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Pelé II: World Tournament Soccer

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Title Screen

Pelé II: World Tournament Soccer

Also known as: Pelé's World Tournament Soccer (EU)
Developer: Radical Entertainment[1]
Publisher: Accolade[1]
Platform: Genesis
Released in US: June 1994[1]
Released in EU: 1994[1]

DevMessageIcon.png This game has a hidden developer message.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
SoundtestIcon.png This game has a hidden sound test.

Sound Test

Pele II World Tournament Soccer Sound Test.png

At the title screen, press B, A, Right, Down, A, C, Up, Start.

(Source: SegaRetro)

Unused Music

To do:

Tracks 03 and 04 in the sound test are labeled "NOT USED".

Developer Message

Stored at x148AD7:

Don't like the game?  Blame the following people who let everyone else down: Alan Price, Paul Wilkinson.
The following people busted their butts to try to create a good product: Sean Thompson, Neeraja Vaid, Darren Schebek. 

There, it's off my chest and I feel a bit better now. --Darren S.
