Pokémon Rumble World
Pokémon Rumble World |
Also known as: Everyone's Pokémon Scramble (JP)
![]() |
This page is rather stubbly and could use some expansion. Are you a bad enough dude to rescue this article? |
Pokémon Rumble World is the fourth entry in the Pokémon Rumble spinoff series and Nintendo's second free-to-play game for the 3DS. A retail release which removed in-game purchases soon followed.
To do:
Prototype Info |
Version Info
Nintendo eShop | Nintendo eShop (Rev 1) |
trunk 36229 |
trunk 36480 |
Found in version.txt, suggesting the game was being worked on from an SVN or other internal network.
Unobtainable and Unused Moves
To do:
There are a large number of unused and unobtainable moves. Some of these are just slightly different versions of the regularly-obtainable moves, while others are moves used exclusively by bosses and hazards and still more are unused entirely.
Unused Moves
Attack Name | Description |
A Charge Dash | A short lunge forward. It only does a small amount of damage and doesn't use any effects. |
A Charge Move | A weak ranged attack. It has a small area of effect in front of the user, but is otherwise just like the above move. |
B Freeze Shock | Nearly identical to Freeze Shock, but this one is only used by bosses. |
B Fusion Bolt | Same as above. |
B Glaciate | Shoots out mud but does Ice-type damage. |
B No Type Appearance | Non-damaging. It is used whenever a large Pokémon appears to push away opposing Pokémon. |
B No Type Blast | Used by bosses every so often before they speed up. When used by non-boss Pokémon, it doesn't provide invincibility. It has a very long charge-up time. |
B No Type Blast 2 | Used by bosses right after B No Type Blast. It is exactly the same as above, except it doesn't have a charge-up time. |
B No Type Cobalion Blast | This move is completely unused and is actually a leftover from Pokémon Rumble Blast. The move's area of effect is very large and extends a fair amount past the screen. The move does little damage, but makes every Pokémon except bosses it hits wobbly. Bosses do get affected by the move, but they have a much lower chance of being made wobbly. |
B No Type Cobalion 2 Blast | Like the above move, this one is also an unused leftover and also has a very large area of effect. Any Pokémon, with the exception of bosses, will be instantly KOed. The move has the additional effect of guaranteeing that any Pokémon hit by it will be captured. Has a chance of crashing the game during certain missions upon use (have yet to figure out the root cause, crashed specifically on Supersonic Ninja Tricks. Might be because of hitting the Miis piloting the various contraptions). |
B No Type Dark Rust Blast | Another unused leftover move. |
B No Type Dash | The "attack" used by bosses when you are too far away from them for a period of time. The attack has a very long charge time, comparable to OHKO moves. The hitbox for the attack sticks to the user for a set period of time and will not disappear until that period is up, even if the move is interrupted by another attack or Pokémon. |
B No Type Restart | |
Ball | |
Bomb | |
Bomb Cannon | |
Bomb Notice | |
Bノータイプ発狂開始 (varies) | A slightly damaging attack. The attack has a slight charge-up time and a very high chance of giving opponents a status ailment. There is a different but identically-functioning move for every status ailment in the game. There are 13 in all. The Japanese literally translates to "No type mad start". |
C Blast Burn | |
C Flash Cannon | |
C Gear Grind | Acts similarly to Gear Grind, except the gear shot out takes a very wide path before returning. |
C Ice Beam | Is visually similar to Ice Beam, except it shoots out much further. It isn't very damaging, but has a high chance of causing the Frozen status on enemies. The move lasts quite some time and leaves the user very vulnerable. |
C Ice Beam 7 | Like the move above, except this one shoots one beam diagonally from the user before shooting a second beam that spins around the user. It lasts even longer than the previous move and only leaves the user slightly less vulnerable. |
C Mud Bomb | Like Mud Bomb, except this one shoots slower and has a longer range. |
C Twineedle | Like Twineedle, except the needle moves slower and has a much further range. |
DRC Bomb | A strange attack with a very wide area of effect. It's not very damaging, but has an increased wobble chance. |
DRC Touch | A light, not very damaging attack with no visual effects. |
Effect for all confused | These moves don't appear to do anything other than play a visual effect and leave you very vulnerable to attack. They all have the same visual effect. |
assembly | |
