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Proto:Final Fantasy X

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This page details one or more prototype versions of Final Fantasy X.

So very stubbly.
This page is rather stubbly and could use some expansion.
Are you a bad enough dude to rescue this article?
To do:
Finish the remaining blitzball options in Kitase, and things like the endless debug options in Luca (there's different options for every single map there).

A prototype of Final Fantasy X was leaked to the Internet circa 2008. It is a prototype of the English translation with debug features enabled.


General Differences

  • The Select button activates a debug display, which adds more stuff depending how many times you press it.
  • Pressing L1 on the New Game/Load screen will call up the Debug Menu (or the 'Startmap' as it is internally known as).
  • Voice acting and text are completely in English (as far as I could see, anyway), however, the voice acting in the FMVs is still in Japanese except for the ones in Zanarkand at the beginning, specifically where Tidus and Auron are pulled into Sin in Zanarkand - this one is entirely in English.
  • As shown above, there are several dummied-out options mentioning the PS2 HDD, just like Kingdom Hearts had.

The Startmap

  • EVENT: Leads to the Event sub-menu, containing the debug rooms.
  • MAP: Does nothing?
  • PROGRAM: Leads to the Program sub-menu.
  • BATTLE: Leads to the Battle debug room.
  • NEWGAME: Starts the game with every party member at their default stats at a given part of the game. Each option leads to a sub menu where you can choose which event do you want to start at. Free Check might be related to event flags. Also presumably lets you turn off battles but I haven't tested it.
  • LOAD: The only option that has a noticeable effect in this sub-menu (aside from loading a saved game) is the last option. It will load a saved game and present you with the NEWGAME menu, with the same effect, except your saved game stats are used instead of the defaults.



Contains the main meat of the debug rooms, and is more like previous debug rooms in FF games where each programmer gets one.


Teleports you to near the shoopuf rental thing in the Moonflow. Kinoc is there, shooting an air rifle. You can push him around but you can't actually talk to him. There's also a Save Sphere there. Press Square to bring a menu up.

  • Menu: Brings up a sub-menu.
    • To Test Map 02: Reloads the map.
    • Global Flags: Seems to be a bunch of options to set/unset particular flags. The last option, despite what it says, warps you to the Thunder Plains.
    • Scenario Flags (Only the scenarios I work on): More flags. Pretty detailed. Need to be tested to see if they work.
    • Close camera to the actor (PC only): Doesn't seem to work. However, if you select Back in this menu, you can't bring up the menu with Square anymore!
    • Battle test: Doesn't work.
    • Jump to this map (Parameters = 0): Seems to be functionally identical to the "Jump to this Map" options.
    • Jump to other map (Set Parameters): Seems to be functionally identical to the "Jump to this Map" options.
    • Map: Seems to set/unset parts of the background: try 8 to turn on/off the sky!
    • Movie: Movie player. 000 is Tidus playing Blitzball at Zanarkand, and so on.
    • Debug: Opens up a sub-menu "Virtual FinalFantasyX Config Menu":
      • The ON/OFF switches are misplaced in this menu, so they cut off part of the text.
      • Hiragana mode set: Brings up a blank text box, and stays OFF no matter what you do.
      • Name settings: You can turn this ON/OFF, but it doesn't seem to do anything.
      • Battle by encount: Same as above.
      • Battle SYS: Same as above.
      • Party members: Will actually softlock the game!
      • Switch: Allows you to switch party members.
      • Tsuchida-san's stuff (Full itemscommands): Brings up a sub-menu:
        • Battle by encounter : Battle count: ?
        • Battle by encounter : Dummy: ?
        • Full itemscommands: The cursor skips over this option, so it stays ON.
        • Back: Returns to the previous menu.
      • End: Quits the menu.
    • Play from some part of the game: Same thing as the NEWGAME menu in the startmap.
    • Music: Music player.
    • Change form: Allows you to change the player's model on the map.
    • (blank space): Quits the menu.
  • Jump to this map: Reloads the map.
  • Jump to this map (change parameters): Brings up a sub-menu. Whatever you do doesn't seem to do much.
  • Jump to this map (parameter 0): Allows you to warp to various places in Besaid, the Moonflow, Bevelle and Sin. You also get to have all party members/all aeons if you select the Sin option.
  • Be warned, the last empty space in the Sin option is the one to actually get out of the menu. The one before it will just warp you to the Al Bhed ship, and Tidus won't be able to move, forcing you to reset.
  • Jump to this map (set parameters): Combines the last two options, although again with no visible effect aside from the map change.
  • (blank): Quits the menu.


This map plays a cutscene that, well... needs to be seen to be believed. You can skip it and go straight to the menu by pressing X. He also begs your pardon for a mistranslation in this page. All is forgiven.

