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Hyper Olympic (NES)

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Title Screen

Hyper Olympic

Developer: Konami
Publisher: Konami
Platform: NES
Released in JP: June 21, 1985 (original), November 16, 1985 (Genteiban!)

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

Hyper Olympic for the Famicom is a port of the arcade game of the same name (known outside of Japan as Track & Field) which features 4 different athletic games. The game notably requires use of the HyperShot controller in order to play (not to be confused with the light gun by Bandai also named Hyper Shot). A sequel would release a few months later under the name Hyper Sports, and the two games would later be combined for international release as Track & Field.

Build Dates

At the beginning of the PRG ROM is an ID string that lists the game version and date.

Hyper Olympic Genteiban!
RC800 1,0 850325
RD001 1,0 861220

Revisional Differences

To do:
Document the changes made in the Genteiban release, which has a different sprite for the player character.

A limited edition version of Hyper Olympic was released called Hyper Olympic Genteiban! which changes the playable character to Ken Shimura's character, Baka Tono-sama.

Title Screen

Original Genteiban!
Hyper Olympic (J) -!--1.png Hyper Olympic Genteiban FC TitleScreen.png

The player character was changed to Baka Tono-sama in the Genteiban! version.

Level Select

Hyper Olympic Genteiban FC Screenshot Menu.png

Genteiban! adds a menu to select any of the four events when starting a new game, which is not present in the original Hyper Olympic.