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Exile: Wicked Phenomenon

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Title Screen

Exile: Wicked Phenomenon

Also known as: Exile II: Janen no Jishou (JP)
Developer: Riot
Publishers: Telenet Japan (JP), Working Designs (US)
Platform: TurboGrafx-CD
Released in JP: September 22, 1992
Released in US: 1993

DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

The sequel to Exile, Exile: Wicked Phenomenon refines the original game's formula by eliminating the constant backtracking and making those characters who follow you around actually useful for something (well, one of them, anyway). Unfortunately, it still has plenty of flaws, and overall it's an okay title at best.

Or at least the Japanese version is, because in the US Working Designs happened to it and happened to it hard.

Debug Mode

Exile II PCECD debug 1.png

The US version of the game contains a disabled debug menu. To activate it, replace the content at offsets 4387A–4387F and A4487A–A4487F of the ISO with EA EA EA EA EA EA. (And yes, this is yet another game where Working Designs decided to use all-caps text for some reason despite having a lower case font available.)

Exile II PCECD debug 2.png

The menu offers a few different options:

Exile II PCECD debug 3.png
  • Movement – Opens a level select dialog. Up and Down select a stage, while Button 1 starts the selected stage.
  • LEVEL UP – Increases the party's level by one.
  • LEVEL DOWN – Decreases the party's level by one.
  • ALL CAST – Immediately unlocks all characters.
  • BIG MONEY – Sets current Gold to the maximum (65535).
  • NO DEAD – Prevents the party from dying. Characters still lose HP as usual, but won't die when they run out.
  • HP MAX – Refills the party's HP.
Exile II PCECD debug 4.png
  • Indication – Enables a coordinate display in the HUD. The two numbers on the left form the player's 16-bit x-position, and the numbers on the right are the same for the y-position.

This menu doesn't exist in the Japanese version.

Regional Differences


  • The US version of the game adds parallax scrolling effects to the sky in virtually every stage, one of Working Designs' calling cards during the 16-bit era.
  • In the US version of the game, the "PLAYER" and "ENEMY" text in the HUD becomes very slightly corrupted during the Egypt boss stage for some reason. This doesn't happen in the Japanese version.
  • On the game over screen, the Japanese version has Rumi kneeling in front of Sadler's grave. In the US version, an unknown man kneels in front of Sadler's grave.

Enemy Stats

Like virtually every game Working Designs put out, the US version of Exile II increases the enemy stats. What makes this game stand out is just how much the stats went up. While most other games that got the Working Designs treatment are at least somewhat playable, even the company's most rabid fans will generally concede that this one is simply broken. (As a very informal metric, GameFAQs users have rated it the most difficult RPG on the TurboGrafx-CD, and the second most difficult TCD game period behind Rayxanber II.)

So just how bad is it? Well, before we get to the raw data, let's take a look at some statistics. The following table shows the mean and median increases in each enemy stat, both as absolute changes and as proportions of the original values (e.g. an enemy that goes from 3 HP to 9 HP has an absolute change of 6 and a proportional change of 200%):

HP Attack Defense EXP Gold
Mean (Absolute) +15.38 +34.04 +11.63 -3.84 -13.79
Median (Absolute) +6.00 +28.00 +6.00 +0.00 +0.00
Mean (Proportional) +19.03% +34.02% +40.01% -13.43% -47.88%
Median (Proportional) +10.00% +37.50% +50.00% +0.00% -20.95%

As this data shows, the statistically "largest" proportional change to the US version is to enemies' Defense, which increased by half again in the median case. The second largest change is to Attack, which went up by over a third in the median case. However, these are somewhat deceptive statistics: Since this game uses a simple subtractive Attack/Defense calculation, and the average absolute change in enemy Attack is much larger (+28) than that of Defense (+6), the most game-wrecking change by far is in how hard the enemies hit.

