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Title Screen


Developer: Demruth
Publisher: Demruth
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
Released internationally: January 31, 2013 (Windows), June 12, 2014 (Mac OS X/Linux)

DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

ProtoIcon.png This game has a prototype article

Antichamber is a puzzle game that is any M.C. Escher fan's wet dream.


Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info

Debugging Features

Game Console

The Unreal engine console can be activated by editing the "\Antichamber\UDKGame\Config\DefaultInput.ini" file and editing this part:


; Uncomment these to disable the console access

...and changing the second "ConsoleKey" value to any key.

In addition to UDK console commands, there are game-specific commands:

Command Usage
Fly Make player fly
Ghost Make player noclip
Walk Return player to normal state
unlockgun [VALUE] Unlock a gun depending on the value

1 : blue gun 2 : green gun 3 : yellow gun 4 : red gun

unlockblackgun Unlock the black gun, like the red gun but with black texture
unlockdarkgun Unlock the end game gun