slammed {LoseWrestlerName} clean through a table--and in doing so, set the pace of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_001098 | Early in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} slammed {WinWrestlerName} into a table. But despite being visibly in pain, {WinWrestlerName} was nowhere near ready to call it quits. |
GAM_NEWS_001099 | Early on, an explosive attack by {WinWrestlerName} broke {LoseWrestlerName}'s guard. And furthermore, it was clear that this attack had also broken {LoseWrestlerName}'s spirit. |
GAM_NEWS_001100 | Early on, an explosive attack by {LoseWrestlerName} broke {WinWrestlerName}'s guard. But at this point, {WinWrestlerName} may already had devised how he was going to get around {LoseWrestlerName}'s offenses. |
GAM_NEWS_001101 | Early on, an explosive attack by {LoseWrestlerName} broke {WinWrestlerName}'s guard. But at this point, {WinWrestlerName} may already had devised how she was going to get around {LoseWrestlerName}'s offenses. |
GAM_NEWS_001102 | Early on, {WinWrestlerName} was confident enough to fight with his hands in his pockets. And I wasn't the only one taken aback by this show of self-assurance. {LoseWrestlerName} tried not to be fazed, but at this point {WinWrestlerName} had already established the pacing of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_001103 | Early on, {WinWrestlerName} was confident enough to fight with her hands in her pockets. And I wasn't the only one taken aback by this show of self-assurance. {LoseWrestlerName} tried not to be fazed, but at this point {WinWrestlerName} had already established the pacing of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_001104 | Early on, {LoseWrestlerName} was confident enough to fight with his hands in his pockets. It was clear he was trying to get inside {WinWrestlerName}'s head, but this overconfidence may have been responsible for {LoseWrestlerName}'s losing. |
GAM_NEWS_001105 | Early on, {LoseWrestlerName} was confident enough to fight with her hands in her pockets. It was clear she was trying to get inside {WinWrestlerName}'s head, but this overconfidence may have been responsible for {LoseWrestlerName}'s losing. |
GAM_NEWS_001106 | Early in the match, {WinWrestlerName} performed a Rebound Recoil Attack. {LoseWrestlerName} had been trying to establish dominance, but this move apparently came as a complete surprise. |
GAM_NEWS_001107 | Early in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} performed a Rebound Recoil Attack. {WinWrestlerName} had been trying to establish dominance, but this move apparently came as a complete surprise. |
GAM_NEWS_001108 | Early in the match, {WinWrestlerName} performed a Corner Recoil Attack. {LoseWrestlerName} had been trying to establish dominance, but this move apparently came as a complete surprise. |
GAM_NEWS_001109 | Early in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} performed a Corner Recoil Attack. {WinWrestlerName} had been trying to establish dominance, but this move apparently came as a complete surprise. |
GAM_NEWS_001110 | Early on, {WinWrestlerName} rolled out of the ring after receiving a vicious attack. While this maneuver is typically considered a show of poor sportsmanship, there's no denying that it effectively prevented {LoseWrestlerName} from picking up steam. |
GAM_NEWS_001111 | Early on, {LoseWrestlerName} rolled out of the ring after receiving a vicious attack, intending to prevent {WinWrestlerName} from picking up steam. But {WinWrestlerName} was hardly affected by the momentary break in action. |
GAM_NEWS_001112 | Early in the match, {WinWrestlerName} had {LoseWrestlerName} pinned into a corner. With nowhere to escape, {LoseWrestlerName} was clearly at a disadvantage from the start. |
GAM_NEWS_001113 | Early in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} had {WinWrestlerName} pinned into a corner. Despite having nowhere to escape, {WinWrestlerName} stood ground, and waited for an opportunity to turn the tide of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_001114 | Early in the match, {WinWrestlerName} performed a rope rebound attack. His fancy ropework gave him a firm grasp on the flow of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_001115 | Early in the match, {WinWrestlerName} performed a rope rebound attack. Her fancy ropework gave her a firm grasp on the flow of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_001116 | Early in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} performed a rope rebound attack. In that moment, it looked like his fancy ropework had given him a firm grasp on the flow of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_001117 | Early in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} performed a rope rebound attack. In that moment, it looked like her fancy ropework had given her a firm grasp on the flow of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_001118 | Early in the match, {WinWrestlerName} performed a pursuit attack to the corner. His rhythmical run of attacks gave him a firm grasp on the flow of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_001119 | Early in the match, {WinWrestlerName} performed a pursuit attack to the corner. Her rhythmical run of attacks gave her a firm grasp on the flow of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_001120 | Early in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} performed a pursuit attack to the corner. In that moment, it looked like his rhythmical run of attacks had given him a firm grasp on the flow of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_001121 | Early in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} performed a pursuit attack to the corner. In that moment, it looked like her rhythmical run of attacks had given her a firm grasp on the flow of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_001122 | Early in the match, {WinWrestlerName} attempted to gain the favor of the crowd by performing a taunt. The resulting ovation propelled his already elevated momentum even further. |
GAM_NEWS_001123 | Early in the match, {WinWrestlerName} attempted to gain the favor of the crowd by performing a taunt. The resulting ovation propelled her already elevated momentum even further. |
GAM_NEWS_001124 | Early in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} attempted to gain the favor of the crowd by performing a taunt, but he may have been too focused on the match to be able to hear the resulting cheers. |
GAM_NEWS_001125 | Early in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} attempted to gain the favor of the crowd by performing a taunt, but she may have been too focused on the match to be able to hear the resulting cheers. |
GAM_NEWS_001126 | {WinTeamName} soon established themselves as the dominant team with some smooth tag work. From then on it was obvious which team was really in control. |
GAM_NEWS_001127 | {LoseTeamName} soon established themselves as the dominant team with some smooth tag work. In fact, you could say they had complete control of the match at that point. |
GAM_NEWS_001128 | {WinTeamName} soon established themselves as the dominant team with some skilled tandem offense. From then on it was obvious which team was really in control. |
GAM_NEWS_001129 | {LoseTeamName} soon established themselves as the dominant team with skilled tandem offense. In fact, you could say they had complete control of the match at that point. |
GAM_NEWS_001130 | Not long after the bell rang, {WinWrestlerName} grabbed a weapon--a decision that clearly bolstered his confidence. |
GAM_NEWS_001131 | Not long after the bell rang, {WinWrestlerName} grabbed a weapon--a decision that clearly bolstered her confidence. |
GAM_NEWS_001132 | Not long after the bell rang, {LoseWrestlerName} grabbed a weapon. But this may have only made him overconfident. |
GAM_NEWS_001133 | Not long after the bell rang, {LoseWrestlerName} grabbed a weapon. But this may have only made her overconfident. |
GAM_NEWS_001134 | Early in the match, {WinWrestlerName} touched a rope. The resulting explosion clearly inflicted some pain, but {WinWrestlerName} was far from done. |
GAM_NEWS_001135 | Early in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} touched a rope. Visibly suffering from the resulting explosion, he may have been better off quitting the match right then and there. |
GAM_NEWS_001136 | Early in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} touched a rope. Visibly suffering from the resulting explosion, she may have been better off quitting the match right then and there. |
GAM_NEWS_001137 | Soon after the match began, Penta El Zero M removed his glove. This may have been a deliberate sign that he was about to take control of the match. And he would be right. |
GAM_NEWS_001138 | Soon after the match began, Penta El Zero M removed his glove. But him being unable to grasp control of the match despite doing so may just be what led to his defeat. |
GAM_NEWS_001139 | Early in the match, {WinWrestlerName} grabbed at the object dangling above the ladder. In doing so, he pulled himself closer to victory. |
GAM_NEWS_001140 | Early in the match, {WinWrestlerName} grabbed at the object dangling above the ladder. In doing so, she pulled herself closer to victory. |
GAM_NEWS_001141 | Early in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} grabbed at the object dangling above the ladder. To everyone watching, it looked like he had grabbed his victory. |
GAM_NEWS_001142 | Early in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} grabbed at the object dangling above the ladder. To everyone watching, it looked like she had grabbed her victory. |
GAM_NEWS_001143 | Early on, {WinWrestlerName} managed to drop {LoseWrestlerName} off the top of the ladder. At that moment, he had took one clear step toward clinching the win. |
GAM_NEWS_001144 | Early on, {WinWrestlerName} managed to drop {LoseWrestlerName} off the top of the ladder. At that moment, she had took one clear step toward clinching the win. |
GAM_NEWS_001145 | Early on, {LoseWrestlerName} managed to drop {WinWrestlerName} off the top of the ladder. Despite being visibly in pain, {WinWrestlerName} persevered. |
GAM_NEWS_001146 | Not long after the match began, out of sheer desperation, {WinWrestlerName} spit out poison mist. This was the moment the flow of the match shifted. |
GAM_NEWS_001147 | Not long after the match began, out of sheer desperation, {LoseWrestlerName} spit out poison mist. I'm sure I'm not the only one who thought that the flow of the match would shift as a result. |
GAM_NEWS_001148 | Early in the match, {WinWrestlerName} shattered the stage monitor. This fervent attack led to him grasping firmly onto the flow of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_001149 | Early in the match, {WinWrestlerName} shattered the stage monitor. This fervent attack led to her grasping firmly onto the flow of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_001150 | Early in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} shattered the stage monitor. It looked like this fervent attack led to him grasping firmly onto the flow of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_001151 | Early in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} shattered the stage monitor. It looked like this fervent attack led to her grasping firmly onto the flow of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_001152 | Early on, {WinWrestlerName} cut into {LoseWrestlerName}'s diving attack with a well-timed propped knee. If this hadn't happened, I'm sure the match would have turned out differently. |
GAM_NEWS_001153 | Early on, {LoseWrestlerName} cut into {WinWrestlerName}'s diving attack with a well-timed propped knee. The only problem is that {LoseWrestlerName} failed to exploit this opportunity to counterattack. |
GAM_NEWS_001154 | {WinWrestlerName} landed the first hit, immediately seizing control. You could even say that this one attack set the tone for the rest of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_001155 | {LoseWrestlerName} landed the first hit, and with it appeared to have seized control of the match. But {WinWrestlerName} had other plans. |
GAM_NEWS_001156 | Even before the sound of the bell, {WinWrestlerName} attacked {LoseWrestlerName}, establishing early on who was the dominant competitor. |
GAM_NEWS_001157 | Even before the sound of the bell, {LoseWrestlerName} attacked {WinWrestlerName}, and with it appeared to have seized control of the match. But {WinWrestlerName} had other plans. |
GAM_NEWS_001158 | Early in the match, {WinWrestlerName} established control with some competent chain wrestling. |
GAM_NEWS_001159 | Early in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} appeared to have established control with some competent chain wrestling. |
GAM_NEWS_002001 | The tide of the match turned when {WinWrestlerName} brought the fight to ringside. The unpredictable nature of contesting a match outside the confines of the ropes engaged the crowd, and by all appearances greatly shook the confidence of {LoseWrestlerName}. |
GAM_NEWS_002002 | {LoseWrestlerName} brought the fight to ringside, thinking it'd be a way to regain footing. Suffice it say, things didn't go as intended. {WinWrestlerName} is particularly adept at brawling outside the confines of the squared circle, and {LoseWrestlerName} learned this the hard way. |
GAM_NEWS_002003 | {WinWrestlerName} gained the upper hand with a pinpoint-accurate dive attack. It was doubly effective, in that it rocked the hell out of {LoseWrestlerName} and generated one of the bigger reactions from the crowd all night. |
