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ESPN International Track & Field (Game Boy Color)

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Title Screen

ESPN International Track & Field

Also known as: Ganbare! Nippon! Olympic 2000 GB Edition (JP), International Track & Field: Summer Games (EU)
Developers: Konami Computer Entertainment Osaka, Future Creates
Publisher: Konami
Platform: Game Boy Color
Released in JP: July 13, 2000
Released in US: October 3, 2000
Released in EU: September 8, 2000

RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

So very stubbly.
This page is rather stubbly and could use some expansion.
Are you a bad enough dude to rescue this article?

Regional Differences

Title Screen

The Japanese and US versions had the JOC and ESPN licenses respectively, but in Europe, it was known by its Track & Field name as Konami's rights to use the ESPN name there only covered the console versions.

Japan Europe US
Ganbare! Nippon! Olympic 2000 (Japan) title.png International Track & Field - Summer Games (Europe) title.png ESPN International Track & Field (USA) title.png