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Enter the Gungeon

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Title Screen

Enter the Gungeon

Developer: Dodge Roll Games
Publisher: Devolver Digital
Platforms: Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, PlayStation 4
Released internationally: April 5, 2016 (PC/PS4)

CharacterIcon.png This game has unused playable characters.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.

So very stubbly.
This page is rather stubbly and could use some expansion.
Are you a bad enough dude to rescue this article?
This page sucks.
If you could make it suck less, that would be awesome.
Specifically: The whole page needs some extra grammar touchups, and this needs to be ripped from the files as a spritesheet.

Enter the Gungeon is a bullet hell/storm roguelike with a serious focus on guns and bullets.


Unused Items
There's a lot of 'em.
Unused Guns
For a game all about guns, they chose not to use a lot of them.

Unused Characters


To do:
Document Eevee and Ninja.


Added in the Advanced Gungeons and Dragons update, Lamey was a character that was completed on the side as art while the devs worked on the main game.

She is probably the most complete of the unused Gungeoneers, having her own dialogue sprites, map icon, and starting loadout (consisting of the Lamey Gun EtG-LameyGun.png, Blood Brooch EtG-BloodBrooch.png, and Lichy Trigger Finger, though her gun was completely broken prior to the A Farewell to Arms update), as well as being one of the few unused characters to have an alt style.

Lamey appears in the arcade spin-off House of the Gundead, although she is called "The Detective" there.


Present in the files since the game's release, but never touched in any subsequent updates.

He starts off with the Makarov and the NPCs call him "Spaceman" or "Comrade", but he has no unique past, and shooting him with The Gun that can kill the Past sends you directly to the credits.

His boss portrait is a color-swapped Cultist, swapping the purple robes for grey.



Present in the files since the Advanced Gungeons and Dragons update, and has no unique assets for it.

It uses a spriteset which is put through a purple filter for a different character which is randomised, when dodge-rolling or taking pit damage. It's loadout is also completely random, consisting of a starter character gun, a random gun and then a random active item. It does not have a passive item in it's loadout. The face image when talking to NPCs is the same as the Paradox. The boss card is the same as the Hunter with a purple filter

Debug Error Messages

Various debugging messages were left by the developers during programming, with many of them containing interesting phrasing.