Let's consider some examples. At level 1 and with his default equipment, Sadler has 10 HP and 4 Attack and Defense. The first enemy of the first stage is a scorpion, which has HP 6/ATK 8/DEF 1 in the Japanese version. If Sadler walks into it, he'll take (8 - 4 = 4) damage, and the scorpion will take contact damage equivalent to a normal attack, which is (4 - 1 = 3) HP. If Sadler walks into the scorpion again, it'll take 3 more damage, killing it and leaving Sadler with 2 HP.

In the US version, the scorpion now has HP 12/ATK 10/DEF 1. If Sadler gets hit by it twice, he's dead (and the scorpion still has 6 HP left).

That's not such an extreme change, so let's examine something from later in the game. In the Japanese version, Lawrence (who is actually named for El Cid in the Japanese game) has HP 250/ATK 54/DEF 22. If the party is level 14 and using the best equipment available at this point in the game, Sadler will have HP 218/ATK 40/DEF 41. Each hit from Lawrence will deal (54 - 41 = 13) damage, or 5.96% of his total HP.

In the US version, Lawrence has HP 220/ATK 110/DEF 28. One hit from him will cause (110 - 41 = 69) damage, or 31.65% of Sadler's total HP. To put it another way, Sadler can survive 16 hits in the Japanese version, but only three in the US version. Meanwhile, the Japanese Lawrence will take 14 hits to kill, but the US one will require 17 (even with his slightly decreased HP). Oh, and this boss has an unpredictable movement pattern that requires the player to guess whether to jump over him or walk under him, with wrong guesses resulting in guaranteed hits. Have fun!

Keep in mind that the party's level is capped at 16 and most players will hit this maybe halfway through the game, so it's not even possible to grind to make things easier.

Here's how Working Designs showrunner Victor Ireland explained the game's difficulty:

On Exile 2 it was an issue of limited number of modifications because we weren't doing the game reprogramming, Telenet was. It was a small number of tries. And on the second-to last time, we had it *almost* right, so we added like +1 to the monsters, but it was like that scene with the fat guy in Meaning of Life where the waiter gives him that one wafer and he explodes. That +1 exceeded some limit internally and made the monsters exponentially harder rather than incrementally. Since it was our last "fix" and we had production discs, I thought we were screwed and had made an unwinnable game. Fortunately, with some time and special strategies, we found out you could finish it. We made one of the hardest games ever - by accident.

(Source: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=17589981&postcount=188)

(The "exceeded some limit internally" and "exponential" business is BS – this game's stat calculations are purely linear.)

The tables below contain the raw enemy stats from both versions of the game, including (in the absence of any better identifier) the offsets where the data is found in the ISO. Instances in which a stat changed to make the game harder have been marked in red. The cases where a stat change benefits the player are marked in green. Instances in which a stat changed detrimentally by more than 5 points and constituted a change of 50% or greater from the original amount appear in magenta. Enemies whose stats didn't change are omitted.

To do:
Enemy names
Enemy Stats (Hardcoded Format)
Data Offsets HP Attack Defense EXP Gold
JP: 811A3

