Fire Department 3
Fire Department 3 |
Developer: Monte Cristo Multimédia This game has unused playable characters. |
Fire Department 3 gives you the control of firefighting teams from France, Ukraine, United States, Germany and United Kingdom. You have 3 missions on each country.
Leftover files and folders
Some files and folders used during development are still present on the disc.
Editor folder
Located in Fire Department 3\, This was a folder used during development that contained a mission and map editor. In the retail release, this folder is (obviously) empty.
Save folder
Located in Fire Department 3\, This folder is empty. Perhaps it was the folder where save files were located in earlier versions?
Located in Fire Department 3\Data, This file contains nothing. The word "pipo" in French (game developer language) is used in this case to say "anything".
Located in Fire Department 3\Data\Config, This file was used during development to use a .ini file from a server.
Located in Fire Department 3\Data\Sound\Music, This file has a FTP transfer log.
2004.09.29 10:14 B d:\Fire2\Install\Data\Sound\Music\Fire Captain - Mission Event Music.mp3 <-- fd2sound /DigitalReality Fire Captain - Mission Event Music.mp3 2004.10.01 11:09 B \\don001\Fire2\DATA\GAME_DATA\Data\Sound\Music\Fire Captain - Defeat Music V2.mp3 <-- fd2sound /DigitalReality Fire Captain - Defeat Music V2.mp3
Located in Fire Department 3\Data\Fonte, This file contains an font used during development.
There's quite a few development-related text here. They are riddled with typos.
Located in Fire Department 3\Data\Overlay This file indicates how to use widget-related .ini files.
; ******************************************************************************************* ; Types d'objets actuellement définis ; "WIDGET" ; "BUTTON" ; "COMBO" ; "EDIT" ; "CURVE" ; "GROUP" ; "HSCROLL" ; "LIST" ; "PROGRESS" ; "RENDER" ; "VSCROLL" ; ; Liste des noms d'objets crées par la couche overlay désignés par le champ EQUIVALENT dans une section ; D_MO_WIDGET_ROOT_OBJECT_NAME "ROOT" ; D_MOW_HS_BUTTON_LEFT "HsBtnLeft" ; D_MOW_HS_BUTTON_RIGHT "HsBtnRight" ; D_MOW_HS_BUTTON_THUMBTRACK "HsBtnThmb" ; D_MOW_VS_BUTTON_UP "VsBtnUp" ; D_MOW_VS_BUTTON_DOWN "VsBtnDown" ; D_MOW_VS_BUTTON_THUMBTRACK "VsBtnThmb" ; D_MOW_LB_VSCROLL "LbVs" ; D_MOW_CB_LISTBOX "CbLb" ; D_MOW_CB_EDIT "CbEdit" ; D_MOW_CB_DEPLOY "CbBtnDeploy" ; ; Cas spécifique pour l'insertion dans la listbox : ; "Lyix" ou y représente le numéro de la ligne et x, la colonne ; ; ; Parametres (* = default) ; TYPE Type of object to create ; PARENT Parent of object to create ; PRIORITY Priority of object [0..100] ; ZPRIORITY Z priority of object [0,0..1,0] ; EQUIVALENT Used to identify current object as an internal create object ; (so this object is only updated) ; X Position on X in parent area ; Y Position on Y in parent area ; WIDTH Width of object ; HEIGHT Height of object ; ou ; SIZE x y width height of object ; VISIBLE Object visible or not [0..1] ; ENABLE Object enable (ie valid) or not [0..1] ; USER_MOVABLE User can move object with mouse ; DRAG_AND_DROP NOT USED ; BORDER_COLOR Define a border color ; BACK_COLOR Define a back color ; TEXTURE Texture name to use ; TEXTURE_MOSAIC Texture to mosaic [0*..1] ; TEXTURE_FRAME Frame in texture to use [0*..[ ; TEXT_COLOR Define a text color ; TEXT_HEIGHT Height of text to display ; TEXT_FONT Font filename to use ; TEXT_JUSTIFY Combination : LEFT | RIGHT | X | UP | DOWN | Y | CENTER ; TEXT Text to display ; HINT Hint of object ; USER_ID User defined ID ; ALIGN_LEFT Align object on left side when resolution change [0..1] ; ALIGN_UP Align object on up side when resolution change [0..1] ; ALIGN_RIGHT Align object on right side when resolution change [0..1] ; ALIGN_DOWN Align object on down side when resolution change [0..1] ; ALIGN_CENTER Center object on parent [0..1] ; ALIGN_USER_DEFINED User defined center [0..1] generate OnGenericMessage ; (E_MO_WIDGET_SUB_MESSAGE_SET_NEW_RESOLUTION, T_MO_WIDGET_RESOLUTION*, -1, -1, -1); ; SOUND_ON_DOWN Used for defined the sound to play on Action down ; SOUND_ON_UP Used for defined the sound to play on Action Up ; SOUND_ON_DOWN_DISABLE Used for defined the sound to play on Action Down and button is disable ; SOUND_ON_UP_DISABLE Used for defined the sound to play on Action Up and Widget is disable ; SOUND_ON_VISIBLE Used for defined the sound to play on Visible Action ; SOUND_ON_HIDE Used for defined the sound to play on Hide Action ; SOUND_ON_ENABLE Used for defined the sound to play on Enable Action ; SOUND_ON_DISABLE Used for defined the sound to play on Disable Action ; SOUND_ON_FOCUS Used for defined the sound to play on Focus Action ; ; Parametres (BUTTON) ; BTN_SUB_TYPE NORMAL* | SWITCH | CHECK_BOX ; BTN_START_STATE DOWN | UP* ; ; Parametres (EDIT) ; EDIT_MAX_LENGTH Maximum length for edit ; EDIT_TO_UPPER Convert to upper ; EDIT_TO_LOWER Convert to lower ; EDIT_TYPE NORMAL* | S32 | U32 | F32| ALPHA | ALPHANUM | FILENAME | IP ; ; Parametres (GROUP) ; GB_NO_EMPTY_SELECTION User cannot unselect all buttons ; ; Parametres (HSCROLL) ; HS_POSITION Position in scroll bar ; HS_RANGE Max range of scroll bar ; ; Parametres (VSCROLL) ; VS_POSITION