Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky |
Developer: Chunsoft This game has unused animations. This game has a prototype article This game has a notes page This game has a bugs page |
This game/console's online features are no longer supported. While this game/console's online features were once accessible, they are (as of May 20, 2014) no longer officially supported and online-exclusive features may be documented as now-unseen content. |
This needs some investigation. Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page. Specifically: How much of this originated in Time/Darkness? And any differences between them? Any redundant info we can move/remove? |
To do: There is a lot of stuff to discuss.
Explorers of Sky is the third DS installment in the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series, and an enhanced version of Explorers of Time and Darkness.
Prototype Info |
Notes |
Bugs |
Changes From Time & Darkness Various music, graphic and dialogue changes from the original games. |
Unused Animations Pokémon animations that can't be seen normally in-game, including leftovers from Red and Blue Rescue Team. |
Debug Room An upgraded version of the room from Time/Darkness. |
Debugging Features
To do: Lots.
The game's debug features are more-or-less still intact in the final game.
A debugging mode for scripts can be re-enabled using the following AR code (US):
022DF330 E3500001
While its effects may not be so obvious at first, this causes a debug Chapter Select menu to appear when starting a new game, and also allows you to access the Debug Room. Using SkyTemple's Script Debugger enables this by default, without the need for a code.
In addition, the game's debug flags can be enabled by patching the GetDebugFlag functions in the game's arm9.bin to return a 1. These functions are found in the following offsets:
GetDebugFlag1 EU: 0x200C198 NA/JP: 0x200C110 GetDebugFlag2 EU: 0x200C2BC NA/JP: 0x200C234
Using a disassembler like No$GBA has, you can patch these offsets to mov r0,1h to enable the flags. Unfortunately, this can only enable every flag at once, and will not allow you to enable/disable certain ones.
This can also be done using an Action Replay code:
NA/JP | EU |
2200C110 00000001
2200C234 00000001 |
2200C198 00000001
2200C2BC 00000001 |
Or, you can instead use SkyTemple's Script Debugger, which can toggle these flags individually and is overall much easier...
Name | Function |
Speed Up the Message | in-game text is much faster, appearing almost instantly. |
No Screen Fade | The screen does not go black during room/scene transitions, allowing you to see the assets for the new room/scene load in real-time. |
Sound OFF | All sounds, including sound effects and music, will no longer update. If music was playing before this option was enabled, it will continue playing indefinitely, even if the music should change or stop. |
BGM off | similar to the above, but only applies to background music. |
SE off | Similar to above, but only applies to sound effects. |
Stage NPC dummy | The recruits in the Crossroads are changed to a Nidoking and Onix, who will have the names of your current recruits if they exist. This does not actually affect your team or Assembly; your original recruits will return when entering a dungeon. They do, however, appear during cutscenes, such as those that play when you reach the end of a dungeon. Disabling the option will remove them. |
Text limit check | The names of anyone you talk to will be replaced with the words "Limit Check". This is intended to test the limits of textboxes to make sure they still fit when variables have long text. |
No Cheat-Chek | Unsure. Likely disables some unknown anti-cheating measure. |
No Plunge-Check | Unsure. |
Dungeon Infinite Comeback | Unsure, does not save you from wiping out in a dungeon. |
Debug | This should enable all of the game's debug menus, but unfortunately it still doesn't work here. |
Edit Mode | When entering a dungeon, the text "Contorl the result?" (sic) will appear. The first option, "Go to a dungeon", simply enters the dungeon as normal. "Pretend as failed" and "Pretend as escaped" will immediately end the dungeon as if you had starved. "Pretend as succeeded" warps you to the end of the dungeon. |
The small, hidden debug room from the first game is present here, and has actually been updated! To access it, apply this Action Replay code, and hold SELECT while entering the beach map (US version).
94000130 FFFB0000 02115953 00535544 D2000000 00000000
Upon loading the map, you'll notice that Wigglytuff is present, and there are 5 dots in the ocean. Talking to Zubat shows that there is an extra page of options, and the "Debug Display" option has been removed. These new options do not have any text, and instead display blank textboxes. The first option plays an animation for the 5 dots, showing that it is a graphic from the top of Temporal Tower. Options 2 and 3 load various blank textboxes, and Wigglytuff will look up several times. Options 4 and 5 move the camera around for a while, and will display several blank textboxes. Every other part of the room is more-or-less the same.
Unused Music
Explorers of Time and Darkness Intro Theme
The intro theme to Explorers of Time and Darkness. This is a leftover track from that previous game.
Debug Menu & Sound Test
Very incomplete remnants of a Debug Menu can be found by using the following Action Replay Codes. Press Start at the title screen, then hold Left and select any of the options to open the debug menu. Only the sound test option seems to retain its function.
(US / EU)
0202ABEC E5900100 94000130 FFDF0000 0202ABEC E3A00001 D0000000 00000000
The game has various other debugging menus. One of these is a debug menu that can open when selecting "New Game". It gives various options, such as starting the game without the personality quiz, jumping to various parts in the game's story progression or accessing some debug scenes. These debug menus can be enabled by using the SkyTemple Script Engine Debugger.
Unused Cutscenes
There are a few strange cutscenes hidden within the game's data. Both of these can be accessed by selecting the Debug option in the hidden chapter select.
hdebug seems to be a testing cutscene that was created by developers to test various character and camera movement scripts.
It is similar to the normal Dark Crater Pit pre-battle cutscene, but the textboxes are completely blank in the European and North American releases of the game. The game crashes when attempting to start the boss fight.
The cutscene, along with mdebug (see below) can be entered by selecting "Debug" and then "H Debug" in the "New Game" debug menu.
