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Angry Birds Rio

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Title Screen

Angry Birds Rio

Developers: Rovio, Fox Digital Entertainment, Blue Sky Studios
Publisher: Rovio
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS X, iOS, Android, Windows Phone
Released internationally: September 13, 2012

DevMessageIcon.png This game has a hidden developer message.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

Angry Birds Rio is the third game in the Angry Birds saga, featuring characters and environments from the 2011 Fox/Blue Sky Studios movie Rio, and later Rio 2.

Title Theme

Before the release of Rio 2, the game's main theme was an upbeat, samba-esque remix of the original Angry Birds theme. After the game changed to match the film release, the theme was changed to a more relaxing remix with birds mentioned in Brazilian Portuguese.

Before 2.0.0
(Rio remix)
After 2.0.0
(Rio 2 remix)

Debugging Functions

Just like other Angry Birds games built with Lua, debugging functions are mentioned in certain Lua files and named certain Lua files.

FPS+Memory+Stack(?) Display

If the game is not a release build, on every bootup, the game will show a display for those status on the bottom corner.

Debugging Info in Credits

If the game is not a release build, the game will show the customerString in the credits menu.

Developer Cheats

Main Menu

This button loads a list of 9 functions that can be done:

  • Clear Level Progress = Wipes level progress for a save.
  • Clear Achievements = Wipes achievements for a save.


  • Lose = Makes the game act like you lost the level.
  • 1xStar = Makes the game act like you beat the level but rigs the score to approximately one star.
  • 2xStar = Makes the game act like you beat the level but rigs the score to approximately two stars.
  • 3xStar = Makes the game act like you beat the level but rigs the score to approximately three stars.


  • Image boxes: Pressing D will toggle visibility of boxes on the majority of textures.
  • FPS + Memory display: Pressing F will toggle visibility of the given display.

Level Editor

A level editor is present in the game's files and is shown at the main menu if the value to show it is enabled in the build settings.

The mobile release however lacks support for touch controls, meaning you can only look at levels. Unlike Angry Birds where its editor uses right-click to test levels (which mobiles call double-finger click), this game zooms in/out on levels, and it's similar to the computer version's editor.

Developer Leftovers

SVN Remnants

To do:

BlackBerry Tablet version 1.4.4 left a .svn subdirectory in the assets directory, with a tiny amount of information about where the app icon and splash screen's assets were from.

Since the version control expects you to be connected to Rovio's internal server, you cannot access the revision history of the repository.




svn:special svn:externals svn:needs-lock






We can get a glimpse of the properties of these files/directories by running a Subversion command such as svn info -R --include-externals in the /assets directory.
NOTE: Since these files are in an older version of the format (format 10), the command svn upgrade has to be executed before the one above if using newer versions of Subversion.

All of these files and directories were last changed by Antti Alho, credited under the "Post production" team.
The revision number for these leftovers are 86409.

The revisions of the files in the folder are byte-to-byte identical to the used versions.

Developer Directory

scripts/menu/CutscenePage.lua uncompiled mentions a source directory for the Free version's end movie.


Unknown JSON File

A similar JSON file from Angry Birds Seasons made it's way in version 1.5.0 for Android. Unlike other similar files, this one has an edited value for the options file, being set to "not True".

