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Hanna-Barbera's Cartoon Carnival (CD-i)

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Title Screen

Hanna-Barbera's Cartoon Carnival

Developer: Philips FunHouse
Publisher: Philips Media
Platforms: CD-i, CD-i Digital Video Cartridge
Released in US: 1993
Released in EU: 1993

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.

In which you play simple minigames with Hanna-Barbera's best to collect compressed clips of classic cartoons.

Error Messages

Error messages for most of the character's minigames can be found in the file cdi_cc . Equivalent messages for Fred Flintstone or George Jetson's booths do not exist.

DS is not initialized
huck.rtf ds_open() failed
ds_preload_rtr_map() failed (RTR %x)
Failed opening Huck's real-time file
Failed in GetBOLTGroup for Huck's game!
Failed to save global state of Huck's game!
Failed to save local state of Huck's game!

DS is not initialized
scooby.rtf ds_open() failed
ds_preload_rtr_map() failed (RTR %x)
Failed in GetBOLTGroup for Scooby game assets!
Failed opening Scooby's real-time file
Failed in GetBOLTGroup for Scooby's game!
Failed to save global state of Scooby's game!
Failed to save local state of Scooby's game!

Unable to get BOLT group cc20_Topcat
DS is not initialized
ds_open(%s) failed
ds_preload_rtr_map() failed (RTR %d)
FHAudioInit() failed
TopCat: Unable to save data to the front office
TopCat: Unable to save static data to the front office

Failed in GetBOLTGroup for Yogi game assets!
yogi.rtf Failed opening Yogi's real-time file
Failed in GetBOLTGroup for Yogi's game!
Failed to save global state of Yogi's game!
Failed to save local state of Yogi's game!