GAM_NEWS_002004 | At one point, {LoseWrestlerName} thought he'd regained footing with an aerial attack. Unfortunately for him, things didn't go as planned as {WinWrestlerName} easily withstood the attack and was back on the offensive. |
GAM_NEWS_002005 | At one point, {LoseWrestlerName} thought she'd regained footing with an aerial attack. Unfortunately for her, things didn't go as planned as {WinWrestlerName} easily withstood the attack and was back on the offensive. |
GAM_NEWS_002006 | {WinWrestlerName}'s high-risk dive to ringside paid off big, as it shifted momentum in his favor. The high-risk, bordering on reckless, offensive maneuver inflicted a heavy toll on {LoseWrestlerName}, and based on the reaction it generated, the crowd wouldn't have wanted it any other way. |
GAM_NEWS_002007 | {WinWrestlerName}'s high-risk dive to ringside paid off big, as it shifted momentum in her favor. The high-risk, bordering on reckless, offensive maneuver inflicted a heavy toll on {LoseWrestlerName}, and based on the reaction it generated, the crowd wouldn't have wanted it any other way. |
GAM_NEWS_002008 | {LoseWrestlerName} thought a dive to ringside would be the spark needed to turn things around for him. Unfortunately, the dive didn't achieve its desired effect. There wasn't anything that {LoseWrestlerName} could throw at {WinWrestlerName} to derail his path to victory. |
GAM_NEWS_002009 | {LoseWrestlerName} thought a dive to ringside would be the spark needed to turn things around for her. Unfortunately, the dive didn't achieve its desired effect. There wasn't anything that {LoseWrestlerName} could throw at {WinWrestlerName} to derail her path to victory. |
GAM_NEWS_002010 | {WinWrestlerName} hit a well-executed springboard that allowed him to gain control. The move dealt a huge blow to {LoseWrestlerName} and any chance he had of coming out on top in this one. |
GAM_NEWS_002011 | {WinWrestlerName} hit a well-executed springboard that allowed her to gain control. The move dealt a huge blow to {LoseWrestlerName} and any chance she had of coming out on top in this one. |
GAM_NEWS_002012 | {LoseWrestlerName} attempted to mount a comeback with a springboard attack. Unfortunately, it was an attempt done in vain. The display of athleticism was definitely appreciated by the crowd, but {WinWrestlerName} appeared unfazed by the move and quickly went back to work. |
GAM_NEWS_002013 | {WinWrestlerName} began to build up steam with a desperate springboard attack to ringside. {LoseWrestlerName} was completely flattened by the move, and the crowd was all too happy to bear witness to it. |
GAM_NEWS_002014 | {LoseWrestlerName}'s springboard attack to ringside didn't spark the turn around that was needed. They're called high-risk for a reason and while {LoseWrestlerName} may have scored points for technique, it did very little to halt {WinWrestlerName}'s momentum. |
GAM_NEWS_002015 | {WinWrestlerName} performed a well-timed guard against an attack from {LoseWrestlerName}. Whatever momentum {LoseWrestlerName} was accumulating was quickly squashed by the deflection, and his frustration was visible to anyone with at least one good working eye. |
GAM_NEWS_002016 | {WinWrestlerName} performed a well-timed guard against an attack from {LoseWrestlerName}. Whatever momentum {LoseWrestlerName} was accumulating was quickly squashed by the deflection, and her frustration was visible to anyone with at least one good working eye. |
GAM_NEWS_002017 | {LoseWrestlerName} successfully guarded an attack from {WinWrestlerName}, but in doing so he spent whatever last bit of energy he had. {LoseWrestlerName}'s inability to capitalize on this moment with a follow-through attack of his own will surely be blamed for the loss. |
GAM_NEWS_002018 | {LoseWrestlerName} successfully guarded an attack from {WinWrestlerName}, but in doing so she spent whatever last bit of energy she had. {LoseWrestlerName}'s inability to capitalize on this moment with a follow-through attack of her own will surely be blamed for the loss. |
GAM_NEWS_002019 | {WinWrestlerName} kept {LoseWrestlerName} at arm's length by countering his strike attempt. {LoseWrestlerName}'s inability to connect led to frustration and obvious annoyance. |
GAM_NEWS_002020 | {WinWrestlerName} kept {LoseWrestlerName} at arm's length by countering her strike attempt. {LoseWrestlerName}'s inability to connect led to frustration and obvious annoyance. |
GAM_NEWS_002021 | {LoseWrestlerName} reversed an attack from {WinWrestlerName}, but in doing so he spent whatever last bit of energy he had. {LoseWrestlerName}'s inability to capitalize on the reversal with an offensive attack of his own will likely be blamed for the loss. |
GAM_NEWS_002022 | {LoseWrestlerName} reversed an attack from {WinWrestlerName}, but in doing so she spent whatever last bit of energy she had. {LoseWrestlerName}'s inability to capitalize on the reversal with an offensive attack of her own will likely be blamed for the loss. |
GAM_NEWS_002023 | {WinWrestlerName} kept distance from {LoseWrestlerName} by reversing his grapple attempt. {LoseWrestlerName}'s failure to complete the throw resulted in visible frustration. |
GAM_NEWS_002024 | {WinWrestlerName} kept distance from {LoseWrestlerName} by reversing her grapple attempt. {LoseWrestlerName}'s failure to complete the throw resulted in visible frustration. |
GAM_NEWS_002025 | {LoseWrestlerName} reversed a grapple from {WinWrestlerName}, but in doing so he exhausted whatever he had left in the tank. {LoseWrestlerName}'s inability to capitalize on the reversal with an offensive flurry of his own will surely be blamed for the loss. |
GAM_NEWS_002026 | {LoseWrestlerName} reversed a grapple from {WinWrestlerName}, but in doing so she exhausted whatever she had left in the tank. {LoseWrestlerName}'s inability to capitalize on the reversal with an offensive flurry of her own will surely be blamed for the loss. |
GAM_NEWS_002027 | Just as it seemed that the match was tilting in favor of {LoseWrestlerName}, {WinWrestlerName} sprang to life with an unexpected kip-up! This remarkable display of fighting spirit on the part of {WinWrestlerName} proved that he was far from being counted out of this contest. |
GAM_NEWS_002028 | Just as it seemed that the match was tilting in favor of {LoseWrestlerName}, {WinWrestlerName} sprang to life with an unexpected kip-up! This remarkable display of fighting spirit on the part of {WinWrestlerName} proved that she was far from being counted out of this contest. |
GAM_NEWS_002029 | Right as the match seemed to be a lock for {WinWrestlerName}, {LoseWrestlerName} regained control with a timely kip-up. Or so we thought. As impressive as the kip-up seemed in real time, it quickly became apparent that this was nothing more than a brief respite for what would become an inevitable loss. |
GAM_NEWS_002030 | A 2-for-1 attack by {WinWrestlerName} allowed him to gain the upper hand. Whether one opponent or two, {WinWrestlerName} demonstrated that no amount of opposition would stall his momentum. |
GAM_NEWS_002031 | A 2-for-1 attack by {WinWrestlerName} allowed her to gain the upper hand. Whether one opponent or two, {WinWrestlerName} demonstrated that no amount of opposition would stall her momentum. |
GAM_NEWS_002032 | A 2-for-1 blitz of offense by {LoseWrestlerName} only seemed to delay the inevitable. It was a gutsy and desperate attempt to regain control of the match, but the burst of offense clearly exhausted whatever he had left in the tank. |
GAM_NEWS_002033 | A 2-for-1 blitz of offense by {LoseWrestlerName} only seemed to delay the inevitable. It was a gutsy and desperate attempt to regain control of the match, but the burst of offense clearly exhausted whatever she had left in the tank. |
GAM_NEWS_002034 | As common as it is, running the ropes is an art, and few do it better than {WinWrestlerName}. The speed generated from rebounding off the ropes, combined with {WinWrestlerName}'s precision offense, resulted in a hard day at the office for {LoseWrestlerName}. |
GAM_NEWS_002035 | {LoseWrestlerName}'s rebound offense allowed him a brief moment to shine. However, it was too little, too late. Following his rebound offense, {LoseWrestlerName} didn't have the wind to capitalize, which allowed {WinWrestlerName} to regain control. |
GAM_NEWS_002036 | {LoseWrestlerName}'s rebound offense allowed her a brief moment to shine. However, it was too little, too late. Following her rebound offense, {LoseWrestlerName} didn't have the wind to capitalize, which allowed {WinWrestlerName} to regain control. |
GAM_NEWS_002037 | As proved by {WinWrestlerName}'s charging blow to a cornered {LoseWrestlerName}, corners in wrestling are far from a safe space. {LoseWrestlerName} will definitely be feeling that one tomorrow. |
GAM_NEWS_002038 | {LoseWrestlerName}'s cornered running attack allowed him a brief moment to shine. However, by this time in the match, it was too little, too late. {LoseWrestlerName} didn't have the legs to take advantage, and {WinWrestlerName} quickly regained control as a result. |
GAM_NEWS_002039 | {LoseWrestlerName}'s cornered running attack allowed her a brief moment to shine. However, by this time in the match, it was too little, too late. {LoseWrestlerName} didn't have the legs to take advantage, and {WinWrestlerName} quickly regained control as a result. |
GAM_NEWS_002040 | {WinTeamName} absolutely demoralized their opponents with an explosive, crowd-pleasing display of tandem offense. |
GAM_NEWS_002041 | Not even a well-coordinated tandem maneuver could turn things around for {LoseTeamName}. |
GAM_NEWS_002042 | {WinWrestlerName} saw his momentum rise after a well timed cut-off attack. The quick reflexes of {WinWrestlerName} caught the crowd off guard and shook {LoseWrestlerName} to the core. |
GAM_NEWS_002043 | {WinWrestlerName} saw her momentum rise after a well timed cut-off attack. The quick reflexes of {WinWrestlerName} caught the crowd off guard and shook {LoseWrestlerName} to the core. |
GAM_NEWS_002044 | {LoseWrestlerName} thought he'd achieved some momentum after delivering a precise cut-off attack. The effect of the attack proved futile, as it ended up taking more out of {LoseWrestlerName} than his opponent. |
GAM_NEWS_002045 | {LoseWrestlerName} thought she'd achieved some momentum after delivering a precise cut-off attack. The effect of the attack proved futile, as it ended up taking more out of {LoseWrestlerName} than her opponent. |
GAM_NEWS_002046 | Momentum swung in the opposite direction after {WinWrestlerName} struck {LoseWrestlerName} with a bone-rattling strike! It was about as precise of a strike as I've ever seen. I'm surprised the match was allowed to continue. |
GAM_NEWS_002047 | {LoseWrestlerName} thought his fortunes changed for the better after landing a sickening strike. The pin point accuracy of the blow shocked the crowd, but {WinWrestlerName} was far from being out of this contest. |
GAM_NEWS_002048 | {LoseWrestlerName} thought her fortunes changed for the better after landing a sickening strike. The pin point accuracy of the blow shocked the crowd, but {WinWrestlerName} was far from being out of this contest. |
GAM_NEWS_002049 | {WinWrestlerName} snatched {LoseWrestlerName} clean out of the air following an attempted dive attack. This anti-air interception completely altered the flow of the match. There's a very good chance that the outcome of this match would have drastically changed had the dive hit its intended target. |
GAM_NEWS_002050 | {LoseWrestlerName} caught {WinWrestlerName}'s dive attack. The fans in the stands loved the unexpected counter, but {WinWrestlerName} would soon prove that victory would not be denied on this night. |
GAM_NEWS_002051 | {WinWrestlerName} was able to dictate the pace of the match with a well-timed and much-needed combo. |
GAM_NEWS_002052 | {LoseWrestlerName} unleashed a blitz of combination offense that ultimately proved ineffectual. {WinWrestlerName} absorbed everything tossed his way and patiently waited for an opening to respond. |
GAM_NEWS_002053 | {LoseWrestlerName} unleashed a blitz of combination offense that ultimately proved ineffectual. {WinWrestlerName} absorbed everything tossed her way and patiently waited for an opening to respond. |
GAM_NEWS_002054 | I'm sure there are plenty of teams out there who wished they had half the chemistry of {WinTeamName}. {LoseTeamName} might be one of those teams, as they were thoroughly out-worked in this one. |
GAM_NEWS_002055 | The synergy and cohesion between {LoseTeamName} was on full display in the first half of the match. Unfortunately for them, they just couldn't sustain it. During the closing moments of the match, the team completely unraveled. |
GAM_NEWS_002056 | {LoseTeamName} appeared to be in full control until a timely and much-needed hot tag from {WinTeamName}. With the tag, they turned a critical situation into a much more favorable position and quickly seized on the opportunity. |
GAM_NEWS_002057 | {WinTeamName} had the momentum until a hot tag was made by {LoseTeamName}. They turned a critical situation into a favorable one, but failed to sustain any hope of a potential comeback. |
GAM_NEWS_002058 | {WinTeamName} gained steam with a perfectly executed tandem maneuver. It was this bit of tandem offense that allowed them to dictate the pace of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_002059 | {LoseTeamName} nailed an impactful double team maneuver. Damage-wise, the move did its job but it only served to delay the inevitable: a win for {WinTeamName}. |
GAM_NEWS_002060 | The cooperation and coordination between {WinTeamName} was on full display. They exemplified the fundamentals of tag team wrestling: two selfless individuals working as one cohesive unit. |