  • [WORK]
    • "Free Movement": Allows you to move WHILE the cutscene is playing!
    • "Planing Start Map": Warps you back to the startmap.
    • Seems to be a bunch of flag setting/unsetting options.
    • Allows you to set a whole number of flags THEN warp to said event. "Nagi Plain" is actually the Calm Lands.
    • Seems to allow you to set/unset flags about the Celestial Weapons?
    • "Good score for Blitz_Ball": ?
    • "Encount On/Off": Presumably turns random encounters on/off, but I haven't tested.
    • "Legend Clearance": ?
    • "Strengthening Setting": There's a number of options, and all seem to do the same thing: Give one or more members their Celestial Weapons. However some of them are the "sealed" versions that only have No AP as their one ability. It should give you the weapons half and fully unlocked, but I can't quite get it to work.
      • "Strengthening stage 2 setup" even has a full message from the map maker in English and Romaji!
      • "If a power up 2nd stage setup is carried out, it means also ending 1 stage automatically."
      • "2dankaime settei wo suruto, jidoutekini 1dankaimemo settei sitakotoni narimasu"
  • [Belgemine]
    • Seems to be a bunch of flags related to Belgemine.
    • "Rich Man": Gives you 100000 Gil.
    • "Mr. Saito's Map": Warps you to Saito's map.



"machinaTORI STARTMAP" Warps you to various places in the story. All pretty much self-explanatory, except for Tmp, which gives you this screen:


This screen is from the demo version of Final Fantasy X included in 53th Demo Compilation from the Official US PlayStation 2 Magazine. Choosing OK will let you walk around the room, but otherwise not much you can do here.


More like a debug room in the past FF games, you'll be hanging around a bunch of NPCs that warp you to different places.

Yuna (left)

"Come on, let's go!" Handles stuff in Besaid.

Menu Option Effect
Bisaido mura hiru/yoru (Besaid Village day/night) Allows you to warp to various points of Besaid when you first arrive, both day and night. It doesn't seem to work properly, as selecting one of the Night options and then choosing the Day option will warp you to the village at night anyway.
Toubatsu hiru/yoru (Crusaders day/night) Same thing as above, warps you in the Crusaders lodge at Besaid.
Minka (House) 1/2/3 / Shop / Bisaido Jiin (Besaid Temple) None of these seem to work?
START MAP Warps you back to the startmap.
cansel Quits.


"Welcome!" Handles stuff in Guadosalam.

Menu Option Effect
Guadosaramu (Guadosalam) Warps you to numerous points in Guadosalam.
Shimoa yashiki entoransu/geihin (Seymour residence entrance/guesthouse) Warps you to various points in Seymour's estate.
Yunaresuka (Yunalesca) Warps you to the Yunalesca "shrine" at Guadosalam.
Yadoya (Inn) Pops up a textbox saying "Koujityu" (Koujichuu, Under construction).
Shop Doesn't seem to work.
Minka (House) 1/2 Same as the Yadoya option.
Ikai (Farplane) Doesn't seem to work.
START MAP Warps you back to the startmap.
cansel Quits.


"H-Honest?" Handles stuff in Macalania.

Menu Option Effect
Kogan (Lakeshore) Warps you to the Travel Agency at Macalania.
Ryokoukoushi (Travel Agency) Same as above, but when you're fleeing from the Temple.
Komen (Lake surface) Warps you to the Crawler boss fight.
Komen mizo (Lake surface trench) The aftermath of the above option.
Remiamu jiin (Remiem temple) Warps you to the Remiem temple.
START MAP Warps you back to the startmap.
cansel Quits.


"Stand back." Handles stuff in Zanarkand.

Menu Option Effect
Tidus kitazo (Tidus has arrived) Beginning of the game, Tidus comes out of his place...
ittekimasu (on my way) Asks you "kodomo/musume sain? (Kids/Woman autograph?)" Yes/No. Selecting Yes will disable dialog with the kids or the woman.
Ject biru miage (Look up at Jecht building) Panoramic shot of Zanarkand, then Tidus gazes over at the building with Jecht's face on it.
nazo no syounen (mysterious boy) Streets of Zanarkand in chaos, Bahamut's fayth appears right behind Tidus.
daisuikyu (big water ball; i.e. the Blitzball arena) Auron appears, gives Tidus his sword...
sins zako battle (sinspawn small-fry battle) Battle against the Sinspawns.
interbal (interval) Auron's overdrive tutorial battle.
save fukki demo (save return demo) Zanarkand's streets, except the camera angle is screwed up (pressing Down-Left for long enough will put Tidus into view) but you can't really do anything.
biru toukai battle (building collapse battle) Cutscene before the fight against the endless sinspawns, the one you need to make the Tanker ignite.
biru toukai (building collapse) Skips straight to the battle in the above option.
START MAP Warps you back to the startmap.
cansel Quits.


Event flags for a number of different areas at various points of the story. Many of these have different effects, however a large number produce the same results - see individual tables below for individual details. Unless otherwise noted, normal game progression occurs after the events described. Formatting has been preserved as seen in menu and [CHARACTERS] denotes garbled text in menus (This section are [sic]!).