being disliked by enemies | |
being targeted | |
enemy speed up | |
HP full restore | |
HP restore | |
invincible event | |
stopping enemies | |
switching players | |
Enemy capture ball | An unused move likely used for testing. Instantly captures any non-boss Pokémon it hits. Boss Pokémon hit by it will take no damage when hit, but will be captured upon defeat. Displays the word "HIT" on any Pokémon that is hit by it. |
Hidden Power (?) | The typeless version of Hidden Power. No notable differences other than that it affects all types equally. |
Laser Cannon | |
Laser Cannon Notice | |
M2 Psychic 1, 2, 3 | The different levels of Psychic used specifically by the boss version of Mewtwo. |
M2 Psycho Cut 1, 2, 3 | The different levels of Psycho Cut used specifically by the boss version of Mewtwo. |
Pokémon Rocket | |
Potion | |
Potion Activate | |
R Fusion Bolt | |
R Fusion Flare | |
Slow Cannon | The energy ball fired by the slow cannons during the various King Request missions. |
Slow Cannon Notice | The energy ball path warning shown before the slow cannons fire. Only plays the visual effect. |
T Incinerate | |
T No Type Appearance | |
X Attack | Throws out the projectile that Miis would use to give you increased attack. It doesn't have any effect on you or other foes. |
X Attack Activate | The effect that plays when the projectile hits the ground. It has no effect and only stuns your foes. |
X Defense | Throws out the projectile that Miis would use to give you increased defense. It doesn't have any effect on you or other foes. |
X Defense Activate | The effect that plays when the projectile hits the ground. It has no effect and only stuns your foes. |
X Speed | Throws out the projectile that Miis would use to give you increased speed. It doesn't have any effect on you or other foes. |
X Speed Activate | The effect that plays when the projectile hits the ground. It has no effect and only stuns your foes. |
XXX (1) | Placeholder for an event-only move. |
XXX (2) | Placeholder for an event-only move. |
XXX (3) | Placeholder for an event-only move. |
XXX (4) | Placeholder for an event-only move. |
XXX (5) | Placeholder for an event-only move. |
XXX (6) | Placeholder for an event-only move. |
XXX (7) | Placeholder for an event-only move. |
Z Acid | |
Z Flame Burst | |
Z Flame Burst Explosion | |
Z Head Charge | |
Z Iron Tail | |
Z Iron Tail Short | |
Z Poison Sting | |
Z Rapid Spin | |
Z Rollout | |
Z Scratch | |
Z Self-Destruct | |
Z Sing | Seems to behave exactly as Sing does. |
Z Tackle | |
Z Tackle Short | |
Z Teeter Dance | |
Z Will-O-Wisp |
In addition to the previous moves, multi-part moves also have each of their parts as a separate, normally-unobtainable move. For example, the move "Egg Bomb" has the explosion part of the move appropriately called "Egg Bomb Explosion" while the move "Fury Swipes" has the second part named "Fury Swipes L".
Unused Models
Placeholder Event Pokémon
To do:
The game contains placeholders for Hoopa Confined Form, Hoopa Unbound Form, and Volcanion. Hoopa Confined appears as a red Azelf, Hoopa Unbound as a slightly larger red Azelf, and Volcanion as a red Ariados. Their names appear as "XXX".
Unused Test Models
To do: Clearly someone should add them. |
Inside of testModel are a number of simple models used for testing.
Unused Text
Odd Temporary Stat Description
...But what does it mean? This game has text or audio that needs to be translated. If you are fluent with this language, please read our translation guidelines and then submit a translation! |
msg/*_* has a file called TemporaryStatDesc.msbt, oddly this file is localized entirely for JP_Japanese so every other directory has the exact same file. This is used in prototype builds.
String ID | Japanese | Translation |
TSTAT_COMBO | コンボ数 |
TSTAT_COMPBONUS_TYPE | 現在発動中のステージコンプボーナス |
TSTAT_CONTINUE_NUM | コンティニュー回数 |
TSTAT_DROP_DEFEATNUM | (ドロップ)敵撃破カウント |
TSTAT_DROP_FRAME | (ドロップ)ドロップしたフレーム |
TSTAT_DROP_LIMIT | (ドロップ)天井 |
TSTAT_DROP_NUM | ドロップしたポケモンの数 |
TSTAT_EKOOBOISU_COUNT | (技)エコーボイスが出ている数 |
TSTAT_ITEM_GOT_COUNT | タイムやライフアイテムの取得数 |
TSTAT_KUROSHUREIMU_COUNT | (技)クロスフレイムが出ている数 |
TSTAT_KUROSUSANDAA_COUNT | (技)クロスサンダーが出ている数 |
TSTAT_LIFE | 残機数 |
TSTAT_RINSYOU_COUNT | (技)りんしょうが出ている数 |
TSTAT_ROULETTE_FEVER | ステージ開始時のルーレットのフィーバー状態 |
TSTAT_STAGE_TUTORIAL_PHASE | チュートリアルステージの進み具合 |
TSTAT_TIMER_MILLISEC | チャレンジステージの残りタイム(ミリ秒) |
TSTAT_USE_GAMECOIN_ON_NEXT_SAVE | 次回セーブ時にゲームコインを使用する |
Debug Menu
debug.msbt has a heckton of text for a debug menu, that was later used in the protos. This file is localized for only XX_English and JP_Japanese. Every other language than those two just have the Japanese localized file copied over.