GAM_NEWS_002061 | The timing and coordination between {LoseTeamName} was crisp and precise. They definitely got their licks in, but the demeanor of {WinTeamName} conveyed that they never considered {LoseTeamName} a serious threat. |
GAM_NEWS_002062 | Whatever momentum {LoseTeamName} had accumulated was completely diminished by a scorching hot tag from {WinTeamName}. It was a timely and much-needed tag for {WinTeamName}, as they were able to turn a potentially disastrous situation into a favorable one. |
GAM_NEWS_002063 | The momentum gained by {WinTeamName} to that point swung in the opposite direction when {LoseTeamName} made a hot tag. For a brief period of time, they turned a critical situation into a favorable one. Unfortunately for {LoseTeamName}, they couldn't sustain the momentum boost, and before long they found themselves back on the defensive. |
GAM_NEWS_002064 | Taking the fight to ringside was a smart move by {WinWrestlerName}. The ringside brawling reignited the crowd and, based on appearances, thoroughly shattered whatever bit of confidence {LoseWrestlerName} had left. |
GAM_NEWS_002065 | {LoseWrestlerName} made the costly mistake of bringing the fight to ringside. I can't think of another wrestler that thrives in this environment more than {WinWrestlerName}. Definitely a miscalculation on the part of {LoseWrestlerName}. |
GAM_NEWS_002066 | {WinWrestlerName} got the break that he needed with a high-risk dive off the guard rail! The unexpected dive whipped the crowd into a frenzy and dealt a huge blow to {LoseWrestlerName}. |
GAM_NEWS_002067 | {WinWrestlerName} got the break that she needed with a high-risk dive off the guard rail! The unexpected dive whipped the crowd into a frenzy and dealt a huge blow to {LoseWrestlerName}. |
GAM_NEWS_002068 | {LoseWrestlerName}'s dive off the guard rail put him back in control. Temporarily. The crowd popped for the unexpected display of athleticism, but it wasn't enough to derail {WinWrestlerName}'s momentum. |
GAM_NEWS_002069 | {LoseWrestlerName}'s dive off the guard rail put her back in control. Temporarily. The crowd popped for the unexpected display of athleticism, but it wasn't enough to derail {WinWrestlerName}'s momentum. |
GAM_NEWS_002070 | {WinWrestlerName} leveled an attack so strong that it destroyed the guard rail. Unsurprisingly, this proved to be the turning point for {WinWrestlerName} on his way to picking up the win. |
GAM_NEWS_002071 | {WinWrestlerName} leveled an attack so strong that it destroyed the guard rail. Unsurprisingly, this proved to be the turning point for {WinWrestlerName} on her way to picking up the win. |
GAM_NEWS_002072 | In addition to his opponent, the ringside guard rail was another unfortunate victim of {LoseWrestlerName}'s powerful offense. Ordinarily, a move of this magnitude would lead to a win but {WinWrestlerName}'s demeanor following the attack made it clear that he had plenty of fight left in him. |
GAM_NEWS_002073 | In addition to her opponent, the ringside guard rail was another unfortunate victim of {LoseWrestlerName}'s powerful offense. Ordinarily, a move of this magnitude would lead to a win but {WinWrestlerName}'s demeanor following the attack made it clear that she had plenty of fight left in her. |
GAM_NEWS_002074 | {WinWrestlerName}'s expert maneuvering triggered a thunderous explosion which put him in the driver's seat. I'm not sure who suffered more: {LoseWrestlerName}, or the eardrums of everyone in the building. |
GAM_NEWS_002075 | {WinWrestlerName}'s expert maneuvering triggered a thunderous explosion which put her in the driver's seat. I'm not sure who suffered more: {LoseWrestlerName}, or the eardrums of everyone in the building. |
GAM_NEWS_002076 | Midway through the match, {LoseWrestlerName} knocked {WinWrestlerName} into the ropes, setting off a massive explosion. For anyone else, this would have proved disastrous, but the blast explosion only seemed to further piss off {WinWrestlerName}, who was determined to come out on top. |
GAM_NEWS_002077 | The clever footwork of {WinWrestlerName} allowed him to gain steam with a series of explosions. Each successive blast proved detrimental to {LoseWrestlerName}'s chance of walking away the victor. |
GAM_NEWS_002078 | The clever footwork of {WinWrestlerName} allowed her to gain steam with a series of explosions. Each successive blast proved detrimental to {LoseWrestlerName}'s chance of walking away the victor. |
GAM_NEWS_002079 | The fancy footwork of {LoseWrestlerName} allowed him to gain ground with a series of explosions. However, each successive blast only seemed to reenergize {WinWrestlerName} and demoralize {LoseWrestlerName}. |
GAM_NEWS_002080 | The fancy footwork of {LoseWrestlerName} allowed her to gain ground with a series of explosions. However, each successive blast only seemed to reenergize {WinWrestlerName} and demoralize {LoseWrestlerName}. |
GAM_NEWS_002081 | In the middle of the match, {WinWrestlerName} used the barbed wire board to devastating effect! The damage inflicted upon {LoseWrestlerName} was gruesome, and at the same time entertaining. As is the case when barbed wire is involved, {LoseWrestlerName} was definitely worse for wear following the brutal attack. |
GAM_NEWS_002082 | Halfway through the match, {LoseWrestlerName} landed an attack with assistance from a barbed wire-wrapped board. The pain etched across the face of {WinWrestlerName} was visible to all, but he was determined to gut it out and persevere through the pain en route to victory. |
GAM_NEWS_002083 | Halfway through the match, {LoseWrestlerName} landed an attack with assistance from a barbed wire-wrapped board. The pain etched across the face of {WinWrestlerName} was visible to all, but she was determined to gut it out and persevere through the pain en route to victory. |
GAM_NEWS_002084 | From midway on up until the eventual finish, the match went back and forth, with both opponents trying their best not to get outpaced or out-worked by the other. |
GAM_NEWS_002085 | From midway onward, the match was in a deadlock state. Time seemed to stand still, with neither competitor able to get the leg-up on the other. Things were incredibly tense. |
GAM_NEWS_002086 | Midway through, the match was a complete deadlock. Both opponents were reluctant to assert themselves offensively. I'm all for being cautious, but this is a contact sport. Boredom could be seen on the faces of those in the crowd. |
GAM_NEWS_002087 | Midway through the match, {WinWrestlerName} instigated a chop battle. You could feel his conviction with each and every thunderous strike--which may have been what squashed {LoseWrestlerName}'s resolve to win. |
GAM_NEWS_002088 | Midway through the match, {WinWrestlerName} instigated a chop battle. You could feel her conviction with each and every thunderous strike--which may have been what squashed {LoseWrestlerName}'s resolve to win. |
GAM_NEWS_002089 | Midway through the match, {LoseWrestlerName} instigated a chop battle. You could feel his conviction to win with each and every thunderous strike, but despite this {WinWrestlerName} stood firm, unwilling to give in. |
GAM_NEWS_002090 | Midway through the match, {LoseWrestlerName} instigated a chop battle. You could feel her conviction to win with each and every thunderous strike, but despite this {WinWrestlerName} stood firm, unwilling to give in. |
GAM_NEWS_002091 | Midway through, {WinWrestlerName} performed a diving attack from the top of a ladder. This death-defying maneuver did more than just shock the crowd; it inflicted some serious damage on {LoseWrestlerName}. |
GAM_NEWS_002092 | Midway through, {LoseWrestlerName} performed a diving attack from the top of a ladder. This death-defying maneuver did more than just shock the crowd; it undoubtedly inflicted a heavy blow on {WinWrestlerName}. But what {LoseWrestlerName} may have failed to realize was that the move took a heavy toll on himself too. |
GAM_NEWS_002093 | Midway through, {LoseWrestlerName} performed a diving attack from the top of a ladder. This death-defying maneuver did more than just shock the crowd; it undoubtedly inflicted a heavy blow on {WinWrestlerName}. But what {LoseWrestlerName} may have failed to realize was that the move took a heavy toll on herself too. |
GAM_NEWS_002094 | Midway through, {WinWrestlerName} slammed {LoseWrestlerName} into a ladder. This merciless attack no doubt inflicted some serious pain on {LoseWrestlerName}. |
GAM_NEWS_002095 | Midway through, {LoseWrestlerName} slammed {WinWrestlerName} into a ladder. While {WinWrestlerName} was clearly left hurting after this merciless attack, the match was not about to end just yet. |
GAM_NEWS_002096 | Midway through, {WinWrestlerName} delivered some serious damage with a ladder helicopter. His ability to handle the ladder with such proficiency came as a surprise, not only to myself, but to {LoseWrestlerName} as well. |
GAM_NEWS_002097 | Midway through, {WinWrestlerName} delivered some serious damage with a ladder helicopter. Her ability to handle the ladder with such proficiency came as a surprise, not only to myself, but to {LoseWrestlerName} as well. |
GAM_NEWS_002098 | Midway through, {LoseWrestlerName} delivered some serious damage with a ladder helicopter. But {WinWrestlerName}, who is also skilled with a ladder, wasn't ready to quit just yet. |
GAM_NEWS_002099 | Midway through, {WinWrestlerName} Irish whipped {LoseWrestlerName} into a ladder. The damage caused by the sheer force of collision into the ladder's hard surface may have been too much for {LoseWrestlerName} to handle. |
GAM_NEWS_002100 | Midway through, {LoseWrestlerName} Irish whipped {WinWrestlerName} into a ladder. Colliding into the ladder looked painful, but looking back, {WinWrestlerName} may have effectively avoided the brunt of the damage. |
GAM_NEWS_002101 | Midway through, {WinWrestlerName} slammed {LoseWrestlerName} clean through a table. This obviously destroyed the table, but it may have also shattered {LoseWrestlerName}'s resolve. |
GAM_NEWS_002102 | Midway through, {LoseWrestlerName} slammed {WinWrestlerName} into a table. But despite being visibly in pain, {WinWrestlerName} was nowhere near ready to call it quits. |
GAM_NEWS_002103 | Midway through, {WinWrestlerName} slammed {LoseWrestlerName} right through a burning table. It was a surprise to see such brutality from {WinWrestlerName}, but I guess that just proved how thirsty he was for the win. |
GAM_NEWS_002104 | Midway through, {WinWrestlerName} slammed {LoseWrestlerName} right through a burning table. It was a surprise to see such brutality from {WinWrestlerName}, but I guess that just proved how thirsty she was for the win. |
GAM_NEWS_002105 | Midway through, {LoseWrestlerName} slammed {WinWrestlerName} right through a burning table. But even this brutal attack from {LoseWrestlerName} would not be enough to take down {WinWrestlerName}. |
GAM_NEWS_002106 | Midway through, {WinWrestlerName} knocked {LoseWrestlerName} out of the ring, onto barbed wire. The explosion triggered outside of ring not only inflicted major damage on {LoseWrestlerName}, it also clinched the win for {WinWrestlerName}. |
GAM_NEWS_002107 | Midway through, {LoseWrestlerName} knocked {WinWrestlerName} out of the ring, onto barbed wire. The explosion triggered outside of the ring convinced all in attendance--myself included--that {LoseWrestlerName} had this one in the bag. Everyone, that is, except {WinWrestlerName}. |
GAM_NEWS_002108 | Midway through, {WinWrestlerName} performed {LoseWrestlerName}'s finisher, much to the shock of all those watching--myself included. You could even say that the disbelief on {LoseWrestlerName}'s face was telling of how the match would end. |
GAM_NEWS_002109 | Midway through, {LoseWrestlerName} performed {WinWrestlerName}'s finisher. This may have been {LoseWrestlerName}'s attempt to intimidate {WinWrestlerName} on a psychological level, but {LoseWrestlerName}'s inability to inflict enough damage using the move may just be what led to his downfall. |
GAM_NEWS_002110 | Midway through, {LoseWrestlerName} performed {WinWrestlerName}'s finisher. This may have been {LoseWrestlerName}'s attempt to intimidate {WinWrestlerName} on a psychological level, but {LoseWrestlerName}'s inability to inflict enough damage using the move may just be what led to her downfall. |
GAM_NEWS_002111 | Midway through, an explosive attack by {WinWrestlerName} broke {LoseWrestlerName}'s guard. At this point, {LoseWrestlerName} visibly did not have enough in the tank to fight back. |
GAM_NEWS_002112 | Midway through, an explosive attack by {LoseWrestlerName} broke {WinWrestlerName}'s guard. However, this would not be enough to break {WinWrestlerName}'s spirit. |
GAM_NEWS_002113 | Midway through, {WinWrestlerName} was confident enough to fight with his hands in his pockets. I wasn't the only one taken aback by this show of self-assurance. Visibly shaken, {LoseWrestlerName} ultimately proved to be unable to regain lost ground. |
GAM_NEWS_002114 | Midway through, {WinWrestlerName} was confident enough to fight with her hands in her pockets. I wasn't the only one taken aback by this show of self-assurance. Visibly shaken, {LoseWrestlerName} ultimately proved to be unable to regain lost ground. |
GAM_NEWS_002115 | Midway through, {LoseWrestlerName} was confident enough to fight with his hands in his pockets. It was clear he was trying to get inside {WinWrestlerName}'s head, but this overconfidence may have been responsible for {LoseWrestlerName}'s losing. |
GAM_NEWS_002116 | Midway through, {LoseWrestlerName} was confident enough to fight with her hands in her pockets. It was clear she was trying to get inside {WinWrestlerName}'s head, but this overconfidence may have been responsible for {LoseWrestlerName}'s losing. |
