Mario Artist Paint Studio
Mario Artist Paint Studio |
Developer: Software Creations This game has unused code. This game has a prototype article |
Oh dear, I do believe I have the vapors. This page contains content that is not safe for work or other locations with the potential for personal embarrassment. Such as: Colorful language in debug strings. |
Mario Artist Paint Studio is the first game of the Mario Artist suite, and successor to Mario Paint. It's also notable for being the only Mario Artist entry that wasn't developed by Nintendo EAD, but instead by British developer Software Creations.
To do: Tons of filenames revealing cut content, hidden graphics. |
Prototype Info |
Unused Code
Game Boy Printer Support
The game supports the unreleased 64GB Cable shown at Spaceworld 1999 alongside DT. If detected from one of the controller ports, the game will unhide the Game Boy Printer (Pocket Printer) icon in 2D Paint mode in menu page 3.
This cable plugs into a Game Boy Printer cartridge, which then the Game Boy Printer plugs into the Game Boy's link port. This cartridge only acts as a middleman as Paint Studio sends and receives RAW Game Boy link data. Oddly enough, alongside support for the original Game Boy Printer, it has support for an unannounced Game Boy Printer COLOR (referred as Color Printer in the text) hardware which prints color images.
You can print in several directions, as well as splitting the image in 2 or 4. For the original Game Boy Printer menu, you can change the paper color, as well as brightness and contrast. The Game Boy Printer Color menu allows to change the brightness, contrast and hue.
Unused Graphics
Unused Icons
These unused icons can be found at 0x761B78.
Debug Strings
Lots of vulgar words in a Mario game. Also mentions "Creator", as it was the original project.
Present at 0xCE85C.
Initialising N64.... DD LOGO DONE. Initialising OS Initialised Vi Manager Initialised Pi Manager Initialised Scheduler Error: Unknown screen mode! RAM size = %d Mbytes. Heap size = %d Kbytes. Initialising DD..... FATAL ERROR: CAN'T CREATE N64DD MANAGER, EXPECT THINGS TO FUCK UP n64dd_error_no = 0x%x :::(after create_manager) n64dd_always_error = %d :::(after newdisk) n64dd_always_error = %d LeoDiskID:gameName = %4s company = %2s INITIALISING FILESYSTEM FOR THIS DISK. TEST ERROR: CAN'T CHECK MEDIA. :::(after check_media_init) n64dd_always_error = %d ::: check_checksum = %d (err %d) :::(after check_checksum ) n64dd_always_error = %d ::: n64dd_cap.startLBA = %d FILESYS OK. %d/%d/%d %d:%d Loading codesegment.... Done FAILED: n64dd_error_no = %d LEO_ERROR_UNRECOVERED_READ_ERROR or LEO_ERROR_COMMAND_TERMINATED LEO_ERROR_DIAGNOSTIC_FAILURE LEO_ERROR_EJECTED_ILLEGALLY_RESUME LEO_ERROR_MEDIUM_MAY_HAVE_CHANGED n64dd_newdisk() = %d n64dd_error_no = %d LEO_ERROR_MEDIUM_NOT_PRESENT Insert disk. LeoDiskID:gameName = %4s company = %2s Invalid disk: Please insert Creator boot disk magnet_error = %d Corrupt disk: Please re-insert Creator boot disk LeoDiskID:gameName = %4s company = %2s Invalid disk: Please insert Creator boot disk LEO_ERROR_MEDIUM_NOT_PRESENT Insert disk. N64DD_CHECKSUM_ERROR Corrupt FAT: Please re-insert Creator boot disk reset! executing black out %d
Text Display-Related
Need to increase MAX_LEOTXT_LINES in leoerro.h leoerror.c Need to increase MAX_LINE_LEN in text.h for a leo error string leoerror.c <NULL> newdlist.c Display List buffer overflow BuildDlist Selcia display list ERROR : No free entry in active text table. ERROR : Text line too long. String:%s entered in text table at index %d. Never CreateRequest Longest width of sting was %d for %d lines MakeRequestBox KillRequest x: %f y: %f CalcRequestLines Need to increase MAX_REQ_LINES in text.h interface/text.c Need to increase MAX_REQ_LINE_SIZE in text.h interface/text.c small char__________________ MakeHint Need to increase MAX_HINT_LINE_SIZE in text.h interface/text.c Need to increase MAX_HINT_LINE_SIZE in text.h interface/text.c KillHint ProcessHint interface/font.c Too musch kanji Alphabetic character set is not supported Trying to start an NDDSEQ when one is already active!!!! Starting DD sequence.......................... Ending Ndd Seq.... done Waiting for button release
Build Date
Part of the credits text.
Nov 8 1999
Miscellaneous Internal Filesystem
Lots of filenames... some of which are related to the cut Gnat Attack minigame.
