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Proto:Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force

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This page details one or more prototype versions of Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force.

Hiddenpalace.org logo.png  This prototype is documented on Hidden Palace.

A late prototype of the game was released by a collector in the community on November 25th, 2024. Dated September 30th, 2008, it was found through a development cart.
This build is very close to the final US Rev0 build, with the exception of debug mode being enabled and certain options being disabled on the main menus.

General Differences

  • The "Licenced By Nintendo" and company logo screens can be skipped by tapping on the screen.
  • No saves are preserved upon restarting the prototype, and completing missions boots you back to the selection menu.
  • The debug menu found unused in the final release is enabled in this build.
    • Other debug features are also enabled, such as the build date displaying on the selection menu and the current mission displaying in-game.

Title Screen

The DGamer button has been disabled.

Proto Final
The Title Screen for the Prototype. The Title Screen for the Initial US Release.

Penguin Menu

The option to play as a Guest penguin is missing from the menu.

Proto Final
The Penguin Menu for the Prototype. The Penguin Menu for the Initial US Release.

Selection Menu

The build date found in the ROM is displayed at the bottom of the screen, partially obscured. The buttons for Multiplayer and Upload/Download have also been disabled.

Proto Final
The Selection Menu for the Prototype. The Selection Menu for the Initial US Release.

Minigames Menu

Only two of the six minigames are selectable from the main menu, those being "Snow Boarding" and "Jetpack Adventure". The rest of the buttons have been disabled in this menu, however the minigames can still be played through the missions.

Proto Final
The Minigame Menu for the Prototype. The Minigame Menu for the Initial US Release.

Build Date

This build was timestamped at September 30 2008, about a week prior to the US Rev0 Build.

Version Offset String Timestamp
Sep 30 2008 Proto 0x1BBBC0
[VERSIONBLOCK|V15132          |T1222811809|MGoliath2       |]
Sep 30 2008 21:56:49
US Rev0 0x1B08F4
[VERSIONBLOCK|V15146          |T1223422984|MGoliath2       |]
Oct 07 2008 23:43:04

Cartridge Label

The cartridge is an E202650 Development Cart. A small label is attached to the development cartridge with the words "CLUB P" on it.