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Bejeweled 3 (Adobe Flash)

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Title Screen

Bejeweled 3

Developer: PopCap Games
Publisher: PopCap Games
Platform: Adobe Flash

CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

The Flash version of Bejeweled 3 is a stripped-down demo for web users before offering the full product.

Unused Text

This text field describes the various modes you can mouse over on the sub menu.

Secret Sequence Code

The main game class has a check for the word quake. Entering it rumbles the game.

Debugging Info and Hidden Cheats

Similar to Plants vs. Zombies, data.xml contains a commands element. By changing false to true, it will enable the debug functions and hidden cheats.

Cheat Name Key Description
ToggleDebugInfo F1 Renders the game's FPS and other statistics at the top-left corner of the screen.
StepUpdates F3 Pauses the game, if paused advances based off how many steps the game is running at.
ResumeUpdates F4 "Resumes framework updates." Unpauses the game from pausing frames. Restores the game's original step count.
IncUpdatesPerTick F4 "Resumes framework updates." Unpauses the game from pausing frames. Restores the game's original step count.
DecUpdatesPerTick F4 "Resumes framework updates." Unpauses the game from pausing frames. Restores the game's original step count.
InfoCheat i ???
RedGemCheat 1 Changes the highlighted Gem to a Red Gem.
OrangeGemCheat 2 Changes the highlighted Gem to a Orange Gem.
YellowGemCheat 3 Changes the highlighted Gem to a Yellow Gem.
GreenGemCheat 4 Changes the highlighted Gem to a Green Gem.
BlueGemCheat 5 Changes the highlighted Gem to a Blue Gem.
PurpleGemCheat 6 Changes the highlighted Gem to a Purple Gem.
WhiteGemCheat 7 Changes the highlighted Gem to a White Gem.
FlameGemCheat f Changes the highlighted Gem to a Flame Gem.
StarGemCheat s Changes the highlighted Gem to a Star Gem.
RainbowGemCheat r Changes the highlighted Gem to a Hyper Cube.
MultiplierGemCheat m Has no effect (leftover Blitz cheat?).
NormalGemCheat n Changes the highlighted Gem to a Normal Gem.
RemoveGemCheat Backspace Removes the highlighted Gem from the board, no points for removing it are rewarded.
ShatterGemCheat Delete Removes the highlighted Gem from the board with a Shatter effect, no points for removing it are rewarded (leftover Blitz cheat?).
BlazingSpeedCheat b Has no effect (leftover Blitz cheat?).
SpawnCoinTokenCheat c Has no effect (leftover Blitz cheat?).
ForceRareGemCheat g Has no effect (leftover Blitz cheat?).
ForceGameEnd e Terminates the game with game over simulation, including the "NO MORE MOVES" message.
AddPoints p Adds 1,000 points to your current score.
LevelUp l Goes up a level. Bugged due to Gem overlapping messing up.
(Source: LolHacksRule)