Mafia II
Mafia II |
Developer: 2K Czech This game has unused graphics. This game has a prerelease article |
The ambitious follow-up to Illusion Softworks' previous mob life experience, Mafia II covers Vito Scaletta's attempt to climb up the blood-soaked rungs of the mob ladder.
It's notorious for being a game that promised a lot prior to release but ended up being rushed to quickly get the game out the door, resulting in many broken promises and some bad initial reactions.
To do: Lots of other stuff, including:
Prerelease Info |
Unused Text |
Unused Textures
The texture for the cut Moscardo AS37 vehicle that was meant to appear in a scrapped part of Chapter 1.
Texture sheet for the scrapped Chapter 1 vehicle Mannschaftstransportwagen.
The texture for the cut subway train. One of the subway interiors was later readded in Joe's Adventures for use in the mission Save Marty, but the trains are still absent.
As seen in prerelease media, the game was planned to have melee weapons like the first Mafia but they were all cut.
This is the HUD icon for the baseball bat. While the model can be seen a few times throughout the game, it can never be used in-game.
HUD icon and model texture for the cut brass knuckles melee weapon.
HUD icon and model texture for the cut knife melee weapon.
HUD icon for the cut nightstick melee weapon.
HUD icon and model texture for the cut pipe melee weapon.
Model texture the cut wrench melee weapon.
Model texture for a cut M14 gun.
HUD icon for a cut Model 24 grenade that was meant to appear in Chapter 1.
File:Mafia2SubwayRemains.png|A section of an unfinished Subway tunnel. t
File:Mafia2SubwayRemains2.png|Another section of an unfinished Subway tunnel. t
Unused Models
A forklift vehicle was to the files of the Joe's Adventures DLC. The model lacks its textures when put in-game, making it appear completely green. The motor sound is also present, but it doesn't play in-game.
Unused Sounds
The motor sound that was meant for the scrapped Joe's Adventures forklift.
Unused Mission Dialogue
To do: There's a lot more. |
NOTE: Dialogue highlighted in blue means that a line is used, but it's there to give context to the unused lines. Also, this game doesn't have a Japanese or Polish dub, so only the subtitle text for those languages will be shown here.
Chapter 2: Home Sweet Home
The initial conversation between Vito and Joe was meant to be longer, but in the actual game, it ends after Vito asks to stop talking about his father.
Filename | Audio | Subtitles |
02_99_01_2050.fsb | 302012050:Ah, five minutes, we're already talking about my deadbeat father. Can we change the subject please? | |
02_99_01_2060.fsb | 302012060:Alright, pal, sorry, you got it. | |
02_99_01_2070.fsb | 302012070:Alright, so where we headed? | |
02_99_01_2080.fsb | 302012080:I was thinking we'd head down to Freddy's for old times' sake. | |
02_99_01_2090.fsb | 302012090:You still hang out at that dump? | |
02_99_01_2100.fsb | 302012100:It's under new ownership now. You should see the place. Got a whole different kind of clientele these days. You'll see. | |
02_99_01_2110.fsb | 302012110:Yeah? And would this new clientele have anything to do with this car you're driving? | |
02_99_01_2120.fsb | 302012120:Let's just say that a number of opportunities have presented themselves since you been away. What'd you expect me to go straight after you left? | |
02_99_01_2130.fsb | 302012130:Course not. Although without me here to keep you out of trouble, I half expected you to be locked up when I got back. | |
02_99_01_2140.fsb | 302012140:What are you, nuts? Not this guy, chief. I'm a little too smart for that. | |
02_99_01_2150.fsb | 302012150:Either that or you had a horseshoe up your ass. |
Filename | Audio | Subtitles |
02_99_01_2050.fsb | 302012050:Jsme spolu pět minut a už mluvíme o mým zatraceným fotrovi. Co takhle změnit téma? | |
02_99_01_2060.fsb | 302012060:Dobře, kámo, promiň. | |
02_99_01_2070.fsb | 302012070:Tak jo a kam jedeme? | |
02_99_01_2080.fsb | 302012080:Říkal jsem si, že se stavíme k Freddymu, kvůli starejm dobrejm časům. | |