In the Japanese release the dialogue is still included. Below is a transcript of the dialogue and a translation of the sections that are different from the final cutscene:
だれだ! Who's there?! わが りょういきに あしを [R]ふみいれるのは! Who has entered my domain?! わがなは [CS:N]ヨノワール[CR]! My name is Dusknoir! [CS:N]ヨノワール[CR]!? Dusknoir!? ぬぬ… また きさまらか! Hmm... You two again! [CN]どうする? What will we do? やっつける Attack たおす Knock Down [CN]ほんとうにやっつけていいんですね? Are you sure you want to attack? [CN]ほんとうにたおしていいんですね? Are you sure you want to knock it down? はい Yes いいえ No ま まさか ほんきで わたしと [R]たたかおうと いうわけではあるまいな? S-surely you aren't seriously going to fight me, are you? ふふ… なんてな… Heheh... Just kidding. ばかめ! You fool! ははは けいせいぎゃくてんだ Ha ha ha... The tables have turned. いぬのすけ どうしよう What'll we do, Inunosuke? (The default hero name for the JP version is "Inunosuke") まちな そこまでだ! Wait! Don't go any further! おたくらに どんな いんねんが[R]あるかは しらねぇが たぜいに ぶぜいを[R]みすごすわけには いかねぇな I don't know if they're trying to start a fight with you or what, but I can't just stand by and let you be outnumbered. まったく…… うつくしくない [R]にも ほどがあります Goodness... There's a limit to how not-beautiful something can be. まぁ ぼくは どちらでも いいん[R]だけど ふたりが こういってるから [R]しかたがないね Well, I don't really care either way, but since you're both saying these kinds of things, I don't have a choice. はなしが きまったところで [R]さっそく…… Now that we're done talking, let's get right into it... じゃあ おまえから。 Starting with you. とりゃあぁぁ!! Raaaahhhh!! まったく……、はりあいがねぇな Oh, come on... Where's the excitement? では おつぎは わたしのばん Very well then, next would be my turn. ふっ Hmph! ふぅ また みにくいものに ふれてしまいました Hmph. Once again, I touch an ugly object. (Homage to the dialogue of the character "Ishikawa Goemon" from the anime "Lupin the Third") えっと それじゃ つぎはぼくだ Hmm, let's see. That means I'm next. なにしてる![R]はやく やつらを かたずけんか What are you doing?! Hurry and get rid of these guys! よっこらせっと Alley-oop! す すごい…… A-amazing... (ほんとうに すごいな これは……) (It really is amazing...) (ほんとうに これは すごい……) (This really is amazing...) あぁ つかれた Whew, I'm tired. もっと シャキっと できないのかねぇ Can't you be a little more alert? これがコータスのあじですから That's part of Torkoal's unique charm. そうそう Indeed. まぁ いまさらってことか Well, it might be a little late for that now. そうそう Indeed. ところで ふたりとも これで [R]まんぞく? By the way, are you two satisfied? そうだな。[R]まだまだ うごきたりないが…[R]よしとするか Yep. I'm still not moving around as much as I should... but I guess it'll be OK. わたしのうつくしさを [R]あまりみせられなかったのは ざんねんですが[R]しかたありませんか…… It's a shame I couldn't show any more of my beauty, but I suppose there's nothing I can do about that... おれたち やくめは ここまでだ。[R]あとはじぶんたちで なんとかしな Our role ends here. You'll have to figure things out from here on your own. どこの だれだか しらないけど[R]ありがとう I don't know who you are or where you are from, but thank you. あとは まかせて I'll take care of the rest. ちょっ ちょっと まて W-wait a minute. いいわけはきかないよ I won't take any excuses. かくご! Brace yourself! くっ Urgh... しかたない There's not much choice. ここは ひくぞ I'm retreating.
mdebug is very similar to hdebug, but seems to have been created later in development, as the text is formatted better and the dialogue and talking style of the characters matches the actual characters from the game more closely.
The dialogue is again only preserved in the original Japanese version of the game. Transcript and translation of the segments that are different from the final cutscene:
よくきたな! How nice of you to come! わがなは [CS:N]ヘイガニ[CR]! My name is Corphish! [CN]どうする? What will we do? やっつける Attack たおす Knock Down [CN]ほんとうにやっつけていいんですね? Are you sure you want to attack? [CN]ほんとうにたおしていいんですね? Are you sure you want to knock it down? はい Yes いいえ No お? なんだ? やろうっていうのか? Oh? What's this? You think you can take me? やろうども! あつまれ! Get over here, boys! すけだち するでゲス! I'm gonna help you, by golly! うおおおおおお[LINE:1:4]!! Whoaaaaaaaa!! ヘイヘイ![K] さあて はじめるか!! Hey hey! Let's get started!! まて! Wait! だ……[K]だれだオマエは! Who... who are you?! わがなは [CS:N]パルキア[CR]![K][R]くうかんを つかさどりしもの!! My name is Palkia! I am the master of space!! パ…… [CS:N]ヘイガニたち[CR][M:T0]パルキア[CR]だってぇ[LINE:1:6]!?[K] P... Corphish and co.: Palkia?! (あのでんせつの ポケモンが [R]なんで こんなところに!?) (What is that Legendary Pokémon doing here?) (くうかんを つかさどりしもの…?) (The master of space...?) (だが…[K]それよりもなによりも…) (But that's not the point...) デカい。 It's huge. しろい。 It's white. こわいでゲス。 And scary, by golly. かってに くうかんを[R]ゆがめるものは ゆるさんッ! I cannot allow you to distort space at will! オマエには きえてもらうッ! You will disappear at my hands! かくごしろッ! Brace yourselves! (や……[K]やられるでゲス……。) (I... I'm gonna lose, by golly...) (とてもかなわん!!) (I'm absolutely no match!!) こ……[K]こんな……。 This... This... こんなはずでは……。 This cannot be... ちくしょう……。 No... ちくしょおおおおおおおおおおおお[R]おおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおお[R]おおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおお!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! [CN][player]は[R][CN][CS:P]ヘイガニいちみ[CR]を みごと[R][CN]おいはらった!! (?) [player] [player] successfully drove away the Corphish clan!! (?)
