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Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth (Windows)

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Title Screen

Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth

Developer: Headfirst Productions
Publisher: Bethesda Softworks
Platform: Windows
Released internationally: June 16, 2009
Released in US: April 26, 2006
Released in EU: March 24, 2006

DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth is a survival horror game that delayed for quite some time, due to some developer and publisher difficulties. If run on Windows Vista or later, it also cuts three important lights that were present in the Xbox version's cannon scene.

Debug Menu

To do:
Screenshot of the debug menu

The debug menu is included in the game, but requires a third-party patch to activate. Sucklead's patch only activates the debug menu on the original retail version, with the Stream distribution being protected against modifying the main executable file.

Some text associated with the debug menu and related functionality appears in practically every .bat file within the scripts folder.

=================== GAME IS NOT IN FULL RELEASE =====================
===================   DEBUG OUTPUT IS ACTIVE    =====================
=============== IGNORE THE FOLLOWING ERROR IF THIS IS A CUTSCENE ==================
================================[ CRITICAL ERROR ]=================================
=== [ERROR] (GeneralPreLevelSetup.hfs): Level number has not been set correctly ===
=========================== Level number is shown below ===========================
***********  [DEBUG] GIVING ALL JOURNAL ITEMS ***********
***********  [DEBUG] UNLOCKING DIFFICULTY LEVELS ***********
***********  [DEBUG] UNLOCKING CINEMATICS ******************
******* DIFFICULTY EASY **************
******* DIFFICULTY NORMAL **************
******* DIFFICULTY HARD **************
******* DIFFICULTY MYTHOS **************
================================[ CRITICAL ERROR ]=================================
=== [ERROR] (GeneralPreLevelSetup.hfs): Difficulty level not been set correctly ===
============== value returned from D_GetDifficultyLevel() below... ================