Japanese | English |
"わざ高さ\0" "中心\0" "Xボタン禁止\0" "通常\t\0" "未入手の生息地を非表示\0" "計測時敵耐久リーダー(発)\0" "視差面表示\0" "通り名レベル\0" "支援\0" "撮影位置情報\0" "仲間を無能化\0" "計測時敵耐久力中ボス(発)\0" "カンスト\0" "取込済データのダンプ\0" "選択\0" "オート攻撃レンジ限界(m)\0" "モード\0" "描画順\0" "セーブ先\0" "上\0" "オート攻撃角スライドパッド(度)\0" "なつきど:\x0E\x06\0\0\0" "Aリピート開始\0" "背景色\0" "アクセサリ\0" "レア\0" "敵技チェック\0" "○ \x0E\x06\x01\0deg エイム(\x0E\x06\0\0deg)\0" "エリアを訪問済み?\0" "削除\0" "グローバルフラグ\0" "スーパーフィーバー連チャン回数\0" "テスト用のMiiが来る\0" "× 0deg エイム (\x0E\x06\0\0deg)\0" "スケール\0" "パーティクル名を表示\0" "すれちがい登録解除\0" "デザイン\0" "いくつか破壊\0" "通り名選択\0" "最後を削除\0" "セット\0" "街プレイヤー\0" "すれちがいバトル(複数)\0" "全て破壊する\0" "計測\0" "移動\0" "タイム上限(秒)\0" "敵→ミュウツー ダメ係数\0" "セーブ\0" "15分\0" "目\0" "Finalize\0" "ランク無視して通り名が出る\0" "砲台破壊で落ちる数\0" "簡易幕間\0" "バトルロイヤル\0" "モデルサイズ揃え\0" "遠隔技サイズ調整\0" "保存先\0" "Waza XY ID順\0" "↑で設定するカウント\0" "シーンプリセット\0" "床に落とす(複数)\0" "生息地のスクロール速度\0" "蘇生sec\0" "リピート間隔\0" "セーブ時に破壊\0" "コマ送り\0" "技変更:覚えない技スキップ\0" "発生所以外無視\0" "必ず通り名付き\0" "通常通り抽選\0" "コースターの高さ\0" "非登録\0" "性別なし\0" "ボス普\0" "ビンゴ\0" "なつき度表示\0" "ダンプ\0" "必ずSUPER FEVER\0" "錆Piiライト0\0" "飾りを外す\0" "テンポラリフラグ\0" "アルファ\0" "正面\0" "技\0" "錆Piiライト1\0" "L+A全滅 & L+B自殺 & L+R再読み込み\0" "計測時勝手に技を一つ進める\0" "確認用\0" "ディレイ\0" "10分\0" "ポケモン番号\0" "モニター\0" "コリジョン\0" "(P)\0" "(P)の寿命無限\0" "内部値カンスト\0" "SoftParticle表示\0" "ゲット個数\0" "ほかく\0" "受信メッセージ全消去\0" "カメラ\0" "初期Miiコメ\0" ": 全て\0" "Invincible\0" "置物から多く出る確率\0" "タイムPRINTF\0" "「記録中」表示\0" "ゲームエンジン\0" "ダンプ\0" "R+十字キーポケ変更\0" "下画面を省略\0" "ステージ関連\0" "非戦闘時\0" "ダンプ\0" "お金・ダイヤ・チケット\0" "+1000ダイヤ\0" "技を強化するPii\0" "(緑)50cm Grid\0" "敵無敵\0" "セット\0" "最後に追加\0" "ボスHP表示\0" "カラー\0" "add combo gauge 1.0sec\0" "破壊する\0" "スローモーション\0" "Piiドロップ演出LV固定(-1=しない)\0" "なつき度\0" "タイトルに戻る\0" "Test タイプ\0" "件数\0" "発生所更新間隔\0" "Pii位置\0" "表示カンスト\0" "実行\0" "全て\0" "気球のりば\0" "ヒットストップフレーム数(60fps換算)\0" "12時間\0" "立体視\0" "全チャレンジへ行ける\0" "オプション\0" "チャレンジコンプリート!\0" "バトル\0" "ボタンA\0" "受信間隔\0" "報酬を全てクリア\0" "オート攻撃角ポケモン(度)\0" "マップクリア\0" "ボタンB\0" "受信メッセージ取り出し\0" "アウトライン\0" "監修\0" "撃破%d匹 置物%d個 経過%d分%02d秒\n最大コンボ%d アイテム%d個\0" "メッセージ\0" "チームメンバ\0" "A連射モード\0" "+100ダイヤ\0" "アニメ係数\0" "オブジェクトからのダメージ\0" "訪問済みのステージ番号をクリア\0" "つかまえたポケモン\0" "プレイヤースケール\0" "両方\0" "L+十字キー技変更\0" "閾値\0" "SDカード(BMP)\0" "普\0" "BRタイム停止\0" "6時間\0" "calc停止\0" "選択\0" "Waza ID順\0" "敵→プレイヤー\0" "Aリピート間隔\0" "交代メニュー\0" "タイム\0" "実行\0" "ネジ距離係数\0" "わざ高さ上限\0" "HardParticle生成\0" "フェロー(Mii)\0" "良\0" "フィーバー後のラッキータイム\0" "色々\0" "インテリアサイズ\0" "ゲーム\0" "表示\0" "ドロップ情報\0" "視差面視差\0" "通常\0" "送信メッセージ投入\0" "1分\0" "フォルム番号\0" "無印\0" "受信データ処理\0" "敵\0" "キャンセル不可\0" "攻撃力設定しない技スキップ\0" "強制オートエイム角度\0" "セーブデータ\0" "最大サイズ計測\0" "x\x0E\0\0\f\x02\bうぐいす鴬x x\x0E\0\0\n\x04\x06かんじ漢字x\nx\x0E\0\0\x0E\n\nあいうえおアイウエオx x\x0E\0\0\x18\x0E\x14ポケット・モンスターPokémonx\nx\x0E\0\0\x16\x0E\x12ポケットモンスターPOKÉMONx\x0E\0\x04\0あ\x0E\x01\0\0い\x0E\x01\x01\0う\x0E\x01\x02\0え\x0E\x01\x03\0お A\x0E\x01\0\0B\x0E\x01\x01\0C\x0E\x01\x02\0D\x0E\x01\x03\0E\n\x0E\x01\x04\0\x0E\x01\x05\0\x0E\x01\x06\0\x0E\x01\v\0\x0E\x01\f\0\x0E\x01\r\0\x0E\x01\x0E\0\x0E\x01\x0F\0\x0E\x01\x10\0\n\x0E\x01\x11\0\x0E\x01\x12\0\x0E\x01\x13\0\x0E\x01\x14\0\x0E\x01\x16\0\x0E\x01\x17\0\x0E\x01\x18\0\x0E\x01\x19\0\x0E\x01\x1A\0\x0E\x01\e\0\x0E\x01\x1C\0\x0E\x01\x1D\0\x0E\x01\x1E\0\x0E\x01\x1F\0\x0E\0\x04\0\x0E\x01 \0\x0E\x01!\0\x0E\x01\"\0\x0E\x01#\0\x0E\x01$\0\x0E\x01%\0\x0E\x01&\0\x0E\x01'\0\n\x0E\x01(\0?\x0E\x01)\0\x0E\x01*\0\x0E\x01+\0\x0E\x01,\0\x0E\x01-\0\x0E\x01.\0\n\x0E\x01/\0\x0E\x010\0\x0E\x011\0\x0E\x012\0\x0E\x013\0\x0E\x014\0\x0E\x016\0\0" "タイム回復量(秒)\0" "Pii回転(垂直)\0" "nejiを付ける\0" "有効期限\0" "生息地のスクロールを止める秒数\0" "ドロップ率情報\0" "ログ出力\0" "ダンプ\0" "ボス良\0" "アイテムを引き寄せない\0" "タイム関連\0" "ちょくせつ!