My Arcade V Gamer 220 in 1
My Arcade V Gamer 220 in 1 |
Developers: Various This game has uncompiled source code. |
The My Arcade Gamer V 220 in 1 Handheld is an interesting device: It reuses the body of one of dreamGEAR's earlier handhelds while redoing the internals.
Unused Audio
Stored in the PCM data between the menu music and the cursor selection noise is... a clip of Ylvis' The Fox (What Does The Fox Say?). May be used in a different variant/firmware, but is totally unused here.
Unused Source Code
At 0x7BE2E3 there is a big snippet of unused source code that might go to a game either in the console or to another one of the DreamGear consoles.
LDA MOTION,X AND #$7F STA MOTION,X LDA #FFH STA BGMeetFlag LDA #<Act0009PosProc4 STA SNAPPOS_PROC ÿÿ LDA #>Act0009PosProc4 STA SNAPPOS_PROC+1 ?EXIT9 RTS ;=========================================== PLAY_MUSIÿÿ MUSIC_NUM JSR CONMB_MUSIC_INIT_CHECK RTS ;=========================================== ;=========================================== ÿÿ C000H _ResetKeyEntry1 DS 3 CheckBGMeet1: DS 3 SET_SPRMEET_F1 DS 3 SET_ACT00_WEAPON DS 3 SET_ACT01_WEAPON DS 3 _ResetKeyEntry DS 3 SETÿÿPR _F DS 3 CheckBGMeet: DS 3 ;8 SET_SCATHE DS 3 ;9 LOST_LIFE DS 3 ;10 DOWN_SCROLL DS 3 ;11 GET_RANDOM1 DS 3 ;12 GET_RANDOM2 Dÿÿ3 CONMB_MUSIC_INIT_CHECK DS 3 ;14 ;=========================================== ; ORG F300H ; INCLUDE SPRITE.ASM END ;================ÿÿ== =================== �-- ACTProc#0013: LDA #<Act0101InitProc STA SNAPINIT_PROC LDA #>Act0101InitPÿÿc STA SNAPINIT_PROC+1 LDA #<Act0013EndProc STA SNAPEND_PROC LDA #>Act0013EndProc STA SNAPEND_ÿÿOC LDA #<Act0010IncProc STA SNAPINC_PROC LDA #>Act0010IncProc STA SNAPINC_PROC+1 JMP GetNexÿÿna ct0013EndProc LDA #D5H STA MOTION+1,X JSR _ResetKeyEntry LDA MOTION+2,X AND #$C0 STA MOTION+2,X ; LDA MOTION+5,X ÿÿ #$BF ; STA MOTION+5,X LDA MOTION,X AND #$7F STA MOTION,X JSR GetFrameAddress JSR SetSnapPos RTS ;--------ÿÿ-- ------------------------------------- ACTProc#0014: LDA #<Act0001InitProc STA SNAPINIT_PROC LDA ÿÿAc 1InitProc STA SNAPINIT_PROC+1 LDA #<Act0012EndProc STA SNAPEND_PROC LDA #>Act0012EndProc ÿÿTA APEND_PROC+1 LDA #<Act0012IncProc STA SNAPINC_PROC LDA #>Act0012IncProc STA SNAPINC_PROC+1 ÿÿ J GetNextSnap ;----------------------------------------------------- ACTProc#0015: LDA #<Act0101InitProc STA SNAPINIT_PROC ÿÿ LDA #>Act0101InitProc STA SNAPINIT_PROC+1 LDA #<Act0015IncProc STA SNAPINC_PROC LDA ÿÿ #>Act0015IncProc STA SNAPINC_PROC+1 JMP GetNextSnap Act0015IncProc: LDA MOTION AND #40H BNE ?S1_5 LDA SPRITE CLC ADC #5ÿÿ S PRITE_X LDA SPRITE+1 ADC #0 STA SPRITE_X+1 JMP ?A1_8 ?S1_5 LDA SPRITE SEC SBC #5 STA SPRITE_X LDA SPRITE+1 SBC #0 STA SPRÿÿE_ ?A1_8 LDA SPRITE+2 CLC ADC #8 STA SPRITE_Y LDA SPRITE+3 ADC #0 STA SPRITE_Y+1 LDA SPRITE_Y CMP #240 BCCÿÿC1 EC SBC #240 STA SPRITE_Y INC SPRITE_Y+1 ?C1 LDA #$92 JSR CheckBGMeet JSR SET_SPRMEET_F LDA BGMeetFlag AND #10H ÿÿBN ROC_D LDA BGMeetFlag AND #02H BNE ?PROC_E JMP ?PROC_F ?PROC_D LDA #$CB STA MOTION+1,X JSR _ResetKeyEntry LDA MOTION+2,Xÿÿ A $C0 STA MOTION+2,X ; LDA #0 ; STA MOTION+5,X LDA MOTION,X AND #$7F STA MOTION,X LDA #<Act0015PosProc1 STA SNAPPOS_PROC ÿÿ LDA #>Act0015PosProc1 STA SNAPPOS_PROC+1 JMP ?EXIT0F ?PROC_E LDA #$C0 STA MOTION+1,X JSR _ResetKeyEntrÿÿ A MOTION+2,X AND #$C0 STA MOTION+2,X ; LDA #0 ; STA MOTION+5,X LDA MOTION,X AND #$7F STA MOTION,X LDA #<Act0015PosProc2 ÿÿTA APPOS_PROC LDA #>Act0015PosProc2 STA SNAPPOS_PROC+1 JMP ?EXIT0F ?PROC_F LDA BGMeetFlag Aÿÿ BEQ ?PROC_G LDA BG_CONTROL22 AND #40H BEQ ?PROC_G LDA #$D2 STA MOTION+1,X JSR _ResetKeyEntry LDA MOTION+2,X AND #$C0 STÿÿMO +2,X ; LDA #0 ; STA MOTION+5,X LDA MOTION,X AND #$7F STA MOTION,X LDA #<Act0015PosProc2 STA SNAPPOS_PROC ÿÿ LDA #>Act0015PosProc2 STA SNAPPOS_PROC+1 JMP ?EXIT0F ?PROC_G LDA #<Act0015PosProc1 STA SNAPPOS_PROC ÿÿ LDA #>Act0015PosProc1 STA SNAPPOS_PROC+1 ?EXIT0F RTS Act0015PosProc2 LDA BG_SUPPORT+0 STA SPRITE+2 LDAÿÿBG PORT+1 STA SPRITE+3 Act0015PosProc22 LDA MOTION AND #40H BNE ?S1_5 LDA SPRITE CLC ADC #5 STA SPRITE LDA SPRITE+1 ADC #ÿÿ SPRITE+1 JMP ?A1_8 ?S1_5 LDA SPRITE SEC SBC #5 STA SPRITE LDA SPRITE+1 SBC #0 STA SPRITE+1 ?A1_8 RTS Act0015PosProc1 ÿÿA ITE+2 CLC ADC #8 STA SPRITE+2 LDA SPRITE+3 ADC #0 STA SPRITE+3 JMP Act0015PosProc22 ;---------------------------ÿÿ-- ------------------ ACTProc#0016: ACTProc#0017: LDA #<Act0000InitProc STA SNAPINIT_PROC LDA #>Act0000InitProc STA SNAPINIT_ÿÿOC LDA #<Act0016IncProc STA SNAPINC_PROC LDA #>Act0016IncProc STA SNAPINC_PROC+1 JMP GetNexÿÿna Act0016IncProc: JSR GET_SPRITE_XY JSR SET_SPRMEET_F JSR DefaultIncProc LDA SPRMeetFlag1 BEQ ?EXIT LDA #$C0 STA MOTIONÿÿ,X SR _ResetKeyEntry LDA MOTION+2,X AND #$C0 STA MOTION+2,X ; LDA MOTION+5,X ; AND #$BF ; STA MOTION+5,X LDA MOTION,X AND #$7Fÿÿ S OTION,X ?EXIT RTS ;----------------------------------------------------- ;----------------------------------------------------- ACTProc#00ÿÿ: LDA #<Act0001InitProc STA SNAPINIT_PROC LDA #>Act0001InitProc STA SNAPINIT_PROC+1 LDA #<Actÿÿ18 roc STA SNAPEND_PROC LDA #>Act0018EndProc STA SNAPEND_PROC+1 JMP GetNextSnap Act0018EndPrÿÿ DA MOTION+2,X AND #$C0 STA MOTION+2,X LDA MOTION+5,X AND #$BF STA MOTION+5,X LDA MOTION,X AND #$7F STÿÿ M N,X JSR GetFrameAddress JSR SetSnapPos RTS ;----------------------------------------------------- ACTProc#0019: LDA #<Act00ÿÿIn oc STA SNAPINIT_PROC LDA #>Act0001InitProc STA SNAPINIT_PROC+1 LDA #<Act0018EndProc STA ÿÿNA _PROC LDA #>Act0018EndProc STA SNAPEND_PROC+1 JMP GetNextSnap ;---------------------------------ÿÿ-- ------------ ACTProc#001A: LDA #<Act0001InitProc STA SNAPINIT_PROC LDA #>Act0001InitProc STAÿÿSN IT_PROC+1 LDA #<Act0018EndProc STA SNAPEND_PROC LDA #>Act0018EndProc STA SNAPEND_PROC+1 ÿÿP NextSnap ;----------------------------------------------------- ACTProc#001B: JMP GetNextSnap ;-----------------------------------------ÿÿ-- ---- ;===================================== MainProc#02: DW ACTProc#0200,ACTProc#0201 ;------------------------------------- ACTProc#0200ÿÿ ; --------------------------------- ACTProc#0201: ;------------------------------------- JMP GetNextSnap ;========================== MainPrÿÿ#0 DW ACTProc#0300,ACTProc#0301 ;------------------------------------- ACTProc#0300: ;------------------------------------- ACTProc#0301: ;-ÿÿ-- ----------------------------
Programmer Credits
Throughout the ROM there are various hidden programmer credits:
Programmer:Wang Hongchao
Programmer:WangFei Music:WangFei Artist:WangXiang Originality:WangFei
Programmer:Wang Hongchao
Program: Tony(zhang yuan shen)
Programmer:Wang Hongchao
Programmer:WangFei Music:WangFei Artist:WangXiang Originality:WangFei
Program : Zhang Yuan Shen
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Games > Games by content > Games with hidden developer credits
Games > Games by content > Games with uncompiled source code
Games > Games by content > Games with unused sounds
Games > Games by platform
Games > Games by platform
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by My Arcade
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by dreamGEAR
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 2016
Games > Unlicensed games > Unlicensed NES games
Games > Unlicensed games > Unlicensed NES games > VT03 games
The Cutting Room Floor > Unimportant Awards > NES games
The Cutting Room Floor > Unimportant Awards > NES games