Position in scroll bar ; VS_RANGE Max range of scroll bar ; ; Parametres (LISTBOX) ; LB_VSCROLL_WIDTH Width in pixels of scroll bar ; LB_FIRST_LINE_SEPARATOR Draw first line separator ; LB_LINE_SEPARATOR Draw all lines separator ; LB_SELECTED_SEPARATOR_COLOR Separator color ; LB_SELECTED_LINE_COLOR Selected line color ; LB_HIGHLIGHT_LINE_COLOR Color for highlight line ; LB_HIGHLIGHT_CELL_COLOR Color for highlight cell ; LB_LINE_HEIGHT Height in pixels of each line ; LB_NB_COLUMNS Number of columns ; LB_COLUMNx_WIDTH Width of each column (replace 'x' by [0..LB_NB_COLUMNS[ ; ; Parametres (COMBOBOX) ; CB_REDUCED_HEIGHT Size of edit text & deploy button when combo is reduced ; CB_VSCROLL_WIDTH Width of scroll bar ; CB_LB_LINE_HEIGHT Line height in listbox ; ; Parametres (PROGRESSBAR) ; PB_CURRENT_PROGRESS Current progression ; PB_MIN_PROGRESS Min progression ]..[ 0* ; PB_MAX_PROGRESS Max progression ; PB_VERTICAL Vertical draw [0..1] ; PB_ZERO_CENTER Center draw on 0 [0..1] ; PB_TEXTURE Texture name to use during progression ; PB_TEXTURE_FRAME Frame in object to use ; ; Parametres (GRAPHICCURVES) ; GC_MIN_SCALE Minimum scale for all curves ; GC_MAX_SCALE Maximum scale for all curves ; GC_AUTO_SCALE Adjust scale when going out of bounds [0..1] ; GC_NB_CURVES Define number of curves to use ; GC_SAMPLES_PER_CURVE Number of sample to have in a curve ; GC_UPDATE_TIME Time before scrolling curve to the left ; GC_CURVEx_COLOR Define curve color ; GC_CURVEx_VISIBLE Define if a curve is visible or not ; ; Parametres (RENDERVIEW) ; RV_ZMIN Min Z value ; RV_ZMAX Max Z value ; ; ******************************************************************************************* ; ******************************************************************************************* ; hiérarchie des widgets ; ; ROOT racine principale telle que définie par OverlayWidget ; | ; +-- MAINFRAME frame principale regroupant toutes les widgets du jeu ; | elle défini aussi la taille de l'écran pour gérer les changements ; | de résolution dans OverlayWidget ; | ; +-- MESSAGEBOX widget spéciale: peut shunter le fonctionnement du backdrop pour ; | simuler le fonctionnement d'une boite de dialogue modale ; | ; +-- WORKSPACE frame regroupant toutes les widgets propres aux différents modes ; | de jeu ; | ; +-- BACKDROP une renderview pour y dessiner la vue 3D; attention! comme elle ; | est gérée par OverlayWidget il bien tenir de ses niveaux de ; | priorité d'affichage ; | ; +-- PANEL_... tous les paneaux utilisés dans les différents modes de jeu ; | ; +-- PAGE_... toutes les pages utilisés dans les menus ; ; ******************************************************************************************* ;--------------------------------------- [WID_MAINFRAME] TYPE = "WIDGET" PARENT = "ROOT" PRIORITY = 5 ZPRIORITY = 0.95 SIZE = 0 0 799 599 ALIGN_UP = 1 ALIGN_DOWN = 1 ALIGN_LEFT = 1 ALIGN_RIGHT = 1 ;BORDER_COLOR = 0 0 255 255 VISIBLE = 1 ENABLE = 1 ;--------------------------------------- [WID_WORKSPACE] TYPE = "WIDGET" PARENT = "WID_MAINFRAME" PRIORITY = 10 ZPRIORITY = 0.90 SIZE = 0 0 799 599 ALIGN_UP = 1 ALIGN_DOWN = 1 ALIGN_LEFT = 1 ALIGN_RIGHT = 1 VISIBLE = 1 ENABLE = 1 ; ******************************************************************************************* [#INCLUDE] FILE0 = "./Common/Panel_MessageBox.Ini" FILE1 = "./Game/MainGameinterface.Ini" FILE2 = "./Menu/MainMenuInterface.Ini"
Below is a translated version of the ini file. Typos in French have been accordingly brought over to English for context.
; ******************************************************************************************* ; Object types currently defined ; "WIDGET" ; "BUTTON" ; "COMBO" ; "EDIT" ; "CURVE" ; "GROUP" ; "HSCROLL" ; "LIST" ; "PROGRESS" ; "RENDER" ; "VSCROLL" ; ; List of object names created by the overlay layer named by the equivalent entry in a section ; D_MO_WIDGET_ROOT_OBJECT_NAME "ROOT" ; D_MOW_HS_BUTTON_LEFT "HsBtnLeft" ; D_MOW_HS_BUTTON_RIGHT "HsBtnRight" ; D_MOW_HS_BUTTON_THUMBTRACK "HsBtnThmb" ; D_MOW_VS_BUTTON_UP "VsBtnUp" ; D_MOW_VS_BUTTON_DOWN "VsBtnDown" ; D_MOW_VS_BUTTON_THUMBTRACK "VsBtnThmb" ; D_MOW_LB_VSCROLL "LbVs" ; D_MOW_CB_LISTBOX "CbLb" ; D_MOW_CB_EDIT "CbEdit" ; D_MOW_CB_DEPLOY "CbBtnDeploy" ; ; Specific case in listbox insertion: ; "Lyix" where y represents the number of the x line, the column ; ; ; Parameters (* = default) ; TYPE Type of object to create ; PARENT Parent of object to create ; PRIORITY Priority of object [0..100] ; ZPRIORITY Z priority of object [0,0..1,0] ; EQUIVALENT Used to identify current object as an internal create object ; (so this object is only updated) ; X Position on X in parent area ; Y Position on Y in parent area ; WIDTH Width of object ; HEIGHT Height of object ; ou ; SIZE x y width height of object ; VISIBLE Object visible or not [0..1] ; ENABLE Object enable (ie valid) or not [0..1] ; USER_MOVABLE User can move object with mouse ; DRAG_AND_DROP NOT USED ; BORDER_COLOR Define a border color ; BACK_COLOR Define a back color ; TEXTURE Texture name to use ; TEXTURE_MOSAIC Texture to mosaic [0*..1] ; TEXTURE_FRAME Frame in texture to use [0*..