GAM_NEWS_002117 | Midway through, a desperate {WinWrestlerName} struck with a low blow--triggering a marked shift in the tide of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_002118 | Midway through, a desperate {LoseWrestlerName} struck with a low blow. Many, not excepting myself, thought that this signaled a shift in the tide of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_002119 | Midway through, {WinWrestlerName} performed a Rebound Recoil Attack. {LoseWrestlerName} had been trying to establish dominance, but this move came as a complete surprise. |
GAM_NEWS_002120 | Midway through, {LoseWrestlerName} performed a Rebound Recoil Attack. {WinWrestlerName} had been trying to establish dominance, but this move came as a complete surprise. |
GAM_NEWS_002121 | Midway through, {WinWrestlerName} performed a Corner Recoil Attack. {LoseWrestlerName} had been trying to establish dominance, but this move came as a complete surprise. |
GAM_NEWS_002122 | Midway through, {LoseWrestlerName} performed a Corner Recoil Attack. {WinWrestlerName} had been trying to establish dominance, but this move came as a complete surprise. |
GAM_NEWS_002123 | Midway through, {WinWrestlerName} rolled out of the ring after receiving a vicious attack. While this maneuver is typically considered a show of poor sportsmanship, there's no denying that it effectively prevented {LoseWrestlerName} from picking up steam. |
GAM_NEWS_002124 | Midway through, {LoseWrestlerName} rolled out of the ring after receiving a vicious attack, intending to prevent {WinWrestlerName} from picking up steam. But {WinWrestlerName} was hardly affected by the momentary break in action. |
GAM_NEWS_002125 | Midway through, {WinWrestlerName} had {LoseWrestlerName} pinned into a corner. With nowhere to escape, {LoseWrestlerName} was clearly at a disadvantage. |
GAM_NEWS_002126 | Midway through, {LoseWrestlerName} had {WinWrestlerName} pinned into a corner. Despite having nowhere to escape, {WinWrestlerName} stood ground, and waited for an opportunity to turn the tide of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_002127 | Midway through, {WinWrestlerName} performed a rope rebound attack. His fancy ropework gave him a firm grasp on the flow of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_002128 | Midway through, {WinWrestlerName} performed a rope rebound attack. Her fancy ropework gave her a firm grasp on the flow of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_002129 | Midway through, {LoseWrestlerName} performed a rope rebound attack. In that moment, it looked like his fancy ropework had given him a firm grasp on the flow of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_002130 | Midway through, {LoseWrestlerName} performed a rope rebound attack. In that moment, it looked like her fancy ropework had given her a firm grasp on the flow of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_002131 | Midway through, {WinWrestlerName} performed a pursuit attack to the corner. His rhythmical run of attacks gave him a firm grasp on the flow of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_002132 | Midway through, {WinWrestlerName} performed a pursuit attack to the corner. Her rhythmical run of attacks gave her a firm grasp on the flow of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_002133 | Midway through, {LoseWrestlerName} performed a pursuit attack to the corner. In that moment, it looked like his rhythmical run of attacks had given him a firm grasp on the flow of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_002134 | Midway through, {LoseWrestlerName} performed a pursuit attack to the corner. In that moment, it looked like her rhythmical run of attacks had given her a firm grasp on the flow of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_002135 | Midway through, {WinWrestlerName} kicked out of a pin. Not only did this signal to the crowd that he wasn't done yet, it also gave him the reassurance that he could win. |
GAM_NEWS_002136 | Midway through, {WinWrestlerName} kicked out of a pin. Not only did this signal to the crowd that she wasn't done yet, it also gave her the reassurance that she could win. |
GAM_NEWS_002137 | Midway through, {LoseWrestlerName} kicked out of a pin. The crowd felt that this wasn't the end yet, but {LoseWrestlerName} himself was not convinced. |
GAM_NEWS_002138 | Midway through, {LoseWrestlerName} kicked out of a pin. The crowd felt that this wasn't the end yet, but {LoseWrestlerName} herself was not convinced. |
GAM_NEWS_002139 | Midway through, {LoseWrestlerName} kicked out of {WinWrestlerName}'s pin. But watching the remainder of the match, it was obvious that this only went on to intensify {WinWrestlerName}'s desire to win. |
GAM_NEWS_002140 | Midway through, {WinWrestlerName} kicked out of {LoseWrestlerName}'s pin. This may have been the moment that {LoseWrestlerName} lost confidence. |
GAM_NEWS_002141 | Midway through, {WinWrestlerName} impressed all in attendance with his sheer variety of moves. In fact, this is precisely what allowed him to retain dominance throughout the match. |
GAM_NEWS_002142 | Midway through, {WinWrestlerName} impressed all in attendance with her sheer variety of moves. In fact, this is precisely what allowed her to retain dominance throughout the match. |
GAM_NEWS_002143 | Midway through, {LoseWrestlerName} showed off a wide range of moves. However, this might be precisely what exhausted him. |
GAM_NEWS_002144 | Midway through, {LoseWrestlerName} showed off a wide range of moves. However, this might be precisely what exhausted her. |
GAM_NEWS_002145 | Midway through, {WinWrestlerName} attempted to gain the favor of the crowd by performing a taunt. The resulting ovation propelled his already elevated momentum even further. |
GAM_NEWS_002146 | Midway through, {WinWrestlerName} attempted to gain the favor of the crowd by performing a taunt. The resulting ovation propelled her already elevated momentum even further. |
GAM_NEWS_002147 | Midway through, {LoseWrestlerName} attempted to gain the favor of the crowd by performing a taunt, but he may have been too focused on the match to be able to hear the resulting cheers. |
GAM_NEWS_002148 | Midway through, {LoseWrestlerName} attempted to gain the favor of the crowd by performing a taunt, but she may have been too focused on the match to be able to hear the resulting cheers. |
GAM_NEWS_002149 | Midway through, {WinTeamName} established themselves as the dominant team with some smooth tag work. From then on it was obvious which team was really in control. |
GAM_NEWS_002150 | Midway through, {LoseTeamName} established themselves as the dominant team with some smooth tag work. In fact, you could say they had complete control of the match at that point. |
GAM_NEWS_002151 | Midway through, {WinTeamName} established themselves as the dominant team with some skilled tandem offense. From then on it was obvious which team was really in control. |
GAM_NEWS_002152 | Midway through, {LoseTeamName} established themselves as the dominant team with skilled tandem offense. In fact, you could say they had complete control of the match at that point. |
GAM_NEWS_002153 | Midway through, {WinWrestlerName} grabbed a weapon--a decision that clearly bolstered his confidence. |
GAM_NEWS_002154 | Midway through, {WinWrestlerName} grabbed a weapon--a decision that clearly bolstered her confidence. |
GAM_NEWS_002155 | Midway through, {LoseWrestlerName} grabbed a weapon. But this may have only made him overconfident. |
GAM_NEWS_002156 | Midway through, {LoseWrestlerName} grabbed a weapon. But this may have only made her overconfident. |
GAM_NEWS_002157 | Despite the grueling length of the match, {WinWrestlerName}, showed no signs of fatigue or self-doubt during this Casino Battle Royale. It was almost as if he was getting tougher as the match progressed. |
GAM_NEWS_002158 | Despite the grueling length of the match, {WinWrestlerName}, showed no signs of fatigue or self-doubt during this Casino Battle Royale. It was almost as if she was getting tougher as the match progressed. |
GAM_NEWS_002159 | As time went on, {LoseWrestlerName}, began to show signs of fatigue. His actions gradually became less crisp, and hopes of victory grew fainter. |
GAM_NEWS_002160 | As time went on, {LoseWrestlerName}, began to show signs of fatigue. Her actions gradually became less crisp, and hopes of victory grew fainter. |
GAM_NEWS_002161 | Midway through, {WinWrestlerName} touched a rope. The resulting explosion clearly inflicted some pain, but {WinWrestlerName} was far from done. |
GAM_NEWS_002162 | Midway through, {LoseWrestlerName} touched a rope. Visibly suffering from the resulting explosion, he may have been better off quitting the match right then and there. |
GAM_NEWS_002163 | Midway through, {LoseWrestlerName} touched a rope. Visibly suffering from the resulting explosion, she may have been better off quitting the match right then and there. |
GAM_NEWS_002164 | Midway through, {WinWrestlerName} sustained an injury. But the injury may have only spurred him on even more. |
GAM_NEWS_002165 | Midway through, {WinWrestlerName} sustained an injury. But the injury may have only spurred her on even more. |
GAM_NEWS_002166 | Midway through, {LoseWrestlerName} sustained an injury. This may have caused him to play it safe for the remainder of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_002167 | Midway through, {LoseWrestlerName} sustained an injury. This may have caused her to play it safe for the remainder of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_002168 | Midway through, {WinWrestlerName} suffered major damage. On seeing this, the crowd may have considered him out for the count. But {WinWrestlerName} was far from done. |
GAM_NEWS_002169 | Midway through, {WinWrestlerName} suffered major damage. On seeing this, the crowd may have considered her out for the count. But {WinWrestlerName} was far from done. |
GAM_NEWS_002170 | Midway through, {LoseWrestlerName} suffered major damage. He may not have seen this as a concern, but it was clear from this point that something was off. |
GAM_NEWS_002171 | Midway through, {LoseWrestlerName} suffered major damage. She may not have seen this as a concern, but it was clear from this point that something was off. |
GAM_NEWS_002172 | Midway through, Penta El Zero M removed his glove. This may have been a deliberate sign that he was about to take control of the match. And he would be right. |
GAM_NEWS_002173 | Midway through, Penta El Zero M removed his glove. But him being unable to grasp control of the match despite doing so may just be what led to his defeat. |
GAM_NEWS_002174 | Midway through, {WinWrestlerName} lifted Paul Wight in the air, and slammed him onto the ground. This was a historic moment in professional wrestling, and may be what gave {WinWrestlerName} the confidence to win. |
GAM_NEWS_002175 | Midway through, {LoseWrestlerName} lifted Paul Wight in the air, and slammed him onto the ground. While this was a historic moment in professional wrestling, in doing so {LoseWrestlerName} had expended all his remaining energy. |
GAM_NEWS_002176 | Midway through, {LoseWrestlerName} lifted Paul Wight in the air, and slammed him onto the ground. While this was a historic moment in professional wrestling, in doing so {LoseWrestlerName} had expended all her remaining energy. |
GAM_NEWS_002177 | Midway through, {WinWrestlerName} grabbed at the object dangling above the ladder. In doing so, he pulled himself closer to victory. |
GAM_NEWS_002178 | Midway through, {WinWrestlerName} grabbed at the object dangling above the ladder. In doing so, she pulled herself closer to victory. |
GAM_NEWS_002179 | Midway through, {LoseWrestlerName} grabbed at the object dangling above the ladder. To everyone watching, it looked like he had grabbed his victory. |
GAM_NEWS_002180 | Midway through, {LoseWrestlerName} grabbed at the object dangling above the ladder. To everyone watching, it looked like she had grabbed her victory. |
GAM_NEWS_002181 | Midway through, {WinWrestlerName} managed to drop {LoseWrestlerName} off the top of the ladder. At that moment, he had took one clear step toward clinching the win. |
GAM_NEWS_002182 | Midway through, {WinWrestlerName} managed to drop {LoseWrestlerName} off the top of the ladder. At that moment, she had took one clear step toward clinching the win. |
GAM_NEWS_002183 | Midway through, {LoseWrestlerName} managed to drop {WinWrestlerName} off the top of the ladder. Despite being visibly in pain, {WinWrestlerName} persevered. |
GAM_NEWS_002184 | Midway through, out of sheer desperation, {WinWrestlerName} spit out poison mist. This was the moment the flow of the match shifted. |
GAM_NEWS_002185 | Midway through, out of sheer desperation, {LoseWrestlerName} spit out poison mist. I'm sure I'm not the only one who thought that the flow of the match would shift as a result. |
GAM_NEWS_002186 | Midway through, {WinWrestlerName} got back up from the ground while resisting pain from damage--to the surprise of the crowd, and the disbelief of {LoseWrestlerName}. |
GAM_NEWS_002187 | Midway through, {LoseWrestlerName} got back up from the ground while resisting pain from damage. While this did much to shock the crowd, it may have also been the shock to his system which led to his defeat. |
GAM_NEWS_002188 | Midway through, {LoseWrestlerName} got back up from the ground while resisting pain from damage. While this did much to shock the crowd, it may have also been the shock to her system which led to her defeat. |
