Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror
Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror |
Also known as: Les Boucliers de Quetzalcoatl: Les Chevaliers de Baphomet II (FR), Baphomets Fluch II: Die Spiegel der Finsternis (GE), Broken Sword II: La Profezia dei Maya (IT), Broken Sword II: Las Fuerzas del Mal (SP)
George and Nico take a brief break from dealing with sinister conspiracies involving the Knights Templar to deal with a sinister conspiracy theory involving the Mayans.
Debug Text
tty debug console
The tty debug console displays some chatter during gameplay. This is not visible to the user.
... ... ... total mem=1533k aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa might be problem here... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa size=3604480 Calculate 9999 Frames, 10 Sectors strQuit=0, rewindSwitch=0 Stream ends size=46137344 Calculate 9999 Frames, 12 Sectors strQuit=0, rewindSwitch=0 Stream ends aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ... ... ...
The file SLUS_008.12 contains debug text.
%s: path level (%d) error %s: dir was not found CdSearchFile: disc error CdSearchFile: searching %s... %s: found %s: not found CD_newmedia: Read error in cd_read(PVD) CD001CD_newmedia: Disc format error in cd' read(PVD) CD_newmedia: Read error (PT:%08x) CD_newmedia: sarching dir.. %08x,%04x,%04x,%s CD_newmedia: %d dir entries found CD_cachefile: dir not found CD_cachefile: searching... ...(%02x:%02x:%02x) %8d %s CD_cachefile: %d files found $Id: intr.c,v 1.73 1995/11/10 05:29:40 suzu Exp $unexpected interrupt(%04x) intr timeout(%04x:%04x) none$Id: sys.c,v 1.126 1996/09/13 06:29:54 noda Exp $ResetGraph:jtb=%08x,env=%08x ResetGraph(%d)... SetGraphReverse(%d)... SetGraphDebug:level:%d,type:%d reverse:%d SetGrapQue(%d)... DrawSyncCallback(%08x)... SetDispMask(%d)... DrawSync(%d)... %s:bad RECT(%d,%d)-(%d,%d) %s:ClearImageLoadImageStoreImageMoveImageClearOTag(%08x,%d)... ClearOTagR(%08x,%d)... DrawOTag(%08x)... PutDrawEnv(%08x)... DrawOTagEnv(%08x,&08x)... PutDispEnv(%08x)... GPU timeout:que=%d,stat=%08x,chcr=%08x,madr=%08x,func=(%08x)(%08x,%08x) tpage: (%d,%d,%d,%d) clut: (%d,%d) clip (%3d,%3d)-(%d,%d) ofs (%3d,%3d) tw (%d,%d)-(%d,%d) dtd %d dfe %d disp (%3d,%3d)-(%d,%d) screen (%3d,%3d)-(%d,%d) isinter %d isrgb24 %d CdInit: Init failed 0123456789abcdef(null)0123456789ABCDEF id =%08x mode=%08x timaddr=%08x analizing TMD... id=%08X, flags=%d, nobj=%d, objid=%d vert=%08X, nvert=%d norm=%08X, nnorm=%d prim=%08X, nprim=%d Sync: timeout DMA STATUS ERROR %x MDEC_rest:bad option(%d) MDEC_in_syncMDEC_out_sync DMA=(%d,%d), ADDR=(0x%08x->0x%08x) FIFO=(%d,%d),BUSY=%d,DREQ=(%d,%d),RGB24=%d,STP=%d %s timeout: 0123456789abcdef(null)0123456789ABCDEF CdlReadSCdlSeekPCdlSeekLCdlGetTDCdlGetTNCdlGetlocPCdlGetlocL?CdlSetmodeCdlSetfilterCdlDemuteCdlMuteCdlResetCdlPauseCdlStopCdlStandby CdlReadNCdlBackwordCdlForwardCdlPlayCdlSetlocCdlNopCdlSyncDiskErrorDataEndAcknowledgeCompleteDataReadyNoIntrCD timeout: %s:(%s) Sync=%s, Ready=%s DiskError: com=%s,code=(%02x:%02x) CDROM: unknown intr(%d) CD_syncCD_ready%s... %s: no param CD_cw$Id: bios.c,v 1.80 1996/09/11 07:02:15 ayako Exp $CD_init:addr=%08x CD_datasyncCdRead: sector error CdRead: Shell open... CdRead: retry... DMA bus error: code=%08x MADR[%d]=%08x SPU:T/O [%s] wait (reset)wait (wrdy H -> L)wait (dmaf clear/W)<NULL>\STREAMS\Sequence filename too long (%s line %u)anims.cpp\SPEECH.CLU;1Failed to allocate %d for sequence speech Failed to obtain an id for sequence speech .STR;1Driver Error %.8x in Process_layer(%d) [%s line %u d_di.cpp Driver Error %.8x with sprite %s (%d) in Process_image [%s line %u] ERROR: %d has no anim resource in Register_frameFN_set_palette(0) called, but no current screen available! (%s line %u)Exit with Report %s ERROR: debug_text_blocks[] full in Make_debug_text_block() at line %d in file "%s" debug.cpp %d fpsMem %dFN_set_event out of event slots (%s line %u) events.cpp Set_event out of event slotsfn_send_event out of event slots Start_event can't find event for id %d FN_start_event can't find event for id %dÿÿÿÿÿÿXOnlV Enter interpreter data %x, object %x, offset %d Start script %d with offset %d Start script with offset %d End scriptPush local var %d (%d) Interpreter ASSERT %s,%dinterpre.cppAssert error in interpreter Push global var %d (%d) Pop %d into var %d Call mcode %d with stack = %x Push address of local variable %d (%x) Push int32 %d (%x) Skip %d if %d is false Skip %d+= %d into var %d->%d-= %d into var %d->%d Pop %d into global var %d+= %d into global var %d->%d-= %d into global var %d->%d%d == %d -> %d%d + %d -> %d%d - %d -> %d%d * %d -> %d%d / %d -> %d%d != %d -> %d%d > %d -> %d%d < %d -> %d Process text id %d Push address of far variable (%x)%d || %d -> %d Interpreter error: Invalid token %d Logic engine %d not a run_list Logic engine %d is not an object %d %x Logic_engine %d not a far object (its a %d) Process_session: illegal script return type %d (%s line %u) logic.cpp RESTART the loopLogic_up id %d has run off script tree! :-Oclosing closed text bloc number %dtallennazapisz %d- state %d, ad %x, size %d, p %d, c %d,id %d Twalloc ran out of memory! %d %d %d Total used memory = %d Pool Size = %d CRwalloc failed to get memory VirtualDefrag said was there releasing ERROR: mouse.pointer==0 for object %d (%s) - update logic script!xxMissing line %d of %s (only 0..%d) \RESOURCE.INF;1\RESOURCE.TAB;1\;1\SCRIPTS.CLU;1SCRIPTS.CLUInitResMan cannot find SCRIPTS.CLU in resource.inf \TEXT.CLU;1TEXT.CLUInitResMan cannot find TEXT.CLU in resource.inf \PLAYERS.CLU;1PLAYERS.CLUInitResMan cannot find PLAYERS.CLU in resource.inf \GENERAL.CLU;1GENERAL.CLUInitResMan cannot find GENERAL.CLU in resource.inf \PARIS.CLU;1PARIS.CLUInitResMan cannot find PARIS.CLU in resource.inf Res_open illegal resource %d (there are %d resources 0-%d) No vag for resource %d Res_open tried to open null & void resource number %d cannot fit res %d into memory, len %d Failed to allocate %d of sound memory PANIC - Two copies of same resource in memory. %d ERROR: walkGridList[] full in %s line %d router.cpp %sincorrect CUR_PLAYER_ID=%d (%s line %u) saverest.cpp ERROR: Sound queue overflow in FN_play_fx() FN_choose with no subjects :-O holding FN_they_do %d not an object FN_they_do_we_wait %d not an object FN_we_wait %d not an object FN_timed_wait %d not an object EVENT timed Cout\SPEECH.CLU;1 Failed to allocate %d for speech initialising start menu STARTUP.INF Init_start_menu cannot open startup.inf WARNING MAX_starts exceeded!%d screen manager objects+querying screen manager %d- resource %d ok- resource %d invalidNo run list available ------- Thankyou for Playing Broken Sword II ------- \;1 Read_file %d memman not enough space Read_file %d memman not enough space [file=%s line=%u] tony_gsd.cpp Invalid direction (%d) in FN_walk (%s line %u) walker.cpp WARNING: FN_walk_to_anim(%s) used standby coords Invalid direction (%d) in FN_walk_to_anim (%s line %u) Invalid direction (%d) in FN_turn (%s line %u) Invalid direction (%d) in FN_stand_at (%s line %u) WARNING: FN_stand_after_anim(%s) used standby coords Invalid direction (%d) in FN_stand_after_anim (%s line %u) WARNING: FN_stand_at_anim(%s) used standby coords FN_face_mega %d not an object FN_walk_to_talk_to_mega %d not an object FN_set_walkgrid no longer valid FN_register_walkgrid no longer valid Invalid direction (%d) in FN_set_standby_coords (%s line %u) error: could not create file Failed writing header error: failed whilst writing data error: could not open file! Error failed whilst reading header Error failed whilst reading data Error could not open file to read header...