US: 81300

6 -> 12

+6, 100%

8 -> 10

+2, 25%

1 2 10 -> 4

-6, -60%

JP: 8142D

US: 8158A

6 -> 12

+6, 100%

8 -> 10

+2, 25%

1 2 10 -> 4

-6, -60%

JP: 815B7

US: 81714

6 -> 12

+6, 100%

8 -> 10

+2, 25%

1 2 10 -> 4

-6, -60%

JP: 81698

US: 817F5

6 -> 14

+8, 133%

8 -> 14

+6, 75%

1 2 10 -> 2

-8, -80%

JP: 8174E

US: 818AB

12 -> 24

+12, 100%

12 -> 20

+8, 67%

1 5 13 -> 7

-6, -46%

JP: 819A4

US: 81B01

6 -> 12

+6, 100%

12 -> 30

+18, 150%

1 5 -> 3

-2, -40%

13 -> 7

-6, -46%

JP: 81A1D

US: 81B7A

6 -> 12

+6, 100%

12 -> 14

+2, 17%

1 5 13 -> 10

-3, -23%

JP: 81B66

US: 81CC3

6 -> 12

+6, 100%

12 -> 14

+2, 17%

1 5 13 -> 10

-3, -23%

JP: 81C09

US: 81D66

6 -> 12

+6, 100%

12 -> 14

+2, 17%

1 5 13 -> 10

-3, -23%


US: 81E09

6 -> 12

+6, 100%

12 -> 14

+2, 17%

1 5 13 -> 10

-3, -23%

JP: 81D4F


6 -> 12

+6, 100%

12 -> 14

+2, 17%

1 5 13 -> 10

-3, -23%

JP: 81DF2

US: 81F4F

6 -> 12

+6, 100%

12 -> 14

+2, 17%

1 5 13 -> 10

-3, -23%

JP: 81EC1

US: 8201E

60 -> 100

+40, 67%

12 -> 40

+28, 233%

1 -> 10

+9, 900%

20 -> 15

-5, -25%

30 -> 40

+10, 33%


US: 82124

6 -> 12

+6, 100%

12 -> 14

+2, 17%

1 5 13 -> 10

-3, -23%

JP: 820F7

US: 82267

6 -> 12

+6, 100%

12 -> 14

+2, 17%

1 5 13 -> 10

-3, -23%

JP: C1085

US: C1088

200 -> 220

+20, 10%

19 -> 32

+13, 68%

1 -> 5

+4, 400%

150 -> 80

-70, -47%

150 -> 70

-80, -53%

JP: C1353

US: C1356

0 10 -> 20

+10, 100%

0 0 0
JP: C1444

US: C1447

10 22 -> 30

+8, 36%

10 10 10
JP: 101E10

US: 101E15

12 -> 24

+12, 100%

12 -> 20

+8, 67%

1 5 13 -> 7

-6, -46%

JP: 102066

US: 10206B

6 -> 12

+6, 100%

12 -> 30

+18, 150%

1 5 -> 3

-2, -40%

13 -> 7

-6, -46%

JP: 1020DF

US: 1020E4

6 -> 12

+6, 100%

12 -> 14

+2, 17%

1 5 13 -> 10

-3, -23%

JP: 102228

US: 10222D

6 -> 12

+6, 100%

12 -> 14

+2, 17%

1 5 13 -> 10

-3, -23%

JP: 1022CB

US: 1022D0

6 -> 12

+6, 100%

12 -> 14

+2, 17%

1 5 13 -> 10

-3, -23%

JP: 10236E

US: 102373

6 -> 12

+6, 100%

12 -> 14

+2, 17%

1 5 13 -> 10

-3, -23%

JP: 102411

US: 102416

6 -> 12

+6, 100%

12 -> 14

+2, 17%

1 5 13 -> 10

-3, -23%

JP: 1024B4

US: 1024B9

6 -> 12

+6, 100%

12 -> 14

+2, 17%

1 5 13 -> 10

-3, -23%

JP: 102583

US: 102588

60 -> 100

+40, 67%

12 -> 40

+28, 233%

1 -> 10

+9, 900%

20 -> 15

-5, -25%

30 -> 40

+10, 33%

