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Hana no Star Kaidou

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Title Screen

Hana no Star Kaidou

Developer: Victor Musical Industries
Publisher: Victor Musical Industries
Platform: NES
Released in JP: March 17, 1987

CopyrightIcon.png This game has hidden developer credits.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

Hana no Star Kaidou is an odd musician themed game where you control two characters at once, Binary Land style, and fight off fans and paparazzi.

Hidden Text

A hidden credit and build date can be found at 0x1BFE0:

 1987/01/20 V1.0

Debug Mode

Game Genie code PAEGLAAA re-enables simple debug mode. On controller 2, A instantly wins the current level, and B skips to the next level.

(Source: Cah4e3)