Nettou Real Bout Garou Densetsu Special
Nettou Real Bout Garou Densetsu Special |
Also known as: Nettou Real Bout Special
Who cares about all the other bouts? This one is Real Special. Also guest starring Iori Yagami of King of Fighters fame!
Soft Dip
To access the game's Soft Dip switches, go into the game options and highlight the "Sound Test" option. Press and hold Left, then press A. A new option will appear underneath the SGB SE test. All dips are set to 0 (off) by default, simply change their values to 1 to activate their effects. Multiple dips may be turned on at the same time.
Debug Dip | Effect |
10000000 | Unlocks Iori Yagami and Geese Howard. To choose them, press Start over Billy Kane or Wolfgang Krauser's portraits in the character selection screen. |
01000000 | nothing |
00100000 | nothing |
00010000 | nothing |
00001000 | Causes your Power bar to increase slowly. |
00000100 | Enables command shortcuts for all characters. Pressing Select + A or Select + B while jumping will cause your character to perform a special move in the air. For example, Andy will perform a Shoryudan when you press Select + B, or a Kuhadan when you press Select + A. Pressing Select + B while at ground level will either perform a third special move or a normal Desperation Move (regardless of your power level) depending on the character. And Select + A will make any character perform a Super Desperation Move, even if you don't have enough power or life to do so.
These commands work even if your enemy is located on an opposite plane. |
00000010 | nothing |
00000001 | Enables third game mode in addition to one or two player modes. At the "GAME SELECT" screen choose an invisible option and press A or Start. Both players in this mode are CPU controlled. Both CPUs select random fighters and play until one of them wins.
Additionally, before starting the game in this mode, hold Left + B to reset the random number generator. This causes predetermined set of fighters chosen by CPUs. |
The Fatal Fury series
| |
Neo Geo | Fatal Fury • Fatal Fury 2 • Fatal Fury Special • Fatal Fury 3 • Garou: Mark of the Wolves |
Sharp X68000 | Garou Densetsu • Garou Densetsu Special |
SNES | Fatal Fury • Fatal Fury 2 • Fatal Fury Special |
Genesis | Fatal Fury 2 |
Game Gear | Fatal Fury Special |
Game Boy | Nettou Garou Densetsu 2 |
Real Bout Fatal Fury | |
Game Boy | Nettou Real Bout Garou Densetsu Special |
PlayStation | Real Bout Special: Dominated Mind |
Neo Geo Pocket Color | Fatal Fury: First Contact |
See Also | |
Art of Fighting • King of Fighters • Samurai Shodown • Super Smash Bros. Ultimate • Street Fighter 6 |
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- Games published by Takara
- Game Boy games
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- Games released in March
- Games released on March 27
- Games with debugging functions
- Fatal Fury series
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Games > Games by release date > Games released in March > Games released on March 27
Games > Games by series > Fatal Fury series
The Cutting Room Floor > Unimportant Awards > Game Boy games
The Cutting Room Floor > Unimportant Awards > Game Boy games