JP: 102681

US: 102686

6 -> 12

+6, 100%

12 -> 14

+2, 17%

1 5 13 -> 10

-3, -23%

JP: 1027B6

US: 1027BB

6 -> 12

+6, 100%

12 -> 14

+2, 17%

1 5 13 -> 10

-3, -23%

JP: 141534

US: 141534

10 40 -> 75

+35, 88%

10 0 0
JP: 141600

US: 141600

42 -> 65

+23, 55%

32 -> 40

+8, 25%

1 -> 6

+5, 500%

0 0
JP: 141DBA

US: 141DBA

102 -> 160

+58, 57%

57 -> 120

+63, 111%

1 -> 34

+33, 3300%

60 -> 55

-5, -8%

100 -> 60

-40, -40%

JP: 141E08

US: 141E08

102 -> 160

+58, 57%

57 -> 120

+63, 111%

1 -> 34

+33, 3300%

60 -> 55

-5, -8%

100 -> 60

-40, -40%

JP: 1C1C9A

US: 1C1D16

10 54 -> 130

+76, 141%

10 10 10
JP: 1C1E63


58 -> 78

+20, 34%

40 -> 80

+40, 100%

1 -> 20

+19, 1900%

30 25 -> 20

-5, -20%

JP: 1C1F7F


20 -> 200

+180, 900%

20 -> 80

+60, 300%

200 -> 35

-165, -82%

0 -> 1

+1, -%

JP: 1C20DD

US: 1C2159

58 -> 68

+10, 17%

40 -> 60

+20, 50%

1 -> 10

+9, 900%

30 -> 25

-5, -17%

25 -> 24

-1, -4%

JP: 1C22C9

US: 1C2345

58 -> 68

+10, 17%

40 -> 60

+20, 50%

1 -> 10

+9, 900%

30 -> 25

-5, -17%

25 -> 24

-1, -4%

JP: 1C2312

US: 1C238E

58 -> 68

+10, 17%

40 -> 60

+20, 50%

1 -> 10

+9, 900%

30 -> 25

-5, -17%

25 -> 24

-1, -4%

JP: 2013E3

US: 2013E3

72 -> 120

+48, 67%

47 -> 78

+31, 66%

1 -> 30

+29, 2900%

35 -> 36

+1, 3%

30 -> 29

-1, -3%

JP: 201576

US: 201576

108 -> 190

+82, 76%

47 -> 125

+78, 166%

1 -> 35

+34, 3400%

35 -> 38

+3, 9%

30 -> 40

+10, 33%

JP: 2017A6

US: 2017A6

76 -> 100

+24, 32%

54 -> 70

+16, 30%

1 -> 10

+9, 900%

60 -> 50

-10, -17%

35 -> 32

-3, -9%

JP: 2019D8

US: 2019D8

38 -> 65

+27, 71%

54 -> 80

+26, 48%

1 -> 22

+21, 2100%

60 -> 55

-5, -8%

35 -> 29

-6, -17%

JP: 201CC3

US: 201CC3

72 -> 100

+28, 39%

47 -> 67

+20, 43%

1 -> 10

+9, 900%

35 -> 36

+1, 3%

30 -> 32

+2, 7%

JP: 201E73

US: 201E73

72 -> 100

+28, 39%

47 -> 67

+20, 43%

1 -> 10

+9, 900%

35 -> 36

+1, 3%

30 -> 32

+2, 7%

JP: 201F6C

US: 201F6C

72 -> 120

+48, 67%

47 -> 100

+53, 113%

1 -> 20

+19, 1900%

35 -> 30

-5, -14%

30 -> 28

-2, -7%

JP: 20213F

US: 20213F

102 -> 160

+58, 57%

57 -> 120

+63, 111%

1 -> 34

+33, 3300%

60 -> 55

-5, -8%

100 -> 60

-40, -40%

JP: 20237C

US: 202371

102 -> 160

+58, 57%

57 -> 120

+63, 111%

1 -> 34

+33, 3300%

60 -> 55

-5, -8%

100 -> 60

-40, -40%

JP: 20257D