Critter 0 Critter 1 Critter 2 Critter 3 Critter 4 Critter 5 Critter 6 Critter 7 Swell マフグ Palm Tree Grouper カサゴ Cls1 Cls2 Bog Swatter Fly norm Flybluebot Flyhornet SkinTest littlehand bighand OTbedroom locust kitchen Drone Seaweed Smoke Hotrock Star FlyLounge Explorer Space Snorkyship Earth Asteroid Artist Gloobhouse Moon Tap Ufo Washline Wizzlehouse Fish Control Chicken Steam Screen2 Splash Wake Bubble Shaft Colouring Book ぬりえ Seasky Spark cclownf cpbfish emangelf humbug reangelf redoscar regaltan yscatf pendulum screen screen1 Venom flypow1 flypow2 flypow3 flypow4 Aqua unused bossflybody bossflybrows bossflyeyes bossflylegs bossflywings sparkle picture astronaut bomb bosshead unused20 OTend sparebuffer undobuffer undobufferB sparebuffer2 film00 film01 film02 film03 film04
2D Painting Debug Text
MA2D1 - Saving defaults Initialising Exception Handler Initialising music manager... Init music driver required %d Done. Game GameProc() Waiting for button release New Section Saving model %d %f %f %f SafeToEnterPaint POLAROID BUFFER EXIT ANIM fftype = %d TargObj %d type %d: %s Going back to select screen TITLE FROM PAINT Going back to title screen Custom video mode structure loaded ok Error loading custom video structure Stereo Mode set Mono Mode set Headphone Mode set Exiting selica back into paint SCREEN WIDTH IS %d MPAINT_WIDTH is %d Flags before %d %d Exiting selica back into animation Current page is %d BGM Shuffle mode. InitWorld Game Loop Selica Process controllers disabled InitWorld InitGame InitSection ProcessUpdateFunctions() POLAROID BUFFER NO SEGMENT! for %s Port %d - type: 0x%x - Mouse. Controller. Printer found on port %d. Empty. %d controllers/mice connected. Using port %d as GB camera port... FAILED: n64dd_error_no = %d MemCopy(0x%x, 0x%x, %d) COMMON_TEXTURES BUFFER INTERFACE_TEXTURES BUFFER PAINT_PALETTEMAKER_BUFFER PAINT_TEXTURES BUFFER VIDCAPTURE_TEXTURES BUFFER PAINT_MOUSE_TEXTURES BUFFER PAINT_ANIM_TEXTURES BUFFER PAINT_MUSIC_TEXTURES BUFFER FRONT_END_TEXTURES BUFFER SELECT_TEXTURES BUFFER GOMODE_TEXTURES BUFFER What the !?!? You asking me for interface textures number %d |!? What the !?!? Never tryinh to DEALLOCATE interface textures number %d |!? REMAPS NOT WORKING ON N64DD!!!!! system.c WRITE COMPLETE IN %d FRAMES FAILURE TO WRITE!- ERROR CODE IS %d READ COMPLETE IN %d FRAMES FAILURE TO READ!- ERROR CODE IS %d Unrecognised format in GetSelicaSaveFormat() %03d%03d %s system.c Invalid SelicaImageSize %06d SecureTempFileArea() InitTempFileArea() TOO MANY TEMP FILES OUT OF TEMP FILE DISK SPACE TEMP FILE REPLACE ERROR %d: %s: startlba=%d endlba=%d lenbytes=%d TEMP FILE NOT FOUND Offset = %d lenbytes = %d %s TEMP FILE DOES NOT EXIST DELETE %d: %s: startlba=%d endlba=%d lenbytes=%d InsertVertexSegment %s has no segment allocated. Display Model - '%s' DisplayAnimModel GetChildListPtr FATAL: No segment for %s!! InitCameraSystem InitCamera SetCameraPos SetCameraTarget CalcNosePos CalcGrpPos ProcessCameras SetProCamFollow ProCamFollow playercamoff X:%f Y:%f Z:%f ProCamSwitch InitCamSwitch2 ProCamSwitch2 CalcProjView ElevateCamera DolphinCamera CalcPosBehindCamera InitCamSwitchParabolic ProCamSwitchParabolic InitPaintCam() Stopping rotate fx offset.x=%f offset.y=%f camerazoom =%f InsertViewPort InitLensFlare() RenderLensFlare() LensFlare not initialised. RenderMainWorld Unimplemented lighting mode!! ProObjectClipping Render Create proobj 1 Way hay, critter %d Vector: x: %f y: %f z: %f Next seq PIC %d DISPLAYED PIC %d DESTROYED adding %d for compressed data -- TITLE JPEGS -- - Compressed buffer -- decompressing %x %x Found header at %x picbuffer Entering FindJpeg at with addresss %x looking for picture no %d Returned address %x first bytes are %d %d %d %d adding %d for alpha Directories:%d Files:%d gallery_mfs_id gallery_mfs_seg gallery_mfs_size gallery_mfs_width Directory: %s %s.