    "additionalPermissions": [], 
    "appName": "Angry Birds", 
    "archs": [
    "buildDate": "2012-12-12", 
    "buildStartedBy": "", 
    "compatibleScreens": [], 
    "compileLua": true, 
    "compressLua": true, 
    "copyAssets": [
    "copyExcludes": [], 
    "copyPatterns": [
    "copyTo": "p:/RovioMobile/AngryBirdsRio/Software/Android/2012-12-12_1.5.0_(8484)_androidmarket", 
    "customLuaOptions": {
        "gamelua.applyChinaRestictions": false, 
        "gamelua.cheatsEnabled": false, 
        "gamelua.customerString": "'androidmarket'", 
        "gamelua.g_registrationEnabled": false, 
        "gamelua.g_updateCheckEnabled": false, 
        "gamelua.gameVersionNumber": "'1.5.0'", 
        "gamelua.hdProductIapIds": false, 
        "gamelua.iap_available": true, 
        "gamelua.isABStarWarsAvailable": true, 
        "gamelua.isHDVersion": false, 
        "gamelua.isKorea": false, 
        "gamelua.isPremium": false, 
        "gamelua.loadMightyEagle": true, 
        "gamelua.premiumProductIapIds": false, 
        "gamelua.releaseBuild": true, 
        "gamelua.showEditor": false, 
        "gamelua.svnRevisionNumber": "'8484'", 
        "gamelua.useDynamicAssets": false, 
        "gamelua.useMockAchievementLimits": "not True"
    "customScripts": {
        "assetFilter": "update_level_filenames.py"
    "customer": "androidmarket", 
    "debug": false, 
    "defines": [
    "dirSuffix": "", 
    "encryptLua": true, 
    "encryptionKey": "__SECRET__", 
    "externalModules": [], 
    "failOnConfigurationWarnings": false, 
    "includeDirs": [
    "jobs": 8, 
    "keyAlias": "__SECRET__", 
    "keyAliasPassword": "__SECRET__", 
    "keyStore": "__SECRET__", 
    "keyStorePassword": "__SECRET__", 
    "luaOptionsFile": "data/scripts/options.lua", 
    "minSdkVersion": "8", 
    "modules": [
    "obfuscate": true, 
    "outputName": "AngryBirdsRio_1.5.0_ADS_androidmarket_DISTRIBUTION", 
    "packageName": "angrybirdsrio", 
    "platform": "android", 
    "projectName": "AngryBirdsRio", 
    "releasePackage": true, 
    "sourceExcludes": [
    "sourceFiles": [
    "subDir": "gen", 
    "svnRevision": "8484", 
    "targetPrefix": "android-", 
    "targetSdkVersion": "13", 
    "verbosity": 1, 
    "versionCode": "1500", 
    "versionString": "1.5.0"

Configuration Script

A configuration script (config.lua) from the developer end made it's way into version 1.5.0. It's not too special but it provides a little insight on the data_src directory. An uncompiled version of the file exists in the iOS releases.

product = "Angry Birds Rio"
publisher = "Rovio"

width = 1024
height = 600

orientation = 0

datapath = "data_src"
imagePath = "images"
fontPath = "fonts"
audioPath = "audio"
localizationPath = "localization"
levelPath = "levels"
scriptPath = "scripts"
deviceModel = "windows"
fullscreen = false
showCursor = false
singleton = true

name = "AngryBirdsRio"

fullscreen = false
renderer = { "gles2" }
autoOrientations = { 90, 270 }

Variant Directory

To do:
Alternative variant configurations.

While the directory is used, there are two scripts in it referencing Rovio's internal build tool directory and also has the schema file.

import json
import sys
import os
import jsonschema

def main():
	configFileNames = ["variantconfig.json"]
	if len(sys.argv) > 1:
		configFileNames = sys.argv[1:]

	for configFileName in configFileNames:
		with open(configFileName) as configFile:
			config = json.load(configFile)
		with open("schema.json") as schemaFile:
			schema = json.load(schemaFile)
			jsonschema.validate(config, schema)
			print(configFileName + " successfully validated")
		except jsonschema.ValidationError, e:
			print("Failed to validate " + configFileName)