Debug Message Function
Using a ActiveBasicStatItem while it is already active! ActiveBasicStatItem.cs
FREEZE AVERTED! TELL RUBEL! (you're welcome) 147 AIActor.cs
Failed to find the field AIActor.cs
Tried to spawn a {0} in an invalid location in room {1}. AIActor.cs
An enemy who does not have a parent room is dying... this could be a problem. AIActor.cs
GetDiretionalAnimation: THIS SHOULDN'T HAPPEN AIAnimator.cs
Missing bank entry for bullet: AIBulletBank.cs
Unknown bullet type {0} on {1} AIShooter.cs
is not placed/oriented correctly AkRoomPortal.cs
INSTANTIATING AMMONOMICON ??? AmmonomiconController.cs
was modal, popping... AmmonomiconController.cs
Failed to initialize Ancient Pistol1 AncientPistolController.cs
Unknown select type: AttackMoveBehavior.cs
Unknown position type: AttackMoveBehavior.cs
Infinite loop averted! TELL RUBEL! {0} {1} BasicBeamController.cs
WTF? BasicBeamController.cs
Invalid State in BlackHoleDoer: BlackHoleDoer.cs
Player BraveInput.cs
BraveInput.GetButtonDown(): {0} isn't registered with the BraveInput object BraveInput.cs
BraveInput.ConsumeButtonDown(): No action for {0} was found BraveInput.cs
BraveInput.GetButtonDown(): {0} isn't a registered hold action with the BraveInput object BraveInput.cs
BraveInput.ConsumeButtonUp(): {0} isn't registered with the BraveInput object BraveInput.cs
Unknown type! BulletScriptSelector.cs
Unknown bullet type {0} on {1} CartTurretController.cs
Emergency Mimic swap... what's going to happen to the loot now? Chest.cs
emitting particle CrowdOfFansSystemController.cs
Trying to instantate an object that doesn't live in Resources! {0} {1} {2} DatabaseEntry.cs
Destroying large debris for being outside valid cell ranges! DebrisObject.cs
knocking back companion DemonWallController.cs
No dfInputManager instance found DEMO_TouchVisualizer.cs
No dfTouchInputSource component found DEMO_TouchVisualizer.cs
The Manager hosting this control could not be determined dfControl.cs
Cannot get position: View not found dfControl.cs
Cannot set relative position without a parent Transform. dfControl.cs
Unable to retrieve System.Type reference for type: dfDataObjectProxy.cs
Invalid event binding configuration - Source:{0}, Target:{1} dfEventBinding.cs
Event handler not found: dfEventBinding.cs
Invalid data binding configuration - Source:{0}, Target:{1} dfEventDrivenPropertyBinding.cs
dfFollowObject component is unable to determine which camera is the MainCamera dfFollowObject.cs
No dfControl component on this GameObject: dfFollowObject.cs
FPS Counter needs a Label component! dfFPSCounter.cs
GUI Manager not initialized before Render() called dfGUIManager.cs
Clip stack not properly maintained dfGUIManager.cs
No camera is assigned to the GUIManager dfGUIManager.cs
Containing block not found dfMarkupBox.cs
Failed to find default shader dfMarkupBoxTexture.cs
Tag has no parent: dfMarkupTagImg.cs
Cache lookup on null material dfMaterialCache.cs
Invalid data binding configuration - Source:{0}, Target:{1} dfPropertyBinding.cs
Marker type not found: dfRadarMain.cs
Host control not found dfRadarMain.cs
This script should be attached to a dfGUIManager instance dfReplaceGUICamera.cs
Virtual scrolling not enabled for this dfScrollPanel: dfScrollPanel.cs
Virtual scrolling cannot be started without assigning VirtualScrollingTile: dfScrollPanel.cs
The tile you've chosen does not implement IDFVirtualScrollingTile! dfScrollPanel.cs
Failed to find default shader dfTextureSprite.cs
Invalid virtual joystick configuration dfTouchJoystick.cs
shit DirectionalAnimation.cs
Trying to spawn an AIActor who doesn't have a manual ground collider... do we still do this? Name: {0} DungeonPlaceableUtility.cs
Switching on invalid stat comparison operation! DungeonPrerequisite.cs
Switching on invalid prerequisite type!!! DungeonPrerequisite.cs
Duplicate mushroom at: ElectricMushroom.cs
Something about this table and flipper is TOTALLY WRONG MAN (way #1) FlippableCover.cs
FPS Counter needs a Label component! FPSCounter.cs
