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Nintendo 3DS Camera

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Title Screen

Nintendo 3DS Camera

Developer: Nintendo
Publisher: Nintendo
Platform: Nintendo 3DS
Released in JP: February 26, 2011
Released in US: March 27, 2011
Released in EU: March 25, 2011
Released in AU: March 31, 2011
Released in KR: April 28, 2012
Released in CN: December 2012
Released in TW: September 28, 2012
Released in AS: September 28, 2012

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.

Nintendo 3DS Camera is a pre-installed application on the Nintendo 3DS system, where you can take pictures and videos in 3D!

Test Photo


Present in the debug_mpo_ folder is a 3D picture of a rhinoceros skull, named resizable.mpo, taken with a Fujifilm FinePix Real 3D W1 Camera. The photo was taken at the Tennoji Zoo in Ōsaka, Japan. Interestingly, this picture was taken on March 29, 2009 and edited with GIMP on August 12, 2010, six months before the release of the 3DS.

(discovery: Larsenv)

Unused Banner & Icon

The first version of this application contains an unused banner and icon, named ugc.bnr and ugc.icn respectively. They are located in romfs/bnr.

UGC possibly stands for "User Generated Content".


Nintendo3DSCamera-Unused-Icon-Big.png Nintendo3DSCamera-Unused-Icon-Small.png

These are the titles found in SMDH data.

Language Short Title Long Title Publisher
Japanese 短いタイトル名 長いタイトル名 発売元
English ShortName LongName Publisher



The background is notably borrowed from the Nintendo Wii's Photo Channel

Transcription Translated
17px アルバムタイトル 17px Album Title

% symbols in the bottom could possibly be a custom text set by the user.

(discovery: MilesTheCreator)

Unused Sounds

Present within the App's bcsar file (romfs/sound/PNOTE_Sound.bcsar) are four unused sounds, listed below.

Sound Name(s) Description
WSD_VOC_L[01 to 18] A metal "bang" sound.
WSD_S_FCE_NG1 An error beep.
WSD_S_STR1 The shutter sound from Nintendo DSi Camera.
WSD_VOC[01 to 18] Someone saying "ボイスのテストデータです", it translates to "Voice Test Data."
(discovery: TheMeowthTeamV2YT)