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Prerelease:Crazy Machines

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This page details prerelease information and/or media for Crazy Machines.

Early Graphics


The official PDF manuals for the German version have various elements rendered next to each other and used as decoration for pages.


These models look vastly different from the final game. The improper lighting and texturing on most models suggest these renders come from early in development, possibly near the game's first showcase in early 2003.

Pdf decoration recreation.png

Compared to its release version, the catapult has undergone a functional change. Judging by the render, it used to be activated by a lever you could attach a rope to. The final game has it activated only by an object falling on its swing. catapult_lever.ucm, a properly UV-mapped model for this lever, exists in modelsfolder but is not referenced anywhere.

Present in the German demo's PDF handbook is a title screen image using a different, more copper-style logo.


Notably, the version number shown is v1.0, suggesting the logo was changed to the final style very late in development.

Early Screenshots


Three screenshots were uploaded to the German gaming website in May 2003. Given that some of these also appeared on the game's box, these were likely distributed to media outlets rather than being taken by PCGames from a prototype build.

The graphics are noticeably different from the released game. (Note that the "Final" images below are recreations using Inventor's Workshop v1.0.)

Prerelease Final
CM PrevScreen01.jpg May2003 recreation 1.png
  • The cannon does not have any specular highlights on its body.
  • A firework rocket has a different position.
  • Lighting from the pocket light is also different on the magnifying glass.
  • The candle has an environment map applied on its base, like some other metallic objects do. The lighting on the final candle is simpler.
Prerelease Final
CM PrevScreen02.jpg May2003 recreation 2.png

Bluish-black drive belts and wheels are the most notable difference. Much like with the magnifying glass in the previous image, the boiler is lit up differently.

Prerelease Final
CM PrevScreen03.jpg May2003 recreation 3.png
  • The power wires sag completely differently, as if they're sagging towards the player. It is possible the code was changed specifically for taking screenshots so the wires wouldn't obstruct the field.
  • The power switch has a black handle.
  • The power meter has a dark textured hand.
(Images: PCGames)

Official Website

One image on the game's official website showed a zeppelin without its patches and a differently-textured triple lug (using standard shader, which is just yellow diffuse).

Prerelease Final
CM Zeppelin.jpg Zeppelin recreation.png

(Note that the "Final" image above is a recreation using New Challenges v1.14.)

Russian Websites

A title screen for v0.95, found on various Russian websites in articles about the game. Its EXIF metadata includes "Comment: MADE FOR WWW.AG.RU", suggesting it was made for a specific gaming website (assuming it wasn't tampered with).



A trailer with some differences from the final game. Official screenshots featured on cover art and pcgames.de originates from this video. The trailer also features the old logo seen above. The video was available on http://www.crazy-machines.com.

(Trailer: crazy-machines.com)