failure. FullOptionsMenuController.cs
Clone Options is NULL: this should never happen. FullOptionsMenuController.cs
GalaxyManager failed to start; attempting shut down. GalaxyManager.cs
Attempting to clear player data on foyer return, but LastUsedPlayer is null! GameManager.cs
No mid game save found GameManager.cs
Failed to load mid game save (0) GameManager.cs
Failed to load mid game save (1) GameManager.cs
Failed to load mid game save (2) GameManager.cs
recent_mgs GameManager.cs
loaded bank id: GameManager.cs
async loading bank id: GameManager.cs
Error in RR Solution GameManager.cs
Something is attempting to get a NONE character-specific save flag! GameStats.cs
Trying to access GameStatsManager before it has been initialized. GameStatsManager.cs
SAVE FAILED: {0} GameStatsManager.cs
No session stats active and we're registering a stat change! GameStatsManager.cs
Something is attempting to set a NONE save flag! GameStatsManager.cs
Something is attempting to get a NONE character-specific save flag! GameStatsManager.cs
uh... activating a boss health bar at 0 health. this seems dumb GameUIBossHealthController.cs
Invalid quality : GlobalDungeonData.cs
Gripmaster was told to last forever! ({0}) GripMasterController.cs
total damage multiplier: Gun.cs
Trying to shoot a gun without being loaded, should never happen. Gun.cs
Attempting to continue fire on an unloaded gun. This should never happen. Gun.cs
Attempting to continue fire without being loaded. This should never happen. Gun.cs
Failed to get any item at all. GunberMuncherController.cs
Problem of type 2 in Gunber Muncher! GunberMuncherController.cs
GUNBER MUNCHER FAIL TYPE 1 GunberMuncherController.cs
Incorporeality is currently only supported on the player. HealthHaver.cs
Failed to incorporeal something... HealthHaver.cs
Int To String (sans Garbage) map count greater than 25000! IntToStringSansGarbage.cs
Failed to get any item at all. LootData.cs
Failed in giving item to player; item LootEngine.cs
setting color and fire MagazineRack.cs
trying to spawn shards on a object with no transform or sprite MinorBreakable.cs
error on: OccupiedCells.cs
Unsupported path type PathMover.cs
failure. PauseOptionsMenuController.cs
FREEZE AVERTED! TELL RUBEL! (you're welcome) [{0}] & [{1}] PhysicsEngine.cs
Unsupported MotionEnhancementMode in Pixelator. This should never, ever happen. Pixelator.cs
Failing... Pixelator_Simple.cs
OnUserStatsAndAchievementsRetrieveFailure() Error: {0} PlatformInterfaceGalaxy.cs
OnUserStatsAndAchievementsStoreFailure() Error: {0} PlatformInterfaceGalaxy.cs
Did remove meatbun buff! PlayerController.cs
Failed to drop item because the player doesn't have it? PlayerController.cs
Failed to remove active item because the player doesn't have it? pickupId = PlayerController.cs
Failed to remove passive item because the player doesn't have it? pickupId = PlayerController.cs
failure. PreOptionsMenuController.cs
No speculative rigidbody found on projectile! Projectile.cs
Null object on room: PrototypeDungeonRoom.cs
PROTOTYPE DUNGEON ROOM: PrototypeDungeonRoom.cs
null object data at placed object index! PrototypeDungeonRoom.cs
null object data at placed object index in layer: PrototypeDungeonRoom.cs
An exit was defined with no nearby floor tile. This is unsupported behavior. PrototypeRoomExitData.cs
resetting the maze!!!! ResourcefulRatMazeSystemController.cs
safe random: RewardManager.cs
Application.persistentDataPath FAILED! SaveManager.cs
Failed to create default save directory: SaveManager.cs
Tried to change save slots before before SaveManager was initialized! {0} SaveManager.cs
Tried to save data before SaveManager was initialized! {0} {1} SaveManager.cs
Failed to serialize save data: SaveManager.cs
Failed to create a temporary copy of current save: SaveManager.cs
Failed to write new save data: SaveManager.cs
Failed to restore temp save data: SaveManager.cs
Failed to replace temp save file: SaveManager.cs
Failed to create new save backup: SaveManager.cs