02_99_01_2090.fsb | 302012090:Ty pořád chodíš do tý hrozný díry? | |
02_99_01_2100.fsb | 302012100:Teď to má novýho majitele. Měl bys to tam vidět. Dneska tam chodí úplně jiný lidi. Však to vlastně uvidíš. | |
02_99_01_2110.fsb | 302012110:Jo? A ty noví lidi mají něco společnýho s károu, kterou řídíš? | |
02_99_01_2120.fsb | 302012120:No řekněme, cos byl pryč, objevily se nový možnosti. Cos čekal, že se napravím, jen co tě odvezou? | |
02_99_01_2130.fsb | 302012130:No jasně, ale beze mě. Pořád abych dával bacha, abys neseděl za mřížema. | |
02_99_01_2140.fsb | 302012140:Zbláznil ses? Kdepak, já ne, panáčku. Na to jsem trochu moc chytrej. | |
02_99_01_2150.fsb | 302012150:Buď, a nebo ti někdo narval do prdele pytel čtyřlístků. |
Filename | Audio | Subtitles |
02_99_01_2050.fsb | 302012050:Ahh, fünf Minuten und schon sprechen wir über meinen Alten. Können wir bitte das Thema wechseln? | |
02_99_01_2060.fsb | 302012060:Tut mir leid, Kumpel. | |
02_99_01_2070.fsb | 302012070:Gut, wohin fahren wir? | |
02_99_01_2080.fsb | 302012080:Ich dachte, zu Freddy. Der alten Zeiten willen. | |
02_99_01_2090.fsb | 302012090:Du hängst noch immer in diesem Saftladen rum? | |
02_99_01_2100.fsb | 302012100:Es hat nen neuen Besitzer. Schau's dir mal an. Sind jetzt ganz andere Leute drin. Du wirst sehen. | |
02_99_01_2110.fsb | 302012110:Ach ja? Und hat diese Kundschaft was damit zu tun, dass du diesen Schlitten fährst? | |
02_99_01_2120.fsb | 302012120:Sagen wir mal, es haben sich ein paar Dinge ergeben, seit du weg warst. Was hast du erwartet? Dass ich ehrlich werde? | |
02_99_01_2130.fsb | 302012130:Da ich nicht hier war, um dir aus der Patsche zu helfen, hatte ich eigentlich damit gerechnet, dass du im Knast sitzt, wenn ich zurück komme. | |
02_99_01_2140.fsb | 302012140:Witzig. Ich doch nicht. Dafür bin ich einfach zu clever. | |
02_99_01_2150.fsb | 302012150:Entweder das oder du hattest mehr Glück als Verstand. |
Filename | Audio | Subtitles |
02_99_01_2050.fsb | 302012050:Putain, cinq minutes que je suis là, et on cause déjà de mon vieux. On peut changer de sujet s'il te plaît¤? | |
02_99_01_2060.fsb | 302012060:Bien sûr, oui¤! Désolé... | |
02_99_01_2070.fsb | 302012070:Pas grave, alors on va où¤? | |
02_99_01_2080.fsb | 302012080:J'avais pensé passer Chez Freddy en souvenir du bon vieux temps. | |
02_99_01_2090.fsb | 302012090:Tu vas toujours dans ce rade pourri¤? | |
02_99_01_2100.fsb | 302012100:Ca a changé de propriétaire. Faut voir ce qu'ils en ont fait¤! Et du coup, les clients ont pas mal changé aussi. Tu vas voir. | |
02_99_01_2110.fsb | 302012110:Ah ouais¤? Et ces nouveaux clients, ça a quelque chose à voir avec la caisse que tu conduis¤? | |
02_99_01_2120.fsb | 302012120:Disons que des opportunités professionnelles se sont présentées à moi depuis que t'es parti. Tu croyais quoi, que j'allais prendre un boulot honnête¤? | |
02_99_01_2130.fsb | 302012130:Bien sûr que non. Mais, franchement, vu que j'étais pas là pour veiller sur toi, j'avais peur de te retrouver en taule à mon retour. | |
02_99_01_2140.fsb | 302012140:Tu rigoles¤? Ca m'arrivera pas à moi, ça. Je suis trop malin. | |
02_99_01_2150.fsb | 302012150:Soit ça, soit t'as une putain de veine de cocu¤! |
Filename | Audio | Subtitles |
02_99_01_2050.fsb | 302012050:Non sono passati neanche cinque minuti e già parliamo della morte di mio padre. Cambiamo argomento, ti va? | |
02_99_01_2060.fsb | 302012060:Scusa, amico, hai ragione. | |
02_99_01_2070.fsb | 302012070:Allora, dove si va? | |
02_99_01_2080.fsb | 302012080:Volevo un salto al Freddy's, in onore dei vecchi tempi. | |
02_99_01_2090.fsb | 302012090:Frequenti ancora quel cesso di posto? | |
02_99_01_2100.fsb | 302012100:Il proprietario è cambiato. Dovresti dare un'occhiata, adesso ha un tipo di clientela completamente diverso. Vedrai. | |
02_99_01_2110.fsb | 302012110:Ah sì? E per caso questa nuova clientela c'entra qualcosa con questa macchina? | |
02_99_01_2120.fsb | 302012120:Diciamo che da quando sei andato via mi si sono presentate alcune buone occasioni. Pensavi che avrei messo la testa a posto dopo la tua partenza? | |
