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LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 (Windows, Wii, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)

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Title Screen

LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7

Also known as: LEGO Harry Potter 2
Developer: TT Games
Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Platforms: Windows, Wii, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
Released in US: November 11, 2011
Released in EU: November 18, 2011
Released in AU: November 16, 2011

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 is the second LEGO Harry Potter game, and the last. The game gives TT Games' slapstick LEGO humor to the final four Harry Potter films (Order of the Phoenix, Half-Blood Prince, and Deathly Hallows Parts 1 and 2).

Unused Graphics


Downloadable content was not implemented in the Wii, Steam and DVD-ROM releases of the game. These DLC characters are only available to purchase in the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions of the game.

Editor Screenshot

To do:
Determine if this is in the Wii version.


A cropped screenshot of Slughorn's house in a developer level editor. It is located within GAME2.DAT\LEVELS\LOCATIONS\BUDLEIGH\SLUGHOUSE\61SLUGHOUSE\61SLUGHOUSE_NXG.GSC.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unused Text

Development Related


TTBuilder-RecordId: 302955
Date: 2011-10-20 18:25:14
AccurevStream: Harry2-20-10-11-v8.0m_Hotfix
AccurevTransactionId: 3943703
SVN_Repository: svn://ukknuwp-svn01/LEGO_HP2_Data/tags/harry2/TTBuilder/complete/Harry2-20-10-11-v8.0m
SVN_Revision: 127072

This is the version text for the initial Windows disc release.

TTBuilder-RecordId: 295073
Date: 2011-10-03 17:12:49
AccurevStream: Harry2-03-10-11-v6.7k_Hotfix
AccurevTransactionId: 3897523
SVN_Repository: svn://ukknuwp-svn01/LEGO_HP2_Data/tags/harry2/TTBuilder/complete/Harry2-03-10-11-v6.7k
SVN_Revision: 120380

This is the version text for the Wii release. The AccurevStream version can also be found in GAME.dat/stuff/version.txt.


call "ndstop" 
svn cleanup .. && svn update .. --accept mine-full
setndenv DvdRoot c:\test
ndrun "C:\localdata\LEGO_HarryPotter2\LEGO_HarryPotter2_Data\BUILDS\WII\harry2.artist.elf" -a tmserver nobgload edit liftplayerAnimator edit CutsceneHud level 71Wedding Animator

Only present in the Wii version of the game is a batch file that was used for running a debug version of the game. It is located within GAME2.DAT\BUILDS\WII\ARTISTBATCHFILES.


Download.png Download Lego_Potter_5-7_Change_Logs_Wii.zip
File: Lego_Potter_5-7_Change_Logs_Wii.zip (info)

The Wii version has several changelogs located within GAME2.DAT\BUILDS. They are very comprehensive and one of the changelogs even includes changes that were made across all platforms.



\\DLC CHARS - Commented out as these now reside int heir own collection.txt file
\\collect "GodricGryffindor" DLC HARRY2DLC1
\\collect "HelgaHufflepuff" DLC HARRY2DLC1
\\collect "RowenaRavenclaw" DLC HARRY2DLC1
\\collect "SalazarSlytherin" DLC HARRY2DLC1
\\collect "GilderoyLockhart_Straightjacket" DLC HARRY2DLC1
\\collect "LunaLovegood_LionHead" DLC HARRY2DLC1
\\collect "HarrySlugTux" DLC HARRY2DLC1
\\collect "HermionePinkDress" DLC HARRY2DLC1
\\collect "Ron_Ghoul" DLC HARRY2DLC1

Game Recall

To do:
List all the differences.

The initial game version Harry2-03-10-11-v6.7k_Hotfix, was released with various game-breaking glitches and bugs, some causing the game to crash. Most infamously, this includes using Aquamenti on large flames instantly crashing the game, causing some levels (particularly "A Not So Merry Christmas") being difficult to beat.

On November 18th, the game was recalled on multiple platforms due to its buggy nature. The bugfixed version, Harry2-20-10-11-v8.0m, was released in late November, but was not released on the Wii.