Nogami Debug Menu - Letty plays his clapping and cheering animation on loop. The NPC model to the left is always mostly hidden.


Handles Kilika events.

Menu Option Effect
KILIKA ENKEI (all options) Arrival into Kilika from the S.S. Liki, shows the map overlay and short scene.
KILIKA PORT 1st Half Evening (all options) Starts with control of Tidus, after arrival scenes.
KILIKA IKAI evening (all options) Same as previous.
KILIKA WEST FUKKOU MAE See below for effects.
KILIKA PORT BAR noon (all options) Starts outside the S.S. Liki, daytime. Same events as Fukkou Mae.
KILIKA BAR (all options) Starts outside the bar, daytime. Same events as Fukkou Mae.
KILIKA HOTEL inside (all options) Starts inside the inn, morning. Same events as Fukkou Mae.
KILIKA TEMPLE SANDOU See below for effects.
KILIKA TEMPLE ENTRANCE See below for effects.
KILIKA TEMPLE HALL (all options) Same as Temple Entrance, starts inside temple foyer.
KILIKA TEMPLE EV See below for effects.
KILIKA TEMPLE SIREN (all options) Starts inside Cloister of Trials, which can be completed as normal.
KILIKA TEMPLE INORIKO (all options) Starts inside Antechamber. Chamber of the Fayth is unavailable in Hikuu-Tei Free; “SIN” Battle Start is the end game revisit, however using the save sphere to return to the airship shows an… interesting angle of Lulu and softlocks.
KILIKA WEST FUKKOU GO (all options) Starts in Kilika – Residential area. Selecting New Game and entering the Inn sets off the scene of Tidus waking up the morning after Sin’s attack and subsequent events.
Lulu blocking the Airship.

Menu Option Effect
NEW GAME Starts with Tidus standing outside the Inn the morning after the sending – move towards the inn and Datto runs past and says Wakka is waiting for you.
KIZUTUITA REN RAKUSEN GA NYU-KOU to MINATO-MACHI NO HOTEL DE WAKE UP These options all produce the same effect as NEW GAME.
BOYS GA FUKKOU NO HELP NI SASOU Starts after Datto runs past, go right to Dock and meet up with Wakka and the Aurochs helping out.
KILIKA TEMPLE MADE HISSYOU KIGAN and PORT KILIKA END Wakka gone from the Dock, progresses as normal in Woods.
KILIKA TEMPLE END After the Kilika Cloister of Trials, ferry is waiting to take you to Luca at the Dock.
UINO GOU NI JYOUSEN After leaving Kilika but before Operation Mi’ihen. Note there is no way to leave as the woman who lets you in the ferry is missing.
SF_JOZE TEMPLE END+1 After Operation Mi’ihen. Can travel to either Besaid or Luca.
SF_HOLY FOREST(BEBEL) END After events in Bevelle, but before Zanarkand – no airship but can use ferry.
SF_HIKUTEI FREE Immediately after Zanarkand – returning to the airship plays events after Yunalesca.
SF_SAISYU-KESSEN “SIN” BATTLE START After at least the initial battle against Sin – villagers comment on the airship, however returning to it via the save sphere produces the Lulu softlock.

Menu Option Effect
NEW GAME Begins with the party and the Aurochs arriving at the base of the temple stairs.
SF_KILIKA TEMPLE NO ISIDAN DE YO-I DON Starts in control of Tidus, after the scene in the previous option – head up the stairs and the sinspawn fight occurs.
SF_KILIKA TEMPLE BOSS “SIN” NO OTOSIKO After the sinspawn fight and Wakka tells us about Chappu.
SF_ISIDAN DE NOSTALGIC NA WAKKA After Wakka tells us about Chappu, initial scenes on arrival at the temple proper.
SF_JOZE TEMPLE END+1 After Operation Mi’ihen.
SF_HOLY OFREST[sic](BEBEL) END After Bevelle. Temple blocked by Priest and Warrior Monk.
SF_HIKU-TEI FREE After Yunalesca, scenes on the airship as normal. Temple still blocked.
SF_SAISYU-KESSEN “SIN” BATTLE START Temple available again – can revisit Chamber of the Fayth for extra rewards. Lulu once again blocking return to the airship.