\0" "すれちがい登録状態\0" "スタッフロール\0" "逆斜め\0" "原点\0" "コンボ+100\0" "追加:Time取得時(秒)\0" "アイテム寿命(sec.)\0" "有効?\0" "瀕死!\0" "SoftParticle停止\0" "送信完了待ち\0" "位置を選択\0" "表示カンスト\0" "フィーバー状態\0" "next day\0" "内部値カンスト\0" "= 0ダイヤ\0" "街Z移動速度UP\0" "街のMiiイベント\0" "calcコマ送り\0" "次回FEVERする?\0" "2時間\0" "追加:(P)取得時(秒)\0" "プレイヤー死亡時にキャンセル\0" "たおしただけ\0" "実行\0" "アウトライン\0" "起動時StageID\0" "通り名効果範囲\0" "表示中はワールドをポーズ\0" "所有?\0" "ロード\0" "ボタンA\0" "気球関連\0" "(青,橙)検索範囲\0" "相対角度\0" "性別\0" "ボタンB\0" "通り名\0" "コンボ+1\0" "Initialize\0" "受信タスク登録\0" "グローバルstat\0" "全て内蔵フォント\0" "(白)モデルのCOLL\0" "ノーマルのみ\0" "SPEED UP!\0" "フェロー→敵\0" "♂固定(可能なら)\0" "画面に表示する数\0" "コンプボーナス\0" "ボスタイプ変更\0" "Balloon:Facility:ボタンを表示\0" "Sys空\0" "Pii追加\0" "初期化\0" "デバッグ\0" "モデル表示\0" "テンション+\0" "カメラ\0" "統計情報の出力\0" "閉じる\0" "ダンプ\0" "チャレンジバトル\0" "ほかく:マフォクシー\0" "HardParticle停止\0" "モーション\0" "取り込みテスト\0" "偶数のみゲット\0" "交代(フィルタ付)\0" "コンボで落ちる数\0" "最初から\0" "通信相手履歴消去\0" "SoftParticle生成\0" "レベル\0" "街そのた\0" "敵ヒット時最低この値に(秒)\0" "0: (しない)\0" "♀固定(可能なら)\0" "破壊しない\0" "ランダム通り名設定\0" "実行\0" "Waza WRT順\0" "悪\0" "Piiライト0\0" "Test 選択タイプ\0" "ポーズ\0" "1: タイマー\0" "わざ高さデバッグ表示\0" "濃度\0" "Piiライト1\0" "複数選択時の選択可能数\0" "2: ゲーム\0" "相対X\0" "実行\0" "撮影位置調整モード\0" "実行\0" "追加:バレル破壊時(秒)\0" "交代メニュー\0" "1週間\0" "3: 全て\0" "警告開始\0" "相対Y\0" "常にキャンセル可\0" "鳴き声ピッチ(半音)\0" "パーティクルレイヤ\0" "演出\0" "実行\0" "ゲージMAX(秒)\0" "24時間\0" "相対Z\0" "テンポラリstat\0" "piiDirectionalを使用しない\0" "開く毎\0" "ストップ係数\0" "購入?\0" "アルファ\0" "送信タスク実行\0" "習作チャレンジ・計測ステージ\0" "敵→敵\0" "ランダム(本家準拠)\0" "次のボスを変更\0" "Pii回転(水平)\0" "追加:アイテム取得時(秒)\0" "ライフ\0" "蘇生時HP\0" "バックアップデバイス\0" "実行\0" "ステージ最終マップ\0" "コレクション\0" "センド量\0" "すれちがい通信\0" "送信メッセージ消去\0" "24時間\0" "横\0" "停止\0" "コンボ\0" "Miiを部位で分ける\0" "ダメ係数\0" "HPTL距離減衰\0" "目中心\0" "開始距離\0" "技タメ時間係数\0" "コマンドを選択\0" "つよさ補正無し\0" "置物で落ちる数(多)\0" "再生中断\0" "受信シミュレーション\0" "追加:ポケモン取得時(秒)\0" "でただけ\0" "カラー\0" "怒る\0" "レア\0" "表情\0" "コンボ+1000\0" "追加:敵殲滅時(秒)\0" "売却(複数)\0" "Sys%.2fM Dev%.2fM %d日目 %04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d\0" "発見\0" "通り名ID\0" "キャプチャモード\0" "敵情報\0" "敵の動きを止める\0" "訪問済みのステージ番号\0" "速度倍率\0" "Mii気球の数\0" "(赤)当たり判定\0" "Lで仲間のアルゴリズム変更\0" "デバッグログ\0" "オートエイムチェック\0" "画面表示\0" "あるくアニメ係数\0" "画面キャプチャ\0" "reset VMP\0" "習作チャレンジ・計測ステージ\0" "イベントフロー\0" "全快!\0" "移動係数(ベース)\0" "置物で落ちる数(少)\0" "フェロー攻撃インターバルF(序盤)\0" "気球を利用可能にする\0" "バッジを初期化\0" "SDカード\0" "喜ぶ\0" "動的ロード\0" "習作チャレンジ・計測ステージ\0" "フェロー攻撃インターバルF\0" "状態テキスト生成\0" "100匹追加\0" "コンボ\0" "実績\0" "更新テスト\0" "地域を選択したり\n地域をアンロックしたり\0" "タイプ\0" "現在のラッキータイム\0" "チュートリアル\0" "必ずポケモンドロップ\0" "NFC用技表示\0" "エリアを未訪問にする\0" "アイテム(E-Shop)\0" "最大音量範囲\0" "初期化\0" "フェロー\0" "旋回\0" "技コレクション\0" "チャレンジ01\0" "リバーブ\0" "エリアいろいろくれ\0" "ターゲット距離\0" "はっけん:マフォクシー\0" "アイテム\0" "しょきか\0" "マップ\0" "更新間隔\0" "レアリティ\0" "敵がタイムを落とす確率\0" "Dev空\0" "モード\0" "中ボスHP表示\0" "こっち向いて\0" "実行\0" "flag1を付ける\0" "ノーマル\0" "WOSSBT:Aボタン\0" "音量減衰の単位距離\0" "30分\0" "サイズ補正\0" "3DSカメラ(要SD)\0" "JPEG品質(3DSカメラ)\0" "初期Miiコメ入力スキップ\0" "技の素材Pii(複数)\0" "flag2を付ける\0" "飾りを表示\0" "ジェネレータ破壊で落ちる数\0" "リピート開始\0" "飛ぶ高さ\0" "(停止)\0" "Mii_head_boltを付ける\0" "flag3を付ける\0" "技ヒット情報\0" "オートセーブ有効\0" "センド量\0" "報酬を全て貰う\0" "ボス悪\0" "レアのみ\0" "ヒットストップ\0" "コンプ\0" "5分\0" "パッド\0" "じめん\0" "コンボ+10\0" "砲台AP(実験用 数値は一時的にのみ変えること)\0" "バージョン\0" "レベル\0" "ひとつ\0" "Edit用敵強さ固定\0" "プリセット変更\0" "衝突判定チェック間隔F\0" "ドロップ関連\0" "技変更:左右で10飛ばす\0" "全部わざ教え可能\0" "閉じる\0" "背景色\0" "モデル位置\0" "自動キャプチャ\0" "フォルム\0" "街のMiiにお供Pii\0" "はらうの高さ\0" "敵→ライバル\0" "Test Choice 技\0" "すれちがい登録\0" "Yでエフェクト\0" "Balloon:ルビつき\0" "オープニングのキャラ劇\0" "なし\0" "はっけん\0" "遠隔技サイズ制御\0" "常にダイヤを売る\0" "交代メニュー\0" "登録中\0" "わざ高さ下限\0" "角度デバッグ表示\0" "サウンド\0" "いつの間に通信\0" "終了距離\0" "実行\0" "巨大化sec\0" "3時間\0" "斜め\0" "実行\0" "行ったことのないエリアの生息地を非表示\0" "技変更:エリアグループ1の技のみ\0" "- 