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Knockout Kings 2000 (Nintendo 64)

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Title Screen

Knockout Kings 2000

Developer: Black Ops Entertainment
Publisher: EA Sports
Platform: Nintendo 64
Released in US: October 3, 1999
Released in EU: October 10, 1999

DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

So very stubbly.
This page is rather stubbly and could use some expansion.
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Knockout Kings 2000 is an N64 boxing game. Hey, at least it's not wrestling again.

Debug Mode

Kk2000 pausedebug.png

Use the GameShark code 810ED046 0005 (US) or 810ED0A6 0005 (EU). Go into a fight, pause the game, and press A to see this debug menu, which can be navigated with the D-Pad.

Player1 win and Player2 win, when set, make the respective player win instantly.

Kk2000 ingamedebug.png

Anim info makes the debug log seen here pop up. It appears to log stuff related to the boxers' animation.

The functions of the other options are unknown.

(European code: Ferrox)