GAM_NEWS_002189 | Midway through, {WinWrestlerName} shattered the stage monitor. This fervent attack led to him grasping firmly onto the flow of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_002190 | Midway through, {WinWrestlerName} shattered the stage monitor. This fervent attack led to her grasping firmly onto the flow of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_002191 | Midway through, {LoseWrestlerName} shattered the stage monitor. It looked like this fervent attack led to him grasping firmly onto the flow of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_002192 | Midway through, {LoseWrestlerName} shattered the stage monitor. It looked like this fervent attack led to her grasping firmly onto the flow of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_002193 | Midway through, {WinWrestlerName} cut into {LoseWrestlerName}'s diving attack with a well-timed propped knee. If this hadn't happened, I'm sure the match would have turned out differently. |
GAM_NEWS_002194 | Midway through, {LoseWrestlerName} cut into {WinWrestlerName}'s diving attack with a well-timed propped knee. The only problem is that {LoseWrestlerName} failed to exploit this opportunity to counterattack. |
GAM_NEWS_003001 | {WinWrestlerName} saw an opportunity late in the match and took full advantage of it, dropping {LoseWrestlerName} with one of his signature offensive weapons. It was more than enough to pick up the win. |
GAM_NEWS_003002 | {WinWrestlerName} saw an opportunity late in the match and took full advantage of it, dropping {LoseWrestlerName} with one of her signature offensive weapons. It was more than enough to pick up the win. |
GAM_NEWS_003003 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} hit his signature move on {WinWrestlerName}. Based on the timeliness of the move, I figured the match was a wrap. But I should have known better than to ever doubt {WinWrestlerName}. |
GAM_NEWS_003004 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} hit her signature move on {WinWrestlerName}. Based on the timeliness of the move, I figured the match was a wrap. But I should have known better than to ever doubt {WinWrestlerName}. |
GAM_NEWS_003005 | The latter half of the match saw {WinWrestlerName} hit not one, but TWO signatures on {LoseWrestlerName}! It seemed obvious to me that {WinWrestlerName} was not about to let the win slip through his fingers. |
GAM_NEWS_003006 | The latter half of the match saw {WinWrestlerName} hit not one, but TWO signatures on {LoseWrestlerName}! It seemed obvious to me that {WinWrestlerName} was not about to let the win slip through her fingers. |
GAM_NEWS_003007 | {LoseWrestlerName} mounted a dramatic comeback late in the match when he landed not one, but TWO signatures on {WinWrestlerName}. At this point in the match, a win for {LoseWrestlerName} seemed all but certain. Unfortunately for him, no one told that to {WinWrestlerName}. |
GAM_NEWS_003008 | {LoseWrestlerName} mounted a dramatic comeback late in the match when she landed not one, but TWO signatures on {WinWrestlerName}. At this point in the match, a win for {LoseWrestlerName} seemed all but certain. Unfortunately for her, no one told that to {WinWrestlerName}. |
GAM_NEWS_003009 | {LoseWrestlerName} dropped {WinWrestlerName} with his finish and made a quick cover. {WinWrestlerName} kicked out, producing one of the most dramatic near falls that I've seen in recent memory. The crowd's shock paled in comparison to that of {LoseWrestlerName}, as he was completely out of sorts! This ended up being the turning point in the match, as momentum completely shifted in favor of {WinWrestlerName}. |
GAM_NEWS_003010 | {LoseWrestlerName} dropped {WinWrestlerName} with her finish and made a quick cover. {WinWrestlerName} kicked out, producing one of the most dramatic near falls that I've seen in recent memory. The crowd's shock paled in comparison to that of {LoseWrestlerName}, as she was completely out of sorts! This ended up being the turning point in the match, as momentum completely shifted in favor of {WinWrestlerName}. |
GAM_NEWS_003011 | {WinWrestlerName} hit his finish on {LoseWrestlerName} and quickly made the cover. Shocking just about everyone (myself included), {LoseWrestlerName} kicked out. Wow! As dramatic as the moment was, I expected momentum to shift in {LoseWrestlerName}'s favor, but it was not to be. The near fall, as incredible as it was, seemed to have been {LoseWrestlerName}'s last desperate attempt as he was unable to mount a comeback. |
GAM_NEWS_003012 | {WinWrestlerName} hit her finish on {LoseWrestlerName} and quickly made the cover. Shocking just about everyone (myself included), {LoseWrestlerName} kicked out. Wow! As dramatic as the moment was, I expected momentum to shift in {LoseWrestlerName}'s favor, but it was not to be. The near fall, as incredible as it was, seemed to have been {LoseWrestlerName}'s last desperate attempt as she was unable to mount a comeback. |
GAM_NEWS_003013 | In the penultimate moment of the match, {LoseWrestlerName} caught {WinWrestlerName} with his signature, followed by the cover. Unfortunately for {LoseWrestlerName}, {WinWrestlerName} had just enough left in the tank to kick out. At this point, it was anyone's match, but the edge, as slight as it was, seemed to belong to {WinWrestlerName}. |
GAM_NEWS_003014 | In the penultimate moment of the match, {LoseWrestlerName} caught {WinWrestlerName} with her signature, followed by the cover. Unfortunately for {LoseWrestlerName}, {WinWrestlerName} had just enough left in the tank to kick out. At this point, it was anyone's match, but the edge, as slight as it was, seemed to belong to {WinWrestlerName}. |
GAM_NEWS_003015 | Toward the end of the match, {WinWrestlerName} nailed {LoseWrestlerName} with his signature and made the cover. {LoseWrestlerName}, demonstrating grit and resilience, kicked out. Watching in real time, it appeared to be a positive turning point for {LoseWrestlerName}; but in hindsight, that kick out may have exhausted whatever bit of stamina he had left. |
GAM_NEWS_003016 | Toward the end of the match, {WinWrestlerName} nailed {LoseWrestlerName} with her signature and made the cover. {LoseWrestlerName}, demonstrating grit and resilience, kicked out. Watching in real-time, it appeared to be a positive turning point for {LoseWrestlerName}; but in hindsight, that kick out may have exhausted whatever bit of stamina she had left. |
GAM_NEWS_003017 | In the latter half of the match, {WinWrestlerName} kicked out of a pin attempt, demonstrating that he was far from done. |
GAM_NEWS_003018 | In the latter half of the match, {WinWrestlerName} kicked out of a pin attempt, demonstrating that she was far from done. |
GAM_NEWS_003019 | Near the end of the match, {LoseWrestlerName} kicked out of a pin, but in doing so appeared to have reached his breaking point. |
GAM_NEWS_003020 | Near the end of the match, {LoseWrestlerName} kicked out of a pin, but in doing so appeared to have reached her breaking point. |
GAM_NEWS_003021 | Toward the end of the match, {WinWrestlerName} escaped from {LoseWrestlerName}'s finishing hold. It looked like the match was headed toward the finish, but {WinWrestlerName} was not at a point where he was ready to submit. |
GAM_NEWS_003022 | Toward the end of the match, {WinWrestlerName} escaped from {LoseWrestlerName}'s finishing hold. It looked like the match was headed toward the finish, but {WinWrestlerName} was not at a point where she was ready to submit. |
GAM_NEWS_003023 | {LoseWrestlerName} managed to escape from {WinWrestlerName}'s finishing hold. Most watching (myself included) thought the match had turned in favor of {LoseWrestlerName}; however, the amount of energy he expended left him in a vulnerable state. |
GAM_NEWS_003024 | {LoseWrestlerName} managed to escape from {WinWrestlerName}'s finishing hold. Most watching (myself included) thought the match had turned in favor of {LoseWrestlerName}; however, the amount of energy she expended left her in a vulnerable state. |
GAM_NEWS_003025 | {WinWrestlerName} withstood {LoseWrestlerName}'s signature submission hold late in the match. As unlikely as it sounds, it was still anyone's match. However, the edge, as slight as it was, clearly belonged to {WinWrestlerName}. |
GAM_NEWS_003026 | In the closing minutes of the match, {LoseWrestlerName} escaped out of {WinWrestlerName}'s signature submission hold. At the time, it seemed as though momentum had completely shifted in {LoseWrestlerName}'s favor. However, looking back, it's apparent that whatever strength {LoseWrestlerName} had left was spent on escaping out of the hold. |
GAM_NEWS_003027 | Near the end of the match, {LoseWrestlerName} cinched in a painful submission hold on {WinWrestlerName}. However, {WinWrestlerName} was far from ready to call it quits. |
GAM_NEWS_003028 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} withstood {WinWrestlerName}'s submission hold. {LoseWrestlerName} seemed to still have some fight left in him, but as it turned out, looks can definitely be deceiving. |
GAM_NEWS_003029 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} withstood {WinWrestlerName}'s submission hold. {LoseWrestlerName} seemed to still have some fight left in her, but as it turned out, looks can definitely be deceiving. |
GAM_NEWS_003030 | In the latter half of the match, {WinWrestlerName} countered {LoseWrestlerName}'s signature move attempt. This was a much-needed reversal, as the momentum of the match shifted decidedly in favor of {WinWrestlerName}. |
GAM_NEWS_003031 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} reversed {WinWrestlerName}'s signature move. At this point in the match, momentum shifted decisively in {LoseWrestlerName}'s favor. Or so we were led to believe. |
GAM_NEWS_003032 | In the closing stretch of the match, {LoseWrestlerName}'s finisher was countered by {WinWrestlerName}. This was the moment where hopelessness turned into hope for {WinWrestlerName}. Those in attendance, and I'd have to believe those watching at home, were transfixed on {WinWrestlerName} and what he had planned next. |
GAM_NEWS_003033 | In the closing stretch of the match, {LoseWrestlerName}'s finisher was countered by {WinWrestlerName}. This was the moment where hopelessness turned into hope for {WinWrestlerName}. Those in attendance, and I'd have to believe those watching at home, were transfixed on {WinWrestlerName} and what she had planned next. |
GAM_NEWS_003034 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} countered {WinWrestlerName}'s finisher. This was the moment where desperation quickly turned into hope. The crowd sensed it but I still had my doubts that {LoseWrestlerName} could pull it off. Those doubts would soon become a reality. |
GAM_NEWS_003035 | Late in the match, {WinWrestlerName} instigated a chop battle. You could feel his conviction to win with each and every thunderous strike, and this gave him a firm grasp on the match's pacing. |
GAM_NEWS_003036 | Late in the match, {WinWrestlerName} instigated a chop battle. You could feel her conviction to win with each and every thunderous strike, and this gave her a firm grasp on the match's pacing. |
GAM_NEWS_003037 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} instigated a chop battle. You could feel his conviction to win with each and every thunderous strike, but despite this {WinWrestlerName} stood firm, unwilling to give in. |
GAM_NEWS_003038 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} instigated a chop battle. You could feel her conviction to win with each and every thunderous strike, but despite this {WinWrestlerName} stood firm, unwilling to give in. |
GAM_NEWS_003039 | Late in the match, {WinWrestlerName} performed a diving attack from the top of a ladder. This death-defying maneuver did more than just shock the crowd; it inflicted heavy damage on {LoseWrestlerName}. |
GAM_NEWS_003040 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} performed a diving attack from the top of a ladder. This death-defying maneuver did more than just shock the crowd; it undoubtedly inflicted a heavy blow on {WinWrestlerName}. But what {LoseWrestlerName} may have failed to realize was that the move took a heavy toll on himself too. |
GAM_NEWS_003041 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} performed a diving attack from the top of a ladder. This death-defying maneuver did more than just shock the crowd; it undoubtedly inflicted a heavy blow on {WinWrestlerName}. But what {LoseWrestlerName} may have failed to realize was that the move took a heavy toll on herself too. |
GAM_NEWS_003042 | Late in the match, {WinWrestlerName} slammed {LoseWrestlerName} into a ladder. This merciless attack inflicted heavy damage on {LoseWrestlerName}. |
GAM_NEWS_003043 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} slammed {WinWrestlerName} into a ladder. While clearly left hurting after this merciless attack, {WinWrestlerName} was far from ready to throw in the towel. |
GAM_NEWS_003044 | Late in the match, {WinWrestlerName} delivered some serious damage with a ladder helicopter. His ability to handle the ladder with such proficiency came as a surprise, not only to myself, but to {LoseWrestlerName} as well. |
GAM_NEWS_003045 | Late in the match, {WinWrestlerName} delivered some serious damage with a ladder helicopter. Her ability to handle the ladder with such proficiency came as a surprise, not only to myself, but to {LoseWrestlerName} as well. |
GAM_NEWS_003046 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} delivered some serious damage with a ladder helicopter. But {WinWrestlerName}, also skilled with a ladder, wasn't ready to quit just yet. |
GAM_NEWS_003047 | Late in the match, {WinWrestlerName} Irish whipped {LoseWrestlerName} into a ladder. The damage caused by the sheer force of collision into the ladder's hard surface may have been too much for {LoseWrestlerName} to handle. |
