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Donkey Kong Jr. Math

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Title Screen

Donkey Kong Jr. Math

Also known as: Donkey Kong Jr. no Sansuu Asobi (JP), Sansuu Asobi (JP title screen)
Developer: Nintendo R&D2
Publisher: Nintendo
Platform: NES
Released in JP: December 12, 1983
Released in US: October 1985
Released in EU: 1986
Released in AU: October 17, 2003 (Animal Crossing)

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

ProtoIcon.png This game has a prototype article

Donkey Kong Jr. and Pink Donkey Kong Jr. teach math in Donkey Kong Jr. Math, one of two educational titles based on a previous game of Nintendo's, though it's also the only one to leave Japan, releasing overseas under the NES' "Education Series" label. Despite its nature, it still found a rerelease on Virtual Console, and more recently became part of the Nintendo Switch Online library of Famicom/NES titles.


Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info

Unused Graphics


A duplicate of the apple used to show the number of wins in Calculate mode.


Japanese text. Part of the second group of text is used, but the rest isn't. Only present in the Japanese version.


Three different-colored squares. These may have been used as placeholders during development.


Some font characters.

Donkey Kong Jr. Leftovers

Most of the game's CHR ROM was directly copied from Donkey Kong Jr. As a result, a large chunk of that game's graphics go unused.

Add! Now multiply! Faster! FASTER! Oooof...

Various Mario sprites (including the ones scrapped from the NES Donkey Kong Jr.). He doesn't play any specific role in this game.

Raise 'a roof

Junior with his hands up, originally used when catching his father.


A sprite of Donkey Kong (and an extra set of face tiles). Unlike all of his used sprites in this game, he is not shown holding the sign.


Some of the unused tiles for Donkey Kong's caged sprite from the original game. While most of the tiles are overwritten here, they were both intact and used in the prototype.

Fruit is good for you too, ya know

The fruits, also not found anywhere. The oranges were partially overwritten.

Bombs away...!

Nitpickers flying downward. Only their horizontal sprites are used.

Danger: High voltage

The Sparks from Stage 3 of the original game.


Snapjaw, another enemy from the original game that isn't used.


The graphics used when an enemy is defeated in the original game.


Various objects from Level 2 of the original game. The springboard graphics were partially overwritten.


The entirety of Level 3's tileset from the original game is still present (aside from the left half of Mario's lever), but it goes completely unused.


A handful of tiles from Level 4 of the original game.


The keys from the original game. The edges of the second sprite are used for a different key that has a question mark on it.


A vine. Everywhere vines could be used, chains are used instead.


Point numbers. The way points are given is different than the original game, leaving these unused.

Yes, there's two Vs.

Various font characters.


Most of the tiles for the original game's title screen. These were overwritten by the new title screen graphics in the International version.

Regional Differences

Japan International
Nesdkjrmath-title-japan.png Nesdkjrmath-title.png

The Japanese version has a rather primitive-looking logo, using the same style as the one seen in its Japan-only sister game Popeye no Eigo Asobi. The international version is far more detailed and colorful, with the new graphics overwriting some of the Donkey Kong Jr. leftovers.

Of note is that, like Popeye no Eigo Asobi, the Japanese title screen doesn't use the full name of the game for whatever reason, simply reading Sansuu Asobi.