Menu Option Effect
NEW GAME Starts with arrival at temple scenes.
SF_KILIKA TEMPLE GOWAZ ENTER After initial arrival scenes – Tidus starts standing in doorway leading to temple interior in this and all subsequent options. Moving ‘backwards’ towards path back to village shows Luca Goers arriving at the temple.
SF_KILIKA TEMPLE HALL GA DONA ENTER After Goers scene, enter temple to watch short entry scene. Seems to be no random encounters in the Woods.
SF_KILIKA TEMPLE YUNA TACHI SIREN HE No scenes, party has already entered the Cloister. Note you cannot enter the Cloister or leave the exterior temple area and are softlocked here.
SF_GA DONA NO SIKAESHI to SF_THIDA NO ZANARUKANDO HITO-DAKARI KAISOU Same as above except you can move freely all the way back to the dock, however the ferry is not present. Objective arrow on mini-map points to temple exterior. No random encounters.
SF_KILIKA TEMPLE END Leaving the temple.
SF_[CHARACTERS] TEMPLE END+1 Cloister of Trials able to be completed again although no additional reward. After Operation Mi’ihen. and Djose Temple.
SF_HOLY FOREST(BEBEL) END After Bevelle events, no airship. Can leave the temple towards Kilika Port, however the Warrior Monk and Priest block you from returning.
SF_HIKUU-TEI FREE After Yunalesca, scenes on airship as normal. Temple still unavailable once you leave the area.
SF_SAISYU-KESSEI “SIN” BATTLE START After initial fights against Sin, NPCs comment on airship. Cloister can be completed for endgame rewards. Airship once again blocked by Lulu.

Menu Option Effect
NEW GAME Starts inside the room with the lift down to the Cloister of Trials. Scene of party leaving Tidus behind as normal.
SF_KILIKA TEMPLE GOWAZ ENTER and SF_KILIKA TEMPLE HALL GA DONA ENTER Same as previous, Dona and Bartello push Tidus into the lift.
SF_KILIKA TEMPLE YUNA TACHI SIREN HE and all subsequent options Starts in front of lower door into Cloister proper. Tidus starts floating in the void immediately above where the door into the Cloister is on the lower level, walking towards the screen towards the lift and riding the lift back 'up' corrects this; the lift can then be taken back down to the lower level as normal and events continue as per Temple Entrance section.
Menu Option Effect
NEW GAME Starts in Temple Antechamber, the room before the Chamber of the Fayth. Lulu, Wakka and Kimahri waiting for Yuna.
SF_GA DONA TO KIN-NIKU OTOKO NI DAMASARETA NODA Lulu, Wakka and Kimahri are still waiting for Yuna, however none of them can be spoken to and Kimahri smacks you away from the Fayth door. You also can’t leave and are softlocked here.
SF_KILIKA TEMPLE THIDA NO KYOUFU NO MOUSOU Approaching the Fayth door makes Yuna exit and events progress normally.
SF_KILIKA TEMPLE INORIKO GET Antechamber is empty and you can leave. Scenes occur in the courtyard as normal – consists of a scene where Yuna is surrounded by people, Tidus has a flashback to Zanarkand and then in the real world he yells his frustration at his situation.
SF_KILIKA TEMPLE YUNA NI HITO-DAKARI Antechamber is empty as before, however no scenes occur as you leave. Returning to Port shows that the boat is not present and once again you’re stuck here. Given the events either side of this, it’s likely that this should have triggered the second of the three cut-scenes as you leave the temple but does not for some reason.
SF_THIDA NO ZANARUKANDO HITO-DAKARI KAISOU Once again, the Antechamber is empty – leaving the temple triggers the third part of the full scene here where Tidus yells his frustrations. Returning to the Port allows you to leave for Luca as normal.
SF_KILIKA TEMPLE END Leaving the empty Antechamber shows no scenes or dialogue between the temple and the S.S. Winno to Luca.
SF_[CHARACTERS] TEMPLE END+1 Post Operation Mi’ihen. Cloister can be completed for Destruction Sphere but no other rewards.
SF_HOLY FOREST(BEBEL) END Post Bevelle. You can leave the temple, however leaving the courtyard towards the stairs to the woods blocks your return as a warrior monk and priest bar the way.
SF_HIKUU-TEI FREE Post Yunalesca, appropriate scenes play if you return to the airship via the save sphere. Again leaving the temple blocks your return.
SF_SAISYU-KESSEI “SIN” BATTLE START Endgame. You can enter the Fayth for the scene and prizes from Ifrit. Lulu still blocking your return to the airship.


Handles Bikanel events. All the choices in this first section lead to the same options for the second selection for individual flags, just starts you in a different area. Random battles are not active for any of these areas – the scripted fight against the Zu where Auron and Lulu join Tidus again does still occur. All of the events can be backtracked to from whichever section you start in as normal – the only exception to this is as you pass the small tent Rikku is hiding in. She will be running in place facing north and moving further south of this plays a short, glitchy cutscene asking you to find Kimahri if you haven't yet, or the normal scene if you have. No other characters will actually join the party at any point. If you follow Rikku without first having her ‘join the party’, she gives no dialogue, can be pushed around the map and will only follow you through Sanubia Central and West.

Menu Option Effect
SABAKU NO OASIS Starts Tidus in Sanubia Oasis.
IWA SABAKU SANUBIA ZEN-HAN 1 Starts Tidus in Sanubia – East.
IWA SABAKU SANUBIA ZEN-HAN 2 Starts Tidus in Sanubia – Central.
IWA SABAKU SANUBIA KOU-HAN Starts Tidus in Sanubia – West, following Rikku towards Home.
AZIT GAIKAN ENTRANCE Starts Tidus in Sanubia – Home.