US: 20257E

102 -> 160

+58, 57%

57 -> 120

+63, 111%

1 -> 34

+33, 3300%

60 -> 55

-5, -8%

100 -> 60

-40, -40%

JP: 202B70

US: 202BCE

31 70 -> 100

+30, 43%

31 -> 45

+14, 45%

0 0
JP: 202FFF

US: 20305D

10 -> 70

+60, 600%

70 -> 140

+70, 100%

31 -> 39

+8, 26%

0 0
JP: 20339C

US: 2033FA

31 70 -> 100

+30, 43%

31 -> 45

+14, 45%

0 0
JP: 203409

US: 203467

10 -> 70

+60, 600%

70 -> 140

+70, 100%

31 -> 39

+8, 26%

0 0
JP: 20347E

US: 2034DC

0 80 -> 150

+70, 88%

0 0 0
JP: 281149

US: 281149

84 -> 200

+116, 138%

60 -> 100

+40, 67%

1 -> 35

+34, 3400%

60 50 -> 34

-16, -32%

JP: 281208

US: 281208

10 10 -> 70

+60, 600%

10 10 10
JP: 28141D

US: 28141D

10 10 -> 70

+60, 600%

10 10 10
JP: 281BCB

US: 281BD1

1 72 -> 100

+28, 39%

1 0 0
JP: 281C61

US: 281C67

1 72 -> 100

+28, 39%

1 0 0
JP: 281CEF

US: 281CF5

1 72 -> 100

+28, 39%

1 0 0
JP: 2822D1

US: 2822D7

10 90 -> 140

+50, 56%

10 0 0
JP: 2823D4

US: 2823DA

1 72 -> 150

+78, 108%

1 0 0
JP: 305025

US: 305025

255 120 -> 140

+20, 17%

60 -> 140

+80, 133%

0 0
JP: 305133

US: 305133

50 60 -> 250

+190, 317%

40 -> 43

+3, 7%

0 0
JP: 3051B9

US: 3051B9

50 60 -> 250

+190, 317%

40 -> 43

+3, 7%

0 0
JP: 30523F

US: 30523F

50 60 -> 250

+190, 317%

40 -> 43

+3, 7%

0 0
JP: 30529E

US: 30529E

50 60 -> 250

+190, 317%

40 -> 43

+3, 7%

0 0
JP: 30530D

US: 30530D

255 120 -> 140

+20, 17%

60 -> 140

+80, 133%

0 0
JP: 3053D2

US: 3053D2

50 60 -> 250

+190, 317%

40 -> 43

+3, 7%

0 0
JP: 30546E

US: 30546E

255 120 -> 140

+20, 17%

60 -> 140

+80, 133%

0 0
JP: 30551E

US: 30551E

50 60 -> 250

+190, 317%

40 -> 43

+3, 7%

0 0
JP: 30559A

US: 30559A

255 120 -> 140

+20, 17%

60 -> 140

+80, 133%

0 0
JP: 30567B

US: 30567B

50 -> 180

+130, 260%

60 -> 100

+40, 67%

20 -> 70

+50, 250%

0 0
JP: 3056CD

US: 3056CD

50 -> 180

+130, 260%

60 -> 100

+40, 67%

20 -> 70

+50, 250%

0 0
JP: 32118F

US: 32118F

153 -> 150

-3, -2%

57 -> 200

+143, 251%

1 -> 40

+39, 3900%

60 -> 55

-5, -8%

100 -> 30

-70, -70%

JP: 32132A

US: 32132A

153 -> 150

-3, -2%

57 -> 200

+143, 251%

1 -> 40

+39, 3900%

60 -> 55

-5, -8%

100 -> 30

-70, -70%

JP: 32137E

US: 32137E

153 -> 150

-3, -2%

57 -> 200

+143, 251%

1 -> 40

+39, 3900%

60 -> 55

-5, -8%

100 -> 30

-70, -70%

JP: 32141C

US: 32141C

