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Boukenshatachi - Kenja no Yuigon (FM-7)

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Title Screen

Boukenshatachi - Kenja no Yuigon

Also known as: They, Adventurers Go On
Publisher: ASCII[1]
Platform: FM-7
Released in JP: 1987[1]

DevMessageIcon.png This game has a hidden developer message.
CopyrightIcon.png This game has hidden developer credits.

In post-1970s China, a boy named Kyuu sets on an adventure after receiving a golden key from a dying old man and being sent to a castle for training by his manipulative master.

Developer Messages

Cacti speak Japanese.
...But what does it mean?
This game has text or audio that needs to be translated. If you are fluent with this language, please read our translation guidelines and then submit a translation!

Found at Track 0, Sector 1 of each of the game's two disks are developer messages and comments. For the Disk 1 message, line breaks were added for readability.

The messages are only written in katakana.

The Disk 1 message wonders if the user has read the IPLs of Arion and Thunder Ball. The Disk 2 message asserts that even though the FM-7/77 clock speed is not as powerful as platforms like the Sharp X1 or PC-88SR, games can run fine without an 8MHz clock speed.

Disk 1 Disk 2
< ドウモ コンバンワ! アリオン ヤ サンダーボール ノ IPL ハ ヨンダカナ?
コノ ケンジャノユイゴンモ リキ ヲ イレテ イショクシタカラ タノシンデ クダサイネ!
FM7/77 ヲ メジャー ニ スルカイ カイチョウ by JO1TNQ >
P.S. アンケート ハガキ マッテルヨ! 
│  1986/12/01  │
│ゴコウニュウ マコトニ ア│
│リガトウゴザイマス。 │
│ドウデス? X1 ヤ 8│
│8SR ニ マケナイ スピ│
│ード デショウ!! FM│
│7/77 ハ クロック ナン│
│カ 8MHz ニ シナクタッ│
│テ コウセイノウ ダーイ!│
