Darklight Conflict (PlayStation, Sega Saturn)
Darklight Conflict |
Developer: Rage Software
Commented-Out Strings |
Unused Voice Lines |
Arcade Mode Leftovers
M70.MDL is the main script file for the Arcade Mode. Despite that the file is loaded by the game's executable, the absence of the mode in this port essentially makes it unused. Within the data, more files relating to the Arcade Mode can be found, labeled as M71.MDL, M72.MDL, M73.MDL and M74.MDL, but they're never referenced by the game's files, and neither by the executable. Text data also exists within the "mission briefing" repository (e.g. MISBR_EN.TXT for English).
English | French |
Arcade Mission briefing. We have no specific instructions at this time other than .... GET SOME! Good luck, pilot |
ARCADE Instructions. Nous n'avons qu'une seule instruction pour l'instant, pilote: ACCROCHEZ-VOUS! Bonne chance! |
German | Italian |
ARCADE Einsatzanweisungen. Im Moment haben wir keinen Auftrag für Sie, nur den hier: BESORGEN SIE SICH EINEN! Viel Glück, Pilot |
ARCADE Briefing missione. Al momento non abbiamo altre istruzioni più specifiche se non.... PRENDINE TANTI! Buona fortuna, pilota |
Spanish | Swedish |
ARCADE Informe de la misión. No tenemos ningunas instrucciones en este momento aparte de... ¡BUSCATE ALGUNA! Buena suerte piloto |
ARKADSPEL Uppdragsgenomgång. Vid denna tidpunkt har vi inga specifika instruktioner annat än .... GE DEM VAD DE TÅL! Lycka till, pilot |
Unused Text
Fallback Clear/Fail Text
Each of the game's "mission clear" and "mission fail" text repositories (e.g. MISOK_EN.TXT and MISNG_EN.TXT for English text) contain "default" messages that are never used.
English | French |
! Success ! Congratulations, pilot. |
! Succès ! Félicitations, pilote! |
German | Italian |
! Erfolg! ! Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Pilot! |
! Successo ! Congratulazioni, pilota. |
Spanish | Swedish |
¡ Exito ! Felicidades, piloto. |
!Framgång! Var hälsad, pilot! |
English | French |
! Failure ! Bad luck, pilot. |
Echec! Pas de chance, pilote! |
German | Italian |
Fehlschlag! Schlecht gelaufen, Pilot! |
! Fallimento ! Che sfortuna, pilota. |
Spanish | Swedish |
¡ Fallaste ! Mala suerte, piloto. |
! Misslyckande ! Otur, pilot. |
CREDITS.TXT seems to contain text strings for a staff roll. However, these are never used, since the game instead opts to use a video.
position 0 0 0 0 0 0 "CREDITS" end position -1000 -5000 10000 0 0 0 "PROGRAMERS" "" "ALAN WEBB" "TONY POMF" "JOHN MAC" end position 5000 0 5000 0 0 45 "ART WORK" "" "SIMON STREET" "JOHN J" "ANDY J" "IAN R" end position 1000 0 15000 0 30 245 "MANAGEMENT" "" "GROVER" end
Unused Code
Early Map Scripts - PlayStation only
The wonderfully named FUCK.MDL, inside folder SCRIPTS, is a slightly different version of M20.MDL. The only difference comes from a missing stubbed out line of code in the former.
In the same folder, there also exists a file named TEST2.MDL, which is an early version of M46.MDL. However, the differences here are more noticeable; many lines of code are missing. Comparing the code that exists in both files, however, reveals only one difference.
line 58link portal 1.1 to 11.1 via 13 |
line 72position 0 0 -400 relative to portal 1.1 |
Other Files
SARCADE.MDL, ARCADE01.MDL, ARCADE02.MDL, ARCADE03.MDL, ARCADE04.MDL, and ARCADE05.MDL seem to be early versions of the Arcade mode files. They are never referenced by the game's executable.
Likewise, DOCKTEST.MDL seems to be a very early version of one of the game's missions, and is also not referenced by the executable.
There are also testing files that are referenced by the executable, such TESTMISS.MDL and WINGHYPE.MDL.
Debugging Text
tty debug console (PS1 Only)
The tty debug console displays a lot of chatter while playing the game. This is not visible to the user.
cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=835) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=837) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=839) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=840) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=842) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=844) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=846) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=848) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=850) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=851) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=853) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=855) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=857) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=859) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=860) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=862) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=864) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=866) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=868) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=869) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=871) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=873) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=875) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=877) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=879) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=880) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=882) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=884) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=886) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=888) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=889) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=891) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=893) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=895) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=897) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=898) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=900) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=902) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=904) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=906) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=907) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=909) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=911) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=913) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=915) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=917) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=918) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=920) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=922) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=924) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=1541) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=1543) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=1545) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=1547) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=1549) ... ... ... cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=2543) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=2544) cbdataready: CdlDataEnd (track=0,time=2546) ... ... ...