102 -> 150

+48, 47%

57 -> 120

+63, 111%

1 -> 28

+27, 2700%

60 100 -> 30

-70, -70%

JP: 321573

US: 321573

102 -> 160

+58, 57%

57 -> 120

+63, 111%

1 -> 34

+33, 3300%

60 -> 55

-5, -8%

100 -> 60

-40, -40%

JP: 321734

US: 321734

102 -> 160

+58, 57%

57 -> 120

+63, 111%

1 -> 34

+33, 3300%

60 -> 55

-5, -8%

100 -> 60

-40, -40%

JP: 321788

US: 321788

102 -> 160

+58, 57%

57 -> 120

+63, 111%

1 -> 34

+33, 3300%

60 -> 55

-5, -8%

100 -> 60

-40, -40%

JP: 321B77

US: 321B77

102 -> 160

+58, 57%

57 -> 120

+63, 111%

1 -> 34

+33, 3300%

60 -> 55

-5, -8%

100 -> 60

-40, -40%

JP: 321C50

US: 321C50

102 -> 160

+58, 57%

57 -> 120

+63, 111%

1 -> 34

+33, 3300%

60 -> 55

-5, -8%

100 -> 60

-40, -40%

JP: 321E59

US: 321E59

102 -> 160

+58, 57%

57 -> 120

+63, 111%

1 -> 34

+33, 3300%

60 -> 55

-5, -8%

100 -> 60

-40, -40%

JP: 32204E

US: 32203E

102 -> 160

+58, 57%

57 -> 120

+63, 111%

1 -> 34

+33, 3300%

60 -> 55

-5, -8%

100 -> 60

-40, -40%

JP: 32224E

US: 32222F

72 -> 100

+28, 39%

47 -> 67

+20, 43%

1 -> 10

+9, 900%

35 -> 36

+1, 3%

30 -> 32

+2, 7%

JP: 3222A3

US: 322284

72 -> 100

+28, 39%

47 -> 67

+20, 43%

1 -> 10

+9, 900%

35 -> 36

+1, 3%

30 -> 32

+2, 7%

JP: 3222F8

US: 3222D9

72 -> 100

+28, 39%

47 -> 67

+20, 43%

1 -> 10

+9, 900%

35 -> 36

+1, 3%

30 -> 32

+2, 7%

JP: 322B13

US: 322B91

64 -> 99

+35, 55%

100 -> 160

+60, 60%

10 -> 20

+10, 100%

10 10
JP: 322BB8

US: 322C36

64 -> 99

+35, 55%

78 -> 190

+112, 144%

10 -> 20

+10, 100%

10 10
JP: 322C62

US: 322CE0

64 -> 99

+35, 55%

78 -> 90

+12, 15%

1 -> 20

+19, 1900%

10 10
JP: 34183B

US: 34183B

102 -> 160

+58, 57%

57 -> 120

+63, 111%

1 -> 34

+33, 3300%

60 -> 55

-5, -8%

100 -> 60

-40, -40%

JP: 34188B

US: 34188B

102 -> 160

+58, 57%

57 -> 120

+63, 111%

1 -> 34

+33, 3300%

60 -> 55

-5, -8%

100 -> 60

-40, -40%

JP: 36129F

US: 36129F

250 -> 200

-50, -20%

62 -> 100

+38, 61%

5 -> 20

+15, 300%

70 -> 80

+10, 14%

200 -> 100

-100, -50%

JP: 361411

US: 361411

250 -> 200

-50, -20%

62 -> 120

+58, 94%

5 -> 15

+10, 200%

70 -> 90

+20, 29%

200 -> 100

-100, -50%

JP: 361501

US: 361501

250 -> 200

-50, -20%

62 -> 130

+68, 110%

5 -> 20

+15, 300%

70 -> 98

+28, 40%

200 -> 110

-90, -45%

JP: 3615CF

US: 3615CF

250 -> 200