通り名なし -\0" "Test 名前\0" "モード\0" "必ずFEVER\0" "敵→フェロー\0" "- 未設定 -\0" "L is A\0" "ストップ係数(拠点)\0" "移動速度係数\0" "表示期間\0" "各種イベント\0" "フレーム制御\0" "メガストーンを持たせる\0" "ポケモン番号選択\0" "変更しない\0" "深度値を反転\0" "技カウントを設定\0" "飾りを非表示\0" "HardParticle表示\0" "範囲\0" "バージョン\0" "近接\0" "取り込みテスト\0" "背景ライト0\0" "交代\0" "Free\0" "遠隔\0" "フェロー(追加・護衛)\0" "背景ライト1\0" "オートパイロット\0" "フェロー→敵(追加・護衛)\0" "1時間\0" "突進\0" "モデル中心\0" "編集\0" "ショップ\0" "敵→フェロー(追加・護衛)\0" "計測時敵耐久ザコ(発)\0" |
"Move's height\0" "Center\0" "Disable X button\0" "Normal\0" "Hide unobtained habitats\0" "Msmt: enemy durab: leader (hits)\0" "Show disparity plane\0" "Trait level\0" "Assistance\0" "Capture pos. info.\0" "Make fellows inactive\0" "Msmt: enemy durab: middle boss (hits)\0" "Counter Stop\0" "Dump retrieved data\0" "Select\0" "Auto attack range limit (m)\0" "Mode\0" "Rendering order\0" "Save to\0" "Top\0" "Auto attack angle: Pad (deg)\0" "Tameness: \x0E\x06\0\0\0" "Start A repeat\0" "Background color\0" "Accessories\0" "Rare\0" "Check enemy's move\0" "○ \x0E\x06\x01\0deg aim (\x0E\x06\0\0deg)\0" "Area visited?\0" "Delete\0" "Global flags\0" "Super Fever consecutive count\0" "Sample Mii will come\0" "× 0deg aim (\x0E\x06\0\0deg)\0" "Scale\0" "Show particle name\0" "Deactivate StreetPass\0" "Design\0" "Destroy some\0" "Choose Trait\0" "Remove last\0" "Set\0" "player in Town\0" "StreetPass battles\0" "Destroy all\0" "Measurement\0" "Moving\0" "Becoming huge (sec)\0" "Enemies -> Mewtwo\0" "Save\0" "15 min.\0" "Eye\0" "Finalize\0" "Ignore trait rank\0" "# of drops in breaking canon\0" "Simple intermission\0" "Battle Royale\0" "Align model size\0" "Adjust remote move's size\0" "Save to\0" "Moves in XY ID\0" "# to set as count\0" "Scene presets\0" "Drop on floor (multiple)\0" "Scroll speed of habitats\0" "Revival (sec)\0" "Repeat interval\0" "Destroy on save\0" "frame by frame\0" "Move change: skip immemorable moves\0" "Ignore except Generator\0" "Force trait\0" "Normal lottery\0" "Coaster height\0" "Inactive\0" "No gender\0" "Boss Normal\0" "Bingo\0" "Show tameness\0" "Dump\0" "Always SUPER FEVER\0" "Rusty Pii light 0\0" "Detach accessories\0" "Temporary Flags\0" "Alpha\0" "Front\0" "Move\0" "Rusty Pii light 1\0" "L+A:Kill all/L+B:Suicide/L+R:Reload\0" "Auto move change during measurement\0" "Confirmation\0" "Delay\0" "10 min.\0" "PKMN#\0" "Monitor\0" "Collision\0" "(P)\0" "(P)'s life is infinite\0" "Internal Counter Stop\0" "Show SoftParticle\0" "Gotten #\0" "Captured\0" "Delete all received messages\0" "Camera\0" "Initial Mii comment\0" ": All\0" "Invincible\0" "Possibility of many drops from ornament\0" "PRINTF Time\0" "Show \"Saving...\"\0" "Game engine\0" "Dump\0" "R+Dpad Change PKMN\0" "Omit lower screen\0" "Stage related\0" "not in battle\0" "Dump\0" "Money/Diamonds/Ticket\0" "+1000 Diamonds\0" "Pii to learn move\0" "(green) 50cm grid\0" "Enemies invincible\0" "Set\0" "Add to last\0" "Show Boss HP\0" "Color\0" "Add combo gauge 1.0 sec\0" "Destroy\0" "Slow motion\0" "Pii drop effect Lv fixed (-1: none)\0" "Tameness\0" "Return to Title\0" "Test Type\0" "# of msgs\0" "Generator interval\0" "Pii position\0" "Counter Stop for display\0" "Execute\0" "All\0" "Balloon gate\0" "Hit stop frames (in 60 fps)\0" "12 hr.\0" "Stereoscopic\0" "Enable all challenges\0" "Options\0" "Challenge Completed!