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Bugs:Cave Story 3D

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This page details bugs of Cave Story 3D.

Item Quit Glitch

Also known as the 'beast fang glitch', this is an exploitable bug present in the US and EU releases of CS3D.

The way Cave Story works is that almost every interactable action in-game - cutscenes, dialogue, talking to NPCs, moving to a new map, etc - is controlled by events in a script written in TSC. Each event has a 4-digit number assigned to it (such as #0200), and that 4-digit number will then be called to run the event, whether by interacting with an NPC who has that event number set to it, or through a TSC command. Outside of a few special cases, such as your inventory or post-death dialogue ('You have died', etc), events are map specific: in one map, #0200 might be inspect text, in another, it might be used to animate an NPC in a cutscene.

What the item quit glitch does, basically, is swap the scripts associated with a map - for example, putting the script for, say... the Outer Wall in Arthur's House. Since which script in what map is controllable by the player (albeit limited to maps where you can save), if you have even a basic knowledge of Cave Story's internal workings, you can exploit this to some hilarious results.


To do:


CS3D's scripts are the same as the 2D versions, with edits made where necessary to incorporate new commands/maps/extra health, etc. This includes cutscenes, and their calls for NPC animations - not all of which exist in CS3D, so nothing happens when they're called... and they forgot to remove the pauses to account them, so a few cutscenes just pause awkwardly for a second (most notably when first talking to Momorin). Oops.