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LEGO Marvel's Avengers (Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Wii U, Mac OS X, Windows)

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Title Screen

LEGO Marvel's Avengers

Developers: TT Games, TT Fusion
Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Platforms: Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Wii U, Mac OS X, Windows
Released internationally: March 10, 2016 (OS X)
Released in JP: April 28, 2016 (Wii U/PS4)
Released in US: January 26, 2016
Released in EU: January 27, 2016
Released in UK: January 29, 2016

CharacterIcon.png This game has unused playable characters.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ModelsIcon.png This game has unused models.

This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.
Cactus 2.0!
This article has just been started and needs the article basics added.
Help us out and add them.
To do:
Verify files present on other platforms

LEGO Marvel's Avengers is a LEGO game based off of Avengers and Avengers: Age of Ultron from Marvel Studios.


Character Textures
Including leftovers from LEGO Marvel Super Heroes, alternate designs, and Star Wars!

Development Related Text

The directory levels/vfx/vfx_incidental is empty except for a text file called notes.txt:

-Added by T Litton

This scene is a lightweight scene which we can load into levels for quick placement of effects

To Include-

-Dust motes
-And more

There is also a notes file in levels/vfx/vfx_fires:

-Added by T Litton

--Poly Based Scene--

Each poly based scene has a different fire sequence, this is why they are broken down into separate scenes as due to memory restriction we probably cant load them all at once.
The scene "VFX_Fire_Poly_Shared" is legoSet'ed into each of the poly scenes, this way we can share the particles across all scene. 
This benefits us in 2 ways, 1) Identical particle across all scenes, 2) should reduce maintenance.

--Particle Based Scene

This is a purely particle driven scene.

Build and version control information appear in stuff/gameversion.txt:

BuildRecordId: 16462280
TTBuilder-Version: 1.21.91
Date: 2015-12-09 23:16:52
AccurevStream: SILVER-09-12-15-MAIN-SUBMISSION-v0.11_Hotfix
AccurevTransactionId: 9033459
SVN_Repository: svn://knu-silver-data:3963/tags/silver/TTBuilder/complete/SILVER-09-12-15-MAIN-SUBMISSION-v0.11
SVN_Revision: 120442
JIRA URL: http://ttg-bugs:8080/browse/PS-62280

Similar version information appears for some kind of framework in framework-data/frameworkdata.txt:

Current version: 38.2
Project: ProjectSilver


// temporary file for pre-declaring abilities so that the code/data delay doesn't cause skippable errors

// ! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  It's useful to include a "delete me after DD/MM/YY" comment...  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ! //

ability_start MechCollisionFilterAbility allow_extension  ///this is here until code comes through from next Zeus code drop.
	canuseon_edclass "ApiVehicle"
	canuseon_edclass "MechCharacter"

ability_start OverrideHintCharacterAbility allow_extension
	canuseon_edclass "StreamingLevel"

ability_start ApplyDynoListenerOnGadgetBlowupAnim allow_extension /// delete after 2/12
	canuseon_edclass "ANY"

abilities/_help.txt provides an explanation of the folder and how it is organized.

This is the folder for abilities.  It helps if the txt file are named after the Mechanics they relate to if they are Mechanic specific.

Character Specific Abilities go in /Chars, gadget specific ones go in /Gadgets etc....

After adding a new ability text file, you need to stick its path in abilities.txt

Please try to help keep this folder organised by placing txt files in the most appropriate place

abilities/abilities_editor_overrides.txt has a note at the top:

// ===========================================================================================================================
// Use this file to make editor-related adjustments to abilities, via 'allow_extension' flag
// ===========================================================================================================================

A similar note is in abilities/abilities_editor_settings.txt:

// ===========================================================================================================================
// Use this file to determine which abilities should show up on which object-types, in the LED
// PLEASE NOTE: there should only be one entry block per gadget type
// ===========================================================================================================================


// 16/10/2012: debs said: Was originally for Pirates waypoint system - does this work with the Hobbit stuff?

// 16/10/2012: debs said: deprectated?

// 16/10/2012: debs said: deprectated?

// 16/10/2012: debs said: REMOVE - old technology?