GAM_NEWS_003048 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} Irish whipped {WinWrestlerName} into a ladder. Colliding into the ladder looked painful, but looking back, {WinWrestlerName} may have effectively avoided the brunt of the damage. |
GAM_NEWS_003049 | Late in the match, {WinWrestlerName} slammed {LoseWrestlerName} clean through a table. This obviously destroyed the table, but it may have also shattered {LoseWrestlerName}'s resolve. |
GAM_NEWS_003050 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} slammed {WinWrestlerName} into a table. But despite being visibly in pain, {WinWrestlerName} was nowhere near ready to call it quits. |
GAM_NEWS_003051 | Late in the match, {WinWrestlerName} slammed {LoseWrestlerName} right through a burning table. It was a surprise to see such brutality from {WinWrestlerName}, but I guess that just proved how thirsty he was for the win. |
GAM_NEWS_003052 | Late in the match, {WinWrestlerName} slammed {LoseWrestlerName} right through a burning table. It was a surprise to see such brutality from {WinWrestlerName}, but I guess that just proved how thirsty she was for the win. |
GAM_NEWS_003053 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} slammed {WinWrestlerName} right through a burning table. But even this brutal attack from {LoseWrestlerName} would not be enough to take down {WinWrestlerName}. |
GAM_NEWS_003054 | Late in the match, {WinWrestlerName} knocked {LoseWrestlerName} out of the ring, onto barbed wire. The explosion triggered outside the ring not only inflicted major damage on {LoseWrestlerName}, it also clinched the win for {WinWrestlerName}. |
GAM_NEWS_003055 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} knocked {WinWrestlerName} out of the ring, onto barbed wire. The explosion triggered outside of the ring convinced all in attendance--myself included--that {LoseWrestlerName} had this one in the bag. Everyone, that is, except {WinWrestlerName}. |
GAM_NEWS_003056 | Late in the match, {WinWrestlerName} performed {LoseWrestlerName}'s finisher, much to the shock of all those watching--myself included. You could even say that the disbelief on {LoseWrestlerName}'s face was telling of how the match would end. |
GAM_NEWS_003057 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} performed {WinWrestlerName}'s finisher. This may have been {LoseWrestlerName}'s attempt to intimidate {WinWrestlerName} on a psychological level, but {LoseWrestlerName}'s inability to inflict enough damage using the move may just be what led to his downfall. |
GAM_NEWS_003058 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} performed {WinWrestlerName}'s finisher. This may have been {LoseWrestlerName}'s attempt to intimidate {WinWrestlerName} on a psychological level, but {LoseWrestlerName}'s inability to inflict enough damage using the move may just be what led to her downfall. |
GAM_NEWS_003059 | Late in the match, an explosive attack by {WinWrestlerName} broke {LoseWrestlerName}'s guard. At this point, {LoseWrestlerName} visibly did not have enough in the tank to fight back. |
GAM_NEWS_003060 | Late in the match, an explosive attack by {LoseWrestlerName} broke {WinWrestlerName}'s guard. However, this would not be enough to break {WinWrestlerName}'s spirit. |
GAM_NEWS_003061 | Late in the match, {WinWrestlerName} was confident enough to fight with his hands in his pockets. I wasn't the only one taken aback by this show of self-assurance. Visibly shaken, {LoseWrestlerName} ultimately proved to be unable to regain lost ground. |
GAM_NEWS_003062 | Late in the match, {WinWrestlerName} was confident enough to fight with her hands in her pockets. I wasn't the only one taken aback by this show of self-assurance. Visibly shaken, {LoseWrestlerName} ultimately proved to be unable to regain lost ground. |
GAM_NEWS_003063 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} was confident enough to fight with his hands in his pockets. It was clear he was trying to get inside {WinWrestlerName}'s head, but this overconfidence may have been responsible for {LoseWrestlerName}'s losing. |
GAM_NEWS_003064 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} was confident enough to fight with her hands in her pockets. It was clear she was trying to get inside {WinWrestlerName}'s head, but this overconfidence may have been responsible for {LoseWrestlerName}'s losing. |
GAM_NEWS_003065 | Late in the match, a desperate {WinWrestlerName} struck with a low blow--triggering a marked shift in the tide of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_003066 | Late in the match, a desperate {LoseWrestlerName} struck with a low blow. Many, not excepting myself, thought that this signaled a shift in the tide of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_003067 | Late in the match, {WinWrestlerName} performed a Rebound Recoil Attack. {LoseWrestlerName} had been trying to establish dominance, but this came as a complete surprise. |
GAM_NEWS_003068 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} performed a Rebound Recoil Attack. {WinWrestlerName} had been trying to establish dominance, but this came as a complete surprise. |
GAM_NEWS_003069 | Late in the match, {WinWrestlerName} performed a Corner Recoil Attack. {LoseWrestlerName} had been trying to establish dominance, but this came as a complete surprise. |
GAM_NEWS_003070 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} performed a Corner Recoil Attack. {WinWrestlerName} had been trying to establish dominance, but this came as a complete surprise. |
GAM_NEWS_003071 | Late in the match, {WinWrestlerName} rolled out of the ring after receiving a vicious attack. While this maneuver is typically considered a show of poor sportsmanship, there's no denying that it effectively prevented {LoseWrestlerName} from picking up steam. |
GAM_NEWS_003072 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} rolled out of the ring after receiving a vicious attack, intending to prevent {WinWrestlerName} from picking up steam. But {WinWrestlerName} was hardly affected by the momentary break in action. |
GAM_NEWS_003073 | Late in the match, {WinWrestlerName} had {LoseWrestlerName} pinned into a corner. With nowhere to escape, {LoseWrestlerName} was clearly at a disadvantage. |
GAM_NEWS_003074 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} had {WinWrestlerName} pinned into a corner. Despite having nowhere to escape, {WinWrestlerName} stood ground, and waited for an opportunity to turn the tide of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_003075 | Late in the match, {WinWrestlerName} performed a rope rebound attack. His fancy ropework gave him a firm grasp on the flow of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_003076 | Late in the match, {WinWrestlerName} performed a rope rebound attack. Her fancy ropework gave her a firm grasp on the flow of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_003077 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} performed a rope rebound attack. In that moment, it looked like his fancy ropework had given him a firm grasp on the flow of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_003078 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} performed a rope rebound attack. In that moment, it looked like her fancy ropework had given her a firm grasp on the flow of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_003079 | Late in the match, {WinWrestlerName} performed a pursuit attack to the corner. His rhythmical run of attacks gave him a firm grasp on the flow of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_003080 | Late in the match, {WinWrestlerName} performed a pursuit attack to the corner. Her rhythmical run of attacks gave her a firm grasp on the flow of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_003081 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} performed a pursuit attack to the corner. In that moment, it looked like his rhythmical run of attacks had given him a firm grasp on the flow of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_003082 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} performed a pursuit attack to the corner. In that moment, it looked like her rhythmical run of attacks had given her a firm grasp on the flow of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_003083 | Late in the match, {WinWrestlerName} kicked out of a pin. Not only did this signal to the crowd that he wasn't done yet, it also gave him the reassurance that he could win. |
GAM_NEWS_003084 | Late in the match, {WinWrestlerName} kicked out of a pin. Not only did this signal to the crowd that she wasn't done yet, it also gave her the reassurance that she could win. |
GAM_NEWS_003085 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} kicked out of a pin. The crowd felt that this wasn't the end yet, but {LoseWrestlerName} himself was not convinced. |
GAM_NEWS_003086 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} kicked out of a pin. The crowd felt that this wasn't the end yet, but {LoseWrestlerName} herself was not convinced. |
GAM_NEWS_003087 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} kicked out of {WinWrestlerName}'s pin. But watching the remainder of the match, it was obvious that this only went on to intensify {WinWrestlerName}'s desire to win. |
GAM_NEWS_003088 | Late in the match, {WinWrestlerName} kicked out of {LoseWrestlerName}'s pin. This may have been the moment that {LoseWrestlerName} lost confidence. |
GAM_NEWS_003089 | Late in the match, {WinWrestlerName} impressed all in attendance with his sheer variety of moves. In fact, this is precisely what allowed him to retain dominance throughout the match. |
GAM_NEWS_003090 | Late in the match, {WinWrestlerName} impressed all in attendance with her sheer variety of moves. In fact, this is precisely what allowed her to retain dominance throughout the match. |
GAM_NEWS_003091 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} showed off a wide range of moves. However, this might be precisely what exhausted him. |
GAM_NEWS_003092 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} showed off a wide range of moves. However, this might be precisely what exhausted her. |
GAM_NEWS_003093 | Late in the match, {WinWrestlerName} attempted to gain the favor of the crowd by performing a taunt. The resulting ovation propelled his already elevated momentum even further. |
GAM_NEWS_003094 | Late in the match, {WinWrestlerName} attempted to gain the favor of the crowd by performing a taunt. The resulting ovation propelled her already elevated momentum even further. |
GAM_NEWS_003095 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} attempted to gain the favor of the crowd by performing a taunt, but he may have been too focused on the match to be able to hear the resulting cheers. |
GAM_NEWS_003096 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} attempted to gain the favor of the crowd by performing a taunt, but she may have been too focused on the match to be able to hear the resulting cheers. |
GAM_NEWS_003097 | Late in the match, {WinTeamName} established themselves as the dominant team with some smooth tag work. From then on it was obvious which team was really in control. |
GAM_NEWS_003098 | Late in the match, {LoseTeamName} established themselves as the dominant team with some smooth tag work. In fact, you could say they had complete control of the match at that point. |
GAM_NEWS_003099 | Late in the match, {WinTeamName} established themselves as the dominant team with some skilled tandem offense. From then on it was obvious which team was really in control. |
GAM_NEWS_003100 | Late in the match, {LoseTeamName} established themselves as the dominant team with skilled tandem offense. In fact, you could say they had complete control of the match at that point. |
GAM_NEWS_003101 | Late in the match, {WinWrestlerName} grabbed a weapon--a decision that clearly bolstered his confidence. |
GAM_NEWS_003102 | Late in the match, {WinWrestlerName} grabbed a weapon--a decision that clearly bolstered her confidence. |
GAM_NEWS_003103 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} grabbed a weapon. But this may have only made him overconfident. |
GAM_NEWS_003104 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} grabbed a weapon. But this may have only made her overconfident. |
GAM_NEWS_003105 | Despite the grueling length of the match, {WinWrestlerName}, showed no signs of fatigue or self-doubt during this Casino Battle Royale. It was almost as if he was getting tougher as the match progressed. |
GAM_NEWS_003106 | Despite the grueling length of the match, {WinWrestlerName}, showed no signs of fatigue or self-doubt during this Casino Battle Royale. It was almost as if she was getting tougher as the match progressed. |
GAM_NEWS_003107 | As time went on, {LoseWrestlerName}, began to show signs of fatigue. His actions gradually became less crisp, and hopes of victory grew fainter. |
GAM_NEWS_003108 | As time went on, {LoseWrestlerName}, began to show signs of fatigue. Her actions gradually became less crisp, and hopes of victory grew fainter. |
GAM_NEWS_003109 | Late in the match,, {WinWrestlerName} touched a rope. The resulting explosion clearly inflicted some pain, but {WinWrestlerName} was far from done. |
GAM_NEWS_003110 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} touched a rope. Visibly suffering from the resulting explosion, he may have been better off quitting the match right then and there. |
GAM_NEWS_003111 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} touched a rope. Visibly suffering from the resulting explosion, she may have been better off quitting the match right then and there. |
