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Exit the Gungeon

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Exit the Gungeon

Developers: Dodge Roll Games[1], Singlecore Games[2]
Publisher: Devolver Digital[3]
Platform: Windows
Released internationally: March 17, 2020

AnimationsIcon.png This game has unused animations.
AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.
DevMessageIcon.png This game has a hidden developer message.
CopyrightIcon.png This game has hidden developer credits.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
EnemyIcon.png This game has unused enemies.
ObjectIcon.png This game has unused objects.
MinigameIcon.png This game has unused modes / minigames.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ModelsIcon.png This game has unused models.
MovieIcon.png This game has unused cinematics.
Sgf2-unusedicon1.png This game has unused abilities.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.

Exit the Gungeon is a sequel to Enter the Gungeon in which you exit the rapidly destructing Gungeon.


Cursula Card Game

XTG-Splash Screen Cursula 001.png

Cursula would have had a card game using the unused script (CardShuffleGameManager). The top, middle, and bottom of a card scroll across the screen, and clicking will stop each one. After completing the game, she would do a final reading based on the cards with her crystal ball. The result would yield a reward based on the results, or no reward at all.

Lonk's Fishing Quest

XTG-Splash Screen Fishing 001.png

Lonk would have had a fishing quest in which you would drive a hook as it falls down into the ocean. Each fish hit is collected and tallied at the end. Hitting a wall causes your fishing line to reel in.


To do:
Is the snake game actually in the game files? I couldn't find anything
XTG-Splash Screen Snake 001.png

There was a Snake game which is added to your Gungear by Frifle and Mauser, and you're encouraged to play to beat other NPC's scores. As discussed by other NPCs, the name of the game itself is "Snaaaaaake!".

GameOptions class stores the game level `public int SnakeGameLevel = 1;`

Unused Save Flags


Beaten NPC Score Dialogue

To do:
The dialogue text is transcribed from displaying them ingame. Find some way to extract the language files from the game instead.

The NPCs use the following dialogue strings when their scores are beat.

NPC token English
Goopton #GOOPTON_REACTION_TO_SCORE_BEAT_001 My children gained that score. It is irrelevant to me.
Old Red #OLD_RED_REACTION_TO_SCORE_BEAT_001 What is this "score" you speak of? Come to settle one with an old enemy?
Beat my Snaaaaaake! score eh?
That game sucks anyways
Old Man #OLD_MAN_REACTION_TO_SCORE_BEAT_001 Oh no! You beat my Snaaaaaake! score? Must be lonely at the top... I'm envious!
Tinker #TINKER_REACTION_TO_SCORE_BEAT_001 You beat my score, that's great. Don't climb too high though. You don't want to get noticed.
Cadence & Ox
(Cadence) You beat my score! Ox can't even do that right

(Ox) Their Reaction Time Must Be Tool Assisted-

(Cadence) Bah!

Doug #DOUG_REACTION_TO_SCORE_BEAT_001 You beat my Snaaaaaake! score! I was on a roll when I got that one.

I'd try for a higher score, but my Gungear's buttons sometime's stick down.

Snails #SNAILS_REACTION_TO_SCORE_BEAT_001 Snaaaaaake! is a trash game for garbage people made by ungrateful devs. Turn based games are the only true test of skill.
Lonk #NPC_LONK_DID_GREAT_RANDOM_01 Woah! That's a massive haul!
Blockner #BLOCKNER_REACTION_TO_SCORE_BEAT_001 At least my Snaaaaaake! score was higher than Manuel's.
Blacksmith #BLACKSMITH_REACTION_TO_SCORE_BEAT_001 Oh you beat that funny noodle game. Good for you. I quite enjoyed it.
Ledge Goblin #LEDGE_GOBLIN_REACTION_TO_SCORE_BEAT_001 Curse that hairy oaf! He was about to kick my helmet otherwise I would have the high score! My reflexes are flawless.
Bello #BELLO_REACTION_TO_SCORE_BEAT_001 Snaaaaaake!... Oh right. That game.

Fun for a few, but I don't like games without discrete endings. The more the better, really.

Winchester #WINCHESTER_REACTION_TO_SCORE_BEAT_001 Snaaaaaake! is a decent game, but when you make games yourself its hard to turn off the analysis and just enjoy it.

There are so many missed opportunities to make it more unfair...

Cursula #CURSULA_REACTION_TO_SCORE_BEAT_001 I sense that you beat my Snaaaaaake! score... Don't be too proud... I purposely got 13.
Flynt #FLYNT_REACTION_TO_SCORE_BEAT_001 I do not have time for your pedestrian Snaaaaaake! rivalry. I have more sophisticated tastes.
Hattori #HATTORI_REACTION_TO_SCORE_BEAT_001 You beat my score huh? Thats... wonderful! Hats off to you!
Resourceful Rat #RAT_REACTION_TO_SCORE_BEAT_001 Oh you beat my score in Snaaaaaake!... That game is for nerds anyway.

Nerds like you. Nerd. This new boxing game Super Punch Rat is the new hotness, but I'm not gonna let you play it. You might nerd it up.

Drunkard #FISHMAN_REACTION_TO_SCORE_BEAT_001 Aw gills! You beat my high score. You're climbing the ladder for sure.

Unused NPCs


Cursula offers her minigame to the player.


Lonk offers his minigame to the player.

Frifle and Mauser

Frifle and Mauser offer their minigame to the player.

Brother Albern

Unused Rooms

Brother Albern's Room


A shrine room.