[ ; TEXT_COLOR Define a text color ; TEXT_HEIGHT Height of text to display ; TEXT_FONT Font filename to use ; TEXT_JUSTIFY Combination : LEFT | RIGHT | X | UP | DOWN | Y | CENTER ; TEXT Text to display ; HINT Hint of object ; USER_ID User defined ID ; ALIGN_LEFT Align object on left side when resolution change [0..1] ; ALIGN_UP Align object on up side when resolution change [0..1] ; ALIGN_RIGHT Align object on right side when resolution change [0..1] ; ALIGN_DOWN Align object on down side when resolution change [0..1] ; ALIGN_CENTER Center object on parent [0..1] ; ALIGN_USER_DEFINED User defined center [0..1] generate OnGenericMessage ; (E_MO_WIDGET_SUB_MESSAGE_SET_NEW_RESOLUTION, T_MO_WIDGET_RESOLUTION*, -1, -1, -1); ; SOUND_ON_DOWN Used for defined the sound to play on Action down ; SOUND_ON_UP Used for defined the sound to play on Action Up ; SOUND_ON_DOWN_DISABLE Used for defined the sound to play on Action Down and button is disable ; SOUND_ON_UP_DISABLE Used for defined the sound to play on Action Up and Widget is disable ; SOUND_ON_VISIBLE Used for defined the sound to play on Visible Action ; SOUND_ON_HIDE Used for defined the sound to play on Hide Action ; SOUND_ON_ENABLE Used for defined the sound to play on Enable Action ; SOUND_ON_DISABLE Used for defined the sound to play on Disable Action ; SOUND_ON_FOCUS Used for defined the sound to play on Focus Action ; ; Parameters (BUTTON) ; BTN_SUB_TYPE NORMAL* | SWITCH | CHECK_BOX ; BTN_START_STATE DOWN | UP* ; ; Parameters (EDIT) ; EDIT_MAX_LENGTH Maximum length for edit ; EDIT_TO_UPPER Convert to upper ; EDIT_TO_LOWER Convert to lower ; EDIT_TYPE NORMAL* | S32 | U32 | F32| ALPHA | ALPHANUM | FILENAME | IP ; ; Parameters (GROUP) ; GB_NO_EMPTY_SELECTION User cannot unselect all buttons ; ; Parameters (HSCROLL) ; HS_POSITION Position in scroll bar ; HS_RANGE Max range of scroll bar ; ; Parameters (VSCROLL) ; VS_POSITION Position in scroll bar ; VS_RANGE Max range of scroll bar ; ; Parameters (LISTBOX) ; LB_VSCROLL_WIDTH Width in pixels of scroll bar ; LB_FIRST_LINE_SEPARATOR Draw first line separator ; LB_LINE_SEPARATOR Draw all lines separator ; LB_SELECTED_SEPARATOR_COLOR Separator color ; LB_SELECTED_LINE_COLOR Selected line color ; LB_HIGHLIGHT_LINE_COLOR Color for highlight line ; LB_HIGHLIGHT_CELL_COLOR Color for highlight cell ; LB_LINE_HEIGHT Height in pixels of each line ; LB_NB_COLUMNS Number of columns ; LB_COLUMNx_WIDTH Width of each column (replace 'x' by [0..LB_NB_COLUMNS[ ; ; Parameters (COMBOBOX) ; CB_REDUCED_HEIGHT Size of edit text & deploy button when combo is reduced ; CB_VSCROLL_WIDTH Width of scroll bar ; CB_LB_LINE_HEIGHT Line height in listbox ; ; Parameters (PROGRESSBAR) ; PB_CURRENT_PROGRESS Current progression ; PB_MIN_PROGRESS Min progression ]..[ 0* ; PB_MAX_PROGRESS Max progression ; PB_VERTICAL Vertical draw [0..1] ; PB_ZERO_CENTER Center draw on 0 [0..1] ; PB_TEXTURE Texture name to use during progression ; PB_TEXTURE_FRAME Frame in object to use ; ; Parameters (GRAPHICCURVES) ; GC_MIN_SCALE Minimum scale for all curves ; GC_MAX_SCALE Maximum scale for all curves ; GC_AUTO_SCALE Adjust scale when going out of bounds [0..1] ; GC_NB_CURVES Define number of curves to use ; GC_SAMPLES_PER_CURVE Number of sample to have in a curve ; GC_UPDATE_TIME Time before scrolling curve to the left ; GC_CURVEx_COLOR Define curve color ; GC_CURVEx_VISIBLE Define if a curve is visible or not ; ; Parameters (RENDERVIEW) ; RV_ZMIN Min Z value ; RV_ZMAX Max Z value ; ; ******************************************************************************************* ; ******************************************************************************************* ; widget hierarchy ; ; ROOT main root as defined by OverlayWidget ; | ; +-- MAINFRAME main frame regrouping all of the game's widgets ; | it also defines the size of the screen to handle loadings ; | of resolution in OverlayWidget ; | ; +-- MESSAGEBOX special widget: can shunt the backdrop's behavior to ; | simulate the behavior of a modal dialog box ; | ; +-- WORKSPACE frame grouping all widgets belonging to the different ; | game modes ; | ; +-- BACKDROP a "renderview" to draw the 3D view; watch out! since it ; | is handled by OverlayWidget it well hold all its levels of ; | rendering priority ; | ; +-- PANEL_... all panels used in different game modes ; | ; +-- PAGE_... all pages used in menus ; ; ******************************************************************************************* ;--------------------------------------- [WID_MAINFRAME] TYPE = "WIDGET" PARENT = "ROOT" PRIORITY = 5 ZPRIORITY = 0.95 SIZE = 0 0 799 599 ALIGN_UP = 1 ALIGN_DOWN = 1 ALIGN_LEFT = 1 ALIGN_RIGHT = 1 ;BORDER_COLOR = 0 0 255 255 VISIBLE = 1 ENABLE = 1 ;--------------------------------------- [WID_WORKSPACE] TYPE = "WIDGET" PARENT = "WID_MAINFRAME" PRIORITY = 10 ZPRIORITY = 0.90 SIZE = 0 0 799 599 ALIGN_UP = 1 ALIGN_DOWN = 1 ALIGN_LEFT = 1 ALIGN_RIGHT = 1 VISIBLE = 1 ENABLE = 1 ; ******************************************************************************************* [#INCLUDE] FILE0 = "./Common/Panel_MessageBox.Ini" FILE1 = "./Game/MainGameinterface.Ini" FILE2 = "./Menu/MainMenuInterface.Ini"
This file on the folder Fire Department 3\Data\Script explains how to use an API script.