// 16/10/2012: debs said: Was for swapping suit signals in Batman - Superheores had a different system - deprecated?

// 16/10/2012: debs said: Was originally for Pirates waypoint system - does this work with the Hobbit stuff?

// 16/10/2012: debs said: Was originally for Pirates waypoint system - does this work with the Hobbit stuff?

// 16/10/2012: debs said: REMOVE - old technology?

// 16/10/2012: debs said: deprectated?

// 01/05/2014: debs said: GizHints deprectated now Mech gadgets?

// 10/12/2014: debs said: This one isn't working and confuses matters as its named very similarly to the PlayLEDAnimationInstance that we do use?

Unused Characters

To do:
Finish adding characters and explain what content is present
A character token icon that was for "Sunstreak."
  • Anachronism
  • Apex
  • Armory/Armoury
  • Binary: While Ms. Marvel, Warbird, and Captain Marvel are in the game, Carol Danvers' Binary Form (During the time Rogue stole her powers and memories and she was an ally to the X-Men) was planned for the 'Classic Captain Marvel' DLC, with her Textures, Hair (although not mentioned in BINARY.CD), Icon, Audio/VFX Files, Material Remap and Abilities left in the files. The reason why she was cut was probably because of her ties to the X-Men, for Which the Film Rights were owned by 20th Century Fox at the time of development in 2015–2016.
  • Black Mamba: Not to be confused with Kobe Bryant or the codename for Uma Thurman's Character in Kill Bill. Tanya Sealy is a member of the Serpent Society, Alongside Cottonmouth, Diamondback, and Viper, who are still in the game. The reason why she was cut is probably because her outfit was too "PG" for TT Games.
  • Hardball
  • Justice
  • Living Laser
  • MCU Nebula and Ronan The Accuser: Although their Comic versions are in the final game, there were originally plans to have the MCU versions from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.1 as well. In terms of completion, Nebula is more complete, having a full set of textures, meaning she was cut very late into development, unlike Ronan, who only has Head, Hip, and Leg Printing as well as his distinctive Armor, which means he was cut early on in development.
  • Mettle
  • MVP
  • Skeleton: A Generic Skelly Bones.
  • Shocker
  • Steve Rogers (Pre-Serum): While his other variants are in the game, Steve Rogers was ssupposed to get another variant based off his Pre-Serum Look from Captain America: The First Avenger with the file name of "STEVEROGERSBEFORE", with his Textures and Face left in the files.
  • Starfox
  • St. George: With the exception of having an ability called "ClancyAsgardianVO," St. George's character text file is unchanged from the standard template.
  • Sunstreak
  • Test: Presumably a test character, based on the name. This is possibly the character that used the test textures that were left in the final build.
  • Toro
  • Turbo
  • Ultragirl: Used "VO_GenFem1" sound effects rather than the default male sound effects in the minifig template.
  • Whiplash: While Iron Monger A.K.A Obadiah Stane, Justin Hammer, Trevor Slattery, and Aldrich Killian are in the Game, Ivan Vanko, A.K.A Whiplash was cut with his Icon, Audio/VFX Files, Abilities, a Reference in CHARS\SPECIALMOVES_TXT\FINISHINGMOVES and him still Being Mentioned in COLLECTION.TXT & TEXT.CSV being the only Remnants left in the files.
  • Void: The Dark entity inside of Sentry. although not officially in the Games' roster, he is used for Sentry's Idle Animation.
  • Vulture: A leftover from Lego Marvel 1, While Not used in the final game (presumably due to Spider-Man not being in the base game) his animations are used for Falcon and Songbird.
  • Zabu

Unused Models

Numerous LEGO Star Wars models are included in the game files. While most of them are from the Clone Wars game, the droid BB-8 from the Star Wars sequel trilogy is included as well. Notably, this game was released before LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens.



Beard texture file names spell "beard" as "bread."

Uncredited voice actors

Many voice actors including Jack Coleman (Doctor Strange; "All-New All-Different" Doctor Strange DLC), Danielle Nicolet (Captain Marvel; "Captain Marvel" DLC), Michael Peña (Luis), and Ming-Na Wen (Agent Melinda May) are uncredited in the voice cast in the credits for some reasons.