GAM_NEWS_003112 | Late in the match, {WinWrestlerName} sustained an injury. But the injury may have only spurred him on even more. |
GAM_NEWS_003113 | Late in the match, {WinWrestlerName} sustained an injury. But the injury may have only spurred her on even more. |
GAM_NEWS_003114 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} sustained an injury. This may have caused him to play it safe for the remainder of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_003115 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} sustained an injury. This may have caused her to play it safe for the remainder of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_003116 | Late in the match, {WinWrestlerName} suffered major damage. On seeing this, the crowd may have considered him out for the count. But {WinWrestlerName} was far from done. |
GAM_NEWS_003117 | Late in the match, {WinWrestlerName} suffered major damage. On seeing this, the crowd may have considered her out for the count. But {WinWrestlerName} was far from done. |
GAM_NEWS_003118 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} suffered major damage. He may not have seen this as a concern, but it was clear from this point that something was off. |
GAM_NEWS_003119 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} suffered major damage. She may not have seen this as a concern, but it was clear from this point that something was off. |
GAM_NEWS_003120 | Late in the match, Penta El Zero M removed his glove. This may have been a deliberate sign that he was about to take control of the match. And he would be right. |
GAM_NEWS_003121 | Late in the match, Penta El Zero M removed his glove. But him being unable to grasp control of the match despite doing so may just be what led to his defeat. |
GAM_NEWS_003122 | Late in the match, {WinWrestlerName} lifted Paul Wight in the air, and slammed him onto the ground. This was a historic moment in professional wrestling, and may be what gave {WinWrestlerName} the confidence to win. |
GAM_NEWS_003123 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} lifted Paul Wight in the air, and slammed him onto the ground. While this was a historic moment in professional wrestling, in doing so {LoseWrestlerName} had expended all his remaining energy. |
GAM_NEWS_003124 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} lifted Paul Wight in the air, and slammed him onto the ground. While this was a historic moment in professional wrestling, in doing so {LoseWrestlerName} had expended all her remaining energy. |
GAM_NEWS_003125 | Late in the match, {WinWrestlerName} grabbed at the object dangling above the ladder. In doing so, he pulled himself closer to victory. |
GAM_NEWS_003126 | Late in the match, {WinWrestlerName} grabbed at the object dangling above the ladder. In doing so, she pulled herself closer to victory. |
GAM_NEWS_003127 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} grabbed at the object dangling above the ladder. To everyone watching, it looked like he had grabbed his victory. |
GAM_NEWS_003128 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} grabbed at the object dangling above the ladder. To everyone watching, it looked like she had grabbed her victory. |
GAM_NEWS_003129 | Late in the match, {WinWrestlerName} managed to drop {LoseWrestlerName} off the top of the ladder. At that moment, he had took one clear step toward clinching the win. |
GAM_NEWS_003130 | Late in the match, {WinWrestlerName} managed to drop {LoseWrestlerName} off the top of the ladder. At that moment, she had took one clear step toward clinching the win. |
GAM_NEWS_003131 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} managed to drop {WinWrestlerName} off the top of the ladder. Despite being visibly in pain, {WinWrestlerName} persevered. |
GAM_NEWS_003132 | Late in the match, out of sheer desperation, {WinWrestlerName} spit out poison mist. This was the moment the flow of the match shifted. |
GAM_NEWS_003133 | Late in the match, out of sheer desperation, {LoseWrestlerName} spit out poison mist. I'm sure I'm not the only one who thought that the flow of the match would shift as a result. |
GAM_NEWS_003134 | Late in the match, {WinWrestlerName} got back up from the ground while resisting pain from damage--to the surprise of the crowd, and the disbelief of {LoseWrestlerName}. |
GAM_NEWS_003135 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} got back up from the ground while resisting pain from damage. While this did much to shock the crowd, it may have also been the shock to his system which led to his defeat. |
GAM_NEWS_003136 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} got back up from the ground while resisting pain from damage. While this did much to shock the crowd, it may have also been the shock to her system which led to her defeat. |
GAM_NEWS_003137 | Late in the match, {WinWrestlerName} shattered the stage monitor. This fervent attack led to him grasping firmly onto the flow of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_003138 | Late in the match, {WinWrestlerName} shattered the stage monitor. This fervent attack led to her grasping firmly onto the flow of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_003139 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} shattered the stage monitor. It looked like this fervent attack led to him grasping firmly onto the flow of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_003140 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} shattered the stage monitor. It looked like this fervent attack led to her grasping firmly onto the flow of the match. |
GAM_NEWS_003141 | Late in the match, {WinWrestlerName} cut into {LoseWrestlerName}'s diving attack with a well-timed propped knee. If this hadn't happened, I'm sure the match would have turned out differently. |
GAM_NEWS_003142 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} cut into {WinWrestlerName}'s diving attack with a well-timed propped knee. The only problem is that {LoseWrestlerName} failed to exploit this opportunity to counterattack. |
GAM_NEWS_003143 | Not even a countdown-triggered explosion could diminish {WinWrestlerName}'s eagerness to win. With any and all pain a mere afterthought, he continued to attack without relent. |
GAM_NEWS_003144 | Not even a countdown-triggered explosion could diminish {WinWrestlerName}'s eagerness to win. With any and all pain a mere afterthought, she continued to attack without relent. |
GAM_NEWS_003145 | The countdown-triggered explosion that followed may have been what evaporated {LoseWrestlerName}'s hopes of winning. While writhing in pain from the blast, he continued to attack. |
GAM_NEWS_003146 | The countdown-triggered explosion that followed may have been what evaporated {LoseWrestlerName}'s hopes of winning. While writhing in pain from the blast, she continued to attack. |
GAM_NEWS_003147 | Late in the match, {WinWrestlerName} did not relent, despite the fact that he was now running on fumes. It was at this point when things made a shift in his favor. |
GAM_NEWS_003148 | Late in the match, {WinWrestlerName} did not relent, despite the fact that she was now running on fumes. It was at this point when things made a shift in her favor. |
GAM_NEWS_003149 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} did not relent, despite the fact that he was now running on fumes. At this point, it looked as if things had made a shift in his favor. |
GAM_NEWS_003150 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} did not relent, despite the fact that he was now running on fumes. At this point, it looked as if things had made a shift in her favor. |
GAM_NEWS_003151 | {WinWrestlerName} was pinned in what looked like would be the end. But contrary to everyone's expectations, he managed to kick out. This was the moment the tide of the match changed. |
GAM_NEWS_003152 | {WinWrestlerName} was pinned in what looked like would be the end. But contrary to everyone's expectations, she managed to kick out. This was the moment the tide of the match changed. |
GAM_NEWS_003153 | {LoseWrestlerName} was pinned in what looked like would be the end. Contrary to everyone's expectations, he managed to kick out--but ultimately, this would be in vain. |
GAM_NEWS_003154 | {LoseWrestlerName} was pinned in what looked like would be the end. Contrary to everyone's expectations, she managed to kick out--but ultimately, this would prove to have been in vain. |
GAM_NEWS_003155 | {WinWrestlerName} was put into a submission hold in what looked like would be the end. But contrary to everyone's expectations, he managed to break free. This was the moment the tide of the match changed. |
GAM_NEWS_003156 | {WinWrestlerName} was put into a submission hold in what looked like would be the end. But contrary to everyone's expectations, she managed to break free. This was the moment the tide of the match changed. |
GAM_NEWS_003157 | {LoseWrestlerName} was put into a submission hold in what looked like would be the end. Contrary to everyone's expectations, he managed to kick out--but ultimately, this would prove to have been in vain. |
GAM_NEWS_003158 | {LoseWrestlerName} was put into a submission hold in what looked like would be the end. Contrary to everyone's expectations, she managed to kick out--but ultimately, this would prove to have been in vain. |
GAM_NEWS_003159 | Late in the match, {WinWrestlerName} exhibited incredible willpower, despite the fact that his energy was almost completely depleted. It was at this point when things made a clear shift in his favor. |
GAM_NEWS_003160 | Late in the match, {WinWrestlerName} exhibited incredible willpower, despite the fact that her energy was almost completely depleted. It was at this point when things made a clear shift in her favor. |
GAM_NEWS_003161 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} exhibited incredible willpower, despite the fact that his energy was almost completely depleted. At this point, it appeared as if things made had a shift in his favor. |
GAM_NEWS_003162 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} exhibited incredible willpower, despite the fact that her energy was almost completely depleted. At this point, it appeared as if things made had a shift in her favor. |
GAM_NEWS_003163 | Late in the match, {WinWrestlerName} countered a finisher attempt from {LoseWrestlerName}. This was a twist that no one in the arena was expecting, and also was the moment you could say that {WinWrestlerName} had the match in the bag. |
GAM_NEWS_003164 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} countered a finisher attempt from {WinWrestlerName}. This was a twist that no one in the arena was expecting, and should also have been the moment that {LoseWrestlerName} took the lead. |
GAM_NEWS_003165 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} was injured in a vicious submission hold exacted by {WinWrestlerName}. From here on out, there was no coming back for {LoseWrestlerName}. |
GAM_NEWS_003166 | Late in the match, {WinWrestlerName} was injured in a vicious submission hold exacted by {LoseWrestlerName}. {WinWrestlerName} had no business being able to come out ahead after this happened. |
GAM_NEWS_003167 | Late in the match, {WinWrestlerName} landed a ferocious finisher on {LoseWrestlerName}. From this point on, the match was clearly tipped in {WinWrestlerName}'s favor. |
GAM_NEWS_003168 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} landed a ferocious finisher on {WinWrestlerName}. From this point, the match should have tipped in {LoseWrestlerName}'s favor. |
GAM_NEWS_003169 | Late in the match, {WinWrestlerName} showed tremendous determination and capitalized on an opening afforded by {LoseWrestlerName}. From this point, it was smooth sailing for {WinWrestlerName}. |
GAM_NEWS_003170 | Late in the match, {LoseWrestlerName} showed tremendous determination and capitalized on an opening afforded by {WinWrestlerName}. From this point, it should have been smooth sailing for {LoseWrestlerName}. |
GAM_NEWS_004001 | {WinWrestlerName} picked up the pin fall victory after hitting {LoseWrestlerName} with his finisher. They're called finishers for a reason, because {LoseWrestlerName} was clearly out of it. The ref finished the 3-count without so much as a twitch coming from {LoseWrestlerName}. Another impressive win for {WinWrestlerName}. |
GAM_NEWS_004002 | {WinWrestlerName} picked up the pin fall victory after hitting {LoseWrestlerName} with her finisher. They're called finishers for a reason, because {LoseWrestlerName} was clearly out of it. The ref finished the 3-count without so much as a twitch coming from {LoseWrestlerName}. Another impressive win for {WinWrestlerName}. |
GAM_NEWS_004003 | The strongest move in a wrestler's arsenal is their finisher, but as this match proved, they're not always needed to get the job done. In somewhat of a surprise, {WinWrestlerName} scored the pin fall win after hitting {LoseWrestlerName} with his signature move: a maneuver that's normally used as a set-up for the eventual finish. But hey, if it works, it works. And tonight, it was more than enough to pick up the clean win over {LoseWrestlerName}. |
GAM_NEWS_004004 | The strongest move in a wrestler's arsenal is their finisher, but as this match proved, they're not always needed to get the job done. In somewhat of a surprise, {WinWrestlerName} scored the pin fall win after hitting {LoseWrestlerName} with her signature move: a maneuver that's normally used as a set-up for the eventual finish. But hey, if it works, it works. And tonight, it was more than enough to pick up the clean win over {LoseWrestlerName}. |