Menu Option Effect
NEW GAME Starts Tidus in the beginning of the area. In SABAKU NO OASIS, this also plays the scene where Tidus wakes up in the water.
SF_OASIS NO MIZUBE DE WAKEUP THIDA Plays the scene where Tidus wakes up in the Oasis.
SF_OASIS SUIMEN NI TALK THIDA Oasis scene is not played, seems to be immediately before the Zu scripted battle where Lulu and Auron join Tidus.
SF_SABAKU NI HITORI – BOTTI THIDA Also seems to be before the Zu battle, unable to find any difference between this and the previous option.
SF_LULU & AURON JOIN ->>”TM Lulu and Auron have been found and ‘joined the party’.
SF_WAKKA JOIN ->>”TM Wakka has been found and ‘joined the party’.
SF_KIMARI[sic] JOIN->>”TM Kimahri has been found and ‘added to the party’.
SF_RYUKKU JOIN->>”TM Starts immediately after the scene where you find Rikku, you can then follow her the rest of the way to home.
SF_SIDO AZIT TOUCYAKU Following Rikku towards Home. She appears either in the tent you find her in normally or she will run towards you in Sanubia – Central depending on which area you select first.
SF_SIDO AZIT GAIKAN MOVIE Following Rikku towards Home. She appears either in the tent you find her in normally or the beginning of Sanubia – West depending on which area you select first.
SF_SANUBIA SABAKU END The Sandragora in the pit just before the entrance to Home is already defeated.
SF_BEKANEL END Two Al Bhed sit in the pit the Sandragora was in, blocking return to the now destroyed Home. If you pick AZIT GAIKAN ENTRANCE and then this you will still start at the exterior of Home – entering the building and moving through to the second part of the Main Corridor will trigger the events of Home as if it were your first visit in the same manner as the Home Glitch.


Handles events in Mt. Gagazet, starting from after the fight against Biran and Yenke. Events at the Gagazet Gate are in their own section further down, creatively titled Gagazet Gate.

Menu Option Effect
_EV_GAGAZET MT. 1ST PEAK AROUND Starts in Gagazet – Prominence, the screen where you fight Seymour Flux and he will murder the party if you haven’t applied any modifiers in the Battle debug menu. If you walk back down the mountain you can meet Wantz as normal, and walking all the way back to the start of the Mountain Trail will trigger the cutscene where the Ronso sing the Hymn of the Fayth for the party.
_EV_GAGAZET MT. 1ST PEAK 1 Starts with the FMV of the Zanarkand Fayth then continues with the Zanarkand dream sequence.
_EV_GAGAZET MT. TOZAN-DOU 2 RIKU Starts in Gagazet – Mountain Cave. Walking back to the Fayth Cluster triggers these events, however the camera will be centered on the top of the area instead of where the party is at the bottom of the area in the first part.
_EV_GAGAZET MT. TOZAN-DOU 2 MIZU Starts in Gagazet – Submerged Passage, Tidus is standing on the bottom of the underwater path instead of swimming. Either exiting the water and re-entering or moving into another area makes you swim as intended. If you walk back into the Mountain Cave where you first enter the water, the scene where the party splits will play, however Tidus remains in his swimming animation and will pop out of the water and return to standing a few times.


Handles events in Baaj Temple, both at the beginning and end of the game.

Menu Option Effect
bjyt00 BAAJ reached Tidus first arrives in Spira.
bjyt02 Look into stone statue , and fall down into water Ruins – Underwater Hall. This is the area with the save sphere and where the bridge collapses, throwing Tidus into the water.
bjyt03 Escape to aisle Immediately after Geosangeo blasts Tidus into the ruins.
bjyt04 Arrive to main hall Shows Tidus entering the large ruined hall for the first time.
bjyt04 Succeed in bonfire Also starts with Tidus in the Hall, however he is standing by the door in the the north - approaching the fire will show Tidus lighting it, having already ‘obtained’ the bouquet and flint, even though these are not in your inventory.
bjyt02 BAAJ HIKU-TEI free Lategame return to Baaj, starts standing on the path that broke on Tidus’ first arrival in the beginning of the game. Entering the water plays the scene where Tidus tells Wakka and Rikku about Geosangeo, and he can be fought here as normal.
bjyt12 Inoriko room In the room with Anima's Fayth. Walking forward slightly starts the cutscene where you speak to and obtain the summon. Exiting to the previous room with the sphere statues shows you are stuck however, as the glyph you remove to enter normally is still present.


Handles events on the Al Bhed salvage ship, not the airship. Again, fairly straightforward.