\0" "Battles\0" "Button A\0" "Download interval\0" "Clear all rewards\0" "Auto attack angle: Pkmn (deg)\0" "Clear map\0" "Button B\0" "Retrieve received msgs\0" "Outline\0" "Supervision\0" "%d defeated, %d min %02d sec passed\n%d items, %d ornaments\0" "Message\0" "Team members\0" "A-rapid mode\0" "+100 Diamonds\0" "Animation rate\0" "Damage from objects\0" "Clear visited stage#\0" "Captured PKMN\0" "Player scale\0" "Both\0" "L + D-pad to change move\0" "Threshold\0" "SD Card (BMP)\0" "Normal\0" "Stop BR Time\0" "6 hr.\0" "Stop calc\0" "Select\0" "Moves in ID\0" "Enemies -> player\0" "A repeat interval\0" "Switch Menu\0" "Time\0" "Exec\0" "Key distance factor\0" "Move's height max\0" "Generate HardParticle\0" "fellows (Mii)\0" "Good\0" "Lucky Time after Fever\0" "Misc.\0" "Interior size\0" "Game\0" "Show\0" "Drop info\0" "Disparity on disparity plane\0" "Normal\0" "Queue msg to send\0" "1 min.\0" "Forme#\0" "(None)\0" "Process download data\0" "enemies\0" "Deny to cancel\0" "Skip moves with no attack power\0" "Forced auto aim angle\0" "Save data\0" "Measure max size\0" "xPokémonx xPOKÉMONx\x0E\0\x04\0あ\x0E\x01\0\0い\x0E\x01\x01\0う\x0E\x01\x02\0え\x0E\x01\x03\0お A\x0E\x01\0\0B\x0E\x01\x01\0C\x0E\x01\x02\0D\x0E\x01\x03\0E\n\x0E\x01\x04\0\x0E\x01\x05\0\x0E\x01\x06\0\x0E\x01\v\0\x0E\x01\f\0\x0E\x01\r\0\x0E\x01\x0E\0\x0E\x01\x0F\0\x0E\x01\x10\0\n\x0E\x01\x11\0\x0E\x01\x12\0\x0E\x01\x13\0\x0E\x01\x14\0\x0E\x01\x16\0\x0E\x01\x17\0\x0E\x01\x18\0\x0E\x01\x19\0\x0E\x01\x1A\0\x0E\x01\e\0\x0E\x01\x1C\0\x0E\x01\x1D\0\x0E\x01\x1E\0\x0E\x01\x1F\0\x0E\0\x04\0\x0E\x01 \0\x0E\x01!\0\x0E\x01\"\0\x0E\x01#\0\x0E\x01$\0\x0E\x01%\0\x0E\x01&\0\x0E\x01'\0\n\x0E\x01(\0?\x0E\x01)\0\x0E\x01*\0\x0E\x01+\0\x0E\x01,\0\x0E\x01-\0\x0E\x01.\0\n\x0E\x01/\0\x0E\x010\0\x0E\x011\0\x0E\x012\0\x0E\x013\0\x0E\x014\0\x0E\x016\0\0" "Becoming huge (sec)\0" "Pii rotation (vertical)\0" "Attach screw\0" "Expire\0" "Pause scroll of habitats\0" "Drop ratio info\0" "Log output\0" "Dump\0" "Boss Good\0" "Don't grab items\0" "Time related\0" "Directly!\0" "StreetPass status\0" "Staff roll\0" "Reverse diagonal\0" "Home position\0" "Combo+100\0" "Plus: in getting time (sec)\0" "Item life (sec.)\0" "Enabled?\0" "Dying!\0" "Stop SoftParticle\0" "Wait upload done\0" "Select position\0" "Disp CounterStop\0" "Fever\0" "Next day\0" "Internal CounterStop\0" "=0 Diamonds\0" "Z speed up in Town\0" "Mii events in Town\0" "frame-by-frame calc\0" "Next time FEVER?\0" "2 hr.\0" "Plus: in getting (P) (sec)\0" "Cancel on player's death\0" "Only defeated ones\0" "Exec\0" "Outline\0" "StageID on boot\0" "Trait effective range\0" "Pause world while display\0" "Obtained?\0" "Load\0" "Button A\0" "Balloon related\0" "(blue/orange) range to find\0" "Relative angle\0" "Sex\0" "Button B\0" "Special Trait\0" "Combo+1\0" "Initialize\0" "Register download task\0" "Global stats\0" "Use internal font\0" "(white) model's COLL\0" "Normal only\0" "SPEED UP!\0" "Fellows -> enemies\0" "Male only (if possible)\0" "# to display\0" "Complete bonus\0" "Change boss type \0" "Balloon: Facility: show button\0" "Sys Free\0" "Add Pii\0" "Initialize\0" "Debug\0" "Show models\0" "Tension+\0" "Camera\0" "Statistics information output\0" "Close\0" "Dump\0" "Challenge Battles\0" "Captured: Delphox\0" "Stop HardParticle\0" "Motion\0" "Retrieve test\0" "Get even only\0" "Exchange (filtered)\0" "# of drops in Combo\0" "New Game\0" "Clear peer address filter\0" "Generate SoftParticle\0" "Level\0" "others in Town\0" "guaranteed in hitting enemy (sec)\0" "0: none\0" "Female only (if possible)\0" "Don't destroy\0" "Set