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Arcade Party Pak
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Games > Games by content > Games with hidden developer credits
Games > Games by content > Games with uncompiled source code
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Games > Games by content > Games with unusual dummy files
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Atari, SA > Games developed by Digital Eclipse
Games > Games by platform > PlayStation games
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Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Warner Bros. Games > Games published by Midway Games
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 1999
Games > Games by release date > Games released in November
Games > Games by release date > Games released in November > Games released on November 17
Games > Games by series > Arcade's Greatest Hits series
Arcade Party Pak |
Developer: Digital Eclipse[1] This game has uncompiled source code. |
Hidden Developer Credit
Present at 0x6DDDD in SMASH.EXE is a hidden credit for the port of Smash T.V.
(Source: Ferrox)
Unused Graphics
Present in all four of the CDPAD.DAT files are a couple of placeholder graphics.
(Source: Ferrox)
Source Code
Present in MEDA.PCK and MEDR.PCK.
#include <sys/types.h> #include <libetc.h> #include <libgte.h> #include <libgpu.h> #include <libsn.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <libetc.h> #include <libgte.h> #include <libgpu.h> #include <libcd.h> #include <libspu.h> #include <r3000.h> #include <asm.h> #include <kernel.h> #include <libsn.h> #include "xaapi.h" #define VERBOSE // the prototype extern int CDFile_CdSearchFile(CdlFILE *file_info, char *filename); void xaStop( void ); #define Min2Milli( a,b,c ) (((a)*60000) + ((b)*1000 ) + ((c)*10 )) #define CDSpeed (1) #define Milli2Sectors(a) (((a) * 75 <<(CDSpeed-1) ) / 1000 ) typedef struct XaPackFile{ int startSector; char * fileName; }XaPackFile; typedef struct XaTrack{ int startSector; int numSectors; int channel; int packIndex; }XaTrack; XaPackFile XaPacks[] = { {0,"BIG.PCK;1"}, {0,"MEDBIG.PCK;1"}, {0,"MED.PCK;1"}, {0,"MEDS.PCK;1"}, {0,"SMALL.PCK;1"}, {0,0} }; XaTrack XaTracks[]={ //small {0,Milli2Sectors(Min2Milli( 0,11, 6 )),1,5}, //32WIN5 {0,Milli2Sectors(Min2Milli( 0,12, 6 )),0,5}, //09VICMSC //medium small {0,Milli2Sectors(Min2Milli( 0,16, 9 )),7,4}, //28WHEEL {0,Milli2Sectors(Min2Milli( 0,24,54 )),6,4}, //720track10 {0,Milli2Sectors(Min2Milli( 0,29,65 )),5,4}, //720track12 {0,Milli2Sectors(Min2Milli( 0,30,17 )),4,4}, //2CWIN2 {0,Milli2Sectors(Min2Milli( 0,30,17 )),3,4}, //12WIN7 {0,Milli2Sectors(Min2Milli( 0,30,17 )),2,4}, //14WIN8 {0,Milli2Sectors(Min2Milli( 0,30,17 )),1,4}, //2AWIN1 {0,Milli2Sectors(Min2Milli( 0,30,17 )),0,4}, //16ADDA // medium {0,Milli2Sectors(Min2Milli( 0,30,17 )),7,3}, //2EWIN3 {0,Milli2Sectors(Min2Milli( 0,30,17 )),6,3}, //30WIN4 {0,Milli2Sectors(Min2Milli( 0,30,68 )),5,3}, //720track13 {0,Milli2Sectors(Min2Milli( 0,30,68 )),4,3}, //720track8 {0,Milli2Sectors(Min2Milli( 0,30,17 )),3,3}, //34WIN6 {0,Milli2Sectors(Min2Milli( 0,34,77 )),2,3}, //720track7 {0,Milli2Sectors(Min2Milli( 0,36,81 )),1,3}, //720track3 {0,Milli2Sectors(Min2Milli( 0,41,92 )),0,3}, //720track1 //medium big {0,Milli2Sectors(Min2Milli( 0,42,95 )),7,2}, //720track5 {0,Milli2Sectors(Min2Milli( 