02_99_01_2130.fsb | 302012130:Certo che no. Senza di me a tirarti fuori dai guai, ero quasi sicuro che al mio ritorno ti avrei ritrovato dietro le sbarre. | |
02_99_01_2140.fsb | 302012140:Scherzi? Non io, amico. Sono troppo furbo. | |
02_99_01_2150.fsb | 302012150:O magari hai un ferro di cavallo nel culo. |
302012050:会って5分でロクデナシの↲親父の話かよ。↲話題を変えていいか? 302012060:分かった、すまん。そうしよう 302012070:で、どこに向かってんだ? 302012080:フレディーズにでも行って昔を懐かしむってのはどうだ? 302012090:まだあんなとこで飲んでんのか? 302012100:経営者が変わったんだ。見せてやるよ。最近じゃ客層もすっかり変わってる。見れば分かる 302012110:そうか? その客層はもしかして、この車に関係あんのか? 302012120:お前が戦争に行っちまってから、いくつかチャンスに恵まれた、とだけ言っとこう。お前がいなくなったら、俺が足を洗うとでも思ったか? 302012130:それはないな。もっとも、面倒見役の俺がいないんじゃ、帰る頃にゃブタ箱に入ってると思ってたけどな 302012140:分かってねえなあ。俺はそんなヘマはしねえさ 302012150:そうだといいがな。運が良かったってことも考えられる
302012050:Ech, pięć minut minęło i już mówimy o moim ojcu. Możemy zmienić temat? 302012060:Dobra, stary. 302012070:Dobra, to gdzie idziemy? 302012080:Pomyślałem, że wpadniemy do Freddy's, jak za starych czasów. 302012090:Dalej przesiadujesz w tej spelunie? 302012100:Ma nowego właściciela. Nie poznasz tego miejsca. I zupełnie inna klientela. Sam się przekonasz. 302012110:Tak? A ta nowa klientela ma coś wspólnego z tym twoim wozem? 302012120:Powiedzmy, że od kiedy cię zamknęli, pojawiło się kilka atrakcyjnych okazji. Co, miałem zacząć legalne interesy, jak poszedłeś siedzieć? 302012130:Jasne, że nie. Ale bez mojej opieki spodziewałem się raczej, że zanim ja wyjdę, zamkną ciebie. 302012140:Pojebało cię? Nie mnie, stary. Jestem na to za szczwany. 302012150:Albo nosisz w dupie podkowę na szczęście.
Filename | Audio | Subtitles |
02_99_01_2050.fsb | 302012050:Пять минут разговора и опять на папашу моего свернули. Может, сменим тему, а? | |
02_99_01_2060.fsb | 302012060:Ладно, прости, приятель. | |
02_99_01_2070.fsb | 302012070:Ладно, куда мы едем? | |
02_99_01_2080.fsb | 302012080:Я думал, заглянем к Фредди, по старой памяти. | |
02_99_01_2090.fsb | 302012090:Ты все еще ходишь в ту дыру? | |
02_99_01_2100.fsb | 302012100:Она сменила хозяев. Все вообще поменяли. Теперь там совсем другие люди. Увидишь. | |
02_99_01_2110.fsb | 302012110:Да? А эти другие люди случайно не имеют отношения к твоей тачке? | |
02_99_01_2120.fsb | 302012120:Скажем так, после твоего отъезда подвернулась масса возможностей. Ты думал, я вступлю на путь исправления, когда ты уедешь? | |
02_99_01_2130.fsb | 302012130:Ну ясно, нет. Правда, я считал, что без меня ты сядешь - некому будет тебя вытаскивать. | |
02_99_01_2140.fsb | 302012140:Ты что, сдурел? Только не я, шеф. Я же не такой дурак. | |
02_99_01_2150.fsb | 302012150:Ну или это, или жареный петух клюнул. |
Filename | Audio | Subtitles |
02_99_01_2050.fsb | 302012050:No han pasado ni cinco minutos y ya estamos hablando de mi dichoso padre. ¿Cambiamos de tema? | |
02_99_01_2060.fsb | 302012060:Lo siento, amigo. Tienes razón. | |
02_99_01_2070.fsb | 302012070:Vale, ¿adónde vamos? | |
02_99_01_2080.fsb | 302012080:Había pensado en ir a Freddy's, por los viejos tiempos. | |
02_99_01_2090.fsb | 302012090:¿Sigues yendo a ese garito? | |
02_99_01_2100.fsb | 302012100:Tiene dueños nuevos. Deberías ver el local. En estos tiempos va clientela nueva. Ya verás. | |
02_99_01_2110.fsb | 302012110:¿Sí? ¿Y la nueva clientela tiene algo que ver con el coche que conduces? | |
02_99_01_2120.fsb | 302012120:Digamos que en tu ausencia se han presentado varias oportunidades. ¿Pensabas que me iba a reformar después de tu marcha? | |
02_99_01_2130.fsb | 302012130:Claro que no. Pero sin mí para llevarte por el buen camino, pensaba que posiblemente te encontraría entre rejas. | |
02_99_01_2140.fsb | 302012140:¿Estás chiflado? Ni de coña, tío. Soy demasiado listo. | |
02_99_01_2150.fsb | 302012150:O eso o tienes una flor en el culo. |
Chapter 7: In Loving Memory of Francesco Potenza
To do: Add the subtitles from the other language files. |
The cut character Charlie was meant to be one of Vito's contacts that the player was meant to be able to visit in the first part of the chapter.
