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Bubble Bobble Nostalgie

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Title Screen

Bubble Bobble Nostalgie

Developer: GameOverGames[1]
Publisher: Alawar Entertainment[1]
Platform: Windows
Released internationally: 2000

SourceIcon.png This game has uncompiled source code.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.

A Windows clone of Bubble Bobble.

Development Text and Uncompiled Code

Present in the executable are some development-related text strings along with uncompiled source code (?):

runtime error   
  TLOSS error
   SING error
    DOMAIN error
- unable to initialize heap
- not enough space for lowio initialization
- not enough space for stdio initialization
- pure virtual function call
- not enough space for _onexit/atexit table
- unable to open console device
- unexpected heap error
- unexpected multithread lock error
- not enough space for thread data
abnormal program termination
- not enough space for environment
- not enough space for arguments
- floating point not loaded
    Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library    

  Runtime Error!

Program:    ... <program name unknown>

 Failed to obtain video memory
 Error: Lock surface (define lPitch) %s
Failed to create palette '%s'
 Error: Create offscreen surface %s
Error: DXCreateClipper-> %s
   Error: GetAttachedSurface->%s
 Error: CreatePrimarySurface-> %s
  DX Error %s at %s->, %d
   W:\Bubble\Src\DirectX.cpp   Error: SetCooperativeLevel-> %s
   Error: DirectDrawCreateEx-> %s
Fullscreen = %d
   DXInit( %x,%d,%d,%d )
 Error: DXFlip (window blitting) %s
Calling OnSurfacelost
 Error: DVLockRenderSurface %s
 Error: DXFlip (fullscreen) %s
 Surface is in video memory
Surface is in system memory
   Error: DXCreateSurface-> %s
   Create surface (%d,%d) == %d
  r   screen%02d.pcx  Error create surface DXLoadToSurface
  Error DecodePcx in DXLoadPCXToSurface

File not found!
   Loading level '%s'
Levels\Level%d  Levels\HappyEnd bubble4.s3m     Passwords   p%d pass2   pass    Lives   Levels count    Description Author  Name    Project data    This is not Bubble Bobble Project file
project.ini Can't open pack '%s'
  Graphics\Backgrounds\%s.bmp backtiles   Graphics\Walls\%s.bmp   tiles   item place  special place   Can't find '%s'
Loading '%s'

  %d  Error create surface for borders
  borders.dat Loading back tile '%s'
Backs\%02d.tga  GameScreen  Can't load '%s'
   tittle.pcx  tittle2.pcx Can't load tileset '%s'
   tiles.tga   Load tile '%s'
DirectDrawCreateEx  Couldn't create CLSID_DirectMusic
Couldn't CreateSurface
   Couldn't Set coop level
  Couldn't QI DDraw2
   Couldn't create DDraw
Couldn't LoadLibrary DDraw
   DirectDrawCreate    DDRAW.DLL   Couldn't GetProcAddress DInputCreate
DirectInputCreateA Couldn't LoadLibrary DInput

    File not found %s
 Loaded PCX %s
 TransColor  Priority    RB  CB  LB  RC  CC  LC  RT  CT  LT  .allign .ofsy   .ofsx   .bottom .top    .right  .left   At  To  From    Frame   Surface Open    Greating Surface %d %s
All files unloaded.
   All images deleted.
   All surfaces deleted.


Joystick found: %s
Keyboard Initialize Error!  

Init Input Devices.

Mouse Change Coop Level

Screen switched to %s
 Call %s::InitSurface()
Call %s::OnDisplay()


  1. 1.0 1.1 RAWG