-50, -20%

62 -> 120

+58, 94%

5 -> 15

+10, 200%

70 -> 90

+20, 29%

200 -> 100

-100, -50%

JP: 361653

US: 361653

250 -> 200

-50, -20%

62 -> 130

+68, 110%

5 -> 20

+15, 300%

70 -> 98

+28, 40%

200 -> 110

-90, -45%

JP: 361990

US: 361990

250 -> 200

-50, -20%

62 -> 120

+58, 94%

5 -> 15

+10, 200%

70 -> 90

+20, 29%

200 -> 100

-100, -50%

JP: 361A31

US: 361A31

102 -> 160

+58, 57%

57 -> 120

+63, 111%

1 -> 34

+33, 3300%

60 -> 55

-5, -8%

100 -> 60

-40, -40%

JP: 361C23

US: 361C12

240 62 20 70 200 -> 150

-50, -25%

JP: 361DB2

US: 361DA1

240 62 255 70 -> 95

+25, 36%

200 -> 165

-35, -18%

JP: 361DEF

US: 361DDE

240 62 20 70 200 -> 150

-50, -25%

JP: 361EED

US: 361EDC

240 62 20 70 -> 65

-5, -7%

200 -> 180

-20, -10%

JP: 361F64

US: 361F53

10 62 200 70 -> 60

-10, -14%

JP: 3620D2

US: 3620C1

240 62 20 70 -> 65

-5, -7%

200 -> 180

-20, -10%

JP: 362197

US: 362186

240 62 20 70 -> 65

-5, -7%

200 -> 180

-20, -10%

JP: 36225C

US: 36224B

240 62 20 70 -> 65

-5, -7%

200 -> 180

-20, -10%

JP: 362321

US: 362310

240 62 20 70 -> 65

-5, -7%

200 -> 180

-20, -10%

JP: 3623E7

US: 3623D6

240 62 20 70 -> 65

-5, -7%

200 -> 180

-20, -10%

JP: 3624A1

US: 362490

240 62 20 70 -> 65

-5, -7%

200 -> 180

-20, -10%

JP: 3625A9

US: 362598

102 -> 160

+58, 57%

57 -> 120

+63, 111%

1 -> 34

+33, 3300%

60 -> 55

-5, -8%

100 -> 60

-40, -40%

JP: 3625FC

US: 3625EB

102 -> 160

+58, 57%

57 -> 120

+63, 111%

1 -> 34

+33, 3300%

60 -> 55

-5, -8%

100 -> 60

-40, -40%

JP: 365025

US: 365025

250 -> 200

-50, -20%

67 45 -> 40

-5, -11%

10 100
JP: 3651FD

US: 365200

50 67 45 -> 40

-5, -11%

0 0
JP: 365283

US: 365286

50 67 45 -> 40

-5, -11%

0 0
JP: 365309

US: 36530C

50 67 45 -> 40

-5, -11%

0 0
JP: 365368

US: 36536B

50 67 45 -> 40

-5, -11%

0 0
JP: 3653D7

US: 3653DA

250 -> 200

-50, -20%

67 45 -> 40

-5, -11%

10 100
JP: 36549C

US: 36549F

50 67 45 -> 40

-5, -11%

0 0
JP: 365538

US: 36553B

250 -> 200

-50, -20%

67 45 -> 40

-5, -11%

10 100
JP: 3655E8

US: 3655EB

50 67 45 -> 40

-5, -11%

0 0
JP: 365664

US: 365667

250 -> 200

-50, -20%

67 45 -> 40

-5, -11%

10 100
JP: 36592F

US: 365932

250 -> 200

-50, -20%

67 45 -> 40

-5, -11%

10 100
Enemy Stats (Tabular Format)
Data Offsets HP Attack Defense EXP Gold
JP: 102C27

