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Development:Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver

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This page details development materials of Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver.

How about a nice leek in this trying time?
This page or section details content from the October 2024 Game Freak Leak.
Check the October 2024 Game Freak Leak category for more pages also sourced from this material.
This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.
To do:
  • More early sprites.
  • The entire soundtrack in dppt instruments.
  • gym leader teams with different moves.
  • Should content found in builds be put on a Prototype page, and content only found in the development assets be put here, on the Development page?

On October 12, 2024, development files for Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver were leaked online.


PKMNHGSS CelebiSketch.png
Scratchpads edited from Diamond and Pearl?
Various tracks and early versions of tracks from various points of development.
PokeHGSS ConceptArt LyraSketchConceptFull.png
Concept Art
A sketch is worth a thousand...Pokemon?

Interesting Files

Johto & Kanto Complete Map

"poke_danzyon.xls" contains a map of Kanto and Johto with notes in Japanese underneath.

PkmnHGSS Poke danzyon.xls ジョウト・カントー全体マップ.png
Total Number of Blocks 198 170
Number of Towns 6 (7) 7 (9)
[Number of] Cities 14 (54) 11 (34)
Number of Routes 48 (128) 31 (99)
Others 3 (9) 13 (28)
( ): Number of Blocks

  G/S DS: Alph, [Lake of] Rage, and [Mt.] Silver
  D/P: Lake(s), maps via distributions, etc.
D01 Diglett Hole D11 Seafoam Islands D21 Tower 1 Kansai D9 D31 Whirl Island 4 D41 Mt. Silver Cave
D02 Mt. Moon D12 Pokémon Mansion D22 National Park D32 Haunted House D42 Dark Cave
D03 Cerulean Cave D13 Tower 1 Kansai D1 D23 Radio Tower D33 Blackthorn Frozen Cave D43 Champion Road
D04 Underground Path (Routes 5–6) D14 Castle 1 Kansai D2 D24 Ruins of Alph D34 Mt. Silver Cave D44 Dragon's Den
D05 Rock Tunnel D15 Sprout Tower D25 Union Cave D35 Rocket Hideout D45 Tohjo Falls
D06 Power Plant D16 Tower 1 Kansai D4 D26 Slowpoke Well D36 Ilex Forest D46 Viridian Forest
D07 Pokémon Tower D17 Bell Tower D27 Olivine Lighthouse D37 Underground Path (Goldenrod) D47 Safari Zone
D08 Underground Path (Routes 7–8) D18 Burned Tower D28 Whirl Island 1 D38 Mt. Mortar D48 Gate to Shikoku
D09 Silph Co. D19 Tower 1 Kansai D7 D29 Whirl Island 2 D39 Ice Path D49 Pokéathlon
D10 Pal Park D20 Tower 1 Kansai D8 D30 Whirl Island 3 D40 Whirl Islands D50 Route 47 Cave
P01 Harbour - S.S. Aqua
Grayed out: MissingNo.

Things we'll need this time: Magnet Train, Shikoku, Viridian Forest, and Seafoam Islands
D01_02 Diglett Hole 2 32 4
D42_02 Dark Cave 2 20 6
D42_03 Dark Cave 3 19 10
D39_02 Ice Path 2 21 4

Unused Graphics

To do:
Add content here.

Arceus Event

The Sinjoh Ruins cutscene had several revisions since its inception.


In this first revision, only three test images were used.

PokemonHGSS VER20090509 ld arceus test bg01.png PokemonHGSS VER20090509 ld arceus test bg02.png PokemonHGSS VER20090509 ld arceus test bg03.png
test_bg01 test_bg02 test_bg03


The second revision introduces the “big” set of images (tagged in later revisions of ld_arceus.dat as “序章 ビッグバン” [Prologue: Big Bang] in code comments). However, these end up being unused, as the code still references the “test_bg” images instead.

PokemonHGSS VER20090513 ld arceus big10.png
PokemonHGSS VER20090513 ld arceus big11.png
PokemonHGSS VER20090513 ld arceus big12.png
PokemonHGSS VER20090513 ld arceus big13.png
big10 big11 big12 big13


This revision removes the “test_bg” files from the set, and replaces big10 with a corrupted version that stays that way even in the final release (though it went unused).