Tried to load data before SaveManager was initialized! {0} {1} SaveManager.cs
Failed to read save data: SaveManager.cs
Failed to read save version number (expected [{0}], got [{1}] SaveManager.cs
Save file corrupted! Copying to a new file SaveManager.cs
Failed to save off the corrupted file: SaveManager.cs
Save file corrupted! Copying to a new file SaveManager.cs
Failed to read corrupted save data: SaveManager.cs
Failed to save off the corrupted file: SaveManager.cs
Failed to write to temp file {0}: {1} SaveManager.cs
Failed to move {0} to {1}: {2} SaveManager.cs
Failed to delete old file {0}: {1} SaveManager.cs
Failed to remove backup file: SaveManager.cs
Attempting to render a complex secret puzzle onto a multi-exit secret room. This is unsupported... SecretRoomManager.cs
failed complex puzzle generation due to lack of floor facewall. SecretRoomManager.cs
no support for secret procedural rooms yet. SecretRoomUtility.cs
Using SenseOfDirection in Dungeon with no EXIT? SenseOfDirectionItem.cs
Unrecognized BehaviorResult SequentialAttackBehaviorGroup.cs
Unrecognized State SequentialAttackBehaviorGroup.cs
Unrecognized BehaviorResult SequentialAttackBehaviorGroup.cs
Attempting to stamp a path grid to the tilemap and the path contains diagonals! This cannot be. SerializedPath.cs
Shrine is attempting to give negative ammo! ShrineBenefit.cs
Silencer is trying to process a bullet that is owned by something that is neither man nor beast! SilencerInstance.cs
Unknown bullet type {0} on {1} SimpleTurretController.cs
Mismatching result returned from a SimultaneousAttackBehaviorGroup: this is not supported! SimultaneousAttackBehaviorGroup.cs
Screen Edge Spawn FAILED! SpawnEnemyOnDeath.cs
Unknown spawn type: SpawnEnemyOnDeath.cs
Attempting to spawn a null prefab! SpawnManager.cs
clearing the dillywop SpawnObjectPlayerItem.cs
Trying to access a b2AABB for a SpecRigidbody with NO COLLIDERS. SpeculativeRigidbody.cs
No sprite on SpritePulser! SpritePulser.cs
Failed to load string table. StringTableManager.cs
Attempting to add the key StringTableManager.cs
Failed to load string table: ENEMIES. StringTableManager.cs
Failed to add duplicate key to items table: StringTableManager.cs
Failed to add duplicate key to synergies table: StringTableManager.cs
Failed to load string table: ITEMS. StringTableManager.cs
Failed to load string table: INTRO. StringTableManager.cs
Unknown flip direction! TakeCoverBehavior.cs
Didn't find a valid cover position! TakeCoverBehavior.cs
Custom action: TalkDoer.cs
SetSprite - Sprite not found in collection: tk2dBaseSprite.cs
Need to rebuild sprite collection. tk2dBaseSprite.cs
Main camera not found. tk2dBaseSprite.cs
Unable to find sprite named {0} in sprite collection {1} tk2dBaseSprite.cs
Attempting to stamp a facewall tile on a non-facewall diagonal type. TK2DDungeonAssembler.cs
Fatal error - font from sprite collection is has an invalid material tk2dFontData.cs
Clip: '{0}' Fixed up frames for WrapMode.Single tk2dSpriteAnimationClip.cs
Sprite not found attached to tk2dSpriteAnimator. tk2dSpriteAnimator.cs
Library not set tk2dSpriteAnimator.cs
Unable to find clip ' tk2dSpriteAnimator.cs
Unhandled clip wrap mode tk2dSpriteAnimator.cs
Unable to find clip named ' tk2dSpriteAnimator.cs
Play - Invalid clip id ' tk2dSpriteAnimator.cs
Init material ids failed. tk2dSpriteCollectionData.cs
Need to rebuild font. tk2dTextMesh.cs
Tilemap tk2dTileMap.cs
tk2dUICamera should only be attached to a camera. tk2dUICamera.cs
Unable to find tk2dUIManager. Please create a tk2dUIManager in the scene before proceeding. tk2dUIItem.cs
Unable to measure content length tk2dUIScrollableArea.cs
Not able to determine the direction of a wall mimic! WallMimicController.cs
WizardSpinShootBehaviour.ContinuousUpdate(): This shouldn't happen! WizardSpinShootBehavior.cs
Unknown return type from BulletScript: Bullet.cs
Cannot use DirectionType {0} in an Offset instance. Offset.cs
Base tween not set TweenComponentGroup.cs
