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Barver Battle Saga: Tai Kong Zhan Shi

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Title Screen

Barver Battle Saga: Tai Kong Zhan Shi

Also known as: Final Fantasy (RU), Brave Battle Saga: Legend of the Magic Warrior (US/EU)
Developer: Never Ending Soft Team
Publishers: Ka Sheng (TW), Piko Interactive (US), PixelHeart (EU)
Platform: Unlicensed Genesis
Released in US: May 1, 2018
Released in EU: 2018
Released in RU: 200?
Released in TW: 1996

CopyrightIcon.png This game has hidden developer credits.

Barver Battle Saga: Tai Kong Zhan Shi is the result of Chinese game developers trying to make a Final Fantasy-like RPG on the Genesis. Surprisingly, it turned out to be okay.

The game has two known translations: a terrible, machine-translated Russian one (under the name Final Fantasy), and an English fan translation originally released in 2010, which Piko Interactive later acquired the rights to and released commercially in 2018.

Hidden Developer Logos

Barverbattlesaga hiddencopy.png

At the title screen, press A + B + C + Start to reveal the logos of Ka Sheng, the game's original Taiwanese publisher, and of Taiwan Shin-Shin Electronics. It is unknown what involvement this latter company had in the game's development/publishing.

Hidden Developer Credit

Additionally, another developer credit can be found in the ROM at 0x100772.

*BATTLE SYSTEM*  Written by TSUI-ChienHua
(C)1995 NeverEnding-SoftStudio  IN TAIWAN,TAICHUNG