PokemonHGSS big10 ld arceus unused.png


This revision introduces two sets of images:

1)arc” (tagged as “アルセウス・アップ” [Arceus' close-ups] in code comments).

PokemonHGSS VER20090527 ld arceus arc01.png PokemonHGSS VER20090527 ld arceus arc02.png PokemonHGSS VER20090527 ld arceus arc03.png PokemonHGSS VER20090527 ld arceus arc04.png
arc01 arc02
arc03 arc04
  • At this point, these are rough sketches.
  • arc02 is not used in the cutscene code in this revision.

2) “circle” (tagged as “アルセウス環” [Arceus' circles] in code comments).

PokemonHGSS VER20090527 ld arceus circle01.png PokemonHGSS VER20090527 ld arceus circle02.png PokemonHGSS VER20090527 ld arceus circle03.png PokemonHGSS VER20090527 ld arceus circle04.png PokemonHGSS VER20090527 ld arceus circle05.png PokemonHGSS VER20090527 ld arceus circle06.png
circle01 circle02 circle03 circle04 circle05 circle06
PokemonHGSS VER20090527 ld arceus circle07.png PokemonHGSS VER20090527 ld arceus circle08.png PokemonHGSS VER20090527 ld arceus circle09.png PokemonHGSS VER20090527 ld arceus circle10.png PokemonHGSS VER20090527 ld arceus circle11.png PokemonHGSS VER20090527 ld arceus circle12.png
circle07 circle08 circle09 circle10
  • These include a blurry version of Arceus' sprite, while the final release overlays the sprite at runtime.
  • The shapes composing Arceus' diagram in this revision appear in a different order vs. the final: the bigger/outer circle appears first, then come the other circles inside, then the inner triangle, etc.
  • Some of the “circle” images were updated later on and shown in a different order in the final release, but circle01, circle02, circle03 and circle11 remained and became unused.

Though this revision only includes the “arc”, “big” and “circle” sets, the code in ld_arceus.dat already includes comments and placeholders for the kind of pictures they wanted to add:

Japanese comment Translation Notes
ビッグバン Big Bang Already present.
アルセウス・アップ Arceus' close-ups Already present.
文明 Civilization Files use the “culture” name, which is another translation for the Japanese word. Included in final cutscene.
自然(水中、森林、川、花) Nature (underwater, forests, rivers and flowers) Later revisions include all the mentioned elements, but the cutscene from the final release only shows one picture of a forest.
高層ビル Skyscrapers Included in final cutscene.
工場 Factory Later revisions include a picture of a factory, but the final release includes none.
エンジン Engine Later revisions include a picture of an engine, but the final release includes a picture of some gears instead.
ハイウエイ Highway Included in final cutscene.
線路 Railroad track Included in final cutscene.
電柱 Telephone pole Later revisions include this, but the final cutscene shows transmission towers instead.
基盤 Circuit board Included in final cutscene.
本棚 Bookshelf Later revisions include a picture of a library, but the final includes a close-up of books instead.
仮D432 Provisional D432 Seems to be a placeholder for frame 432. Each line in ld_arceus.dat has a comment with a number, seemingly counting the amount of frames each command takes. “仮D432” comes just before the line that reaches 432.


This revision introduces a lot of stuff, looking more like the final version.

  • This is the first revision that plays SEQ_GS_E_ARCEUS during the cutscene.
  • arc00 is added to the “arc” set.