Filename | Audio | Subtitles |
07_99_01_0130.fsb | 307010130:Hey, looks who's here! Long time no see. Coño, Vito! How long's it been? At least two or three years, no? | |
07_99_01_0140.fsb | 307010140:More like six or seven, Charlie. | |
07_99_01_0150.fsb | 307010150:Coño, the time, it passes away kind of fast, you know? So where you been? | |
07_99_01_0160.fsb | 307010160:The Big House - where did you think? | |
07_99_01_0170.fsb | 307010170:You were in a big house for seven years? | |
07_99_01_0180.fsb | 307010180:No, you know - the can, the joint, the slammer... jail! | |
07_99_01_0190.fsb | 307010190:Oh, coño, right, sorry, I completely forgot... But you're out now, right? Hey, congratulations! | |
07_99_01_0200.fsb | 307010200:So, what can I do for you, Vito? |
307010130:誰かと思えば! 久しぶりだな、ヴィト! 何年ぶりだ? 2、3年は経ってるか? 307010140:6、7年だな、チャーリー 307010150:時間が経つのは早いからな。で、どこ行ってたんだ? 307010160:塀の中さ。決まってるだろ? 307010170:塀のあるお屋敷に7年もいたのか? 307010180:いや、ブタ箱だよ、オリの中、刑務所だ! 307010190:あ! なるほどな、すまん。すっかり忘れてたよ。でも出て来たんだろ? おめでとさん! 307010200:で、何が必要なんだ、ヴィト?
Weapon Stats
Inside "pc\sds\tables\tables.sds" there's a file named "meleeweapons.XML", which is a list of the melee weapons and stats, as well as a list of NPCs and the melee weapons they can use. Since they were all cut, this file doesn't have a purpose in the actual game.
Note that "Pendrek" means "nightstick" when translated from Czech, and "Torch" refers to the Model 24 grenade.
CloseCombatWeapon Weapon Name Prazdne ruce WeaponID 1 DamageMultiplier 1 Weapon Name Knife WeaponID 22 DamageMultiplier 3.5 CounterAttackDamageMultiplier 1 MinSkill 30 MinAttackLevel 50 MinBlockLevel 0 Weapon Name Knuckleduster WeaponID 23 DamageMultiplier 1.5 CounterAttackDamageMultiplier 1 MinSkill 0 MinAttackLevel 20 MinBlockLevel 0 Weapon Name Wrench WeaponID 24 DamageMultiplier 2 CounterAttackDamageMultiplier 2 MinSkill 10 MinAttackLevel 10 MinBlockLevel 0 Weapon Name Pipe WeaponID 25 DamageMultiplier 2.2 MinSkill 10 MinAttackLevel 20 MinBlockLevel 0 Weapon Name Chopper WeaponID 26 DamageMultiplier 3 CounterAttackDamageMultiplier 3 MinSkill 15 MinAttackLevel 70 MinBlockLevel 0 Weapon Name Crowbar WeaponID 27 DamageMultiplier 1.9 MinSkill 10 MinAttackLevel 40 MinBlockLevel 0 Weapon Name Pendrek WeaponID 28 DamageMultiplier 2 CounterAttackDamageMultiplier 2 MinSkill 0 MinAttackLevel 0 MinBlockLevel 0 Weapon Name Bottle WeaponID 29 DamageMultiplier 1.3 Breaks true BrokenWeaponName BrokenBottle MinSkill 20 MinAttackLevel 40 MinBlockLevel 0 Weapon Name BrokenBottle WeaponID 29 DamageMultiplier 1.7 MinSkill 20 MinAttackLevel 40 MinBlockLevel 0 Weapon Name Torch WeaponID 30 DamageMultiplier 1.7 MinSkill 10 MinAttackLevel 50 MinBlockLevel 0 Weapon Name Baseball bat WeaponID 32 DamageMultiplier 2.2 CounterAttackDamageMultiplier 2.2 MinSkill 0 MinAttackLevel 30 MinBlockLevel 0 Weapon Name Cue WeaponID 33 DamageMultiplier 1.4 Breaks true BrokenWeaponName BrokenCue MinSkill 30 MinAttackLevel 20 MinBlockLevel 0 Weapon Name BrokenCue WeaponID 33 DamageMultiplier 1.3 MinSkill 30 MinAttackLevel 20 MinBlockLevel 0 Weapon Name Shovel WeaponID 34 DamageMultiplier 1.6 MinSkill 20 MinAttackLevel 10 MinBlockLevel 0 Weapon Name Snow shovel WeaponID 35 DamageMultiplier 1.5 MinSkill 