if __name__ == '__main__':
@set pypath=..\..\..\external\Fusion\buildtool\tools\python-2.6.6-win-x86\
@if not exist %pypath% (set pypath=)
@%pypath%python.exe validate.py %*
    "name": "Variant config schema",
	"additionalProperties": false, "required": true,
    "properties": {
        "params": {
            "title": "Parameters used by the game",
			"type": "object", "required": true, "additionalProperties": false,
			"properties": {
				"mainmenu": {
					"title": "Main menu",
					"type": "object", "required": true, "additionalProperties": false,
					"properties": {
						"particles": {"title": "Enable particles", "type": "boolean", "required": true}
				"powerupPopup": {
					"title": "Power-up recommendation pop-up",
					"type": "object", "required": true, "additionalProperties": false,
					"properties": {
						"startLimit":			{"title": "Start limit", "type": "integer", "required": true},
						"maxLimit":				{"title": "Max limit", "type": "integer", "required": true},
						"usePowerupFromPopup":	{"title": "Limit change when power-up is used from the pop-up", "type": "integer", "required": true},
						"closePowerupPopup":	{"title": "Limit change when the pop-up is closed", "type": "integer", "required": true},
						"restartLevel":			{"title": "Counter change when level restarted with 0-5 birds", "type": "array", "required": true, "minItems": 6, "maxItems": 6, "items": {"type": "integer"}},
						"usePowerupFromMenu":	{"title": "Counter multiplier when power-up used from menu", "type": "number", "required": true}
        "meta": {
            "title": "Information about the config file",
            "type": "object", "required": true, "additionalProperties": false,
			"properties": {
				"minVersion": {"title": "Min client version", "type": "string", "required": true, "pattern": "^[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+$"},
				"experiment": {
					"title": "Experiment info (only used for experiment configs)",
					"type": "object", "required": false, "additionalProperties": false,
					"properties": {
						"name":		{"title": "Name of the experiment", "type": "string", "required": true},
						"group":	{"title": "Condition or user group name", "type": "string", "required": true}
    "name": "Variant config schema",
	"additionalProperties": false, "required": true,
    "properties": {
        "params": {
            "title": "Parameters used by the game",
			"type": "object", "required": true, "additionalProperties": false,
			"properties": {
				"mainmenu": {
					"title": "Main menu",
					"type": "object", "required": true, "additionalProperties": false,
					"properties": {
						"particles": {"title": "Enable particles", "type": "boolean", "required": true}
				"iap": {
					"title": "IAP Products",
					"type": "object", "required": true, "additionalProperties": false,
					"properties": {
						"gameBundleSize": {"title": "In-game bundle size", "type": "string", "required": true},
						"shopBundleSizes": {"title": "Shop bundle sizes, not yet used (", "type": "array", "required": false, "minItems": 4, "maxItems": 4, "items": {"type": "string"}},
						"pupuBundleSize": {"title": "Power-up recommendation pop-up bundle size, not yet used", "type": "string", "required": false}
				"powerupPopup": {
					"title": "Power-up recommendation pop-up",
					"type": "object", "required": true, "additionalProperties": false,
					"properties": {
						"startLimit":			{"title": "Start limit", "type": "integer", "required": true},
						"maxLimit":				{"title": "Max limit", "type": "integer", "required": true},
						"usePowerupFromPopup":	{"title": "Limit change when power-up is used from the pop-up", "type": "integer", "required": true},
						"closePowerupPopup":	{"title": "Limit change when the pop-up is closed", "type": "integer", "required": true},
						"restartLevel":			{"title": "Counter change when level restarted with 0-5 birds", "type": "array", "required": true, "minItems": 6, "maxItems": 6, "items": {"type": "integer"}},
						"usePowerupFromMenu":	{"title": "Counter multiplier when power-up used from menu", "type": "number", "required": true}
        "meta": {
            "title": "Information about the config file",
            "type": "object", "required": true, "additionalProperties": false,
			"properties": {
				"minVersion": {"title": "Min client version", "type": "string", "required": true, "pattern": "^[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+$"},
				"experiment": {
					"title": "Experiment info (only used for experiment configs)",
					"type": "object", "required": false, "additionalProperties": false,
					"properties": {
						"name":		{"title": "Name of the experiment", "type": "string", "required": true},
						"group":	{"title": "Condition or user group name", "type": "string", "required": true}