%s this is not kanji !! total mem=%dk Mem - Cannot allocate pool UID of failing alloc %d Mem - Error run out of blocks Requested %d Largest free block = %d? MEM_nullMEM_freeMEM_lockedMEM_floatbase %d total %d %d- state %s, ad %x, size %d, p %d, c %d,id %u Total used memory = %d Pool Size = %d l %u, f %u, x %u %u \QUANTUM.CLU;1Cannot allocate %d data for fast load ERROR: no controller %d PANIC - More resources than can handle %d > %d Error 1 - Cannot find %s ? Error 1 DiskError? %d Options I MEMORY CARD Screen Settings Brightness Volume Controller Speed (Digital only) Exit Normal Controller Speed Fast Controller Speed Digital Controller Speed Settings Brightness Setting Back MEMORY CARD slot 1 ... Save Delete Format processing ready full not inserted unformatted EMPTY BLOCK BLOCK UNAVAILABLE BLOCK IN USE €Block in use Save to block Load from block Unknown file Delete block Format MEMORY CARD Format Unavailable Delete Unavailable - Yes - No - Succeeded - Failed Player Computer Speech Music Please insert a Controller or Mouse - Loading - Saving - Deleteing - Formatting Subtitles A Disc error has occured0M€The Disc may be dirty BASLUS-00812\WARNING.TIM;1cÿLoading€Broken Sword 2: %s%d>Checksum error BASLUS-00812%c\TITLE.VAG;1\CREDITS.TXT;1Cannot find Credits.txt \STREAMS\DUMMY.STR;1 Could not find DUMMY.STR Select Start Point(null)\SCREENS.CLU;1<<<<F--- Welcome to Broken Sword II --- might be problem here... Warning not enough strips to cope with screen %d strip too big %d %d a%d %d %d %d %d %d %d \MUSIC.CLU;1%d %d Cannot reallocate music memory \STREAMS\INTRO.STR;1\STREAMS\CRAVE.STR;1\STREAMS\RDEMO.STR;1\SWORD2\RDEMO.STR;1\STREAMS\BDEMO.STR;1\SWORD2\INTRO.STR;1Calculate %d Frames, %d Sectors Found sector frame index over > num (%ld < %d) Found sector frame index < internal frame count. (%ld < %d) Internal frame count > calculated last (%d >= %d). Found bad sized frame (%d x %d) is not (%d x %d),quit. Could not find stream file '%s'. size=%d strQuit=%d, rewindSwitch=%d Stream ends Stream - Unable to set seek location Stream - Unable to start streaming ... ... ...
Unused Video
The American release contains an earlier version of the intro cutscene on the folder STREAMS, labeled as INTRO_X.STR.
Regional Differences
Intro Cutscene
The American release adds an additional screen before the Revolution logo appears.
Main Menu
The European release has options to view demonstration videos for this game, as well as for Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars. These are not present in the American release, though the videos are still in the data.
EU | US |
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The Broken Sword series
| |
PlayStation | Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars • Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror |
PlayStation 2/Windows/Xbox | Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon |
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- Games released in December
- Games with hidden development-related text
- Games with unused cinematics
- Games with debugging functions
- Games with regional differences
- Broken Sword series
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Games > Games by release date > Games released in December
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