Menu Option Effect
cdsp00 Thida, be ordered to survey Tidus wakes up on the Al Bhed ship and is ordered to work by Brother.
cdsp00 Talk with Ryukku on deck Returning the the ship after the section underwater.
cdsp00 Talk with Ryukku next, “SIN” be attacked! Talking to Rikku plays the scenes where she says they’ll take Tidus to Luca to find people who might know him, however Sin interrupts as usual.
cdsp01 Into sea, cydo ship Underwater section. Descending plays out the events inside the submerged airship. Chronologically this is between ‘be ordered to survey’ and ‘talk with Ryukku on deck’.
cdsp02 In LUCA, Boss battle on cydo ship The battle against the Ballshooter machina in Luca to rescue Yuna from the Al Bhed. Starts when Lulu, Kimahri and Tidus land on the ship after jumping from the dock.


Handles story events in Luca, excluding all Blitzball related events. These are covered in the Kitase section with the rest of the Blitzball related options.

Menu Option Effect
lchb0201 Arrival in Luca port As it suggests, this is the start of events in Luca - starting with the FMV where the party arrives on the S.S. Winno. Interestingly during this FMV the opening announcement as the ships pull in towards the docks is subtitled - in the final game this is not.
lchb0301 Enter Mica semoa Starts in Number 3 Dock, moving forwards starts the scenes where both Mika and Seymour arrive for the tournament.
lchb1500 Jump into Cydo ship Begins as Lulu, Kimahri and Tidus run along the dock then jump onto the Al Bhed salvage ship to rescue Yuna during her kidnapping.


Handles story events at the Gagazet – Mountain Gate.

Menu Option Effect
mtgz00 Gagazet gate: Keruku talked Contrary to what the name suggests, this is before the party talks to Kelk Ronso – simply moving forwards and approaching the gate will start this scene as normal.
mtgz00 Gagazet gate: Battle vs Biran & Enke Again, this is before the Biran and Yenke boss fight, again moving forwards past the assembled Ronso towards the Mountain Trail will start the scene and fight against them.
mtgz00 Gagazet gate: HIKU-TEI free Endgame. Maechen and a small number of Ronso are standing around and talk about the death of most of the clan. Returning to the airship doesn’t produce the Lulu softlock seen in most other options; Cid gives his “The final showdown with S(h)in” line, however Sin is not selectable as a destination, Bevelle cannot be returned to, and Dona appears at Zanarkand (which she will only do if Yunalesca has already been defeated) so progress is impossible regardless.


Final boss/es events.

Menu Option Effect
sins06 Last Battle 1 Arriving at Sin – Dream’s End. Simply walking forwards begins the scenes with Jecht before fighting Braska’s Final Aeon.
sins07 Last Battle 2 After the fight against Braska’s Final Aeon. Normally this would start the fight against Yuna’s Aeons, however if you have not added any to the party in the Battle debug menu, the fights are simply skipped and you move straight on to Yu Yevon.
sins06 Good bye, Auron After all fights are finished. Begins with Yuna sending Yu Yevon and Auron, and continues all the way to the credits.


"Saito test map:
Left : Map Select
Right : Other Select
Front : Ooakaya test"

Classic debug room, contains a bunch of NPCs that do stuff/warp you to places.
You start facing an NPC that always changes, Yuna to the left and Kimahri to the right. Going down reveals more NPCs.
If you use one of the Luca options and then press Square, you'll have debug options within Luca. These actually work on retail if you load a save!

Always Changing NPC (Press Square)

"which map" Deals with Luca related stuff.

Menu Option Effect
Cancel Quits the menu.
Wait Count No known effect.
Voice Mess Voice test. "Wakka, why so stiff man?"
sendentoka Leaving the bar, finding out Yuna has been kidnapped by the Al Bhed.
Hikae1 Near the Aurochs locker room.
Port 5 One of Luca's ports, specifically the one where Auron tells Tidus the truth about Sin.
Mihen Guchi (Mi'ihen Entrance) Road to the Mi'ihen Highroad. You can't actually go there.
Sport Bar Luca's bar. You get two options "For Debug" or "after blitz". For Debug puts you there during the first visit to Luca when the Ronsos tease Kimahri, "after blitz" puts you there afterwards.
Auron Battle When the fiends attack the dome and Auron shows up to save the day.
Seymour Summon Darkness Seymour shows up...
ooakaya to saikai Theater entrance. O'aka is there.


Press Square to test screen-wide effects. Press X to cycle through them.
Press X for the real options.

  • Cancel: Quits the menu. "bye bye"
  • Luca: Various warps to Luca. TODO: Expand on this.
  • Plan Start Map: Warps you to the startmap.
  • Load: There's a bunch of different options to load a save file, but they all seem to have the same effect?
  • Map Reflesh: Refreshes the room.


"What?" Displays the "Scenario flag" value on the bottom of the menu, which I assume is where the plot currently is. 512 seems to be the very beginning and 0 seems to be the very end.