%s Size %d bytes gallery Found pic %d id:%d size %d Width:%d Height:%d Number of gallery pictures = %d Total size = %d bytes %d: id:%d size:%d seg:%d width:%d gallery_mfs_buffer GALLERY SEGMENT %d gallery_mfs_buffer x Loaded pic %d pic %d FORMAT_RGBA BigPicBuffer FORMAT_NCMP UNKNOWN FORMAT Selica buffer is %x After header is %x Size in transaction buffer is %d max size is %d Proper size is %d Compressing %d bytes from location %x to %x Compressed to %d in %f secs compression has failed on this file, switching format to uncompressed RGBA Picture size is %d %d Result of save is %d at %d Exiting the picture sdave function -- temp thumbnail -- Loaded file into transaction buffer with a size of %d bytes sc_selica.c Invalid picture size of %d %d -- 2ND CANVAS BUFFER -- Decompressing file from address %x to address %x Decompressing canvas size file from address %x to address %x Width and height are %d %d Malarky buffer Decompressing special size file from address %x to address %x file buf is %x my buf is %x Displaying compressed picture with size of %d %d Texture Ed Canvas page %d %d Copying to spare page Copying to scratch page No malarky needed for picture size of %d %d Displaying uncompressed picture with size of %d %d Copying to scratchpad page Porting picture into alpha channel_________________ Saving header data %d %d %d %d Loaded into %x saved out from %x Loading file %d at address %x length %d Full animation would have size of %d New size is %d for %d pages Final size for end number %d is %d anim end number is at %d Frames to save is %d Saved animation file with size %x.. version of header is %d Incorrect header version of %d ..... current version is %d anim header %d %d %d No end of animation in this file Saving file %s.%s ... ERROR! Loading file %s.%s ... Deleting file %s.%s ... Deleting dir %s ... Renaming %s.%s to %s.%s ... Renaming dir %s to %s ... SAND WORK BUFFER SandStart complete -- KANJI BUF -- POCOTA WORK BUFFER DISK INITIALISE start! DISK INITIALISE stop! -- Picture Buffer --- -- Picture Buffer2 --- Copying small thumbnail from 0x%x to 0x%x sand SFX %d SAND_SE_CLICK_ADJUST_BUTTON SAND_SE_SLIDE_LEVER Triggered Slider Silenced Slider ____________________________________Yada in %f %f ____________________________________Yada out %f %f pocota SFX %d POCOTA_SE_GB_PAPER_COLOR_BUTTON POCOTA_SE_GB_INK_COLOR_BUTTON POCOTA_SE_GB_PAGE_PREV POCOTA_SE_GB_PAGE_NEXT POCOTA_SE_GB_COLOR_CHANGED se_plus = %d pitch_factor=%f transfer is %x Pic is %x SELICA_SE_CURSOR_ON_KANJI_CHAR SELICA_SE_CURSOR_ON_ICON SELICA_SE_MOVE_CLICK FX_NEXT_PAGE FX_PREV_PAGE SELICA_QUIT_BOMB SELICA_QUIT_SAVE SELICA_QUIT_SAVE2 SELICA_QUIT_LOAD Load size = %d Valid load size = %d ATTEMPT TO LOAD INVALID WORLD... Not loaded!!!!!!!!!!!!
MEM:: Initialising Memory Manager MEM:: %dK Allocated. @ %x MEM:: Memory Allocation : Absolutely no free memory. %s mem.c No free memory. Can't alloc %d bytes for %s Largest block = %d PERFECT FIT ALLOC MEM:: Memory Allocation : Can't allocate %d bytes, stopping. %s *** NULL Dealloc! DeAlloc MEM:: %x @%x %s MEM:: Memory Allocation : Bad 'FindLocation' value, allocation doesn't exist. -- Free Memory List -- FreeLL[%d].Size = %d @ %x -- Used Memory List -- MemLL[%d].Size = %d @ %x %s -- TOTAL USED MEMORY %d --- TOTAL FREE MEMORY %d --- LARGEST CONTIGUOUS BLOCK %d MEM:: Memory allocation : No free links, stopping. MEM:: Memory allocation : Link inconsistency, stopping. CalcMipMaps GenerateMipMaps1 GenerateMipMapsAndDetail GenerateMipMapsFlipped BoxFilter TexInterleave
- Pages missing developer references
- Games developed by Software Creations
- Pages missing publisher references
- Games published by Nintendo
- Nintendo 64DD games
- Pages missing date references
- Games released in 1999
- Games released in December
- Games released on December 13
- Games with unused code
- Games with hidden development-related text
- Games with unused game types
- Games with unused graphics
- Games with unused text
- NSFW articles
- To do
- Mario series
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Games > Games by content > Games with hidden development-related text
Games > Games by content > Games with unused code
Games > Games by content > Games with unused game types
Games > Games by content > Games with unused graphics
Games > Games by content > Games with unused text
Games > Games by content > NSFW articles
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Throwback Entertainment > Games developed by Acclaim Entertainment > Games developed by Acclaim Studios Manchester > Games developed by Creations > Games developed by Software Creations
Games > Games by platform > Nintendo 64 games > Nintendo 64DD games
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Nintendo
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 1999
Games > Games by release date > Games released in December
Games > Games by release date > Games released in December > Games released on December 13
Games > Games by series > Mario series