Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2014, J2ME)
Need for Speed: Most Wanted |
Developer: Firemonkeys Studios
To do: Explore revisional differences, especially of 2D and 3D versions |
Need for Speed: Most Wanted is the last Java game in the franchise.
Unused Graphics
Unused Car Brand Logos
logo_audi_2.png is a logo for the car manufacturer company Audi. While it goes unused in the 3D versions of the game, it does not in the 2D versions, as they feature the Audi R8 car.
logo_mercedes.png is a different version of the Mercedes logo, which features text. This graphic can only be properly found in the 3D versions.
Hot Pursuit Leftovers
Scattered within the UI element graphics are several sprites which are leftovers from the J2ME release of Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit. Files which are known include said sprites are listed below:
Contains some trophy graphics which are never seen.
Another trophy graphic which is never seen.
Depending on the version, this can either appear as a crude map (3D versions) or as the leftover map texture from the previous game (2D versions).
Contains the previous game's title.
The world map location sprites.
Cleanup > Pages missing date references
Cleanup > Pages missing developer references
Cleanup > Pages missing publisher references
Cleanup > To do
Games > Games by content > Games with unused graphics
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Electronic Arts > Games developed by Firemonkeys Studios
Games > Games by platform > J2ME games
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Electronic Arts
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 2014
Games > Games by series > Need for Speed series