Each version's executable contains debugging symbols. The ones presented below are from the PlayStation version, though most strings should be the same between both versions.
M70.MDL TESTMISS.MDL WINGHYPE.MDL ANDY3.MDL ANDY2.MDL M50.MDL M49.MDL M48.MDL M47.MDL M46.MDL M45.MDL M44.MDL M43.MDL M42.MDL M41.MDL M40.MDL M39.MDL M38.MDL M37.MDL M36.MDL M35.MDL M34.MDL M33.MDL M32.MDL M31.MDL M30.MDL M29.MDL M28.MDL M27.MDL M26.MDL M25.MDL M24.MDL M23.MDL M22.MDL M21.MDL M20.MDL M19.MDL M18.MDL M17.MDL M16.MDL M15.MDL M14.MDL M13.MDL M12.MDL M11.MDL M10.MDL M09.MDL M08.MDL M07.MDL M06.MDL M05.MDL M04.MDL M03.MDL M02.MDL M01.MDL VAGS [front] [game] %02d:%02d:%02d STILS %d.TIM M\MIS_MODS.TMD TMD Header ERROR TOD contains a camera! XS elements %s TodSetPacket Invalid poly type %X in object %d cloaking device widow maker virus bomb tractor beam screamer rocket rector bomb recon pod mine judgement cube escort missile drive seeker darklight drive fragment cannon laser cannon torpedo plasma cannon standard cannon no weapon task data overflow VIEWER.PSX sun tim [game] model viewer: unknown type DA PLAYING DA SEEKING DA PAUSING DA SETMODE DA IDLE DA NOTINIT CSFX64.VAG CSFX67B.VAG CSFX35.VAG CSFX58C.VAG VIRUSLP.VAG CSFX56C2.VAG CSFX46D.VAG CSFX53B.VAG CSFX57B.VAG CSFX39.VAG CSFX55B.VAG SFX49.VAG CSFX44.VAG CSFX48.VAG SFX39.VAG CSFX38.VAG SFX40.VAG SFX42.VAG SFX41.VAG CSFX83.VAG CSFX02.VAG CSFX01.VAG CSFX86C.VAG CSFX85C.VAG ENG_MED.VAG ENG_BIG.VAG ENG_WARD.VAG ENG_HANG.VAG ENG_GUNP.VAG CSFX73B.VAG CSFX03B.VAG SFX19.VAG SFX83.VAG CSFX16.VAG ACCEL.VAG CSFX04D.VAG CSFX79.VAG CSFX82.VAG CSFX80.VAG CSFX78.VAG SFX37C.VAG HYPER.VAG CSFX87.VAG CSFX84.VAG SPEECH_F SPEECH_D SPEECH_E %d.VAG MISSIONS.SFX VAGS [%02d] \RAGE.STR;1 \DCRED.STR;1 \DOUTRO.STR;1 \DINTRO.STR;1 SOUND\ MISSIONS\ ANDYMODS\TIMS\ ANDYMODS\TODS\ ANDYMODS\ TIMS\ \ ;1 .INF .WAD repton ovftr01 human vulftr01 reppod02 repftr02 vulftr01 repbomb flag ids must be in the range 0-31 flag %d label was previously defined no flag named to true false expected true or false but fail if from sample speech sector not listed in regions create track create generate sfx hyperspace not listed in regions wait until go to enter portal patrol path home in on hunt defend attack cloak decloak orbit spin drop pause fly with set flag jump race remove expected task hero master gunpost slave gunpost element of unknown type position heading launch tractorable allow jump label hero is automatically labelled mission critical hero is automatically mission critical armed with no collision with task then pulse cannon portal sector number out of range . portal number out of range pointing at up left right down expected left ,right, up or down expected a weapon name at too many weapon positions from sector number out of range from portal number out of range to sector number out of range to portal number out of range via via hyperspace number out of range MAX_PROCS(32) exceeded terminate if procedure name not found forever times cannon only on off ore4 ore3 ore2 ore1 astk astj asti asth astg astf aste astd astc astb asta M\ASTEROID.TMD killer asta asteroids about between and attached to dolly trackseg sequence end of sequence too many segments in track bad transform type in track procedure name previously defined end procedure clear sector in sector in hyperspace link portal unlink portal pause wait until fail if message set waypoint to cancel waypoint label flag set flag illegal procedure instruction until for sector number out of range . portal number out of range end of path Too may waypoints in path need at least one waypoint can't find from offset radius heading up start angle speed orbit never completes spin never completes " no flag named flag ids must be in the range 0-31 to true false expected true or false then delete time ovsuit start from " no flag named flag ids must be in the range 0-31 is true false expected true or false unknown group in sector sector not listed in regions can't find sector hyperspace hyperspace not listed in regions expected sector or hyperspace < = > expected relational operator of cant find object destroyed unknown group: tractored number of flag out of expected a weapon name you stupid fuck any element distance between and can't find object not tractored cloaked infected in not in expected a condition tractor beam off or bad condition type new_place : buffer overflow. no object no object matches sector number out of range . portal number out of range element of portal