A blank textbox appears with no portrait, and a Politoed can be seen on the right side of the screen. Once this textbox is closed, the screen flashes white and Dusknoir appears in the top left corner. An empty textbox appears, with two blank choices. Both appear to do the same thing when pressed: they pop up a Yes/No box. If No is selected, the blank textbox repeats. Selecting Yes continues the cutscene. The player and partner then run toward Dusknoir. He backs up and turns around to look at the lava. Then the screen flashes white and three Pokemon (Sableye, Murkrow, and Kabutops) appear in a triangle around the player.
The screen flashes white, and suddenly Regirock, Torkoal, and Mesprit are standing at the entrance. Shortly after, they begin to beat up the Pokemon surrounding the player. Following this, all of the Pokemon disappear except for the player, Regirock, and Politoed. The player is then given control. Speaking to Regirock simply produces three blank dialogs, and Politoed creates two. There is nothing else to interact with in this room, nor is there a way to leave.
(There are a lot of blank dialogs in this cutscene which were ignored in this description for readability purposes.)
The player is shown walking into a completely empty Dark Crater Pit. The screen flashes, and Corphish suddenly appears in front of the player. A blank selection box appears, identical to that in H Debug. The player approaches Corphish, and dramatic music starts playing. Bidoof and Loudred drop in on either side of the player, then the screen flashes again and Palkia appears. After quite a bit of "dialogue", Palkia steps forward, and the player runs away. They are followed by Bidoof and Loudred shortly after. Explosions start appearing, and Palkia attacks Corphish. The screen fades to white, and a happy jingle plays...?
The player is then given control. For some reason, the Hidden Land theme is playing despite being in Dark Crater. The room contains Palkia, an Articuno, and a Politoed. Palkia and Articuno both create blank dialogs when spoken to. Politoed gives the player three (blank) choices when interacted with. The top option causes Politoed to spin around, the bottom option causes him to jump, and the middle option causes the screen to fade to magenta for a few seconds.
Seizure warning, with the word "Demo" on the top screen.
The Rainbow Stoneship can be seen in the background on both screens, with "TOUCH HERE TO START" displayed on the bottom screen.
Again, the word "Demo" is visible on the top screen.
Unused Dungeons
All normally unaccessible dungeons will have a placeholder mission objective of "Dummy" and will send the player back to the cross square when the last floor is complete.
Test Dungeon
An unused dungeon exists within the game. Called simply "Test Dungeon", this dungeon has floors and walls made of a simple solid glowing grid and contains many high-level Bug and Grass-type Pokémon. It can be accessed by using the following Action Replay code to unlock all the dungeons. It will be the first dungeon listed on the selection screen, before Beach Cave.
222AB243 000000FF 022AB244 FFFFFFFF 022AB248 FFFFFFFF 022AB24C FFFFFFFF 022AB250 FFFFFFF9 022AB254 E0000000 122AB256 00000FC7
Luminous Spring and Hot Spring
If one goes to Luminous Spring or Hot Spring before they can normally access it (like using a cheat code to unlock all dungeons), instead of going to the normal area they will be brought to a dungeon with that name and the same Pokémon/palette as the final area of Temporal Tower. The dungeon is only 5 floors deep.
Unobtainable Pokémon
To do: Do Explorers of Time and Explorers of Darkness as well. Maybe put in codes to access them as well. Add the Wonder Mail S method of obtaining Primal Dialga, and maybe find a JP code? Skytemple reports Purple Kecleon as being male-only; check ingame. |
Some Pokémon can't be normally recruited, even with the Spinda's Café modifier or Wild Pokémon modifier codes. The only way to get them is through a Leader or Partner Pokémon modifier code.
Primal Dialga
The final boss of the main story and last special episode actually has a few surprises when hacked in. If you talk to Primal Dialga while in a dungeon or at the Spinda's Café, it will have the unique message of ".......". Also, since Primal Dialga is just a palette swap of the regular Dialga, it can enter dungeons with others; this may suggest that either Primal Dialga was meant to be recruitable at one point or there was a way to change regular Dialga back into it.
Unlike a normal Dialga, Primal Dialga stops learning moves after level 50, and has no moves it can learn by TM, HM, or egg move. Primal Dialga also does not learn Scary Face at level 1. Its learnset ends at 50 with Heal Block, although this behavior cannot normally be seen because the story boss is level 48.
Purple Kecleon
The purple Kecleon that sells TMs at the Kecleon Shop can actually be hacked into your party and taken into dungeons like Primal Dialga. Since it is just a palette swap of the regular Kecleon, it has all of the animations of the regular colored ones. It also has the same messages as the regular Kecleon when spoken to in a dungeon or the Spinda's Café, so this is probably copied data from the regular Kecleon that wasn't taken out.
Pink Celebi
The pink Celebi who aids you in future as well in last special episode can be used as in dungeons as well. In Spinda's Cafe she uses placeholder messages "Pink Celebi, Standby 1" and "Pink Celebi, Standby 2". However, in-dungeon she has normal messages, mentioning Passage of Time once in a while.
Between Giratina Origin Forme and Primal Dialga in the game data, there are 15 almost identical dummied out Steel-type Pokémon who use the Decoy sprite and Bulbasaur's portrait. However unlike most other unused Pokémon in the game data, including the actual Decoy, these Pokémon have level up learnsets associated with them. The learnset on all 15 of these Pokémon matches up with the learnset of Arceus in Generation 4 (aside from Cosmic Power being placed on level 2 instead of 1) and includes the also dummied out move Judgment (displayed in game as $$$), indicating Arceus was planned to be playable instead of being a statue at the top of Destiny Tower. This variation of its learnset was later used in the Japanese-exclusive Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Adventure Squad games for Arceus. The messages used by these Pokémon varies, some of them use the same "........" message as Primal Dialga, while others use the same messages as Shaymin.