GAM_NEWS_004005 | {LoseWrestlerName} was caught slipping on a banana peel, resulting in an unexpected pin fall win for {WinWrestlerName}. It was obvious that {LoseWrestlerName} didn't have much left in the tank, but the finish of the match still came off as a surprise. |
GAM_NEWS_004006 | {WinWrestlerName} won the match via submission. Any thought of {LoseWrestlerName} having a chance in this one went out the window once {WinWrestlerName} hooked in his submission finish. Once fully applied, it's rare to see anyone escape out of the hold. {LoseWrestlerName} had no other choice but to submit. |
GAM_NEWS_004007 | {WinWrestlerName} won the match via submission. Any thought of {LoseWrestlerName} having a chance in this one went out the window once {WinWrestlerName} hooked in her submission finish. Once fully applied, it's rare to see anyone escape out of the hold. {LoseWrestlerName} had no other choice but to submit. |
GAM_NEWS_004008 | {WinWrestlerName} usually applies the winning move as a set-up for his finisher, but if this match proved anything, it's that it's a dangerous hold in its own right. One that {WinWrestlerName} can rely on to score the win. |
GAM_NEWS_004009 | {WinWrestlerName} usually applies the winning move as a set-up for her finisher, but if this match proved anything, it's that it's a dangerous hold in its own right. One that {WinWrestlerName} can rely on to score the win. |
GAM_NEWS_004010 | An unexpected submission victory for {WinWrestlerName} who used an even more unexpected hold to achieve the win. This was a good reminder to fans that a match can end in a multitude of ways. Not everyone needs to hit their finisher to achieve victory, and this match exemplified that fact. |
GAM_NEWS_004011 | Wow! An unexpected and unforeseen loss for {LoseWrestlerName} via, of all things, a count out. But hey, those are the rules of pro wrestling and {WinWrestlerName} was much more aware of the situation than {LoseWrestlerName}. I'm hopeful that the powers that be run this one back so we can get a decisive win, one way or the other. |
GAM_NEWS_004012 | But this was a disappointment. No one likes to see a draw in pro wrestling, and the crowd reaction to the finish proved my point. This was a rare, count out draw for a promotion known for booking decisive finishes. This was obviously done to set-up a future rematch. |
GAM_NEWS_004013 | {WinWrestlerName} scored the win before time expired, thus nullifying the ring explosion. The disappointment from those in attendance was palpable. And who can blame them?! No matter how good the match itself is, an Exploding Barbed Wire Death Match that ends without an explosion is always going to disappoint. |
GAM_NEWS_004014 | {WinWrestlerName} won the match, but the only thing people are going to be talking about is that impressive explosion at the end. As promised, when the timer reached zero, the ring exploded in spectacular fashion! |
GAM_NEWS_004015 | But then came the unexpected. A spineless attack from {LoseWrestlerName} prompted the ref to call a disqualification. I'd be surprised if I were the only one that was upset with the way things ended. |
GAM_NEWS_004016 | {WinWrestlerName} climbed the ladder, and pulled down the dangling object. {LoseWrestlerName} just didn't have enough in the tank to stop it. |
GAM_NEWS_004017 | {WinWrestlerName} performed {LoseWrestlerName}'s finisher, to the surprise of the crowd, and palpable shock of {LoseWrestlerName}. {LoseWrestlerName} was unable to kick out, giving {WinWrestlerName} the win by pinfall. |
GAM_NEWS_004018 | And then, with hands in pocket, {WinWrestlerName} went for the pin. You could literally feel the astonishment of the crowd seeing {LoseWrestlerName} too shook up to be able to kick out, giving {WinWrestlerName} the win. |
GAM_NEWS_004019 | And then came the roll-through pin by {WinWrestlerName}. This was an unexpected twist for both the crowd, and for {LoseWrestlerName} who, unable to kick out, lost the match then and there to {WinWrestlerName}. |
GAM_NEWS_004020 | But in the end, {LoseWrestlerName} was unable to withstand {WinWrestlerName}'s hold. The crowd erupted in a mixture of shock and excitement. When the dust settled, {WinWrestlerName} had won via submission. |
GAM_NEWS_004021 | But ultimately, {LoseWrestlerName} was unable to kick out of {WinWrestlerName}'s roll-through pin. The crowd erupted in a mixture of shock and excitement. When the dust settled, {WinWrestlerName} had won via pinfall. |
GAM_NEWS_005001 | Say what you will about the match itself, there's no denying that each competitor gave it their all. |
GAM_NEWS_005002 | By the end of the match, everyone in the arena was on their feet. There wasn't a single person sitting when {WinWrestlerName} had his arm raised in victory. |
GAM_NEWS_005003 | By the end of the match, everyone in the arena was on their feet. There wasn't a single person sitting when {WinWrestlerName} had her arm raised in victory. |
GAM_NEWS_005004 | The technical wrestling on display was nothing short of brilliant. Students and those currently making a living in this sport need to study this match. |
GAM_NEWS_005005 | The clash of styles made for a compelling match-up. |
GAM_NEWS_005006 | This was a completely one-sided affair. {LoseWrestlerName} mustered a bit of offense but the outcome to this one was never in doubt. |
GAM_NEWS_005007 | This was a slugfest of epic proportions! |
GAM_NEWS_005008 | Fans of the high-flying style will absolutely love this! These guys spent more time in the air than they did the mat. |
GAM_NEWS_005009 | Not a long match, but what we got was satisfying enough. |
GAM_NEWS_005010 | This was the very definition of a spot fest. It was one big move and sequence after another. Far too many to keep note of! |
GAM_NEWS_005011 | I've seen these two have better matches, but what was here was satisfactory. |
GAM_NEWS_005012 | They didn't do much to wow the crowd, but they wrestled an effective and efficient match. |
GAM_NEWS_005013 | This was a match with a whole lot of plunder and even more blood. It won't be to everyone's tastes, but there's no doubt that they let it all out in the ring. |
GAM_NEWS_005014 | Short and to the point. |
GAM_NEWS_005015 | This was the finest display of catch-as-catch-can wrestling that I've seen in ages. |
GAM_NEWS_005016 | If you enjoy clubbering, and a lot of it, then this match was for you. |
GAM_NEWS_005017 | {WinWrestlerName} was completely eaten up in this match! I haven't witnessed such a one-sided beat down since Brodie Lee's brutalization of Cody Rhodes for the TNT Championship. |
GAM_NEWS_005018 | This match was far more competitive than I expected going in. This isn't a complaint! This was a fantastic display of athleticism and grit. |
GAM_NEWS_005019 | As far as multi-man matches go, I've seen worse. But with the talent involved, I expected a far better effort. |
GAM_NEWS_005020 | The phrase "less is more" didn't apply to this one. This was a blitzkrieg of one big move after another. Each wrestler exhausted their full arsenal of moves in one of the most exhilarating matches that I've seen in quite some time. |
GAM_NEWS_005021 | Although I'm sure some will, you can't blame the ref for calling an end to this match prematurely. {LoseWrestlerName} was getting throttled out there! The ref did the right thing in prioritizing the safety of the talent above giving fans a clean finish. |
GAM_NEWS_005022 | If wrestling was scored on points, this would have been a blowout win for {WinWrestlerName}. |
GAM_NEWS_005023 | This was an absolute mauling from start to finish. {LoseWrestlerName} didn't register a bit of offense in this one. |
GAM_NEWS_005024 | This was an intriguing clash of styles. |
GAM_NEWS_005025 | This was a game of chess played between two of the more technically proficient members of the roster. Aspiring wrestlers would be well served by studying the counter-wrestling that took place in this match. |
GAM_NEWS_005026 | A serviceable tag match but nothing that you need to go out of your way to see. It felt less like a tag match and more like two 1-on-1 matches happening simultaneously. |
GAM_NEWS_005027 | This was tag wrestling at its finest. The synchronicity and chemistry exhibited by both teams was nothing short of pro wrestling bliss. |
GAM_NEWS_005028 | It's a safe bet that fans will be talking about this match for many years to come. |
GAM_NEWS_005029 | The fans in the arena stuck around till the end. That's about the most noteworthy thing that can be said about this match. |
GAM_NEWS_005030 | This is a match that you should definitely go out of your way to see. |
GAM_NEWS_005031 | Not their best effort. |
GAM_NEWS_005032 | These guys are capable of far more than what they showed here tonight. |
GAM_NEWS_005033 | No need to go out of your way to see this one. |
GAM_NEWS_005034 | An unexpectedly great match with an even more surprising winner. |
GAM_NEWS_005035 | This was a potentially star-making performance by {WinWrestlerName}. |
GAM_NEWS_005036 | A star-making performance by {WinWrestlerName}. |
GAM_NEWS_005037 | This was a statement win for {WinWrestlerName}. |
GAM_NEWS_005038 | Hopefully this is the start of an on-going rivalry, because I certainly wouldn't mind seeing more from these two. |
GAM_NEWS_005039 | This won't be on anyone's "best of" list come the end of the year, but it was solid for what it was. |
GAM_NEWS_005040 | An uninspired, phoned in performance by all involved. |
GAM_NEWS_005041 | Let there be no mistake. This is one of the greatest pro wrestling matches in the history of the sport. |
GAM_NEWS_005042 | This will be a match that others are compared to. |
GAM_NEWS_005043 | There are bad matches and then there's what we all witnessed tonight. This match made history for all the wrong reasons. |
GAM_NEWS_005044 | This isn't a match that you have to go out of your way to see. If you decide to check it out, it goes down easy enough but if you miss it, well, you didn't miss much. |
GAM_NEWS_005045 | This is a match deserving of your time. |
GAM_NEWS_005046 | What can I say? I've seen worse but I know that these guys are capable of better. |
GAM_NEWS_005047 | After all the hype and build, this should have been better. A lot better. |
GAM_NEWS_005048 | The match was meh but the right man went over. |
GAM_NEWS_005049 | The match was meh but the right woman went over. |
GAM_NEWS_005050 | It's rare that I re-watch a match immediately after it concludes but I can't wait to revisit this one! Kudos to all involved! Just a tremendous, tremendous match! |
GAM_NEWS_005051 | {WinWrestlerName} proved that he's not paid by the hour. |
GAM_NEWS_005052 | {WinWrestlerName} proved that she's not paid by the hour. |
GAM_NEWS_005053 | It's rare when you see a match as one-sided as this that still captivates! |
GAM_NEWS_005054 | This was an absolute burial! There's no other way to describe what we all just witnessed. |
GAM_NEWS_005055 | This match left me slack-jawed. |
GAM_NEWS_005056 | While I'm personally not a fan of this particular style of match, this was an exceptional showcase of the hardcore, death match style done right. This was compelling from start to finish. |
GAM_NEWS_005057 | Wrestling is an art form and as such, it's subjective for each viewer. For me, this match was an absolute embarrassment. |
GAM_NEWS_005058 | An enjoyable match that didn't overstay its welcome. |
GAM_NEWS_005059 | For the pro wrestling purists, this match checked all the boxes. |
GAM_NEWS_005060 | I wouldn't want to see this style of match every week, but there's no denying that this is a match that will be remembered for some time. |
GAM_NEWS_005061 | This was a decisive win for {WinWrestlerName}. |
GAM_NEWS_005062 | {WinWrestlerName} might have come out on top, but each competitor is going to be feeling the effects of this battle for a long while. |
GAM_NEWS_005063 | Far from being a bad match, but I doubt anyone remembers it this time next week. |
GAM_NEWS_005064 | As good as the in-ring action was, the match was ultimately let down by that terrible, unsatisfying finish. |
GAM_NEWS_005065 | I honestly don't know how I felt about this one. It's rare when a match ends and I'm at a loss for words. |
GAM_NEWS_005066 | This was a fine match for what it was but if you missed it, there's no need to go out of your way to see it. |
GAM_NEWS_005067 | {LoseWrestlerName} may have lost but he definitely impressed those in attendance and I assume those watching from home. A new star might have just been made tonight. |
GAM_NEWS_005068 | {LoseWrestlerName} may have lost but she definitely impressed those in attendance and I assume those watching from home. A new star might have just been made tonight. |
GAM_NEWS_005069 | It's obvious that these competitors were aiming for a five-star classic. They may have fallen short of their goal (by the slightest of margins), but this was still one hell of a match! |
GAM_NEWS_005070 | Had it not been for that finish, this would have easily gained another star. |
GAM_NEWS_005071 | This was, unequivocally, one of the best matches in the promotion's short history. Stop whatever you're doing and watch. This. Match! |
GAM_NEWS_005072 | Controversial finish aside, this was damn compelling. |
GAM_NEWS_005073 | This was so much fun. This is the type of match that you can show to non-fans and possibly convert them into new fans of the sport. |
GAM_NEWS_005074 | A surprising, feel good win for the underdog. |
GAM_NEWS_006000 | 1-on-1 NORMAL MATCH |
GAM_NEWS_006001 | 1-on-1 LIGHTS OUT MATCH |
GAM_NEWS_006003 | 2-on-2 TAG TEAM MATCH |
GAM_NEWS_006004 | 3-WAY MATCH |
GAM_NEWS_006005 | 4-WAY MATCH |
GAM_NEWS_006009 | {WrestlerName0} With {WrestlerName1} |
GAM_NEWS_006010 | WIN |
GAM_NEWS_006011 | LOSE |
GAM_NEWS_006012 | DRAW |
GAM_NEWS_006015 | RESULT |
GAM_NEWS_006016 | HP |
GAM_NEWS_006018 | MOVES |
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