US: 102D6E

144 -> 160

+16, 11%

21 -> 36

+15, 71%

1 -> 8

+7, 700%

50 -> 35

-15, -30%

50 -> 30

-20, -40%

JP: 102C2C

US: 102D73

24 -> 36

+12, 50%

21 -> 25

+4, 19%

1 -> 2

+1, 100%

10 20 -> 15

-5, -25%

JP: 102C31

US: 102D78

12 -> 24

+12, 100%

21 1 10 -> 5

-5, -50%

20 -> 10

-10, -50%

JP: 102C36

US: 102D7D

24 -> 36

+12, 50%

21 -> 25

+4, 19%

1 -> 2

+1, 100%

10 -> 5

-5, -50%

20 -> 10

-10, -50%

JP: 102C3B

US: 102D82

1 11 -> 16

+5, 45%

1 0 0
JP: 142418

US: 1423D3

1 10 -> 30

+20, 200%

10 0 0
JP: 1423FA

US: 1423B5

10 -> 30

+20, 200%

32 -> 60

+28, 88%

1 -> 6

+5, 500%

20 20 -> 5

-15, -75%

JP: 1423FF

US: 1423BA

63 -> 90

+27, 43%

32 -> 60

+28, 88%

1 -> 15

+14, 1400%

20 20 -> 8

-12, -60%

JP: 181FC5

US: 182102

216 -> 240

+24, 11%

37 -> 90

+53, 143%

8 -> 26

+18, 225%

250 70
JP: 181FCA

US: 182107

50 -> 80

+30, 60%

37 -> 50

+13, 35%

1 -> 10

+9, 900%

25 -> 20

-5, -20%

20 -> 18

-2, -10%

JP: 181FD4

US: 182111

50 -> 100

+50, 100%

37 -> 75

+38, 103%

1 -> 25

+24, 2400%

25 20
JP: 181FD9

US: 182116

1 11 -> 33

+22, 200%

1 -> 5

+4, 400%

0 0
JP: 181FCF

US: 18210C

25 -> 60

+35, 140%

37 -> 100

+63, 170%

1 -> 6

+5, 500%

25 20
JP: 341EA0

US: 341E7A

102 -> 160

+58, 57%

57 -> 88

+31, 54%

1 -> 10

+9, 900%

60 -> 58

-2, -3%

70 -> 56

-14, -20%

JP: 341EA5

US: 341E7F

102 -> 140

+38, 37%

57 -> 100

+43, 75%

1 -> 4

+3, 300%

60 -> 55

-5, -8%

70 -> 50

-20, -29%

JP: 341EAA

US: 341E84

153 -> 180

+27, 18%

57 -> 90

+33, 58%

1 -> 20

+19, 1900%

60 -> 55

-5, -8%

70 -> 60

-10, -14%

JP: 341EBE

US: 341E98

153 -> 150

-3, -2%

57 -> 200

+143, 251%

1 -> 40

+39, 3900%

60 -> 55

-5, -8%

100 -> 30

-70, -70%

JP: 341EC3

US: 341E9D

102 -> 150

+48, 47%

57 -> 120

+63, 111%

1 -> 28

+27, 2700%

60 100 -> 30

-70, -70%

JP: 341EC8

US: 341EA2

102 -> 160

+58, 57%

57 -> 120

+63, 111%

1 -> 34

+33, 3300%

60 -> 55

-5, -8%

100 -> 60

-40, -40%

JP: 341EA0

US: 341E7A

102 -> 160

+58, 57%

57 -> 88

+31, 54%

1 -> 10

+9, 900%

60 -> 58

-2, -3%

70 -> 56

-14, -20%

JP: 341EA0

US: 341E7A

102 -> 160

+58, 57%

57 -> 88

+31, 54%

1 -> 10

+9, 900%

60 -> 58

-2, -3%

70 -> 56

-14, -20%

Enemy Stats (Other)
Name Data Offsets HP Attack Defense EXP Gold
Grim Reaper JP: 141100

US: 141100

250 40 -> 95

+55, 138%

12 -> 27

+15, 125%

232 -> 200

-32, -14%

32 -> 150

+118, 369%

Lawrence JP: 1C1857

US: 1C18D3

250 -> 220

-30, -12%

54 -> 110

+56, 104%

22 -> 28

+6, 27%

208 -> 64

-144, -69%

44 -> 150

+106, 241%

Pharaoh JP: 202B63

US: 202BC1

31 70 -> 100

+30, 43%

31 -> 45

+14, 45%

157 0
Pharaoh Core JP: 2031E0

US: 20323E

250 70 -> 120

+50, 71%

31 -> 45

+14, 45%

184 144
Black Sea Dragon JP: 2815C3

US: 2815C9

230 60 -> 140

+80, 133%

20 -> 36

+16, 80%

244 -> 44

-200, -82%

200 -> 100

-100, -50%

El-in Boss 1 JP: 281839

US: 28183F

250 72 -> 100

+28, 39%

35 -> 45

+10, 29%

160 -> 172

+12, 7%

88 -> 94

+6, 7%

El-in Boss 2 JP: 281DE7

US: 281DED

250 72 -> 99

+27, 38%

35 -> 40

+5, 14%

160 -> 216

+56, 35%

88 -> 124

+36, 41%

Final Boss 1? JP: 305018

US: 305018

255 120 -> 140

+20, 17%

60 -> 140

+80, 133%

0 0
Final Boss 2? JP: 305126

US: 305126

50 60 -> 250

+190, 317%

40 -> 43

+3, 7%

0 0
Final Boss 3? JP: 3051AC

US: 3051AC

50 60 -> 250

+190, 317%

40 -> 43

+3, 7%

0 0
Dhijin JP: 3225DE

US: 32265C

250 75 -> 110

+35, 47%

40 -> 50

+10, 25%

10 100