Random Trait\0" "Execute\0" "Moves in WRT\0" "Poor\0" "Pii light 0\0" "Test: choice type\0" "Pause\0" "1: game timer\0" "Debug output of move's height\0" "Density\0" "Pii light 1\0" "Max selection count\0" "2: game world\0" "Relative X\0" "OK\0" "Capture pos. adj. mode\0" "Exec\0" "Plus: in destroying barrel (sec)\0" "Exchange menu\0" "1 week\0" "3: all\0" "Start warning\0" "Relative Y\0" "Always cancellable\0" "Crying voice pitch (half tone)\0" "Particle layers\0" "Event\0" "Exec\0" "Gauge max (sec)\0" "24 hours\0" "Relative Z\0" "Temporary Stats\0" "Don't use piiDirectional\0" "each open\0" "Stop rate\0" "Purchased?\0" "Alpha\0" "Register upload task\0" "Enable sample challenges\0" "Enemies -> enemies\0" "Random (based on original)\0" "Change next Boss\0" "Pii rotation (horizontal)\0" "Plus: in getting item (sec)\0" "Life\0" "HP on revival\0" "Backup device\0" "Execute\0" "Last map in stage\0" "Collection\0" "Send level\0" "StreetPass\0" "Delete message to send\0" "24 hr.\0" "Size\0" "Stop\0" "Combo\0" "split Mii into parts\0" "Damage factor\0" "HPTL distance attn.\0" "Eye center\0" "Min depth\0" "Move wait time rate\0" "Select command\0" "No strength correction\0" "# of drops with ornament (many)\0" "Pause playing\0" "Simulate received msgs\0" "Plus: in getting pkmn (sec)\0" "Only appeared ones\0" "Color\0" "Get upset\0" "Rare\0" "Expression\0" "Combo+1000\0" "Plus: in defeating all enemies (sec)\0" "Sell (multiple)\0" "Sys%.1fM Dev%.1fM %dth day %04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d\0" "Discovery\0" "Trait ID\0" "Capture mode\0" "Enemy info\0" "Stop enemies' action\0" "Visited stage#\0" "Speed factor\0" "# of Mii balloons\0" "(red) hit test\0" "L: Change fellows' algorithm\0" "Debug log\0" "Auto aim check\0" "Screen display\0" "Waking animation rate\0" "Screen capture\0" "Reset VMP\0" "Sample challenges\0" "Event flow\0" "Complete recovery!\0" "Speed rate (base)\0" "# of drops with ornament (few)\0" "Fellow attack interval frames (early stages)\0" "Make balloon available\0" "Initialize badges\0" "SD Card\0" "Become happy\0" "Dynamic loading\0" "Sample challenges\0" "Fellow attack interval frames\0" "Generate status text\0" "Add 100\0" "Combo\0" "Achivements\0" "Update test\0" "Select area /\nUnlock area\0" "Fog type\0" "Current Lucky Time\0" "Tutorial\0" "Pkmn always drops\0" "Show NFC moves\0" "Make area unvisited\0" "Items (eShop)\0" "Max volume range\0" "Initialize\0" "fellows\0" "turn\0" "Move collection\0" "Challenge 01\0" "Reverb\0" "Give me various areas\0" "Target distance\0" "Found: Delphox\0" "Item\0" "Initialize\0" "Map\0" "Update interval\0" "Rarity\0" "Possibility that enemies drop time\0" "Dev Free\0" "Mode\0" "Show Middle Boss HP\0" "Turn this way\0" "Execute\0" "Attach flag1\0" "Normal\0" "WOSSBT: A button\0" "Unit distance of volume attn.\0" "30 min.\0" "Correct size\0" "3DS Camera (SD req.)\0" "JPEG quality (3DS Camera)\0" "Skip initial Mii comment\0" "Piis to teach move\0" "Attach flag2\0" "Show accessories\0" "# of drops in breaking generator\0" "Start repeat\0" "Flying height\0" "[Pause]\0" "Attach Mii_head_bolt\0" "Attach flag3\0" "Move hit info\0" "Enable saving\0" "Send level\0" "Get all rewards\0" "Boss Poor\0" "Rare only\0" "Hit stop\0" "Comp\0" "5 min.