PokemonHGSS VER20090625 ld arceus arc00.png

  • big13 has Arceus' sprite removed, reaching its final design.
VER20090513-VER20090527 VER20090602-Final
PokemonHGSS VER20090513 ld arceus big13.png
PokemonHGSS VER20090625 ld arceus big13.png
big13 big13
  • black and white are added (just 256×192 px images filled with black and white, respectively). These are used as transitions and for blending effects.
  • circle01 has Arceus' sprite removed too, and its background color changed, but it goes unused from now onwards.
VER20090527 VER20090602-Final
PokemonHGSS VER20090527 ld arceus circle01.png PokemonHGSS circle01 ld arceus unused.png
circle01 circle01
  • circle02, circle03 and circle11 become unused from this revision onwards. The images are not modified.
  • The rest of the “circle” images are updated and become their final versions, now reflecting the right order of apparition of each shape.
VER20090527 VER20090602-Final
circle04 PokemonHGSS VER20090527 ld arceus circle04.png PokemonHGSS final ld arceus circle04.png
circle05 PokemonHGSS VER20090527 ld arceus circle05.png PokemonHGSS final ld arceus circle05.png
circle06 PokemonHGSS VER20090527 ld arceus circle06.png PokemonHGSS final ld arceus circle06.png
circle07 PokemonHGSS VER20090527 ld arceus circle07.png PokemonHGSS final ld arceus circle07.png
circle08 PokemonHGSS VER20090527 ld arceus circle08.png PokemonHGSS final ld arceus circle08.png
circle09 PokemonHGSS VER20090527 ld arceus circle09.png PokemonHGSS final ld arceus circle09.png
circle10 PokemonHGSS VER20090527 ld arceus circle10.png PokemonHGSS final ld arceus circle10.png
circle12 PokemonHGSS VER20090527 ld arceus circle12.png PokemonHGSS final ld arceus circle12.png
  • The “egg” set is added, but egg01 is never used.
PokemonHGSS VER20090625 ld arceus egg01.png PokemonHGSS VER20090625 ld arceus egg02.png PokemonHGSS VER20090625 ld arceus egg03.png
egg02 egg03
  • Stock images are added, particularly the sets “culture”, “disaster”, “micro”, “nature”, “scene” and “star”, as described in the previous build. Contrary to the images used in the final release, these do not seem to come from the Datacraft Sozaijiten catalogue. Most of the “nature” set is unused at this point (and stays like that).


PokemonHGSS VER20090625 ld arceus culture01.png PokemonHGSS VER20090625 ld arceus culture02.png PokemonHGSS VER20090625 ld arceus culture03.png PokemonHGSS VER20090625 ld arceus culture04.png
Skyscrapers at night.
A factory.
An engine.
A highway.
PokemonHGSS VER20090625 ld arceus culture05.png PokemonHGSS VER20090625 ld arceus culture06.png PokemonHGSS VER20090625 ld arceus culture07.png PokemonHGSS VER20090625 ld arceus culture08.png
A railroad track.
A telephone pole.
A circuit board.
  • Out of these, only culture01 remains in the final version, albeit unused. The rest of the images were replaced.


PokemonHGSS VER20090625 ld arceus disaster01.png PokemonHGSS VER20090625 ld arceus disaster02.png PokemonHGSS disaster03 ld arceus unused.png
An erupting volcano.
An erupting volcano.
Clouds and lightning.
PokemonHGSS VER20090625 ld arceus disaster04.png PokemonHGSS VER20090625 ld arceus disaster05.png
A cyclone.
  • Out of these, only disaster03 remains in the final version, albeit unused. The rest of the images were replaced.


PokemonHGSS VER20090625 ld arceus micro01.png PokemonHGSS VER20090625 ld arceus micro02.png
Blue cells under the microscope.
Red blood cells.
  • All of these were eventually replaced.


PokemonHGSS VER20090625 ld arceus nature01.png PokemonHGSS VER20090625 ld arceus nature02.png PokemonHGSS nature03 ld arceus unused.png PokemonHGSS nature04 ld arceus unused.png
Under the sea.
A forest.
Sunlight filtering through a forest.
PokemonHGSS nature05 ld arceus unused.png PokemonHGSS nature06 ld arceus unused.png PokemonHGSS nature07 ld arceus unused.png PokemonHGSS nature08 ld arceus unused.png
A stream.
A stream.
Some yellow flowers.
Some cherry blossoms.
  • The images from nature03 to nature08 remain in the final version, albeit unused. The others were replaced.


  • All of these images were eventually replaced.


  • All of these images were eventually replaced.