20 MinAttackLevel 10 MinBlockLevel 0 Weapon Name Broom WeaponID 37 DamageMultiplier 1.4 MinSkill 30 MinAttackLevel 50 MinBlockLevel 0 PriorityList Type CIVILIAN UsesWeapons false PriorityList Type FRIEND UsesWeapons true Item Knife Item Chopper Item Bottle Item Knuckleduster Item Baseball bat Item Cue Item Wrench Item Pipe Item Crowbar Item Shovel Item Snow shovel Item Broom PriorityList Type ENEMY UsesWeapons true Item Knife Item Chopper Item Bottle Item Knuckleduster Item Baseball bat Item Cue Item Wrench Item Pipe Item Crowbar Item Shovel Item Snow shovel Item Broom PriorityList Type GUARD UsesWeapons true Item Pendrek Item Torch PriorityList Type POLICE UsesWeapons true Item Pendrek Item Torch PriorityList Type DETECTIVE UsesWeapons true Item Knuckleduster Item Pendrek Item Torch PriorityList Type CLEMENTE UsesWeapons false PriorityList Type FALCONE UsesWeapons false PriorityList Type BOMBERS UsesWeapons true Item Baseball bat Item Cue Item Wrench Item Pipe Item Crowbar Item Bottle Item Knife Item Chopper Item Knuckleduster Item Shovel Item Snow shovel Item Broom PriorityList Type BIKERS UsesWeapons true Item Baseball bat Item Cue Item Wrench Item Pipe Item Crowbar Item Bottle Item Knife Item Chopper Item Knuckleduster Item Shovel Item Snow shovel Item Broom PriorityList Type IRISH UsesWeapons true Item Bottle Item Knife Item Baseball bat Item Cue Item Knuckleduster Item Wrench Item Pipe Item Crowbar Item Chopper Item Shovel Item Snow shovel Item Broom PriorityList Type CHINESE UsesWeapons true Item Chopper Item Knife Item Cue Item Broom Item Knuckleduster Item Baseball bat Item Wrench Item Pipe Item Crowbar Item Shovel Item Snow shovel PriorityList Type SCRIPTED UsesWeapons false PriorityList Type VINCI UsesWeapons false PriorityList Type FMV UsesWeapons false PriorityList Type SELLER UsesWeapons false
Anti-Piracy Feature
In the Windows version, if the game detects that a cracked version is being played, the player's health will slowly drain over time, leaving them susceptible to death by a single hit. Eating or drinking will regain health, but it will immediately begin to drain again.
The Mafia series
| |
PlayStation 2 | Mafia |
PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Mac OS X | Mafia II |
Windows | Mafia • Mafia II • Mafia II: Definitive Edition |
PlayStation 4, Xbox One | Mafia II: Definitive Edition |
- Pages missing developer references
- Games developed by 2K Czech
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- Games published by 2K Games
- Games published by Feral Interactive
- Xbox 360 games
- PlayStation 3 games
- Windows games
- Mac OS X games
- Pages missing date references
- Games released in 2010
- Games released in August
- Games released on August 27
- Games released on August 24
- Games released on August 26
- Games with unused graphics
- Games with unused models
- Games with unused text
- Games with anti-piracy methods
- To do
- Mafia series
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Games > Games by release date > Games released in August > Games released on August 26
Games > Games by release date > Games released in August > Games released on August 27
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