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Baby Pals

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Title Screen

Baby Pals

Also known as: Konnichiwa Akachan (JP), Meine Baby-Welt (DE)
Developer: Brain Toys[1]
Publishers: Crave Entertainment (US), THQ (EU, AUS), Interchannel (JP)
Platform: Nintendo DS
Released in JP: July 31, 2008[1]
Released in US: November 19, 2007[1]
Released in EU: March 7, 2008[1]
Released in AU: March 13, 2008[1]

TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

Baby Pals is like Nintendogs, except with babies. In it, you take care of your baby, after first customizing every detail of its appearance to your liking. Once you’re tired of playing with the same baby, you can just delete the save file. Don’t think too hard about it.

Unused Text

At offset 0x253AFE4 in the ROM, there’s a slightly concerning hidden message.

Welcome to Baby Pals! The world's first Nintendo DS Baby Simulation. This game is lots of fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun.

Take good care of your baby or else.

This message is present, but untranslated, in all language scripts of the game.

(Source: Original TCRF research)