Unused Moves
To do: There's more. These moves also exist in Time/Darkness and should be added there too. Screenshots of these should be uploaded as well. |
When hacked in, its name will be "$$$" and it will have 7 PP. Using it causes a black orb to appear over the Pokémon and white lines to cover the area, inflicting damage on every enemy Pokémon currently in the room. This is Arceus's signature move, possibly meaning that Arceus was meant to be obtainable at one point instead of being a statue at the top of Destiny Tower. Since the Plates do not exist in the game, the move instead uses primary type of the user.
Unused Backgrounds
Time and Darkness Leftovers
Menu Backgrounds
In Explorers of Time and Darkness there are different backgrounds used for the main menu. These images are still present in Explorers of Sky. If you browse the files, they're in data/BACK/s09p0Xa.bgp, where X=1 to 3.
Japanese Title
What looks like the Japanese title for Explorers of Time is in data/TOP/logo0.bgp.
Blue Rescue Team Leftovers
Menu Screens
Found in the game files in data/TOP/title_0.bgp and /title_1.bgp are two menu screen images from Blue Rescue Team.
Top Screen
Found in the game files in data/TOP/test.bgp is this background. Looking by the colors, this was the top screen from Blue Rescue Team used for dungeons displaying the player's Pokémon information.
Intro from Red and Blue Rescue Team
Interestingly, the very beginning of the first games can be found within the text, which shows that the games use the same exact engine.
[M:D2]...Hey. [M:H8][M:I0][M:I1][M:T2][M:T3] ...Hey, wake up.[K] Wake up already. Oh, good! You finally came to! (Wh-where is this...?) You were passed out here. I'm glad you woke up! I'm [partner]. Glad to meet you! ...So, who might you be?[K] I don't think I've seen your face around here. Hah?[K] You say you're a human? But any which way I look at you, you're a normal [c_kind:NPC_HERO]. (It... It's true...) (I have turned into a [c_kind:NPC_HERO]!) (...But why? I don't remember anything...) You're...[K] Some kind of weird...
Debug Strings
A few are present in the game, including such gems as "Contorl the Result?"
[CS:C]Debug switch[CR] [CS:C]OFF[CR] [CS:C]ON[CR] [CS:C]Speed Up the Message[CR] [CS:C]No Screen Fade[CR] [CS:C]Sound OFF[CR] [CS:C]BGM off[CR] [CS:C]SE off[CR] [CS:C]Stage NPC dummy[CR] [CS:C]Text limit check[CR] [CS:C]No Cheat-Chek[CR] [CS:C]No Plunge-Check[CR] [CS:C]Dungeon Infinite Comeback[CR] [CS:C]Debug[CR] [CS:C]Edit Mode[CR] [CS:C]Debug log[CR] [CS:C]DUNGEON[CR] [CS:C]GROUND[CR] [CS:C]SCRIPT[CR] [CS:C]SCRIPT_DEBUG[CR] [CS:C]SCRIPT_SUPERVISION[CR] [CS:C]SCRIPT_COMMAND[CR] [CS:C]SOUND[CR] [CS:C]BGM[CR] [CS:C]SE[CR] [CS:C]FLAG[CR] [CS:C]FILE[CR] [CS:C]MEMORY[CR] [CS:C]BACKUP[CR] [CS:C]THREAD[CR] [CS:C]KERNEL[CR] [CS:C]PERFORMANCE[CR] [CS:C]Break data[CR] [CS:C]Initial product data[CR] [CS:C]Default data[CR] [CS:C]Initialized Data[CR] [CS:C]Go-Rescue Check[CR] [CS:C]Waiting-for-Rescue Check[CR] [M:D2][CS:C]Check No. of letters[CR] [M:D2][CS:C]Review Text[CR] Pokémon "[kind:]": [digits:] Item "[item:1]": [digits:1] Move "[move:2]": [digits:2] Area "[area:]" [digits:] Dungeon "[dungeon:1]" [digits:1] [CS:C]Name:[CR] [CS:C]ON[CR] [CS:C]OFF[CR] [CS:C][M:B2]View on the message window[CR] [CS:C][M:B3]End[CR] [CS:C]File: [CR] [CS:C]Ground debug[CR] [CS:C]Return to the top menu[CR] [CS:C]Main Scenario Progress[CR] [CS:C]Sub Scenario Progress[CR] [CS:C]Special progress[CR] [CS:C]Dungeon open[CR] [CS:C]Dungeon log[CR] [CS:C]Control Stats[CR] [CS:C]Stats Max[CR] [CS:C]Move To Places[CR] [CS:C]Save[CR] [CS:C]Debug switch[CR] [CS:C]Debug log[CR] [CS:C]Next Day(Shop, Job, Egg)[CR] [CS:C]Control Evolution[CR] [CS:C]Item Management/Addition[CR] [CS:C]Item storage[CR] [CS:C]Alter/Add Pokemon[CR] [CS:C]Chimecho Assembly[CR] [CS:C]Random mission[CR] [CS:C]Main Scenario control[CR] [CS:C]Progress[CR] [CS:C]Support Phase[CR] [CS:C]Support Flag[CR] [CS:C]Player's talk[CR] [CS:C]Male[CR] [CS:C]Female[CR] [CS:C]Partner's talk[CR] [CS:C]Type 1[CR] [CS:C]Type 2[CR] [CS:C]Type 3[CR] [CS:C]Player type[CR] [CS:C]Partner