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Phineas and Ferb: Quest for Cool Stuff (Xbox 360, Wii, Wii U, Nintendo 3DS)

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Title Screen

Phineas and Ferb: Quest for Cool Stuff

Developer: Behaviour Interactive
Publishers: Majesco Entertainment‎ (US), 505 Games (EU)
Platforms: Xbox 360, Wii, Wii U, Nintendo 3DS
Released in US: August 13, 2013
Released in EU: July 3, 2014

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.

Phineas and Ferb: Quest for Cool Stuff focuses on the titular boys as they embark on an adventure to find treasures for the Museum of Cool while Perry the Platypus embarks on his own missions to stop Dr. Doofenshmirtz.

Notably, the only Phineas and Ferb game released on the Xbox 360, the Wii U and the Nintendo 3DS.

Debug Script

Elementary, my dear Cactus.
This needs some investigation.
Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
Specifically: the debug settings aren't working

The game contains a rather interesting file called ENGINE.INI. The file is loaded before the game start (ex. modifying the "MaxFPS" to 15 slows the game). It contains lots of information about the engine itself and the debug menu.

disableSoundEngine = FALSE
FMODEventSystem = TRUE
UseSoundBlendHack = false
SoundBlendHackValue = 0.5
AudioRamSize = 0
FMODStreamBufferSize = 64000
FMODPoolSize = 4000000
3DSNonDevicePoolSize = 4M
3DSCacheCommandBufferSize = 92160
MaxHAVoices = 32
ParticlePoolSize = 1024
ParticleEmitterPoolSize = 1024
DefaultLanguage = EN
# Enter list of supported languages separated by dashes ("-")
AvailableLanguages = EN
MaxFPS = 60
MatrixPoolSize = 250
GameObjectInstancePoolSize = 250
DetectKeyboardLayout = true
StartingGameName = phinferb
StartingLUName = lvloader
MicroManagedSize = 3M
LoadMemorySize = 6M
#   See Z:\Technology\Libraries\Base\Memory\DTMemoryManager.cpp
3DSDevLoadUnitSize = 20M
UsingProfiler3DS = false
CompanyCode = 5G
SaveDataSize = 128KB
MediaSize = 512MB
NonInteractiveAssertionBreaks = FALSE
# broken, see http://jira01.a2m.com/browse/HLGN-221
RegularAssertionReporting = TEXT+INTERACTIVE
CriticalAssertionReporting = TEXT+INTERACTIVE
VideoAudioTrack_EN = 0
VideoAudioTrack_FR = 1
VideoAudioTrack_DE = 2
VideoAudioTrack_ES = 3
VideoAudioTrack_IT = 4
# image options
# the title id can be removed after the next engine release
# -- Engine Debug Info Button Bindings --
# Wiki Doc: http://a2m-intranet/wiki_productionservices/index.php?title=phineas_ferb_Engine_Debug_Info_Button_Bindings
# Also: http://a2m-intranet/wiki_productionservices/index.php?title=Engine.ini
# Do not forget to update Wiki Doc upon change in the Button Bindings
# Acceptable button abbreviations:
# PS2    : SQU,  X,CIR,TRI, L1, R1, L2, R2,SEL, ST, L3, R3, UP, DO, LE, RI
# PSP    : SQU,  X,CIR,TRI, L1, R1,        SEL, ST,         UP, DO, LE, RI, HO
# PS3    : SQU,  X,CIR,TRI, L1, R1, L2, R2,SEL, ST, L3, R3, UP, DO, LE, RI
# Xbox360:   X,  A,  B,  Y, LB, RB, LT, RT, BK, ST, L3, R3, UP, DO, LE, RI
# PC     :   1,  2,  3,  4, 5,  6,  7,  8,  9,  10, 11, 12, UP, DO, LE, RI
# Wii: 1, 2, A, B, UP, DO, LE, RI, PL, MI, HO, Z, C
# WiiU: X, Y, A, B, UP, DO, LE, RI, PL, MI, HO, L, R, ZL, ZR
# 3DS: A, B, X, Y, R, L, ST, SEL, RI, LE, UP, DO
# Possible actions: Hold, Press, Delay
# For example:
#   Hold(1) + Delay(2.0) + Press(2)
# means hold down button 1, wait for two seconds, and press button 2. Buttons must be held down in the order written.
# NOTE: Buttons MUST be held down in the order written.
# General options
#SingleStepWhileHeld = Hold(6) + Hold(5) + Hold(3)
#SingleStep = Hold(6) + Hold(5) + Press(1)
#ToggleSingleStep = Hold(6) + Hold(5) + Press(2)
VisualAssertBreak = Press(A)
VisualAssertContinue = Press(B)
VisualAssertContinueAndDisable = Press(X)
#FruBruEnter = Hold(5) + Hold(6) + Press(7)
#FruBruExit = Hold(5) + Hold(6) + Press(7)
#ToggleDebugPrimitiveDepthTest = Hold(5) + Hold(6) + Press(8)
EngineDebugPagesShowHide = Hold(L) + Press(ST)
EngineDebugPagesChangeTopic = Press(L)
EngineDebugPagesChangePage = Press(R)
#ChangeHeapDisplayMode =
#ToggleScaleformDisplayFocus =
#ShowHideJoints = Hold(5) + Hold(6) + Press(3)
#ShowHideParticleEngineDebugDraw = Hold(5) + Hold(6) + Press(4)
#ShowHideFrozenFrustum = Hold(5) + Hold(6) + Press(UP)
#ShowHideSplines =
#ChangeFillMode = Hold(5) + Hold(6) + Press(RI)
# Physics-related options
#ChangeDisplayedCollisionPrimitives = Hold(5) + Hold(6) + Press(DO)
#ChangePhysicsDebugMode = Hold(5) + Hold(6) + Press(LE)
#ShowHideStaticObjects = Hold(5) + Hold(6) + Press(11)
#ShowHideObjects = Hold(5) + Hold(6) + Press(12)
#ShowHideRayIntersections =
#ShowHideObjectCollisionMap =
#ChangeOCMView =
#ChangeOCMBitfieldMSB =
#ChangeOCMBitfieldLSB =
#ChangeOCMBitfieldGroup =