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Capcom Classics Collection (PlayStation 2)

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Title Screen

Capcom Classics Collection

Developer: Digital Eclipse
Publisher: Capcom
Platforms: PlayStation 2
Released in JP: March 2, 2006
Released in US: September 27, 2005
Released in EU: November 18, 2005

CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

A bunch of old Capcom games to play on your PlayStation 2 or Xbox, with some, rather difficult to obtain unlockables if you don't know the games very well... Many of these games later became ported to many other systems, making this collection kinda pointless now.

Also, the ports of Street Fighter II here come from Street Fighter Collection 2.

Debug Mode

CapcomClassicsCollection1 - Debugmode1.png

Applying the below code will put the game into a debug mode, unlocking various extra options. This unlocks the following features:

  • Puts a build date at the title screen and in each game's title screens.
  • Enables an instant unlock feature for unlockables.
  • Enables two debug menus inside the pause screens.
  • Enables a debug menu by pressing R3 while in a game (only works on certain titles).
PlayStation 2 Capcom Classics Collection Vol.1 USA codes:

Master Code (Only needed for a cheat device)
9014B5E0 0C052D20

Enable Debug Mode
D025689C 0000BEEF
(Source: Punk7890 (access method), Ferrox (text discovery)

Debug Unlock

CapcomClassicsCollection1 - Debugmode2.png

Pressing Square in a category that contains an unlock will instantly unlock them.

Debug Menus

CapcomClassicsCollection1 - Debugmode3.png CapcomClassicsCollection1 - Debugmode4.png CapcomClassicsCollection1 - Debugmode5.png CapcomClassicsCollection1 - Debugmode6.png CapcomClassicsCollection1 - Debugmode7.png CapcomClassicsCollection1 - Debugmode8.png

This enables two debug menus in each game's pause screen. By pressing R3 in certain titles will open another debug menu.

FPS Display

CapcomClassicsCollection1 - DebugmodeFPS.png

A FPS and total memory display debug function can be seen here. These are not part of Debug Mode.

Unused Code

CapcomClassicsCollection1 - Coming Soon.png

Unused code which disables a game can be seen here. It will also display Coming Soon !! over the game title. No game uses this.