type[CR] [CS:C]Balance Progress[CR] [CS:C]Scenario Settings[CR] [CS:C]Balance 0[CR] [CS:C]Balance 1[CR] [CS:C]Balance 2[CR] [CS:C]Balance 3[CR] [CS:C]Balance 4[CR] [CS:C]Balance 5[CR] [CS:C]Balance 6[CR] [CS:C]Balance 7[CR] [CS:C]Control Balance[CR] [CS:C]Sub Scenario[digits:0] info manipulation[CR] [CS:C]Sub Scenario[digits:0][CR] [CS:C]Progress[CR] [CS:C]Support Phase[CR] [CS:C]Particular Progress Control[CR] [CS:C]Team name[CR] [CS:C]Treasure Bag[CR] [CS:C]Random Mission[CR] [CS:C]Friend Rescue[CR] [CS:C]Friends[CR] [CS:C]Evolution[CR] [CS:C]Formation Change[CR] [CS:C]Move Alone[CR] [CS:C]Training[CR] [CS:C]Post ending[CR] [CS:C]Scenario Completion[CR] [CS:C]Dojo clear[CR] [CS:C]Defeat Drowzee[CR] [CS:C]Defeat fake Groudon[CR] [CS:C]Defeat Luxray[CR] [CS:C]Cleared Future World[CR] [CS:C]Defeat Dusknoir[CR] [CS:C]Defeat Dialga[CR] [CS:C]Defeat Darkrai[CR] [CS:C]Defeat Regigigas[CR] [CS:C]Guild Graduation[CR] [CS:C]Collect 7 Treasures[CR] [CS:C]Scizor ev. clear[CR] [CS:C]Get Manaphy[CR] [CS:C]Manaphy ev. clear[CR] [CS:C]Go separately from Chatot[CR] [CS:C]Climbed Sky Peak[CR] [CS:C]Identify Waterfall[CR] [CS:C]Identify Quicksand[CR] [CS:C]Open Dungeons[CR] [CS:C]Close[CR] [CS:C]Scenario[CR] [CS:C]Completion[CR] [CS:C]Mission[CR] [CS:C]Control Stat Info[CR] [CS:C]Money[CR] [CS:C]Deposit[CR] [CS:C]Team Points[CR] [CS:C]No. of adventures[CR] [CS:C]No. of successful Adventure[CR] [CS:C]No. of Adventure failure[CR] [CS:C]No. of Rescue[CR] [CS:C]No. of Evolution[CR] [CS:C]No. of Eggs hatched[CR] [CS:C]No. of Successful Theft[CR] [CS:C]No. of PKMN Beaten On a Floor[CR] [CS:C]Play time[CR] [CS:C]Number of times won big at Big Treasure[CR] [CS:C]Number of times Recycled[CR] [CS:C]Number of times sent Sky Gift[CR] [CS:C]Maximize Pokemon Status[CR] [CS:C]Battled with Pokémon[CR] [CS:C]Move to Places[CR] [CS:C]Item[CR] [CS:C]Additional Type[CR] [CS:C]Treasure Bag[CR] [CS:C]Storage[CR] [CS:C]Addition[CR] [CS:C]Enter Values[CR] [CS:C]How Many?[CR] [CS:C]Item[CR] [CS:C]Pokémon[CR] [CS:C]Clear[CR] [CS:C]Trade Level[CR] [CS:C]Colour[CR] [CS:C]Unown[CR] [CS:C]Money[CR] [CS:C]Contents[CR] [CS:C]Colour[CR] [CS:C]Egg[CR] [CS:C]Money:[CR] [CS:C]Egg:[CR] [CS:C]Item Box:[CR] [CS:C]Storage:[CR] [CS:C]Sort Test[CR] [CS:C]Exclusive Item[CR] [CS:C]Player[CR] [CS:C]Partner[CR] [CS:C]Storage[CR] [CS:C]Set[CR] [CS:C]Set Type[CR] [CS:C]Sort Test[CR] [CS:C]Filling Test[CR] [CS:C]Pokémon Storage[CR] [CS:C]Start Script[CR] [CS:C]Juice Bar[CR] [CS:C]10,000 trades at the Recycle Shop[CR] [CS:C]Put held items in storage[CR] [CS:C]Pichu Egg settings[CR] [CS:C]Contorl the Result?[CR] [CS:C]Go to a dungeon[CR] [CS:C]Pretend as failed[CR] [CS:C]Pretend as escaped[CR] [CS:C]Pretend as succeeded[CR] [M:D2][CS:C]Debug switch[CR] [M:D2][CS:C]Debug log[CR] [M:D2][CS:C]Sound Test[CR] [M:D2][CS:C]Message Test[CR] [M:D2][CS:C]Document Test[CR] [M:D2][CS:C]List menu Test[CR] [M:D2][CS:C]Multi menu Test[CR] [M:D2][CS:C]Sleep Test[CR] [M:D2][CS:C]Initial sample[CR] [M:D2][CS:C]Interim Test[CR] [M:D2][CS:C]Menu Test[CR] [CS:C]BGM Main[CR] [CS:C]BGM Sub[CR] [CS:C]ME[CR] [CS:C]System SE[CR] [CS:C]Motion SE[CR] [CS:C]Motion Sub SE[CR] [CS:C]Stats SE[CR] [CS:C]Trap SE[CR] [CS:C]Move1 SE[CR] [CS:C]Move2 SE[CR] [CS:C]Move3 SE[CR] [CS:C]Move4 SE[CR] [CS:C]Move5 SE[CR] [CS:C]Move6 SE[CR] [CS:C]Move6 SE[CR] [CS:C]Move8 SE[CR] [CS:C]Move9 SE[CR] [CS:C]Move10 SE[CR] [CS:C]Move11 SE[CR] [CS:C]Move12 SE[CR] [CS:C]Move13 SE[CR] [CS:C]Move14 SE[CR] [CS:C]Move15 SE[CR] [CS:C]Event SE[CR] [CS:C]Event Sub SE[CR] [CS:C]Event Main01 SE[CR] [CS:C]Event Main05 SE[CR] [CS:C]Event Main10 SE[CR] [CS:C]Event Main14 SE[CR] [CS:C]Event Main18 SE[CR] [CS:C]Event Main25 SE[CR] [CS:C]Event Main26 SE[CR] [CS:C]Event Sub01 SE[CR] [CS:C]Event Sub10 SE[CR] [CS:C]Event Sub23 SE[CR] [CS:C]Event Sub30 SE[CR] [CS:C]Event Side01 SE[CR] [CS:C]Event Side02 SE[CR] [CS:C]Event Side03 SE[CR] [CS:C]Event Side04 SE[CR] [CS:C]Event Side06 SE[CR] [CS:C]Event Side08 SE[CR] [CS:C]Event Side09 SE[CR] [CS:C]Event Side09b SE[CR] [CS:C]Event Other01 SE[CR] [CS:C]Hardware control[CR] [CS:C]Reverb OFF[CR] [CS:C]Reverb ON[CR] Test Title[digits:0] [string0]