    "name": "Variant config schema",
	"additionalProperties": false, "required": true,
    "properties": {
        "params": {
            "title": "Parameters used by the game",
			"type": "object", "required": true, "additionalProperties": false,
			"properties": {
				"mainmenu": {
					"title": "Main menu",
					"type": "object", "required": true, "additionalProperties": false,
					"properties": {
						"particles": {"title": "Enable particles", "type": "boolean", "required": true}
				"iap": {
					"title": "IAP Products",
					"type": "object", "required": true, "additionalProperties": false,
					"properties": {
						"gameBundleSize": {"title": "In-game bundle size", "type": "string", "required": true},
						"shopBundleSizes": {"title": "Shop bundle sizes, not yet used (", "type": "array", "required": false, "minItems": 4, "maxItems": 4, "items": {"type": "string"}},
						"pupuBundleSize": {"title": "Power-up recommendation pop-up bundle size, not yet used", "type": "string", "required": false},
						"superpowerupBundleSize": {"title": "In-game superpowerup bundle size", "type": "string", "required": true}
				"powerupPopup": {
					"title": "Power-up recommendation pop-up",
					"type": "object", "required": true, "additionalProperties": false,
					"properties": {
						"startLimit":			{"title": "Start limit", "type": "integer", "required": true},
						"maxLimit":				{"title": "Max limit", "type": "integer", "required": true},
						"usePowerupFromPopup":	{"title": "Limit change when power-up is used from the pop-up", "type": "integer", "required": true},
						"closePowerupPopup":	{"title": "Limit change when the pop-up is closed", "type": "integer", "required": true},
						"restartLevel":			{"title": "Counter change when level restarted with 0-5 birds", "type": "array", "required": true, "minItems": 6, "maxItems": 6, "items": {"type": "integer"}},
						"usePowerupFromMenu":	{"title": "Counter multiplier when power-up used from menu", "type": "number", "required": true}
				"levelHint": {
					"title": "Level hint toast",
					"type": "object", "required": true, "additionalProperties": false,
					"properties": {
						"restartLimit": {"title": "Number of restarts needed to trigger level hint", "type": "integer", "required": true},
						"powerupCost": {"title": "Number of powerups it costs to get the level hint", "type": "integer", "required": true},
						"directPurchaseBundleSize": {"title": "Size of the bundle of level hint direct purchase", "type": "string", "required": true}
				"promoConfig": {
					"title": "Configuration for cross promotion",
					"type": "array", "required": true, "additionalProperties": false,
					"items": {
						"title": "List of promoted products",
						"type": "object", "required": true, "additionalProperties": false,
						"properties": {
							"productName": {"title": "Name of the product being promoted", "type": "string", "required": true},
							"screen": {"title": "Screen in which the promo appears", "type": "string", "required": true},
							"image": {"title": "Promo art clip name", "type": "string", "required": true},
							"button": {"title": "Promo art button clip name", "type": "string", "required": true},
							"link": {"title": "Link to open when promo is clicked", "type": "string", "required": true},
							"buttonPosition": {
								"title": "Relative position of the button on the promo art",
								"type": "object", "required": true, "additionalProperties": false,
								"properties": {
									"x": {"title": "Relative x position", "type": "number", "required": true},
									"y": {"title": "Relative y position", "type": "number", "required": true}
        "meta": {
            "title": "Information about the config file",
            "type": "object", "required": true, "additionalProperties": false,
			"properties": {
				"minVersion": {"title": "Min client version", "type": "string", "required": true, "pattern": "^[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+$"},
				"experiment": {
					"title": "Experiment info (only used for experiment configs)",
					"type": "object", "required": false, "additionalProperties": false,
					"properties": {
						"name":		{"title": "Name of the experiment", "type": "string", "required": true},
						"group":	{"title": "Condition or user group name", "type": "string", "required": true}

Anti-Hacking String

The native function GameLua::unlockRequestChecksum uses the below string, possibly to flame reverse engineers looking at the function. Interestingly it remained in all future builds of the game, regardless of the platform and even had a sequel.


Internal Project Name

The game is internally referred to as Rio[1] with or without AngryBirds and/or Rovio before it. Notably it also dropped Linnut from this and future games.

  1. BB10 SVN leftovers