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Princess Peach: Showtime!

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Title Screen

Princess Peach: Showtime!

Also known as: プリンセスピーチ Showtime! (JP)
Developer: Good-Feel
Publisher: Nintendo
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Released internationally: March 22, 2024

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

After nearly 20 years since her last adventure, Princess Peach finally returns as the main solo protagonist in a new game! After being asked by Toad, Peach visits the Sparkle Theater to watch a show. Unfortunately, it gets interrupted by a new villainess named "Madame Grape", who plans to take over the theater by making all the shows about her. It's up to Peach and her new friend Stella to save the Sparkle Theater from this mayhem!

This game is rather known for being the only Mario-related game to be affected by the 2023 Super Mario Bros movie, as the boxart was changed to have Peach resemble her 2023 movie counterpart.

Unused Graphics

Placeholder Album

PeachShowtime Album 00.png

A placeholder for the album. The text translates to "Front Cover".

Dummy Title


A rather simple but bland placeholder graphic for the shop menu.

Debug Font


An unused font that was used during the debugging process for the game.

Color Test

T ScA rt TestColorA D.png

Within the files for the Detective Peach segment exists a graphic that was used to test the colors of textures for the models, with some examples included too in it.



A pretty simple graphic of something shaped like a star or sparkle. What makes this unused is the filename, which explicitly says "DO NOT USE".


PeachShowtimeDebug Kage-e.png

A small unused debug graphic that has Japanese text.

Flipbook Test Placeholder


A placeholder for the flipbook, which contains numbers and colorful squares.

Another Flipbook Placeholder


Like the same thing above, but this time different colors and no numbers.

Dummy Albedo


A pretty simple dummy texture that's named "Albedo".

Ribbon Debug Colors


The graphic for the ribbons contains some debug textures.

Ribbon Debug Patterns


Another unused graphic that was used to test the ribbons size and pattern.

Ribbon Debug Vector

PeachTest procRibbon vector.png

This debug graphic was used tp test the ribbon's vector colors.

Ribbon Test Graphic

PeachShowtimeTwistRibbonA D Test.png

The last of the unused graphics for the ribbon, which is just a test placeholder graphic.

Sphere Room


This graphic contains a sphere, which seemly contains some kind of bedroom.


PeachShowtimeMC Mario Gold.png

Strangely, in one of the folders features a metal texture that's named "Mario Gold". This texture is never used in-game and Mario himself never makes an appearance of some sorts in theater. It's unknown if Mario was planned to appear at some point.

Unused Text

PJ037/Content/Localization/Game/Game.locres only contains a rather small amount of text.

Dummy Course

"CourseName_Invisible": "???"
"CourseName_Dummy_Test1": "Test ID"

There's text that shows at some point there was a level that was used for testing purposes. Any other remnants of this dummy level has been scrubbed out from the game's files.