MONSTER A MONSTER B ITEM NEW ITEM A NEW ITEM B MOVE TRAP MAP FIXED MAP JUMP [digits:0]/[digits:1] ENEMY STOP! JUMP TO [digits:0]/[digits:1] JUMP TO NEXT DUNGEON Other Menu Trap [trap:0] ATTRIBUTE = [string:0] FIELD WEATHER [digits:0] [string:0] BG NO [digits:0] BG MODE [digits:0] Entire Map Color [string:0] White Black Red Blue Green Yellow Orange Purple Pink TURN COUNT [digits:0] FORGET TRAP ALL DISASTER MONSTER-HOUSE [string:0] : [digits:0] SHOP [string:0] JUMP TO [digits:0]/[digits:1] JUMP TO BAZAAR JUMP TO TREASURE OTHER MENU ATTACK-EFFECT [string:0] DAMAGE-POINT MODE [string:0] DIRECT JUMP TO [digits:0]/[digits:1] FLOOR SEED OF RANDOM IMMORTAL [string:0] LEVEL [digits:0] SUICIDE EXIT DUNGEON REQUEST SOLUTION Reviser/Reviver [string:0] [value:0:8] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 FLOOR SEED OF RANDOM ITEMS NUMBER=[digits:0] CURSE =[string:0] NEEDLE RIBBON SEED FOOD/P$ SPECIAL TM ORBS ALL CLEAR RANDOM POKE [digits:0] GROUND=[string:0] [item:0] ITEM: NEEDLE/STONE RIBBON RIBBON 0 RIBBON 1 RIBBON 0 RIBBON 1 SEED SEED 0 SEED 1 SEED 0 SEED 1 ITEMS: FOOD ITEMS: SPECIAL SPECIAL 0 SPECIAL 1 ITEMS: SPECIAL 0 ITEMS: SPECIAL 1 ITEMS: TM TM0 TM1 TM2 TM3 TM4 ITEMS: TM0 ITEMS: TM1 ITEMS: TM2 ITEMS: TM3 ITEMS: TM4 ITEMS: ORBS ORBS0 ORBS1 ORBS2 ITEMS: ORBS0 ITEMS: ORBS1 ITEMS: ORBS2 ITEMS: ORBS3 ITEMS NO SELECT 0 NEEDLE =[value:0:3] STONE =[value:0:3] BOW = [value:0:3] SPECIAL= [value:0:3] SEED = [value:0:3] FOOD = [value:0:3] TM = [value:0:3] ORBS = [value:0:3] A-Z Stone = [value:0:3] RIBBON2 = [value:0:3] ITEMS NO SELECT 1 BOX A = [value:0:3] BOX B = [value:0:3] BOX C = [value:0:3] POKEMON ITEM = [value:0:3] POKEMON ITEM = [value:0:3] POKEMON ITEM = [value:0:3] POKEMON ITEM = [value:0:3] MOVE ABC DEFGHI JKLMNO PQR STU VWXYZ [string:0] [string:0] MOVE: ABC MOVE: DEF MOVE: GHI MOVE: JKL MOVE: MNO MOVE: PQR MOVE: STU MOVE: VWX MOVE: YZ MOVE: ABC DEFGHI JKLMNO PQR STU VWXYZ POKEMON [string:0] T0:[string:0] T1:[string:0] C0:[string:0] C1:[string:0] ON THIS FLOOR STATUS(1) STATUS(2) ALL CLEAR MOVE DISP HYPER GROW HARD DEFENCE HP999 POKEMON B STOP PARTIES [string:0] STOP ENEMIES [string:0] MOVE MODE [string:0] AUTO REBORN [string:0] JOIN SURELY [string:0] MOVE MONSTER MENU: ON THIS FLOOR [string:0] POKEMON PARAMETER NUMBER = [value:0:3] [string:0] DISTANCE = [digits:0] LEVEL = [digits:0] FROZEN = [string:0] POKEMON STATUS A LV =[value:0:3] HP =[value:0:3] MAXHP=[value:0:3] T.STATUS=[string:0] T.STATUS SELECT HIT.L=[value:0:3] ESC.L=[value:0:3] BELLY=[value:0:3] MAX BELLY=[value:0:3] EXP =[value:0:3] POKEMON STATUS B ATK =[value:0:3] SP. ATK =[value:0:3] DEF =[value:0:3] SP. DEF =[value:0:3] ATK. L =[value:0:3] SP. ATK. L =[value:0:3] DEF. L =[value:0:3] SP. DEF. L =[value:0:3] ATK. M =[value:0:3] SP. ATK. M =[value:0:3] DEF. M =[value:0:3] SP. DEF. M =[value:0:3] IQ =[value:0:3] GETFIRE =[value:0:3] POKEMON STATUS C HIT TYPE : [string:0] TOO TYPE : [string:0] NON-SIGHT TYPE: [string:0] SIGHT TYPE : [string:0] MOUTH NONE : [string:0] OTHERS : [string:0] POKEMON STATUS D SLEEP : [string:0] INJURY : [string:0] PHYSICAL : [string:0] MENTALLY : [string:0] POWER : [string:0] SPECIAL : [string:0] ESP TYPE : [string:0] PARASITIC : [string:0] HIT TYPE : [string:0] TOO TYPE : [string:0] NON-SIGHT : [string:0] SIGHT : [string:0] MOUTH NONE: [string:0] OTHERS : [string:0] ENEMY STOP! JUMP TO [digits:0]/[digits:1]
[CS:C]Debug[CR] [CS:C]Map[CR] [CS:C]Misc.[CR] [CS:C]Pokémon[CR] Select Map <-- --> Select Pokémon <-- --> Select Animation <-- --> Select Gender <-- --> Select Direction <-- --> [CS:C]Cancel[CR] Select Pokémon <-- --> Select Move <-- --> Select Direction <-- --> Select Effect <-- --> Select L/R <-- --> In the middle of Boss-Battle testing. Do you want to finish and win this? [CS:C]Go to a dungeon[CR] [CS:C]Face Window Test[CR] [CS:C]Pokémon Test[CR] [CS:C]Ground Pokémon Test[CR] [CS:C]Effect Test[CR] [CS:C]Move Test[CR] [CS:C]Ground object Test[CR] [CS:C]Above-Ground Spot test[CR] [CS:C]Level Check[CR] NORMAL HAPPY PAIN ANGRY THINK SAD WEEP SHOUT TEARS DECIDE GLADNESS