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Title Screen


Developers: Pangea Software (Mac), Hoplite Research (Windows, 2000), Ideas From the Deep (Windows, 2003)
Publishers: Pangea Software (Mac), On Deck Interactive (Windows, 2000), Ideas From the Deep (Windows, 2003)
Platforms: Mac OS Classic, Windows
Released in US: June 25, 1999 (Mac), October 27, 2000 (Hoplite Research), March 24, 2003 (Ideas From the Deep)

MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.

Pangea's biggest hit yet, this all-ages 3D platformer was bundled with iMacs and iBooks, ported to Windows (twice), and followed up with a sequel.

Just don't tell the developer that it had anything to do with A Bug's Life or Antz.

Unused Music

LawnSongOld.aiff contains a demo version of the music for Levels 1 and 2. The music is louder, lacks the twinkling notes, and fades toward the end.

Level Select

On the main menu, hold down F10 (on Mac version 1.2.0 or newer) or Tilde and click on the "Start" icon in the main menu. This brings up a dialog box that allows the player to go to any level.

The only Disney connection in this game is on level 5, when you K.O. the Little Mermaid.

Debug Keys

While in the game, press Command (Mac) or Tilde (Windows) along with one of the following keys to activate the corresponding effect:

 Key  Effect
F1 Win current level
F2 Win game
F3 Full health
F4 Full ball timer
F5 Full inventory
F6 Toggle invincibility when on water
F8 Display frame rate
F9 Display debug collision boxes

(Source: Pangea Software)