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Mutant Night

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Title Screen

Mutant Night

Developer: UPL
Publisher: Kawakus
Platform: Arcade (UPL Ninja-Kid II Hardware)
Released internationally: December 1987

CopyrightIcon.png This game has hidden developer credits.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

An albino xenomorph-like creature must swim in the air and shoot bubbles at his enemies to accomplish...something. Featuring a cameo by Robo-Bub!

Debugging Function

Flip Dip Switch 2:8 (Service Mode) and Dip Switch 2:7 (The first "unused" dip switch in MAME's menu). Then, exit the service menu. This disables the game's object collision detection...which, unfortunately, also includes power-ups.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Hidden Credits

There are two sets of credits hidden in the game's object graphics ROM. They're not really needed, since the game does have a proper credits sequence, but there you go.

I can't believe they cancelled The Shimada Program
The first set is at the start of the ROM, a short but incomplete list of staff members.

GoldS wuz heer
The second set, found near the end of the ROM, consists of two names written in Kanji: Shichijo Takashige, and Hayashi Takashi.

(Translation: divingkataetheweirdo)
(Source: Original TCRF research)