  • Cancel: Quits the menu. "bye bye"
  • Luca Event Sel: Gives you a legend detailing the progress on the event programming, then allows you to warp to seemingly every event in Luca. Too many options to list...
  • Map Jump Sel: Allows you to jump to every map in the game! To use, first enter a number, then three gibberish options show up. First one makes you select aditional parameters, then confirm the jump (or go back),

second option allows you to re-insert the number, third option quits.

  • Set Scenario Flag: Allows you to change the Scenario Flag. TODO: Test this further.
  • Set Personal Flag: Gives you a whole lot of gibberish, then allows you to change the "Personal Flag". No idea what this is...
  • Theater Plottype: Brings up a sub-menu.
    • Theater Option: Allows you to buy Movie/Music Spheres, give yourself money, or to reset the spheres. Note this is an easy way to test Scenario Flag: if you want them all, set it to 0. Notice there's more spheres than there are in the final game.
    • Set Music/Movie Sphere: Listen/watch currently acquired spheres. Notice there's a whole lot more Music Spheres and 3 extra Movie Spheres. The music spheres include the deleted songs + all the versions of the Hymn of the Fayth,

plus the Japanese (?) version of Tidus humming it. The movie spheres include the two ending FMVs + the short clip played when the airship re-enters Sin (which is cut from another FMV).

  • Character Model/Bone: Allows you to change the player character (talk to Yuna and select "Map Reflesh" to see the changes) or presumably debug the models, though the options seem to do nothing.
  • Follow Chara Test: Will make the Always changing NPC follow Kimahri. Select OWARI to exit.

Right-Most Character (will clone whoever is the player character is)

Functions as a motion test for whoever is the player character, but only Tidus seems to have motions at all and goes through them too fast?


Generic NPC model test, selecting a different number will change the model.


Tests O'aka related events? All the options have garbled text since the Japanese character set is gone.


Jassu motion test? Seems oddly specific...


Misc. model test.


Called Yamauchi’s Start Map in game, this menu gives options for a handful of locations; each one has a selection of maps and events, as well as an option called ‘check the schedule’. This room also features characters you can interact with, however you have to select the ‘Nowhere to Go…’ option on the menu to freely roam the Thunder Plains. Things of note in the free roam:

  • Go near the entrance and see Yuna do the Sending dance with the Longinus – this can also be seen behind the startmap on this screen as it pans around the Thunder Plains.
  • Go near the first Qactuar stone and talk to Lulu, the camera will pan to her doing her victory pose.
  • Go near one of the pillars to see a Yuna that doesn't do anything.
  • Go near the floating save sphere and talk to Lulu, again she'll do her victory pose but the camera will pan on her cleavage. Real classy, Square.
  • Go a bit further ahead and talk to a Rikku, she'll do her "scared of lightning" animation.
  • Go a bit more further for another Rikku with the same animation, except the camera will pan in on her.

You need to soft-reset to get back in the startmap.

Menu Option Effect
Go to Planners’ Start Map Returns you to the main menu.
Go to Zanarkand Event in Zanarkand at the start of the game.
Go to S.S Liki Events on board the S.S. Liki.
Go to S.S Winno Events on board the S.S. Winno.
Go to Thunder Plains Events in the Thunder Plains.
Selection of souvenirs in dodging the thunderbolt Puts the reward for dodging or being hit by the selected number of lightning bolts in the chest outside the Travel Agency. Choose from 5, 10, 20, 50, 75, 100, 200 dodged; 30, 80 times hit.
Selection of Music Allows you to choose a music track. Uses internal names for the tracks.
Nowhere to Go... Allows you to free roam the Thunder Plains and interact with the models here.


Allows you to pick events and maps in Zanarkand from the beginning of the game. The ‘Check the Schedule’ message here is ‘Finish!’ and returns you to the Yamauchi Start Map.

Menu Option (Map) Effect
Tidus’ Ship(evening) Appears to be the start of the game, however the fans outside Tidus’ home are missing; in their place is a blitzball clipping into the ground. No progress can be made here and you must soft reset to return to the main menu.
in front of Jecht Building(go) The highway on the way to the blitzball stadium.
Highway This appears to be the part of the highway used when the child fayth appears to Tidus as he runs away from the stadium after Sin attacks. The camera is not initially on Tidus, however moving him all the way towards the screen will eventually show him partially.
in front of Jecht Building(back) The section of highway used during the sinscale fights with the tanker you must attack to continue. Moving to the right edge of this section will put you on the previous section above.
Menu Option (Event) Effect
Tidus is coming! The opening scene, with the fans outside Tidus’ home present this time.
See you!(wrongj Allows you to pick whether you’ve spoken to the boys, young women or neither outside Tidus’ home. Selecting no at least once allows you to progress as normal – if you select yes to both you will be unable to progress but can talk to all the people here.
DJ-street Tidus looks up at Jecht's billboard on his way to the blitz match. As normal.
A Mysterious Boy on the Highway Running away from the stadium after Sin – the child fayth appears to Tidus as normal.
A Huge Water Sphere! We call it “Sin.” The FMV where Auron and Tidus look at the sphere of water created by Sin. As normal.
VS sinspawns(wrong) Starts at the first wave of sinscales. As normal.
interval(wrong) Starts on the screen where Sinspawn Ammes is encountered. Normal.
DEMO back from SAVE(wrong) Same screen as above except Tidus’ model is missing.
VS sinspawnsThe building falling down Running into the fight with the sinscales and tanker. As normal.
The building falling down(wrong) As above but starts approx. 10 seconds into the sequence.