EMOTION SURPRISE FAINT DUMMY_0 DUMMY_1 ACTION1 ACTION2 ACTION3 ACTION4 ACTION5 ACTION6 ACTION7 ACTION8 ACTION9 ACTION10 ACTION11 ACTION12 ACTION13 ACTION14 ACTION15 ACTION16 --> <-- DUNGEON FLOOR LEVEL HERO PARTNER SCENARIO LEVEL / MALE FEMALE HINT MESSAGE [CS:C]Returned the In-Dungeon Team Info to PKMN Storage[CR] [M:H3][M:H3][M:H3][M:H3][M:H3][M:H3][M:H3][M:H3] [M:D1]Personality type undefined [M:D1]Message ID is 0 [M:D1]No message ......... [CS:C]Pokémon storage [CS:C]IQ [CS:C]Evolution item [CS:C]Set Pokémon's level [CS:C]Male Pokemon [CS:C]Female Pokemon [CS:C]Mixed [CS:C]IQ Max [CS:C]Tameness Max [CS:C]Attack + [CS:C]Defense + [M:D1]Defense = Attack [M:D1]Lv. 60 [M:D1]Lv. 99 [CS:C]Treasure Bag [CS:C]Storage [CS:C]Money [CS:C]Full storage [CS:C]Debug[CR] [CS:C]Debug items[CR] [CS:C]Bulletin Board[CR] [CS:C]Outlaw Notice Board[CR] [CS:C]NPC Job[CR] [CS:C]Bottle Job[CR] [CS:C]Modify Mission[CR] [CS:C]DL output[CR] [CS:C]From Password[CR] [CS:C]Select a Wonder Mail S to send.[CR] [CS:C]End Wireless event Distribution[CR] [CS:C]Enemy Pokémon[CR] [CS:C]Release all Enemy Pokémon[CR] [CS:C]Job Communication[CR] [CS:C]Debug Bulletin Board[CR] [CS:C]Resume from SOS[CR] [CS:C]Add SOS[CR] [CS:C]Add A-OK[CR] [CS:C]Add Thank-You[CR] [CS:C]Edit[CR] [CS:C]No. of challenge: [CR][value:0:3] [CS:C]Added a mail.[CR] [CS:C]Target[CR]: [string0] [CS:C]Rescue Client[CR] [CS:C]Rescue Wanderer[CR] [CS:C]Information1[CR] [CS:C]Information2 Expedition[CR] [CS:C]Information2 Treasure Hunt[CR] [CS:C]Information2 Tour[CR] [CS:C]Search Item[CR] [CS:C]Deliver Item[CR] [CS:C]Retrieve Item[CR] [CS:C]Missing Pokémon[CR] [CS:C]Wanted Pokémon[CR] [CS:C]Challenge Letter[CR] [CS:C]Treasure Search[CR] [CS:C]For Event Use[CR] [CS:C]Variation: [CR][string0] [CS:C]Normal[CR] [CS:C]Text event[CR] [CS:C]Parent-Child[CR] [CS:C]Best Friend[CR] [CS:C]Couples Rivals Brthers[CR] [CS:C]Couples[CR] [CS:C]Treasure Chamber[CR] [CS:C]Golden Chamber[CR] [CS:C]New dungeon[CR] [CS:C]Valuables[CR] [CS:C]Treasures[CR] [CS:C]Evolution[CR] [CS:C]Favorites[CR] [CS:C]Gabite[CR] [CS:C]Legendary A[CR] [CS:C]Legendary B[CR] [CS:C]Legendary C[CR] [CS:C]Legendary D[CR] [CS:C]Legendary E[CR] [CS:C]Unidentifiable[CR] [CS:C]Flee[CR] [CS:C]Scoundrel[CR] [CS:C]Scoundrel of the blackest dye[CR] [CS:C]Con artist[CR] [CS:C]Cutie[CR] [CS:C]Cooperation[CR] [CS:C]Flee[CR] [CS:C]Team[CR] [CS:C]Monster House[CR] [CS:C]7 Treasure No. 1[CR] [CS:C]7 Treasure No. 2[CR] [CS:C]7 Treasure No. 3[CR] [CS:C]7 Treasure No. 4[CR] [CS:C]7 Treasure No. 5[CR] [CS:C]7 Treasure No. 6[CR] [CS:C]7 Treasure No. 7[CR] [CS:C]Event Distribution 1[CR] [CS:C]Event Distribution 2[CR] [CS:C]Dungeon: [CR][dungeon:0]([value0:0:3]) [CS:C]Floor[CR]: [digits:0]/[digits:1] [CS:C]SEED[CR]: [string0] [CS:C]Client[CR]: [kind:0]([value0:0:4]) [CS:C]Target Pokémon1[CR]: [kind:0] ([value0:0:4]) [CS:C]Target Pokémon2[CR]: [kind:0] ([value0:0:4]) [CS:C]Target Item[CR]: [item:0]([value0:0:4]) [CS:C]Thank-You Type[CR]:[string0] [CS:C]Only Pokemon[CR] [CS:C]Pokemon & Item[CR] [CS:C]1 Item[CR] [CS:C]2 or more Items[CR] [CS:C]Trade[CR] [CS:C]Egg[CR] [CS:C]Pokémon[CR] [CS:C]Thank-You Item[CR]:[item:0] ([value0:0:4]) [CS:C]Thank-You Pokemon[CR]:[kind:0]([value0:0:4]) [CS:C]No Thank-You Data[CR] [CS:C]Restriction Type[CR]:[string0] [CS:C]Attribute[CR] [CS:C]Pokémon[CR] [CS:C]Attribute Restriction[CR]:[type:0] [CS:C]Pokemon Restriction[CR]:[kind:0]([value0:0:4]) [CS:C]Jobs taken[CR]: [value0:0:1] [CS:C]Bulletin Board[CR]: [value0:0:1] [CS:C]Outlaw[CR]: [value0:0:1] [CS:C]NPC[CR]: [value0:0:1] [CS:C]Bottle[CR]: [value0:0:1] [CS:C][M:B5]:OUTPUT TYPE [M:B4]:WIZARD[CR] [CS:C]Please select source.[CR] [CS:C]Jobs taken[CR] [CS:C]Data Sheet[CR] [CS:C]Exit[CR] [CS:C]Select from Jobs taken[CR] [CS:C]Sort index[CR]: [digits:0] / [digits:1] [CS:C]Select Prepared Job Type[CR] [CS:C]Select Prepared Data Sheet[CR] [CS:C]Item:[CR] [CS:C]Dungeon:[CR] [CS:C]Client:[CR] [CS:C]Target1:[CR] [CS:C]Target2:[CR] [CS:C]All[CR] [CS:C]Group[CR] [CS:C]Floor enemies[CR] [CS:C]Unexplored Spot[CR] [CS:C]Preparation from Data Sheet failed.[CR] [CS:C]Edited the Job.