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Pac-in-Time (Mac OS Classic)

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Title Screen


Based on: Fury of the Furries
Developer: Kalisto
Publisher: Mindscape
Platform: Mac OS Classic
Released in US: 1994

DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

Pac-in-Time is a "sprite swap" of a 1993 Amiga game, Fury of the Furries, developed by Kalisto.

Leftover Debug Window

To do:
what do these options do, if anything? the corresponding from Fury of the Furries has these options instead labelled "Infinite lives", "All powers", and "Change level", respectively.


DITL 261 has a window containing the features "Immortal Pacman", "Allmighty Pacman", and "Level skipping". The size of the window suggests there might have originally been a picture that accompanied it, though this may also be due to the fact that the window is based on the accessible cheat menu from Fury of the Furries. There doesn't seem to be any code remaining to access it.

(Source: Ferazel-X)