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Bio F.R.E.A.K.S. (Arcade)

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Title Screen

Bio F.R.E.A.K.S.

Developer: Midway Games
Platform: Arcade (Midway Seattle)

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.

This game was stuffed away in a cardboard box and found 30 years later in a garage
This game was never completed and/or given a public release.
As a result of this, keep in mind that the developers might have used or deleted some of the content featured here, had the game actually been released.

An arcade adaption of Midway's N64 and PS1 3D fighting game got pretty far into development, but it wasn't able to escape location testing without getting its head lasered off.

Development Text

A list of commands and messages, presumably for a debug console, is present at 0x800F4A4C in memory.

? - Display this list.
KILL		 - Kill both players and exit game
HUD	     - Toggle HUD display on/off
SNAPSHOT   - Save the current screen image to disk
FINDPATH	 - Find camera path for current animation
DELETEPATH - Delete the current camera animation path
EDITPATH   - Edit the current camera animation
SAVEPATH   - Save camera animation path to disk
NEWPATH    - Create camera animation path for currrent animation
CAMERA  - Turn on/off manual camera control
STAT	  - Display current system status (memory, etc)
INFINITE- Set infinite rounds on or off
COLLISIONS - Toggle on/off display of collisions
FREEZE  - Freeze action for snap shots (like STEP, but allow input)
STEP    - Single step (step again to exit mode)
SAVEALL - Saves the selected players animations to disk
SAVE    - Saves the selected animation to disk
LOWER	  - To move the animation down
RAISE	  - To move the animation up (in inches)
LIGHT	  - Set light value (0-255)
AMBIENT - Set ambient light value (0 - 255)
EVENT   - Set special event for frame
LOSELIMB- Shoot off limb. 0=restore. 1=rarm,2=larm,3=head,4=torso
PUSH    - Set amount of push when attack hits (in inches)
VISMASK - Set current players poly visiblity mask
FACE    - Set facial expression for frame
VOLUME  - Set sound volume ( 0 - 31 )
BLUR    - Set blur. usage: BLUR [blur] <from> <to>
MARK    - Set marker for current frame (0-255)
AUTOBLOCKING - Toggles auto blocking on/off
ENERGY  - Toggles energy usage on/off
DAMAGE  - Toggles player damage on/off
TIMER   - Toggles round countdown timer on/off
FX  	  - Play sound FX on channel 1
MUSIC   - Toggles music on or off
ACTIVE  - Set active collision regions for frame
SOUND   - Set sound effect for current frame (G - General, P - Personal)
FALL    - Enable/Disable falling if animation playing
HEADING - Set heading offset at end of animation
ENDS    - Set number of ending tweens
STARTS  - Set number of starting tweens
RATE    - Set animation rate
LOOP    - Play selected animation repeatedly
GO      - Play selected animation once
FRAME   - Select frame
ANIM    - Select animation
PLAYER  - Select player
LIST    - List animation
Target moved to root
Point removed
Point added
frame %d
Recording finished.
Copying frame %d
Pasting data from frame %d to frame %d
] - Forward a frame
[ - Backward a frame
/ - Add/Remove key frame
; - Center target on player
c - Copy current frame location
p - Past copied frame location
. - End recording of key frame
Starting anim 
Start tweens  
Playing anim  
End tweens    
Finished anim 
frame %d
[next frame]
Current player selected: %d
 Loaded | 
 empty  | 
No animation specified.
That animation is empty.
Animation %s not found.
Current frame index %d
Invalid frame specified.
No rate specified.
No number specified.
Disabling falling for animation
Enabling falling for animation
Saving player %d animation...
No group specified.
Music OFF
Music ON
Round countdown timer is now %s.
Damage OFF
Damage ON
Energy OFF
Energy ON
Auto blocking OFF
Auto blocking ON
No sound specified.
Sound must start with G - general or P - player.
No faces loaded.
No face specified.
Face number out of range ( 0 - %d)
Player %d polygon visiblity mask=%d (%02x)
No value specified.
No maker value specified.
Marker number out of range ( 0 - 255)
No blur value specified.
Blur number out of range ( 0 - 255)
Current volume %d
Volume out of range ( 0 - 31)
Volume %d
No event specified.
Event number out of range ( 0 - 255)
Ambient light = %d
Light value out of range ( 0 - 255)
Directional light = %d
No height specified.
Starting height: %d + offset %d
New height: %d
Saving player %d animations...
Freeze mode %s.
Draw collision spheres OFF
Draw collision spheres ON
Infinite rounds OFF
Infinite rounds ON
Manual camera OFF
Manual camera ON
Saving path...
Saving player %d animation...
HUD display is now %s
(Source: Original TCRF research)