// ========================= // SYNCHRO // ========================= // !!! Note !!! : these functions are only available in LATENT scripts // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- s32 SYNC_WaitTime( f32& _fDuree) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Stop script execution // _fDuree : duration in seconds (float) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- s32 SYNC_WaitInterfaceEvent( mcString& _strEvent) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Stop script execution until specified interface event // _strEvent : interface event name // SELECT // TARGET // REQUEST_STATE // CAMERA_MODE // CONTACT_BRIEFING_END // HOVER // LEAVE // START_CAMPAIGN // START_CINEMATIC_INTRO // START_CINEMATIC_BEGIN // START_CINEMATIC_END // END_CINEMATIC // START_MISSION // EXIT_PROGRAM // ERROR // MISSION_COMPLETED // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- s32 SYNC_WaitCharacterEvent( mcString& _strEntityName, mcString& _strEvent) s32 SYNC_WaitFournitureEvent( mcString& _strEntityName, mcString& _strEvent) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Stop script execution until specified entity event // _strEntityName : entity private name // _strEvent : entity event name // TRAINING_REQUEST // NEED_EFFECT_STARTING // NEED_EFFECT_STOPING // TASK_EFFECT_STARTING // TASK_EFFECT_STOPING // PASSION_EFFECT_STARTING // PASSION_EFFECT_STOPING // EFFECT_INTERRUPTED // ACTION_START // ACTION_END // ACTION_INTERRUPT // BODY_ADD_CLOTH // BODY_REMOVE_CLOTH // BODY_MORPH // BODY_HEAD // BODY_SKIN // BODY_HAIR // ZONE_ADD_ENTITY // ZONE_REMOVE_ENTITY // REMOVE_ENTITY_REQUEST // ROOM_WALLCLASS // ROOM_FLOORCLASS // ROOM_OPENING // ROOM_POSITION // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- s32 SYNC_WaitCharacterEmptyPlayList( mcString& _strEntityName) s32 SYNC_WaitContactEmptyPlayList( mcString& _strEntityName) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Stop script execution until entity animation playlist is empty // _strEntityName : entity private name // ========================= // ENTITY POSITION // ========================= // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- s32 ENTITY_GetPosition( mcString& _strEntityName, f32& _fX, f32& _fY) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get current entity position (in centimeter) // _strEntityName : Entity private name // _fX, _fY : current position (float) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ENTITY_SetPosition (mcString& _strEntityName, f32& _fX, f32& _fY) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Fix entity position (in centimeter) // _strEntityName : Entity private name // _fX, _fY : new position (float) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- s32 ENTITY_GetGridPosition( mcString& _strEntityName, s32& _sX, s32& _sY) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get current entity grid position // _strEntityName : Entity private name // _sX, _sY : current grid position // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ENTITY_SetGridPosition (mcString& _strEntityName, s32& _sX, s32& _sY) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Fix entity grid position // _strEntityName : Entity private name // _sX, _sY : new grid position // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ENTITY_SetOrientation (mcString& _strEntityName, mcString& _strOrientation) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Fix entity orientation // _strEntityName : Entity private name // _strOrientation : NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ENTITY_Turn (mcString& _strEntityName, mcString& _strOrientation) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Rotate entity // _strEntityName : Entity private name // _strOrientation : R -> for a right turn // L -> for a left turn // B -> for a half turn // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ENTITY_SetZ (mcString& _strEntityName, f32& _fZ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Fix entity Z position (in centimeter) // _strEntityName : Entity private name // _fZ : new Z position (float) // ========================= // ENTITY ACCESS // ========================= // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- s32 GetEntityUID(mcString& _strEntityName) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //return the UID of the entity named _strEntityName // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- s32 GetEntityUIDNoWarning(mcString& _strEntityName) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //same function as above, but with no warning if the object does not exist. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- s32 ENTITY_FindByClassName ( mcString _strClassName ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns the entity ID of an item by specifying its class name. // If there are multiple occurences of that item, the first one is // returned. // _strClassName : Classname. // ========================= // EVENTS // ========================= // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SendEvent ( mcString _strEventType, s32 _sEntityUID) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Note : only 'RemoveEntity' event is supported // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- s32 IsInterfaceEventOccured (mcString& _Param1) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name of the event // return 1 if event occured // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SendInterfaceEvent (mcString& _strEventName) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ========================= // CAMERAS // ========================= // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SetCameraOnEntity ( s32 _sEntityUID, f32 _fZoom) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SetCamera ( mcString _strWaypointName, f32 _fTravellingTime) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // WaypointName : waypoint private name // TravellingTime : travelling time // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SetCameraPosition ( f32 _X, f32 _Y, f32 _Z, f32 _TargetX, f32 _TargetY, f32 _TargetZ, s32 _bInterpolation) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // X,Y,Z : Camera position // TargetX,Y,Z : Camera target position // Interpolation : 0 no interpolation, 1 use interpolation // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SetCameraMode ( s32 _sCameraMode) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CameraMode : 0 FREE, 1 PLAY_DEV, 2 PLAY, 3 PURSUIT, 4 TRACK, 5 CINEMATIC // ========================= // CINEMATICS // ========================= // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CIN_FadeOut( f32& _fduration, s32& _stayBlack) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //fade from normal screen to black screen in _fduration secondes //_stayBlack : 1 keep black screen, 0 : fade out // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CIN_FadeIn( f32& _fduration) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //fade from black screen to normal screen in _fduration secondes // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- s32 CIN_PrintSubtitle( mcString& _strSpeaker, mcString& _strText) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // _strSpeaker : Speaker name keyloc // _strText : Text key loc // (return nothing) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- s32 CIN_ClearSubtitle() // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Clear current speaker name and subtitle // (return nothing) // ========================= // PANELS (INTERFACE) // ========================= // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void PANEL_SetInterfaceMode( mcString& _strMode) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Change interface mode // _strMode : new mode // PLAY // BUY // BUILDER // SHOW // CINEMATICS // CHOREGRAPHY // DANCERS // DRESSING // GARDEN // CONTACTS // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void PANEL_ShowBriefingPanelCall(mcString& _LockKey) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // show the breifing panel with comment : _LockKey // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void PANEL_SetSpecialBackground( mcString& _BackgroundName) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void PANEL_ClearSpecialBackground() // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Activate/Desactivate a special page background // Warning : you must call PANEL_ClearSpecialBackground before displaying a new panel/page // ========================= // CONTACT / CHARACTER // ========================= // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void AddMoveAction( mcString& _strActor, s32& _sX, s32& _sY) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //_strActor : private name of entity to perform the action //_sX : coord x of the square destination in the Grid //_sY : coord y of the square destination in the Grid // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void AddAction( mcString& _strActor, mcString& _strAction, mcString& _strTarget) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //_strActor : private name of entity to perform the action //_strAction : name of the action on the item or Perso //_strTarget : name of the item or Perso target of the action // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void FlushAction( mcString& _strActor) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //_strActor : private name of entity to interrupt //this fonction flush the action stack // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void InterruptAction( mcString& _strActor) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //_strActor : private name of entity to interrupt //this fonction stop the action, and flush the animation associated ! // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void StopAction(mcString& _strActor) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //_strActor : private name of entity to interrupt //this fonction stop the action, butlet the animation associeted until end ! // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- s32 IsContactPlayListEmpty (s32& _Param1) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //_param1 : entity's ID // return 1 if