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Final Fantasy X

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Title Screen

Final Fantasy X

Developer: Square Product Development Division 1
Publishers: Square (JP), Square EA (US), SCEE (EU), SCE Australia (AU)
Platform: PlayStation 2
Released in JP: July 19, 2001
Released in US: December 20, 2001
Released in EU: May 24, 2002
Released in AU: May 17, 2002

ModelsIcon.png This game has unused models.
ItemsIcon.png This game has unused items.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

ProtoIcon.png This game has a prototype article
DCIcon.png This game has a Data Crystal page

Final Fantasy X is the tenth entry in the Final Fantasy series, and the first one on PlayStation 2. Visually impressive, and the first game in the series to use voice acting, it also featured a much more refined battle system emphasizing teamwork, and an innovative, yet surprisingly not irritating, stat/character growth system. The downside is that the game was incredibly linear, with most of the game simply involving walking down a very long straight line. Of course, most people remember it nowadays for a scene featuring what is perhaps the best worst laugh in a video game.

It was also the first Final Fantasy game to feature a direct sequel, the very awkwardly-named Final Fantasy X-2.

To do:
You can use Noesis to extract the game's files.
  • There's a very broken unused model of Maya from Threads of Fate (found in the Japanese version, not sure if it's in other versions).
  • There's a debug menu.
  • More regional differences. source:http://finalfantasy.neoseeker.com/wiki/Version_Differences_%28FFX%29
  • "Hum of the Fayth (Female)" is different in both USA and JP versions due to interational voice actors. Get other version.


Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info

Unused Buster Sword Weapon

FF10 bustersword.png

The Buster Sword from Final Fantasy VII exists within the game as a weapon for Tidus. Using a save editor, it is possible to hack it in-game and be usable.

(Source: The Final Fantasy Wiki)

Unused Music

There are a number of unused songs in FFX. Interestingly, three of them appear to have been composed by one of each of the game's three composers. These three tracks also appear on the Final Fantasy X HD Remaster official soundtrack as bonus tracks.


Composed by Junya Nakano. A peppy yet mysterious-sounding song that'd feel right at home in Threads of Fate. No idea where this would've fit in, but it's not in the in-game music test. Called "OMAKE 1" (Bonus addition 1) on the remastered soundtrack.


Composed by Nobuo Uematsu. This song is also not included in the in-game sound test, and is entirely unused. Sounds rather melancholy; likely intended for serious/sad cutscenes. Called "OMAKE 2" (Bonus addition 2) on the remastered soundtrack.

Wakka's Theme

Composed by Nobuo Uematsu. This is the most well-known of the three unused songs, as it's an unlockable bonus track on the in-game music test. However, it's never heard in the game proper. Its intended usage is pretty obvious, but "Blitz Ball Gamblers" is always used in Wakka-centric scenes. Called "OMAKE 3" (Bonus addition 3) on the remastered soundtrack.

Hum of the Fayth (Female)

Tidus hums the Hymn of the Fayth at one point, but this alternate female version is never heard. It's unclear whether it's Yuna or Rikku humming this version, however.

Regional Differences

To do:
There are many more differences, as listed here, for abilities, stat changes, etc. What is listed below is just some basic facts to start.

North American version changes

  • HDD support is removed.
  • Dolby Digital 5.1 surround sound support is removed. Reportedly, this was due to the inability to properly mix in the English voice acting for 5.1.

Japanese International version changes

  • A new sphere grid is added, referred to as the Expert Sphere Grid, that rearranges everything and gives greater freedom in growing out characters' stats and abilities.
  • Dark Aeon battles were added; after defeating all eight Dark Aeons, a superboss, Penance can be fought.
  • HDD support is reinstated.
  • English and Japanese subtitles now accompany spoken battle quotes.
  • This version provides the option of selecting English or Japanese text for menus and subtitles. Voice acting is exclusively in English.
  • Due to the use of English voice acting, Dolby Digital 5.1 support is still omitted.
  • A new bonus DVD is included, this time featuring new trailers for then-upcoming SQUARESOFT games, interviews with the two lead English voice actors, James Arnold Taylor (Tidus) and Hedy Burress (Yuna) and a new epilogue video, titled "Another Story", that takes place after the main game.

European version changes

  • The European version is based on the Japanese international version, as a way to make up for the delayed release of the game in Europe and the technical issues of porting an NTSC game to the PAL image standard.
  • A bonus DVD is included which is largely the same as the Japanese bonus DVD, but with different interviews with Taylor and Burress. The "Another Story" prologue is omitted.
  • The subtitles that accompany spoken battle quotes are carried over and are fully translated in other languages as well.
  • The Home glitch that was introduced in the Japanese International version, which allowed the player to return to the Al Bhed Home despite its destruction, was fixed.
  • A crash bug that occurred before or after the Dark Valefor fight was fixed.