[CR] [CS:C]Data check error[CR] [CS:C]Bulletin Board[CR] [CS:C]Outlaw Notice Board[CR] [CS:C]NPC Job[CR] [CS:C]Bottle Job[CR] [CS:C]Renew Missions[CR] [CS:C]Job Editing[CR] [CS:C]Appearing Pokemon[CR] [CS:C]Close[CR] [CS:C]Made all possible Pokemon appear in Dungeon[CR] [CS:C]Now in progress[CR] [CS:C]Sample Vocabs[CR] [CS:C]Enter 12-digit code[CR] [CS:C]Pokémon List[CR] [CS:C]Item List[CR] [CS:C]Name[CR] [CS:C]Lotto Results Selection[CR] [CS:C]General Lotto Results[CR] [CS:C]Normal[CR] [CS:C]Win[CR] [CS:C]Lose[CR] [CS:C]Parameter Up[CR] [CS:C]Egg[CR] [CS:C]Join team[CR] [CS:C]Open Area[CR] [CS:C]Sleep Times [value:0:12][CR] [CS:C]Times [value:0:12] Wait [value:1:4] [value:2:4][CR]
To do: There's more debug text in the SCRIPT folder. |
Version Differences
To do: Check whether the Australian release uses the US version like in Rescue Team. |
Title Screen
Japan |
US |
Europe (English) |
Europe (German) |
Europe (French) |
Europe (Spanish) |
Europe (Italian) |
- All 3 versions use a different Time Gear graphic for their game logos.
- Unlike previous games in the series, the European version uses the same series logo as the US version when played in English. Other languages kept the alternate font.
Status Bar
The floor number and level number indicators have been moved slightly in the US version.
US | Japan/Europe |
- Pages missing developer references
- Games developed by Chunsoft
- Pages missing publisher references
- Games published by The Pokémon Company
- Games published by Nintendo
- Nintendo DS games
- Pages missing date references
- Games released in 2009
- Games released in April
- Games released on April 18
- Games released in October
- Games released on October 12
- Games released in November
- Games released on November 20
- Games released on November 12
- Games with unused animations
- Games with unused areas
- Games with unused characters
- Games with hidden development-related text
- Games with unused graphics
- Games with unused abilities
- Games with unused text
- Games with debugging functions
- Games with hidden sound tests
- Games with regional differences
- Defunct online content
- To investigate
- To do
- Pokémon series
- Mystery Dungeon series
Cleanup > Pages missing date references
Cleanup > Pages missing developer references
Cleanup > Pages missing publisher references
Cleanup > To do
Cleanup > To investigate
Games > Defunct online content
Games > Games by content > Games with debugging functions
Games > Games by content > Games with hidden development-related text
Games > Games by content > Games with hidden sound tests
Games > Games by content > Games with regional differences
Games > Games by content > Games with unused abilities
Games > Games by content > Games with unused animations
Games > Games by content > Games with unused areas
Games > Games by content > Games with unused characters
Games > Games by content > Games with unused graphics
Games > Games by content > Games with unused text
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Spike Chunsoft > Games developed by Chunsoft
Games > Games by platform > Nintendo DS games
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Creatures
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Game Freak
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Nintendo
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Nintendo > Games published by The Pokémon Company
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 2009
Games > Games by release date > Games released in April
Games > Games by release date > Games released in April > Games released on April 18
Games > Games by release date > Games released in November
Games > Games by release date > Games released in November > Games released on November 12
Games > Games by release date > Games released in November > Games released on November 20
Games > Games by release date > Games released in October
Games > Games by release date > Games released in October > Games released on October 12
Games > Games by series > Mystery Dungeon series
Games > Games by series > Pokémon series