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Pole Chudes (Windows)

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Title Screen

Pole Chudes

Developer: HeroCraft
Publishers: Alawar Entertainment, Buka Entertainment[1]
Platform: Windows
Released internationally: May 10, 2012

AnimationsIcon.png This game has unused animations.
CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

The Windows Pole Chudes is an adaptation of the long-running Russian TV game/variety show of the same name, itself an unlicensed adaptation of Wheel of Fortune.

Unused Graphics

Unused Cursor

Pole Chudes Kursor.pngPole Chudes Kursor 0.pngPole Chudes Kursor 1.pngPole Chudes Kursor 2.pngPole Chudes Kursor 3.pngPole Chudes Kursor 4.pngPole Chudes Kursor 5.pngPole Chudes Kursor 6.pngPole Chudes Kursor 7.pngPole Chudes Kursor 8.pngPole Chudes Kursor 9.pngPole Chudes Kursor 10.png
Pole Chudes KursorDown 0.pngPole Chudes KursorDown 1.pngPole Chudes KursorDown 2.png Pole Chudes KursorDown 3.pngPole Chudes KursorDown 4.pngPole Chudes KursorDown 5.pngPole Chudes KursorDown 6.png
Pole Chudes KursorKill 0.pngPole Chudes KursorKill 1.pngPole Chudes KursorKill 2.png Pole Chudes KursorKill 3.pngPole Chudes KursorKill 4.pngPole Chudes KursorKill 5.pngPole Chudes KursorKill 6.png
Pole Chudes KursorUp 0.pngPole Chudes KursorUp 1.pngPole Chudes KursorUp 2.pngPole Chudes KursorUp 3.pngPole Chudes KursorUp 4.png
Pole Chudes KurWait 1.pngPole Chudes KurWait 2.pngPole Chudes KurWait 3.png
Pole Chudes Lupa.png

Present in the sprites\system directory in data.dcp are leftovers from Papiny Dochki, another HeroCraft game. The original game used these sprites for the cursor (for example, the "clapperboard" loading icon or the cursor breaking animation). Interestingly enough, the .sprite files for some of the animations (KursorKill.sprite, KursorMinus.sprite, and KursorUp.sprite) actually have them fully coded. lupa.png also has its own .sprite file as well.

Unused Game Opening Sequence Assets

Present in the interface\Zastavka\image folder in data.dcp are some of the assets for the game's opening sequence which is played when a player starts a game. The game itself uses an FMV instead, making the assets unused. The animation for the assets is fully coded in the kapital.sprite file, but it's not used by the game whatsoever.

Unused Registration Window

Pole Chudes Drugaya.png Pole Chudes Kz.png Pole Chudes Ru.png Pole Chudes Ua.png

Located in the interface\About directory is data for an unused SMS registration window and a few graphics which aren't used anywhere else in the game (drugaya.png, kz.png, ru.png, and ua.png, which depict a question mark and the flags of Kazakhstan, Russia, and Ukraine respectively).

The text strings of the unused window (taken from the about.window file):

Если Вам понравилась наша игра, Вы можете приобрести ключ, разблокирующий полную базу вопросов. Для этого:

Отправьте СМС на указанный ниже номер:

Убедитесь, что Ваш компьютер подключен к сети Интернет и нажмите кнопку:

Введите код разблокировки, который Вам прислали в ответном СМС сообщении:


16 грн

Стоимость без налога:

350 тенге


100 руб

Текст СМС:

Короткий номер:

Официальный сайт игры

The window data (including the text strings which tell you to register the game by sending an SMS message so you can "unlock the full base of game questions") is possibly a leftover of a demo version of sorts, even though there weren't any confirmed demo versions.

Unused Music

Present in the interface\Zastavka folder is zastavka1.ogg. It's a duplicate of the file of the same name used by the game (but located in the music folder). The only differences of the duplicate are it being a little bit quieter and having a different bitrate (which also results in the 140kb size, which is 3kb less than the size of the used one, which is 143kb).

Development Text

Present in the soundFX\.svn\props directory in data.dcp is a file which shows MIME type data for a file called applauseFull3.ogg. The file that the info refers to doesn't exist in the final game's files at all, making the applauseFull3.ogg.svn-work file a leftover from an unknown stage in development.

K 13
V 24