playlist is empty // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- s32 IsCharacterPlayListEmpty (s32& _Param1) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //_param1 : entity's ID // return 1 if playlist is empty // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void AddFaceAnimToActor(mcString& _strActorName, mcString& _strAnimName, s32& _sMode) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //_strActorName : private name of entity //_strAnimName : anim name //_sMode : -1 LOOP, 0 HOLD, (1 ... n) REPEAT // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void NextFaceActorAnim(mcString& _strActorName) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //_strActorName : private name of entity // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void FlushFaceActorAnimPlayList(mcString& _strActorName) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //_strActorName : private name of entity // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void AddAnimToActor(mcString& _strActorName, mcString& _strAnimeName, s32& _sMode) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //_strActorName : private name of entity //_strAnimName : anim name //_sMode : -1 LOOP, 0 HOLD, (1 ... n) REPEAT // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void NextActorAnim(mcString& _strActorName) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //_strActorName : private name of entity // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void FlushActorAnimPlayList(mcString& _strActorName) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //_strActorName : private name of entity // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void AddAnimToItem(mcString& _strItemName, mcString& _strAnimeName, s32& _sMode) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //_strItemName : private name of entity //_strAnimName : anim name //_sMode : -1 LOOP, 0 HOLD, (1 ... n) REPEAT // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void FlushItemAnimPlayList(mcString& _strItemName) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //_strItemName : private name of entity // ========================= // SOUND // ========================= // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SOUND_EnableAmbientShuffle(s32& _Enable); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // enables or disables the ambient music shuffle // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SOUND_PlayMusic(mcString& _strStreamMusic); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // read stream music // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SOUND_StopMusic(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SOUND_SetMusicVolume(f32& _fVolume); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // f32 volume of music // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SOUND_PlaySound2D(mcString& _strSoundLabel); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // _strSoundLabel : Label of the sound to play // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SOUND_FadeSound2D(mcString& _strSoundLabel, f32& _fDuration); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // _strSoundLabel : Label of the sound to fade // _fDuration : duration of fade // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SOUND_StopSound2D(mcString& _strSoundLabel); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // _strSoundLabel : Label of the sound to stop // ========================= // IA // ========================= // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DisableIA() // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EnableIA() // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ========================= // CHOREGRAPHY // ========================= // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- mcBool ClearChoregraphy () // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- mcBool AddGoodyMusic ( mcString _strGoodyName) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- mcBool AddGoodyStep ( s32 _sLine, s32 _sStep, mcString _strGoodyName) mcBool AddGoodyEffect ( s32 _sLine, s32 _sStep, mcString _strGoodyName) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Line : choregraphy line ( 1 - 3 ) // Step : line step ( 1 - 8 ) // GoodyName : goody class name // ========================= // WIDGET & TUTORIAL // ========================= // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void WIDGET_TutorialPrompt ( mcString _strText, s32 _sShowOkButton, s32 _sModal) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Displays the tutorial non-modal message box // _strText : Text to be displayed. if starting with '&', _strText // is considered as a localization key. // _sShowOkButton : To display/hide the "Ok" button. // _sModal : Panel is modal or not // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void WIDGET_SetText ( mcString _strWidgetName, mcString _strText ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Displays the tutorial non-modal message box // _strWidgetName : Name of the target widget. // _strText : Text to be displayed. if starting with '&', _strText // is considered as a localization key. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void WIDGET_SetVisible ( mcString _strWidgetName, s32 _bVisible ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Show or hide a widget (and its children). // _strWidgetName : Name of the target widget. // _bVisible : 0 to hide, 1 to show the widget. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void WIDGET_SetEnable ( mcString _strWidgetName, s32 _bEnable ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Enable or disable a widget (and its children). // _strWidgetName : Name of the target widget. // _bEnable : 0 to disable, 1 to enable the widget. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void WIDGET_SetPosition ( mcString _strWidgetName, f32 _fX, f32 _fY ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Move a widget to the desired location. // _strWidgetName : Name of the target widget. // _fX, _fY : Coordinates of the desired location for the widget, // expressed in pixels. The origin of the screen is // the top left corner. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void WIDGET_SetPositionRelative ( mcString _strWidgetName, f32 _fX, f32 _fY, mcString _strRefWidgetName ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Same as WIDGET_SetPosition except the x and y coordinates of // _strRefWidgetName are added. Used for high resolution settings // in page displays // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- s32 SYNC_WaitWidgetEvent( mcString _strWidget, mcString _strEvent ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- s32 WIDGET_IsInterfaceEventOccured ( mcString _strWidgetName, mcString _strEvent ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns 1 if the specified event occurred on the specified widget. // Otherwise, returns 0. // _strWidgetName : Name of the target widget. // _strEvent : Event to look for, can be : "WidgetActionDown", // "WidgetActionUp", "WidgetOverRoll", "WidgetBecomeVisible" // and "WidgetBecomeEnable". // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void WIDGET_Highlight ( mcString _strWidgetName, s32 _bOneShot ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Displays a blinking texture over the specified widget. // _strWidgetName : Name of the target widget. // _bOneShot : if 1, the blinking occurs only one time. // Otherwise, it loops. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void WIDGET_StopHighlight ( mcString _strWidgetName ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Hides the blinking texture over the specified widget. // _strWidgetName : Name of the target widget. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- s32 SYNC_WaitBuilderEvent( mcString _rstrEvent, mcString _strObject ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns when the specified event occurred on the specified widget. // _rstrEvent : Event to look for, can be : "RoomCreated", // "ItemBought", "FloorChanged", "DoorBought", // "WindowBought" or "WallpaperChanged". // _rstrObject : if "ItemBought" is the event to look for, _rstrObject // can be used to specify the object to be bought. // if _rstrObject is "" then the event occurs whatever // object has been bought. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- s32 BUILDER_IsEventOccured ( mcString _rstrEvent, mcString _rstrObject ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns 1 if the specified event occurred on the specified widget. // Otherwise, returns 0. // _rstrEvent : Event to look for, can be : "RoomCreated", // "ItemBought" or "WallpaperChanged". // _rstrObject : if "ItemBought" is the event to look for, _rstrObject // can be used to specify the object to be bought. // if _rstrObject is "" then the event occurs whatever // object has been bought. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void BUILDER_SetRoomRange ( f32 _fMin, f32 _fMax) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sets the min and max size allowed for room creation. // _fMin : Minimum size. // _fMax : Guess! // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ACTOR_SetNeed ( mcString _strActor, mcString _strNeed, f32 _fValue ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sets the specified need of the specified actor to the specified // value. // _strActor : Actor to set need. // _strNeed : Need to set. // _fValue : New value for the need. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- s32 SYNC_WaitActionSelected( mcString _strAction ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns when the specified action has been selected. // _strAction : Action (on a character or item) to be selected. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- s32 ACTION_IsEventOccured ( mcString _strAction ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns 1 if the specified action has been selected. // Otherwise, returns 0. // _strAction : Action (on a character or item) to be selected. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- s32 SYNC_WaitGoodySelected( mcString _strGoody ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns when the specified goody has been selected. // _strGoody : Goody to be selected. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- s32 ACTION_IsGoodySelected ( mcString _strGoody ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns 1 if the specified goody has been selected. // Otherwise, returns 0. // _strGoody : Goody to be selected. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- s32 SYNC_WaitTrainingCompleted() // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns when all tasks of the current training have been completed. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- s32 SYNC_WaitTaskCompleted( mcString _strTask ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns when the specified task has been completed. // _rstrTask : Task to be completed. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- s32 TASK_IsEventOccured ( mcString& _rstrTask ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns 1 if the specified task has been completed. // Otherwise, returns 0. // _rstrTask : Task to be completed. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- f32 BAND_GetPassion () // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns the value of the public's passion for the Band. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void BAND_SetPassion ( f32& _rfValue ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sets the value of the public's passion for the Band. // _rfValue : New passion value. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void WIDGET_HighlightLB ( mcString& _rstrWidget, s32& _rsLine, s32& _rsCol, s32& _rbOneShot ) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Displays a blinking texture over the specified listBox element. // _strWidget : Name of the target listbox. // _rsLine : Line of the listbox element to be highlighted. // _rsCol : Column of the listbox element to be highlighted. // _bOneShot : if 1, the blinking occurs only one time. // Otherwise, it loops. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void WIDGET_StopHighlightLB ( mcString& _rstrWidget, s32& _rsLine, s32& _rsCol ) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Hides the blinking texture over the specified listBox element. // _strWidget : Name of the target listbox. // _rsLine : Line of the listbox element to be highlighted. // _rsCol : Column of the listbox element to be highlighted. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- s32 WIDGET_IsInterfaceEventOccuredLB ( mcString& _rstrWidget, s32& _rsLine, s32& _rsCol, mcString& _rstrEvent) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns 1 if the specified event occurred on the specified widget. // Otherwise, returns 0. // _strWidget : Name of the target listbox. // _rsLine : Line of the listbox element to be highlighted. // _rsCol : Column of the listbox element to be highlighted. // _strEvent : Event to look for, can be : "WidgetActionDown", // "WidgetActionUp", "WidgetOverRoll", "WidgetBecomeVisible" // and "WidgetBecomeEnable". //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void BUILDER_SetAtmosphereEnable( s32& _rbEnable) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Enables or disables the room style panel. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void BUILDER_SetBuilderNavigationEnables32& _rbEnable) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Enables or disables the builder navigation system //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void BAND_SetPassionEnable( s32& _rbEnable) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Enables or disables the passion system (Passion decrease and impact on // the Contact button.) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void WIDGET_SetKeyboardFocus( mcString& _rstrWidget, s32& _rsFocus) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Gives/releases the keyboard focus to/from an EditBox. // _rstrWidget : Name of the target editbox. // _rsFocus : 1 to give the focus, 0 to release it. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- s32 SYNC_WaitTrainingCompleted() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Wait for a training to complete. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- s32 SYNC_WaitMissionCompleted() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Wait for all the objectives of the current mission to be completed. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void IA_SetPathFollowingActivate ( mcString& _strEntityName, s32& _sVal ) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // if _val = 0 desactivate _strEntityName's PathFollowing (perso don't avoid other perso moving) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void IA_SetPathFindingActivate ( mcString& _strEntityName, s32& _sVal ) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // if _val = 0 desactivate _strEntityName's PathFinding (perso move in straight line) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void BUILDER_EnableSellItem( s32 _sEnable) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Enable/Disable the possibility to sell items...
This file in the folder Fire Department 3\Data\Script explains how to use the API script. It has references to the game's predecessor.
Montectristo - Fire Departement 2 Engine Script Function help file. File auto generated by "Fire Department 2 Editor" (Debug), version 0.09d Autogenerated on 6/4/2004 at 10:57:23,280 //########################################################################## //### ### //### IA SCRIPTS //### ### //########################################################################## Handle all scripts concerning IA. All functions are indexed with "IA" //########################################################################## //### ### //### TRIGGER SCRIPTS //### ### //########################################################################## Handle all scripts concerning triggers. All functions are indexed with "TRG" //########################################################################## //### ### //### FIRE SCRIPTS //### ### //########################################################################## Handle all scripts concerning hotpoints, smokepoints, and fire management. All functions are indexed with "FIR" //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // FIR_HPEnable //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- None // PARAMETERS //-------------- EntityID : The hotpoint or group ID. s32 : Activity to set (0 or 1) // REMARKS //-------------- Enable or disable hotpoints //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // FIR_HPGetGrowthRate //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- f32: the growth rate of provided hotpoint, or the sum of growth rates of hotpoints of the group // PARAMETERS //-------------- EntityID : The hotpoint or group ID. // REMARKS //-------------- Permit to read growth rate of a hotpoints group or a single hotpoint //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // FIR_HPGetIntensity //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- f32 : Current intensity of provided hotpoint, or sum of intensity of provided group // PARAMETERS //-------------- EntityID : The hotpoint or group ID. // REMARKS //-------------- Return the current intensity of the provided hotpoint, or the sum of current intensity of provided group //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // FIR_HPIsEnable //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- s32 : The number of enabled hotpoints in the provided group // PARAMETERS //-------------- EntityID : The hotpoint or group ID. // REMARKS //-------------- Returns the activity state of a hotpoint, or a group of hotpoints. Return the number of hotpoint actually activated. (if a hotpoint is specified, returns 0 or 1) //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // FIR_HPMultGrowthRate //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- None // PARAMETERS //-------------- EntityID : The hotpoint or group ID. f32 : Multiplier // REMARKS //-------------- Multiply the growth rate of every hotpoint of the provided group by the provided multiplier //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // FIR_HPSetIntensity //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- None // PARAMETERS //-------------- EntityID : The hotpoint or group ID. f32 : New intensity to set // REMARKS //-------------- Set the current intensity of the provided hotpoint or of all hotpoints in the provided group //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // FIR_WGetDirection //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- None // PARAMETERS //-------------- f32 &X,&Y,&Z : Variables filled with the wind direction // REMARKS //-------------- Permit to read the wind direction //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // FIR_WGetSize //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- f32 : The wind size (<=>power) // PARAMETERS //-------------- None // REMARKS //-------------- Retrieves the wind size (<=> Power) //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // FIR_WSetDirection //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- None // PARAMETERS //-------------- f32 X,Y,Z : The new wind direction // REMARKS //-------------- Permit to set the wind direction //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // FIR_WSetSize //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- None) // PARAMETERS //-------------- f32 : New wind size // REMARKS //-------------- Set the wind size (<=> Power) //########################################################################## //### ### //### SCRIPT SCRIPTS //### ### //########################################################################## Handle all scripts concerning script engine mangement. All functions are indexed with "SCR" //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SCR_GetVarF32 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- f32 : The value of the variable // PARAMETERS //-------------- mcString : the name of the variable to retrieve // REMARKS //-------------- Retrieve the value of the provided variable //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SCR_GetVarS32 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- s32 : The value of the variable // PARAMETERS //-------------- mcString : the