waypoint " random relative to expected relative offset object relative to SCRIPTS expected expected number too many dots in float " expected closing quotes string too long string buffer overflow PARSING ERROR: %s "%s" Line %hu in file %s move_object failed, illegal object region too many groups viewer title distance section strength turret barrel min angle max angle left barrel port right barrel port doorid top bottom right left front back expected an orientation port components structure end type normal gunpost hangar door portal dockport null expected normal,gunpost,hangar etc... component doesn't exist non-critical armed with ( armed with ) not a barrel! expected a weapon name rotation speed label dynamics mass linear drag yaw drag pitch drag bank drag vertical stability linear thrust angular thrust cockpit cannon position torpedo too many torpedo positions heading engine scale tmdid type zdefs cycleclut tmdfile misc todfile group points reptons ovons mine portals asteroids PSX.ODL WARNING: number of type descs(%d) exceeds MAX_TYPE_DESCS(%d) Warning: In game load of %s [ %s ] invalid local text key: mission regions sector too many regions sector number out of range hyperspace hyperspace number out of range factions " too many groups in faction unknown group v end of mission clear sector in sector in hyperspace link portal unlink portal pause wait until fail if message local message speech set waypoint to cancel waypoint label flag set flag procedure run autorun weapon init asteroids reverse controls enemy pointer docked cheat supercheat primary weapons camera end game unknown mission instruction can't find U T T T T T MSGS_SW.TXT MSGS_ES.TXT MSGS_IT.TXT MSGS_FR.TXT MSGS_DE.TXT MSGS_UK.TXT No hero defined %d 317 is duplicated can't find label Mission_label_to_element: can't find Mission_label_to_master: can't find Mission_element_exists_by_index: bad index Mission_get_label_index: bad string bad hyperspace region number too many instructions Script data overflow position heading up hyperway unknown type hue red green blue white cyan magenta yellow black rgb intensity type sun 1 sun 2 portal Too many portals portal number not in sequence length bright dark bolts none positive negative universe sector too many sectors sector number not in sequence hyperspace too many hyperspaces hyperspace number not in sequence end of universe UNIVERSE.UDL M\3DFONT.TMD darklite pad01 Ovon Fighter Kanonkap C psula Artillera Postazione Armata Tourelle Verteidigungssatellit Gun Pod Kanonskepp Ca onera Nave da Guerra Torpilleur Schwerer J ger Gunship Stridsskepp Caza Caccia Chasseur J ger Fighter Bombare Bombardero Bombardiere Bombardier Bomber MISBR%s.TXT d v MISNG%s.TXT %s MISOK%s.TXT %s %s %s %s %s %d %d %s %d/%d %d/%d %s %d [m%d] %s:%d _UK De _UK _DE _FR _IT _ES _SW FRONT%s.TXT MIS%s.TXT DEMO.MDL TITLE.MDL < SVENSKA > < ESPA OL > < ITALIANO > < FRANCAIS > < DEUTSCH > < ENGLISH > X M\FLAGS.TMD TEX_FLAG.TIM %s ----- > %s < ------------ ----- %s ALAN ELVIS JOHN MAC SHINY SCOTT ANDY IAN SHRED GROVER M\3DFONT.TMD CAM_TEXS.TIM %d
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- Games developed by Rage Software
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- Games published by Tec Toy
- PlayStation games
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- Games released in December
- Games with unused code
- Games with hidden developer messages
- Games with hidden development-related text
- Games with unused sounds
- Games with unused text
- Games with debugging functions
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Games > Games by content > Games with hidden development-related text
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Games > Games by content > Games with unused sounds
Games > Games by content > Games with unused text
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Rage Software
Games > Games by platform > PlayStation games
Games > Games by platform > Sega Saturn games
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Electronic Arts
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Tec Toy
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 1997
Games > Games by release date > Games released in December
Games > Games by release date > Games released in July
Games > Games by release date > Games released in July > Games released on July 1
Games > Games by release date > Games released in June
Games > Games by release date > Games released in June > Games released on June 30