Doing startup foyer checks! Dungeon.cs
Attempting to add a malformed room cluster at runtime! Dungeon.cs
Switching on invalid direction in GetCellInDirection: DungeonData.cs
Failed to attach an item to any enemy! DungeonData.cs
Vertical not yet implemented DungeonFlowBuilder.cs
Procedural rooms not implemented in loop generation yet! DungeonFlowBuilder.cs
FAILURE DungeonFlowBuilder.cs
Procedural room handling not yet implemented! DungeonFlowBuilder.cs
No player yet--can't check curse stat in DungeonPlaceable. DungeonPlaceable.cs
Failed to acquire a prototype room. This means the list is too sparse for the relevant category ( LoopBuilderComposite.cs
Failed to acquire a prototype room. This means the list is too sparse for the relevant category ( LoopBuilderComposite.cs
Failing Injection because LoopFlowBuilder.cs
Falling back due to lack of non-duplicate rooms FAILED. This should never happen. LoopFlowBuilder.cs
Replacing failed CONNECTOR/HUB room with room of type NORMAL. LoopFlowBuilder.cs
Failed to acquire a boss foyer! Something has gone wrong, or there is somehow not a boss foyer that matches the entrance direction for this boss chamber. LoopFlowBuilder.cs
Failed to acquire a prototype room. This means the list is too sparse for the relevant category ( LoopFlowBuilder.cs
A warp wing has no exits and is not flagged as handling its own warping! LoopFlowBuilder.cs
Deregistering an unregistered interactable. Talk to Brent. RoomHandler.cs
failed placement RoomHandler.cs
i > modifiedPlacedObjectPositions.Count, this is very bad! RoomHandler.cs
No available cells. Error. RoomHandler.cs
This should never happen. RuntimeExitDefinition.cs
Attempting to generate subdoor for position twice. RuntimeExitDefinition.cs
Attempting to generate door for position twice. RuntimeExitDefinition.cs
DUNGEON GENERATION FAILED. SemioticDungeonGenerator.cs
WELL THIS FUCKING SUCKS : SemioticLayoutManager.cs
THIS SUCKS MARGINALLY LESS : SemioticLayoutManager.cs
FUCK FUCK FUCK SemioticLayoutManager.cs
Switching on invalid direction in SemioticLayoutManager! SemioticLayoutManager.cs
Unable to locate \ fiSettings.cs
Unable to find method tk.cs
Unknown consumable type: BravePlayMakerUtility.cs
Too many chests! ChestEvent.cs
No chests found! ChestEvent.cs
Tried to give an item to the player but no valid mode was selected. SpawnArtfulDodgerGun.cs
Tried to give an item to the player but no valid spawn location was selected. SpawnGunberMuncherGun.cs
Cannot query property 'IsValid' for unbound BindingSource. DeviceBindingSource.cs
Cannot find class for custom profile: InControlManager.cs
Error enabling NativeInputDeviceManager: NativeInputDeviceManager.cs
Provided state could not be loaded:\n PlayerActionSet.cs
Could not find object with required component SingletonMonoBehavior.cs
Touch Manager component can only be added to the InControl Manager object. TouchManager.cs
Cannot query property 'IsValid' for unbound BindingSource. UnknownDeviceBindingSource.cs
Custom profiles are now deprecated. This example is left blank to prevent errors when importing new versions of InControl. CubeController.cs
SpawnPool {0} ({1}): Prefab cannot be null. PrefabPool.cs
SpawnPool {0}: PrefabPool.prefabGO is null PrefabPool.cs
Duplicate prefab name: SpawnPool.cs
Unexpected Error: PrefabPool.prefabGO is null SpawnPool.cs
SpawnPool {0}: PrefabPool {1} not found. SpawnPool.cs
SpawnPool {0}: {1} has already been despawned. You cannot despawn something more than once! SpawnPool.cs
SpawnPool {0}: {1} not found in SpawnPool SpawnPool.cs
SpawnPool {0}: PrefabPool.prefabGO is null SpawnPool.cs
PoolManager: Unable to destroy '{0}'. Not in PoolManager SpawnPoolsDict.cs
A pool with the name '{0}' already exists. This should only happen if a SpawnPool with this name is added to a scene twice. SpawnPoolsDict.cs
PoolManager: Unable to remove '{0}'. Pool not in PoolManager SpawnPoolsDict.cs
Unhandled sort method BuilderUtil.cs
(Source: Original TCRF research)