0,45, 2 )),6,2}, //720track2 {0,Milli2Sectors(Min2Milli( 0,48, 8 )),5,2}, //720track9 {0,Milli2Sectors(Min2Milli( 0,48, 8 )),4,2}, //720track11 {0,Milli2Sectors(Min2Milli( 0,59,33 )),3,2}, //720track6 {0,Milli2Sectors(Min2Milli( 1, 8,54 )),2,2}, //720track14 {0,Milli2Sectors(Min2Milli( 1,12,40 )),1,2}, //05TUNE3 {0,Milli2Sectors(Min2Milli( 1,28,49 )),0,2}, //0FHIMUSC //big {0,Milli2Sectors(Min2Milli( 1,30, 4 )),7,1}, //720track4 {0,Milli2Sectors(Min2Milli( 1,41,57 )),6,1}, //01TUNE2 {0,Milli2Sectors(Min2Milli( 1,57,66 )),5,1}, //0ETUNE4 {0,Milli2Sectors(Min2Milli( 1,58,66 )),4,1}, //B2BONS1 {0,Milli2Sectors(Min2Milli( 2, 0,68 )),3,1}, //02ENDT {0,Milli2Sectors(Min2Milli( 2, 1,68)), 2,1}, //03TUNE1 {0,Milli2Sectors(Min2Milli( 2, 3,69 )),1,1}, //0ABTUNE3 {0,Milli2Sectors(Min2Milli( 2, 5,70 )),0,1}, //04BTUNE1 {0,0,0,0}, }; CdlFILTER filter; static CdlLOC pos; static CdlLOC posinfo; static CdlLOC pause_pos; static char pad[16]; static CdlATV cdMute; static unsigned int cur_pos; static unsigned char result[8]; static unsigned char param[8]; static unsigned int error = 0; static unsigned int good = 0; static CdlATV cdVol; static unsigned int Volume; static unsigned int StartSector = 0; static unsigned int EndSector = 0; static unsigned int LastCommand = 0; static unsigned int Command = 0; #define IDLE (0) #define PLAY (1) #define STARTING (2) #define NEWCOMMAND (3) #define ERRORCHECK (4) static unsigned int IsPaused= 0; static unsigned int State= IDLE; static unsigned int PausedState= IDLE; static unsigned int PreviousState= IDLE; #ifdef VERBOSE static int profile; static int min=1000; static int max=0; #endif XA_SYSTEM *xaSystem; XA_SYSTEM xaSystemShell; // the lovely struct for them to see us // set cd mix on in spu common attr void SetMix( void ) { SpuCommonAttr c_attr; /* Initialise sound */ c_attr.mask = SPU_COMMON_CDMIX | SPU_COMMON_CDVOLL| SPU_COMMON_CDVOLR ; c_attr.cd.mix = SPU_ON; /* cd mixing */ c_attr.cd.volume.left = c_attr.cd.volume.right = 0x1fff; /* cd mixing volume */ SpuSetCommonAttr(&c_attr); } // set cdVol struct from global volume value void MixVol( void ) { *(u_long *)&cdVol = 0x00000000; Volume = Volume & 0xff; cdVol.val0 = cdVol.val3 = Volume; cdVol.val1 = cdVol.val2 = Volume; } // start song static void xastart( unsigned long command) { #ifdef VERBOSE printf (" start %d", command ); #endif LastCommand = command; filter.file = 1; filter.chan = XaTracks[command].channel; StartSector = XaTracks[command].startSector; EndSector = StartSector + ( XaTracks[command].numSectors) ; CdControlB(CdlSetfilter, (u_char *)&filter, 0) ; State = STARTING; } void Ready ( u_char intr, u_char *result ) { if (intr == CdlDiskError ) error++; if (intr == CdlDataReady ) { CdGetSector(( int *) &posinfo,2); cur_pos = CdPosToInt(&posinfo); good++; } } int xaService( void ) { int RcntIn; #ifdef VERBOSE pollhost(); #endif if( IsPaused ) return; if( State == IDLE ) return; SetMix(); //should not need this #ifdef VERBOSE RcntIn = profile = VSync(1); #endif switch( State){ case NEWCOMMAND: CdReadyCallback ( 0 ); xastart( Command ); cur_pos = 0; break; case STARTING: SetMix(); //should not need this! CdIntToPos( StartSector , &pos); CdControlF(CdlReadS, (u_char *)&pos); CdReadyCallback ( Ready ); MixVol(); State = ERRORCHECK; break; case ERRORCHECK: CdSync( 1, result ); if ( result[0] == CdlNoIntr ) { break; } if ( result[0] == CdlComplete ) { State = PLAY; } if ( result[0] == CdlDiskError ) { State = STARTING; } break; case PLAY: /* check for end of xa track */ if( cur_pos > EndSector ) { #ifdef VERBOSE printf( " END "); #endif xaStop(); } else { CdMix( &cdVol); } break; } #ifdef VERBOSE profile = VSync(1) - profile; if( profile > max ) max = profile; if( profile < min ) min = profile; #endif return 1; //success } void xaInit( void ) { CdInit(); SetMix(); Volume = 0xff; //full on *(u_long *)&cdVol = 0xffffffff; // full on *(u_long *)&cdMute = 0; // init mute CdMix( &cdMute); //start out muted param[0] = CdlModeRT | CdlModeSF | CdlModeSize1; //1x ,ADPCM, filter if ( CDSpeed == 2 ){ param[0] |= CdlModeSpeed; //2x - never happen } while (CdControlB(CdlSetmode, param, 0) == 0); //set cd system in xa streaming mode.. filter.file = 1; //file 1 channel 0 filter.chan = 0; while (CdControlB(CdlSetfilter, (u_char *)&filter, 0) == 0);// just in case CdIntToPos( XaTracks[0].startSector , &pos); while (CdControlB(CdlSeekL, (u_char *)&pos, 0) == 0); // seek towards xa data - might help first seek CdSync(0,0); //blocking sync - wait until seek is completed CdControlB(CdlPause, (u_char *)&pos, 0); // pause at the xa data area State= IDLE; printf( ( "xa init" )); CdReadyCallback ( 0 ); // no callback becasue no xa playing } void xaPlay( unsigned long command ) { #ifdef VERBOSE printf("command %d ",command ); #endif Command = command; //twisted shit State = NEWCOMMAND; } void xaStop( void ) { if( State == IDLE ) return; // can't stop if not playing #ifdef VERBOSE printf("STOP !!! "); #endif CdControlB(CdlPause, 0, 0); CdMix( &cdMute); State = IDLE; } void xaSetVolume( unsigned char volume ) { #ifdef VERBOSE printf ( "xaSetVolume %d ",volume ); #endif Volume = volume; MixVol(); } //never ever used! unsigned char xaGetStatus( void ) { return State == PLAY; } // just use this stuff because it wroks! void xaPause( void ) { if( IsPaused ) return; if( State == IDLE ) return; CdSync(0,0); CdMix( &cdMute); IsPaused = 1; PausedState= State; CdReadyCallback ( 0 ); do { CdControl(CdlNop, 0,result); }while( result[0] == CdlStatSeek ); CdControlB(CdlGetlocL, 0, (u_char *)&pause_pos); CdSync(0,0); CdControlB(CdlSeekL, (u_char *)&pause_pos, 0); CdSync(0,0); CdControlB(CdlPause, (u_char *)&pause_pos, 0); CdSync(0,0); } void xaResume( void ) { if( !IsPaused ) return; if( State == IDLE ) return; IsPaused= 0; CdSync(0,0); CdControl(CdlReadS, (u_char *)&pause_pos, 0); CdMix( &cdVol); State = PausedState; CdReadyCallback ( Ready ); } int XaHandler( void ) { switch( xaSystem->xaSystemRequest ) { case XA_INIT: xaInit(); break; case XA_PLAY: xaPlay( xaSystem->xaCommandData ); break; case XA_STOP: xaStop(); break; case XA_SET_VOLUME: xaSetVolume( xaSystem->xaCommandData ); break; case XA_PAUSE: xaPause(); break; case XA_RESUME: xaResume(); break; case XA_GETSTATUS: xaSystem->xaCommandData = xaGetStatus(); break; default: // whats up with this - no error checking? } return 1; //success! } void CacheXADirectory( void ){ CdlFILE thisFile; CdlLOC thisLocation; unsigned int thisSector; int i=0; // get the start sector for each pscked xa file while( XaPacks[i].fileName ){ CDFile_CdSearchFile( &thisFile, XaPacks[i].fileName); thisLocation = thisFile.pos; thisSector = CdPosToInt( &thisLocation ); XaPacks[i].startSector = thisSector; i++; } i = 0; // patch the start sector into each track // note: packIndex is offset by one to ease null termination // note: add channel offset to packed files starsector to get xa data start sector while( XaTracks[i].packIndex ){ XaTracks[i].startSector = XaPacks[XaTracks[i].packIndex-1].startSector + XaTracks[i].channel ; i++; } } /*sample usage XA_CALL->xaSystemRequest = XA_INIT; XA_CALL->xaCommandHandler(); XA_CALL->xaSystemRequest = XA_PLAY; XA_CALL->xaCommandData = XA_01TUNE2; XA_CALL->xaCommandHandler(); also need a regular call to: XA_CALL->xaVsyncService(); */ void XaSystemPreInit( void ) { // cache all the file starts in each xa entry CacheXADirectory(); // set the interface peep-hole to point to the shells xa system struct *((unsigned int * )XA_SYSTEM_POINTER) = (unsigned int)&xaSystemShell; xaSystem = (XA_SYSTEM*)*((unsigned int * )XA_SYSTEM_POINTER); // set the struct entries: // function dispathcher xaSystem->xaCommandHandler = &XaHandler; // regular service xaSystem->xaVsyncService = &xaService; // function type xaSystem->xaSystemRequest = XA_NULL; // function data xaSystem->xaCommandData = 0; } // temporary shit to test one xa track void TestTheXaCrap( void ){ int i,j; xaSystem->xaSystemRequest = XA_INIT; xaSystem->xaCommandHandler(); i = 0; // patch the start sector into each track // note: packIndex is offset by one to ease null termination // note: add channel offset to packed files starsector to get xa data start sector while( XaTracks[i].packIndex ){ xaSystem->xaSystemRequest = XA_PLAY; xaSystem->xaCommandData = (enumXAs)i; xaSystem->xaCommandHandler(); do{ VSync(0); xaSystem->xaVsyncService(); xaSystem->xaSystemRequest = XA_GETSTATUS; xaSystem->xaCommandHandler(); }while( xaSystem->xaCommandData ); i++; for ( j = 0;j<180 ;j++) VSync(0); // wait one second between songs } }
The Arcade's Greatest Hits series
| |
SNES | Williams |
Game Boy (Color) | Arcade Hits: Joust & Defender |
Nintendo 64 | Midway Volume 1 |
Dreamcast | Midway Volume 1 |
PlayStation | Williams • Midway Collection 2 • Atari Collection 2 (Prototype) • Arcade Party Pak • Atari Anniversary Edition Redux |
Windows | Williams Arcade Classics • Atari Arcade Hits Volume 1 • Atari Arcade Hits Volume 2 |
- Games developed by Digital Eclipse
- Games published by Midway Games
- PlayStation games
- Games released in 1999
- Games released in November
- Games released on November 17
- Games with uncompiled source code
- Games with hidden developer credits
- Games with unused graphics
- Games with unusual dummy files
- Arcade's Greatest Hits series
Games > Games by content > Games with hidden developer credits
Games > Games by content > Games with uncompiled source code
Games > Games by content > Games with unused graphics
Games > Games by content > Games with unusual dummy files
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Atari, SA > Games developed by Digital Eclipse
Games > Games by platform > PlayStation games
Games > Games by publisher
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Warner Bros. Games > Games published by Midway Games
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 1999
Games > Games by release date > Games released in November
Games > Games by release date > Games released in November > Games released on November 17
Games > Games by series > Arcade's Greatest Hits series