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Mobil 1 Rally Championship (PlayStation)

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Title Screen

Mobil 1 Rally Championship

Developers: Atod AB, HotGen Limited
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Platform: PlayStation
Released in US: March 8, 2000
Released in EU: February 11, 2000

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
MovieIcon.png This game has unused cinematics.

To do:
Investigate DEVMENU.EXE

Unused Splash Screen

An ever so slightly alternate unused version of the HotGen splash screen, HOTGEN2.STR, is present on the disc. The only difference being the lack of the copyright text at the bottom.

Mobil1Rally PS1 HOTGEN2.png

Debugging Text

GAME.EXE contains a fair amount of text for various debug displays and options. A string referring to a possible working title, Rally 99 is also present.

Process static cluts, fogIntensity = %d->%d
Bonnet: %d vertices, %d total faces, %d dash faces, %d wheel faces, wheel angle %d, gfx %d.
left wiper angle %d
right wiper angle %d
%d night only parts
%d vertices, %d faces in shadow sz %d, sx %d, dz %d.
map gfx overflow 0x%08x, 0x%08x, %d
fog (%d:%d:%d) %d %d, %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d
loading %d 16 color cluts from 0x%08x map 0x%08x
loading %d 256 color cluts from 0x%08x
loading 256 clut[%d] to (768:%d) = 0x%04x
loading tpages from 0x%08x
loading 16 color tp %d to (%d:%d) height %d
loaded %d 16 color tpages, %d 256 color tpages
anim box %d (%d), tpage %d:
sky box %d, clutId 0x%04x
AnimBox 0x%02x %d:%d, %d:%d, %d:%d, %d:%d
%d:%d, %d:%d, %d:%d, %d:%d, %d
%d anim boxes found
sunflare %d (%d:%d:%d)
Initial RoadNode center (%d:%d:%d)
sky sun distance = %d, scale = %d
scaled sky sun distance = %d
twoPlayerMap = %d
dirtType = %d
roadNodes at 0x%08x, %d bytes free
loading roadnodes to 0x%08x size %d end 0x%08x, free %d
load node %d->%d, %d bytes at filepos %d
  center (%d:%d:%d) %d vertices, %d faces
  link %d->%d
Ai players index pos %d, %d, %d, %d
Ai players dist
player %d remember view %d
Player %d Disable partId %d part %d attached %d - player id: %d
disable %d attached parts
swap RPF_HIDDEN for %d faces at 0x%08x
about to store part position at %d
DisableCarPart done
race done, game time %d
player %d race done, game time %02d:%02d:%02d
last hiscore time map %d = %d, %d
PL_Init player %d
Initial pos (%d:%d:%d) (%d:%d:%d) rot %d
initial roadNode at 0x%08x (%d:%d:%d)
wheel circumference = %d
wheel base = %d
car dim X %d:%d, %d Z %d:%d, %d
collision radie = %d
found extended pad, setting delay %d
dual shock set
Demo time out
User aborted demo, event 0x%02x
Ai %d loading gfx dist %d
aiI %d(%d)%d(%d)%d(%d)%d(%d)%d
cai %d, %d %d %d %d, ai2r %d,%d
string %d at 0x%08x = '%s'
String table contains %d strings from 0x%08x to 0x%08x
getting all ai times for map %02d
Player %2d, car %d, %02d:%02d:%02d
skill level = %d
adjuster for player %d = %02d:%02d:%02d
Pos %2d, Player %2d, car %d, %02d:%02d:%02d
checkPoint %d, pos %d, time %02d:%02d:%02d
pad %d Saved:%d
pad %d Max:%d
%d Max:%d
pad %d padState = %d
pad %d Max:%d, current %d
Entry:%d Searching for:%d, Mode:%d
Found Match:%d
Finished Dual Shock Setup
Starting Rally 99 Game. Version %d.%d Build %d
Program end at 0x%08x, %d bytes free.
GlobalData at 0x%08x
Stack at 0x%08x
Replaybuffer at 0x%08x
rndIndex = %d
p1 view %d
Exiting Game
Render RoadNode Borders : Yes
Check Sun Position : Yes
Rain : Yes
Display Type : Monitor
Play Fx : 00
Render AI Line : Yes
Frame Rate Check : Yes
Smoke : Yes
Render shadows : Yes
Car shine : Yes
Car ground lighting : Yes
Status : 0
Render Map : Yes
Car sun lighting : Yes
Mark Car Parts : Yes
Free movement : Yes
Render Control Data : Yes
Render Car : Yes
Render Sky : Yes
32 spaces 6                     
32 spaces 5                     
32 spaces 4                     
32 spaces 3                     
32 spaces 2                     
32 spaces 1                     
Render Sky : %s
Render Car : %s
Render Control Data : %s
Free movement : %s
Mark Car Parts : %s
Car sun lighting : %s
Render Map : %s
Status : %d
Car ground lighting : %s
Car shine : %s
Render shadows : %s
Smoke : %s
Frame Rate Check : %s
Render AI Line : %s
Play Fx : %d
Display Type : %s
Rain : %s
Check Sun Position : %s
Render RoadNode Borders : %s
SFX_DownloadSamples %d
  spu address 0x%08x
  sample %d:%d, fre %d, pri %d, len %d, vol %d, flags 0x%04x
SFX_DownLoadMapSounds %d
  sample %d, pitch %d:%d, size %d, len %d, vol %d
AI %d Velocity overflow, aiMode %d
velLen = %d = %d.%03d m/tic
vel (%d:%d:%d) (%d:%d:%d) m/tic
AI %d Velocity overflow
velLen = %d = %d m/tic
acc (%d:%d:%d) (%d:%d:%d) m/tic
player %d start view = %d
camera after freeze = %d, rot %d
camType %d, hDist %d CamLineLen %d