\0" "Pad\0" "Ground\0" "Combo+10\0" "Canon AP (experimental)\0" "Version\0" "Level\0" "One\0" "Fix enemy strength for edit\0" "Change presets\0" "Collision check interval (frames)\0" "Drop related\0" "Move change: skip 10 by L/R\0" "Can teach all moves\0" "Close\0" "Background color\0" "Model position\0" "Auto capture\0" "Form\0" "Fellow Piis to Miis in town\0" "Height of WRT_ARC_HARAU\0" "Enemies -> rivals\0" "Test Choice Move\0" "Activate StreetPass\0" "Y for effect\0" "Balloon: with ruby\0" "Character act on Opening\0" "None\0" "Found\0" "Control remote move's size\0" "Always sell diamonds\0" "Switch Menu\0" "Activated\0" "Move's height min\0" "Show angle\0" "Sound\0" "SpotPass\0" "Max depth\0" "Exec\0" "Becoming huge (sec)\0" "3 hr.\0" "Diagonal\0" "Exec\0" "Hide unexplored habitats\0" "Move change: Area group 1 only\0" "- No Trait -\0" "Test Name\0" "Mode\0" "Always FEVER\0" "Enemies -> fellows\0" "- Not yet set -\0" "L is A\0" "Stop rate (Town)\0" "Speed rate\0" "Time to display\0" "Misc events\0" "Game frame ctrl\0" "Give Megastone\0" "Choose PKMN#\0" "Don't change\0" "Z Flip\0" "Set move count\0" "Hide accessories\0" "Show HardParticle\0" "Range\0" "Version\0" "Near\0" "Retrieve test\0" "BG light 0\0" "Exchange\0" "Free\0" "Remote\0" "fellows (additional/guards)\0" "BG light 1\0" "Autopilot\0" "Fellows -> enemies (add./guards)\0" "1 hr.\0" "Rush\0" "Model center\0" "Edit\0" "Shop\0" "Enemies -> fellows (add./guards)\0" "Msmt: enemy durab: common enemies (hits)\0" |
Revisional Differences
Version 1.1
Released on August 4, 2015.
- Adds a new special area called Changing Land with a corresponding balloon. The balloon itself is free, but you must be at Rank 40 to get it.
- Adds a new password that gives 100 Poké Diamonds.
- Games developed by Ambrella
- Pages missing publisher references
- Games published by The Pokémon Company
- Games published by Nintendo
- Nintendo 3DS games
- Games released in 2015
- Games released in April
- Games released on April 8
- Games released in November
- Games released on November 19
- Games with unused characters
- Games with hidden development-related text
- Games with unused graphics
- Games with unused models
- Games with unused abilities
- Games with unused text
- Games with revisional differences
- Stubs
- To do
- Articles needing translation/ja
- Pokémon series
Cleanup > Articles needing translation > Articles needing translation/ja
Cleanup > Pages missing publisher references
Cleanup > Stubs
Cleanup > To do
Games > Games by content > Games with hidden development-related text
Games > Games by content > Games with revisional differences
Games > Games by content > Games with unused abilities
Games > Games by content > Games with unused characters
Games > Games by content > Games with unused graphics
Games > Games by content > Games with unused models
Games > Games by content > Games with unused text
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Ambrella
Games > Games by platform > Nintendo 3DS games
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Creatures
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Game Freak
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Nintendo
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Nintendo > Games published by The Pokémon Company
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 2015
Games > Games by release date > Games released in April
Games > Games by release date > Games released in April > Games released on April 8
Games > Games by release date > Games released in November
Games > Games by release date > Games released in November > Games released on November 19
Games > Games by series > Pokémon series