name of the variable to retrieve // REMARKS //-------------- Retrieve the value of the provided variable //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SCR_GetVarString //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- mcString : The value of the variable // PARAMETERS //-------------- mcString : the name of the variable to retrieve // REMARKS //-------------- Retrieve the value of the provided variable //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SCR_IsRunning //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- mcBool : Wheter the specified script is currently running as mission script // PARAMETERS //-------------- mcString _strFunctionName: A script function name //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SCR_RunDelayed //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PARAMETERS //-------------- mcString _strFunctionName: A script function name f32 _fDelayDuration: A duration in seconds // REMARKS //-------------- Run the specified script function in delay mode. The function immediatly return and put the script function in a queue in order to run it at delay expiration //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SCR_SetVarF32 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- None // PARAMETERS //-------------- mcString : the variable name to set f32 : the value // REMARKS //-------------- Set the value of a f32 global variable. If the variable does not exists, it is created //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SCR_SetVarS32 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- None // PARAMETERS //-------------- mcString : the variable name to set f32 : the value // REMARKS //-------------- Set the value of a s32 global variable. If the variable does not exists, it is created //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SCR_SetVarString //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- None // PARAMETERS //-------------- mcString : the variable name to set f32 : the value // REMARKS //-------------- Set the value of a string global variable. If the variable does not exists, it is created //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SCR_VarExists //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- mcBool : Wheter specified variable exists or not // PARAMETERS //-------------- mcString : the name of the variable to retrieve // REMARKS //-------------- Check the existence of a variable //########################################################################## //### ### //### UTILS SCRIPTS //### ### //########################################################################## Handle all scripts that cannot fit into other section. All functions are indexed with "UTL" //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // UTL_GetDeltaGameTime //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- f32 : Delta time // PARAMETERS //-------------- None // REMARKS //-------------- Get last delta Time (game time) //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // UTL_GetGameTime //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- f32 : Game time // PARAMETERS //-------------- None // REMARKS //-------------- Return current game time //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // UTL_GetRandom //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- f32 : a random number between 0 and 1 // PARAMETERS //-------------- None // REMARKS //-------------- Get a random number //########################################################################## //### ### //### ENTITY SCRIPTS //### ### //########################################################################## Handle all scripts concerning entities. All functions are indexed with "ENT" //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ENT_AddDamage //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- None // PARAMETERS //-------------- EntityID : The entity you want to modify f32 Value to add (can be negative to remove some life) // REMARKS //-------------- Add some damage to the specified entity //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ENT_AddReserve //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- None // PARAMETERS //-------------- EntityID : The entity you want to modify f32 Value to add (can be negative to remove some reserve) // REMARKS //-------------- Add some reserve to the specified entity //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ENT_AddStamina //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- None // PARAMETERS //-------------- EntityID : The entity you want to modify f32 Value to add (can be negative to remove some stamina) // REMARKS //-------------- Add some stamina to the specified entity //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ENT_Create //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- EntityID : the id of the created entity // PARAMETERS //-------------- mcString : Class name to create entity upon f32 X,Y,Z : Position to create entity at // REMARKS //-------------- Create an entity upon provided class, and insert it in the world at the provided position //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ENT_Destroy //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- None // PARAMETERS //-------------- EntityID : the id of the entity to destroy // REMARKS //-------------- Removes an entity from the world //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ENT_FindByClassName //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- EntityID : ID of the found entity. Returns 0 if not found // PARAMETERS //-------------- mcString : The Class name of the entity you are searching for. // REMARKS //-------------- Return the ID of the first entity matching the provided class name //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ENT_FindByName //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- EntityID : ID of the found entity. Returns 0 if not found // PARAMETERS //-------------- mcString : The name of the entity you are searching for. // REMARKS //-------------- Return the ID of the entity matching the provided name //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ENT_ForceState //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- None // PARAMETERS //-------------- EntityID : the id of the entity to switch state of mcString& : the new state // REMARKS //-------------- Force the logical state of an entity //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ENT_GetClass //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- None // PARAMETERS //-------------- EntityID : the id of the entity to retrieve class name of mcString& : the retrieved name // REMARKS //-------------- Removes an entity from the world //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ENT_GetGridPosition //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- None // PARAMETERS //-------------- mEntityID : Entity to retrieve position of s32& : Retrieved X position s32& : Retrieved Y position // REMARKS //-------------- Retrieve the (X,Y) position of the given entity in grid coordinates. The function raise an assert in case of failure, and returns (0,0) //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ENT_GetName //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- None // PARAMETERS //-------------- EntityID : The entity you want to retrieve name of mcString& : Filled with the name // REMARKS //-------------- Retrieve the name of a specific entity //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ENT_GetOrientation //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- The orientation // PARAMETERS //-------------- EntityID : Entity to retrieve orientation of // REMARKS //-------------- Get the orientation (Z rotation) of the given entity (in [0;2PI[). The function raise an assert in case of failure //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ENT_GetPosition //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- None // PARAMETERS //-------------- EntityID : Entity to retrieve position of f32& : Retrieved X position f32& : Retrieved Y position // REMARKS //-------------- Retrieve the (X,Y) position of the given entity in world coordinates. The function raise an assert in case of failure, and returns (0,0) //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ENT_GetPropertyValueF32 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- None // PARAMETERS //-------------- EntityID : The entity that owns the property set mcString : Category mcString : property name mcString Value // REMARKS //-------------- Retrieve the value of a specific property in an entity propertyset //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ENT_GetPropertyValueS32 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- None // PARAMETERS //-------------- EntityID : The entity that owns the property set mcString : Category mcString : property name s32 Value // REMARKS //-------------- Retrieve the value of a specific property in an entity propertyset //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ENT_GetPropertyValueString //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- None // PARAMETERS //-------------- EntityID : The entity that owns the property set mcString : Category mcString : property name f32 Value // REMARKS //-------------- Retrieve the value of a specific property in an entity propertyset //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ENT_GetState //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- None // PARAMETERS //-------------- EntityID : the id of the entity to retrieve the state of mcString& : the retrieved state // REMARKS //-------------- Removes an entity from the world //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ENT_GetZ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- The elevation // PARAMETERS //-------------- EntityID : Entity to retrieve eleveation of // REMARKS //-------------- Get the elevation (Z position) of the given entity. The function raise an assert in case of failure //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ENT_GroupGetEntityAt //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- EntityID : The requested entity // PARAMETERS //-------------- EntityID : The group you want to access s32 : the index of the entity requested // REMARKS //-------------- Retrieve a specific entity inside a group //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ENT_GroupGetNbEntities //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- s32 : The number of entities inside the group // PARAMETERS //-------------- EntityID : A group ID // REMARKS //-------------- This function returns the number of entitesinside a group. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ENT_SetDamage //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- None // PARAMETERS //-------------- EntityID : The entity you want to modify f32 New damage Value // REMARKS //-------------- Set the damage of the specified entity //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ENT_SetGridPosition //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- None // PARAMETERS //-------------- EntityID : Entity to set position of s32 : New X position s32& : New Y position // REMARKS //-------------- Set the (X,Y) position of the given entity in grid coordinates. Elevation is auto computed to make entity stick to ground. The function raise an assert in case of failure //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ENT_SetOrientation //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- None // PARAMETERS //-------------- EntityID : Entity to set orientation of f32 : New orientation, in radian // REMARKS //-------------- Set the orientation (Z rotation) of the given entity. The function raise an assert in case of failure //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ENT_SetPosition //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- None // PARAMETERS //-------------- EntityID : Entity to set position of f32 : New X position f32& : New Y position // REMARKS //-------------- Set the (X,Y) position of the given entity in world coordinates. Elevation is auto computed to make entity stick to ground. The function raise an assert in case of failure //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ENT_SetPropertyValueF32 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- None // PARAMETERS //-------------- EntityID : The entity that owns the property set mcString : Category mcString : property name mcString Value // REMARKS //-------------- Set the value of a specific property in an entity propertyset //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ENT_SetPropertyValueS32 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- None // PARAMETERS //-------------- EntityID : The entity that owns the property set mcString : Category mcString : property name s32 Value // REMARKS //-------------- Set the value of a specific property in an entity propertyset //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ENT_SetPropertyValueString //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- None // PARAMETERS //-------------- EntityID : The entity that owns the property set mcString : Category mcString : property name f32 Value // REMARKS //-------------- Set the value of a specific property in an entity propertyset //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ENT_SetReserve //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- None // PARAMETERS //-------------- EntityID : The entity you want to modify f32 New reserve Value // REMARKS //-------------- Set the reserve of the specified entity //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ENT_SetStamina //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- None // PARAMETERS //-------------- EntityID : The entity you want to modify f32 New stamina Value // REMARKS //-------------- Set the stamina of the specified entity //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ENT_SetZ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- None // PARAMETERS //-------------- EntityID : Entity to set elevation of f32 : New elevation // REMARKS //-------------- Set the elevation (Z position) of the given entity. The function raise an assert in case of failure //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ENT_SwitchState //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- None // PARAMETERS //-------------- EntityID : the id of the entity to switch state of // REMARKS //-------------- Switch the logical state of an entity //########################################################################## //### ### //### SOUND SCRIPTS //### ### //########################################################################## Handle all scripts concerning sounds. All functions are indexed with "SND" //########################################################################## //### ### //### ANIMATION SCRIPTS //### ### //########################################################################## Handle all scripts concerning animations. All functions are indexed with "ANM" //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ANM_Play //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- None // PARAMETERS //-------------- EntityID : Entity to play anim on mcString : Animation mcString : LoopMode = hold, or hold_reverse, or loop, or loop_reverse // REMARKS //-------------- Play an animation //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ANM_Stop //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- None // PARAMETERS //-------------- EntityID : Entity to stop anim on // REMARKS //-------------- Stop an animation //########################################################################## //### ### //### WIDGET AND INTERFACE SCRIPTS //### ### //########################################################################## Handle all scripts concerning interfaces, menu and widgets. All functions are indexed with "WDG" //########################################################################## //### ### //### CAMERA SCRIPTS //### ### //########################################################################## Handle all scripts concerning cameras. All functions are indexed with "CAM" //########################################################################## //### ### //### LEVEL SCRIPTS //### ### //########################################################################## Handle all scripts concerning level. All functions are indexed with "LEV" //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LEV_RoofVisibility //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RETURN VALUE //-------------- None // PARAMETERS //-------------- mcString : Concerned roof name, or "all" for all roofs s32 : Visibility. 0 to hide, 1 to show // REMARKS //-------------- Permit to hide or show roofs
Located in Fire Department 3\Data\Sound, this file header explains how to use the sound database.
; *********************************************************************************** ; ; SOUND DATABASE DESCRIPTION ; ; *********************************************************************************** ; ; You can use [#INCLUDE] section name to have recursive INI includes ; ; Key description, '*' indicate default value: ; FILENAME : complete path of file to load ; USER_PARAM : User defined parameter Default -1 ; VOLUME : Default sound volume [0..100] Default 100 ; PRIORITY : Sound priority 100 = highest , 0 = lowest ; Example : 100 for streaming, 75 for 2D, 50 to 0 for 3D ; CATEGORY : Sound category (user defined) [-1..[ Default -1 ; USE_STREAMING : Sound is played using streaming [0|1] Default 0 ; USE_3D : Sound use 3D positionning [0|1] Default 0 ; LOOP : Sound loop when finished [0|1] Default 0 ; KEEP_IN_MEMORY : Sound kept in memory after its end [0|1] Default 0 ; START_DELAY : Sound start after delay in milliseconds [0*..[ Default -1 ; 3D_MIN_DISTANCE : [ONLY IF 'USE_3D=1'] Meters / minimum sound distance for attenuation [1.0f..1000000000.0f] Default D_MS_DEFAULT_MIN_DISTANCE ; 3D_MAX_DISTANCE : [ONLY IF 'USE_3D=1'] Meters / Set maximum sound distance for attenuation [1.0f..1000000000.0f] Default D_MS_DEFAULT_MAX_DISTANCE ; ; ***********************************************************************************
Unused Function
Items selling
In link with OLD_ScriptAPI_Reference.txt situated in Fire Department 3\Data\Script, the last part of this file indicates the possibility of selling items, but the final release doesn't have an economy system.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void BUILDER_EnableSellItem( s32 _sEnable) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Enable/Disable the possibility to sell items...
Unused Textures
The Fire Department 3\Data\Overlay\Textures folder contains 4 unused textures, 2 HUD texture panels and 2 used ingame characters.
HUD Icons
ActionIcons.png contains all the HUD icons. Four icons are never used during gameplay.
Sexy Firefighter
FIREFIGHTER_LP_big.png and FIREFIGHTER_LP_small.png represents an sexy firefighter.
Unused Sounds
Located in Fire Department 3\Data\Sound\Test This file is obviously empty.
Located in Fire Department 3\Data\Sound\Interface This unused and very strange sounds represent a man who breathes or a man who has an orgasm...
Located in Fire Department 3\Data\Sound\Test This sound represents an axe destroying a door.
- Pages missing developer references
- Games developed by Monte Cristo Multimédia
- Pages missing publisher references
- Games published by Focus Home Interactive
- Windows games
- Pages missing date references
- Games released in 2006
- Games released in March
- Games released on March 30
- Games with unused characters
- Games with hidden development-related text
- Games with unused graphics
- Games with unused sounds
Cleanup > Pages missing date references
Cleanup > Pages missing developer references
Cleanup > Pages missing publisher references
Games > Games by content > Games with hidden development-related text
Games > Games by content > Games with unused characters
Games > Games by content > Games with unused graphics
Games > Games by content > Games with unused sounds
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Monte Cristo Multimédia
Games > Games by platform > Windows games
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Focus Home Interactive
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 2006
Games > Games by release date > Games released in March
Games > Games by release date > Games released in March > Games released on March 30