Capcom Classics Mini Mix
Capcom Classics Mini Mix |
Developer: Sensory Sweep This game has uncompiled source code. |
Capcom Classics Mini Mix is a Game Boy Advance compilation of three Capcom NES games: Strider, Mighty Final Fight, and Bionic Commando.
Development Text
Some development related text can be found at 0x75F0 and 0x10F3B8 in the ROM.
LOADED: Bionic Commando LOADED: Strider LOADED: Mighty Final Fight asm=%x size = %8x %d h %d PANIC!!! %4x = %2x OPCODE %2x %2x %2x (%s) A %2x A %2x -> %2x WARNING: A REG OVERFLOW!!! X %2x X %2x -> %2x WARNING: X REG OVERFLOW!!! Y %2x Y %2x -> %2x WARNING: Y REG OVERFLOW!!! SP %2x SP %2x -> %2x WARNING: SP REG OVERFLOW!!! PC %4x PC %4x -> %4x PSR %2x PSR %2x -> %2x WARNING: PSR REG OVERFLOW!!! (%d) sum = %x PC = %4x <press A>
BAD get_local_addr %8x BAD 16 read %4x EXPANSION ROM WRITE ERROR: no mapper!!! using mapper MMC1 using mapper MMC3 %2x %2x %2x %2x:%2x %2x %2x %2x gtimer = %d
6502 instruction listings
Present at 0x10EE20 in the ROM is a list of 6502 instructions, which may possibly have been used in debugging NES emulation, given NES CPU being a variant 6502. The list appears to be mostly sorted in descending numerical order of opcode bytes, skipping undocumented instructions aside from a single BAD OP entry near the bottom of the list, which could correspond to the smallest illegal 6502 opcode byte (0x02).
INC $aaaa,X SBC $aaaa,X SBC $aaaa,Y SED INC $aa,X SBC $aa,X SBC ($aa),Y BEQ aa INC $aaaa SBC $aaaa CPX aaaa NOP SBC #aa INX INC $aa SBC $aa CPX aa SBC ($aa,X) CPX #aa DEC aaaa,X CMP aaaa,X CMP aaaa,Y CLD DEC aa,X CMP aa,X CMP (aa),Y BNE aa DEC aaaa CMP aaaa CPY aaaa DEX CMP #aa INY DEC aa CMP aa CPY aa CMP (aa,X) CPY #aa LDX $aaaa,Y LDA $aaaa,X LDY $aaaa,X TSX LDA $aaaa,Y CLV LDX $aa,Y LDA $aa,X LDY $aa,X LDA ($aa),Y BCS aa LDX $aaaa LDA $aaaa LDY $aaaa TAX LDA #aa TAY LDX $aa LDA $aa LDY $aa LDX #aa LDA ($aa,X) LDY #aa STA $aaaa,X TXS STA $aaaa,Y TYA STX $aa,Y STA $aa,X STY $aa,X STA ($aa),Y BCC aa STX $aaaa STA $aaaa STY $aaaa TXA DEY STX $aa STA $aa STY $aa STA ($aa,X) ROR $aaaa,X ADC aaaa,X ADC $aaaa,Y SEI ROR $aa,X ADC aa,X ADC ($aa),Y BVS aa ROR $aaaa ADC aaaa JMP ($aaaa) ROR A ADC #aa PLA ROR $aa ADC aa RTS LSR $aaaa,X EOR $aaaa,X EOR $aaaa,Y CLI LSR $aa,X EOR $aa,X EOR ($aa),Y BVC aa LSR $aaaa EOR $aaaa JMP $aaaa LSR A EOR #aa PHA LSR $aa EOR $aa EOR ($aa,X) RTI ROL $aaaa,X AND aaaa,X AND aaaa,Y SEC ROL $aa,X AND aa,X AND (aa),Y BMI aa ROL $aaaa AND aaaa BIT aaaa ROL A AND #aa PLP ROL $aa AND aa BIT aa AND (aa,X) JSR $aaaa ASL aaaa,X ORA $aaaa,X ORA $aaaa,Y CLC ASL aa,X ORA $aa,X ORA ($aa),Y BPL aa ASL aaaa ORA $aaaa ASL A ORA #aa PHP ASL aa ORA $aa BAD OP ORA ($aa,X) BRK
The Capcom series
| |
PlayStation 2 | Capcom Classics Collection |
PlayStation Portable | Capcom Classics Collection: Reloaded • Capcom Classics Collection: Remixed |
Game Boy Advance | Capcom Classics Mini Mix |
Plug & Play | Capcom 3-in-1 |
PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Windows | Capcom Beat 'Em Up Bundle • Capcom Arcade Stadium • Capcom Fighting Collection • Capcom Arcade 2nd Stadium |
See also | |
19xx • Ace Attorney • Bionic Commando • Breath of Fire • Buster Bros. • Commando • Darkstalkers • Final Fight • Ghosts'n Goblins • Marvel vs. Capcom • Mega Man • Power Stone • Resident Evil • Street Fighter • Strider |
- Pages missing developer references
- Games developed by Sensory Sweep
- Pages missing publisher references
- Games published by Capcom
- Game Boy Advance games
- Pages missing date references
- Games released in 2006
- Games released in August
- Games released on August 19
- Games with uncompiled source code
- Games with hidden development-related text
- Capcom series
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Games > Games by content > Games with uncompiled source code
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Sensory Sweep
Games > Games by platform > Game Boy Advance games
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Capcom
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 2006
Games > Games by release date > Games released in August
Games > Games by release date > Games released in August > Games released on August 19
Games > Games by series > Capcom series