Dragon Ball Z: Sagas (GameCube, PlayStation 2, Xbox)
Dragon Ball Z: Sagas |
Developer: Avalanche Software
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Dragon Ball Z: Sagas is a beat-em-up Dragon Ball Z game that was originally supposed to be open-world, but clearly, it's not. A true open-world Dragon Ball Z game wouldn't come out until 14 years later.
This was Avalanche Software's last game as an independent developer before they were bought out.
Prerelease Info |
Bugs |
Debug Functions
Main debug mode, showing FPS, current position, and more info.
041388FC 38800001 04138904 60000000 04138A5C 38800001 04138A64 60000000 04138AA0 38800001 04138AA8 60000000 283A3A44 FFFE0001 043ADA34 00000000 CC000000 00000000 043ADA34 00000001 E2000001 80008000
This shows how much damage an attack does by a character, projectile, etc.
04097600 60000000 04097838 60000000
Shows how many hits or moves a character or enemy has done, If the text turns red it means the target is paralyzed for a moment.
04096E9C 60000000 48000000 803DC3C0 DE000000 80008180 14001C64 00000001 E0000000 80008000
Menu that edits the way a character's combo is performed.
04002F80 3C80803A 04002F84 A0843A44 04002F88 28040048 04002F8C 40820024 04002F90 812D8060 04002F94 80091C58 04002F98 28000000 04002F9C 40820014 04002FA0 38000000 04002FA4 900902D0 04002FA8 38000001 04002FAC 90091C54 04002FB0 801F04D4 04002FB4 48107764 0410A714 4BEF886C 3A3A3A44 00001000 423DC3C0 0E2B0000
The item debug menu, Which allows you to buy all the upgrades in the game, it only goes as far until 3 invalid sections appear.
Both of these menus are controlled with the D-Pad.
04002F00 7C9F2378 04002F04 3C80803A 04002F08 A0843A44 04002F0C 28040044 04002F10 40820024 04002F14 812D8060 04002F18 80091C54 04002F1C 28000000 04002F20 40820014 04002F24 38000000 04002F28 900902D0 04002F2C 38000001 04002F30 90091C58 04002F34 481077E0 04002F38 7C7A1B78 04002F3C 28030000 04002F40 40820008 04002F44 7C9A2378 04002F48 48110140 0410A710 4BEF87F0 04113084 4BEEFEB4 3A3A3A44 00001000 423DC3C0 0E2D0000
Unused Team Upgrades
Rapid Fire
This upgrade can be seen used by a player in a old trailer.
Spread Fire Ki Blasts
Both of these upgrades are used by bosses, but since their existance in the item debug menu, It's assumed they were once available for players as well.
Does nothing, Redundant as every character can fly by default.
Buying this upgrade makes Ki-Blasts & Special Moves seek enemies automatically, It's a little broken if the Ki-Blasts are combined with Spread Fire Ki Blasts as some will just run into each other and explode.
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- Games developed by Avalanche Software
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- Games published by Atari, Inc.
- GameCube games
- PlayStation 2 games
- Xbox games
- Pages missing date references
- Games released in 2005
- Games released in March
- Games released on March 22
- Games with unused abilities
- Games with debugging functions
- Dragon Ball series
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Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Warner Bros. Games > Games published by Midway Games > Games published by Atari Games > Games published by Atari, Inc.
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 2005
Games > Games by release date > Games released in March
Games > Games by release date > Games released in March > Games released on March 22
Games > Games by series > Dragon Ball series