Go to S.S Liki

Maps and events on board the S.S. Liki. The ‘Check the Schedule’ message here is ‘Debuging[sic] Only…’. There is an additional option here called ‘adjusting the characters for DVDdebugging’ which displays the message ‘Huuin’ and appears to have no visible effect.

Menu Option (Maps) Effect
Topside S.S. Liki Deck. No human NPCs are present in this or any room.
Helm Room S.S. Liki – Bridge. Jecht's Sphere is present here.
Inside aisle S. S. Liki – Corridor.
Dechs[sic] S. S. Liki – Cabin. There is a chest with a Remedy in here.
Chocobo Power Room S.S. Liki – Engine Room. The chocobo woman is not here however the chocobos themselves are.
in the Sea Very long, skinny rectangle underwater – takes around 40 seconds to run end to end. Tidus swims while idle and runs when moving. Presumably the area where Wakka finds Tidus underwater after he’s thrown overboard during Sin’s attack on Kilika.
Topside(evening) S.S. Liki – Deck, but as it appears in the evening after Sin attacks Kilika and before the party arrives there. All characters in the scene are present in their correct places; Tidus can move around this area but is stuck in the pose where he’s resting on Yuna’s legs.
Menu Option (Events) Effect
introduction of S.S.Liki From the beginning of the sequence on board the S.S. Liki, as normal.
Rumors about Yuna ”Go to the bow! Wakka’s there” – Drops you on board the S.S. Liki without any of the introductory scenes.
The heir to a great legacy “Talk to Wakka! Other events will cause at dechs[sic]!” - Talking to Wakka will start the conversation about Yuna and Braska.
Conversation Starts the scene talking to Yuna. Normal.
Sin!(wrong) Yuna nods, and Sin immediately attacks. As normal except in the battle against the sinscales and Sin's fin, attempting to switch party members will rapidly switch between the two available.
VS Sin(wrong) Starts as the harpoons are fired at Sin. Aside from a slight graphical glitch with Kimahri, this is as normal.
Where’s Tidus?(wrong) Shows the ship after the fight against Sin. Kimahri and Yuna are still holding their weapons here, otherwise this is as normal.
VS Sinspawn1 Yuna realizes Tidus is missing and Wakka jumps in the sea after him. As normal.
Destroying Kilika Starts after the FMV of Kilika being destroyed – party is on the deck of the ship in the evening. As normal.
Free See below.

The final option in this menu allows you to revisit the S.S. Liki at other points in the story. Once you select the timing (after Djose, after obtaining the airship or after the battle against Sin) you will be asked whether Clasko stayed in the Chocobo Knights or left – the conversation that determines this is usually outside the Travel Agency at Lake Macalania. As he is still part of the Knights after the events at Djose, he will not appear here at all; selecting the ‘quit the knights’ option on the other two will have him appear on deck as he does in the final game and awards you with a Friend Sphere. Finally, you can select whether you are traveling from Besaid or from Kilika – the only difference here is the map overlay when you load in will show you traveling from the port you selected.

Go to S.S Winno

The S.S. Winno has both Maps and Events to choose from the same as on the S.S. Liki – the maps options here are the same and put you in the corresponding rooms on the Winno, and as such have not been replicated here. The Free option is also the same, selecting a point in the story to return to the S.S. Winno and where to depart from, without the Clasko options as he does not appear here. The ‘Check the Schedule’ option in this menu displays the message ‘faciel motion will be exchanged…’ and returns you to the Yamauchi menu.

Wakka VS Lulu

Selecting this will give you a box saying “Go to the top! This event consists from 4 parts. There’s another event with Yuna consist from 2 parts[sic]”, followed by two further choices to make – these are ‘Do you know “There is a city really!”?’ and ‘Choose the round of ‘Wakka VS Lulu’’. The first one will select what stage Yuna’s conversation about Zanarkand with the Goers begins at - ‘No I don’t know’ puts you at the very start; ‘A little…’ puts you after the Goers leave and before Tidus approaches Yuna; and ‘Yes I’ve already seen that!’ puts you after both of these and Yuna will simply say that she believes Tidus’ version of Zanarkand does really exist.
The second selection is for which stage of Lulu and Wakka’s conversation on the top of the Winno is at. Round.1 starts with them talking about why Wakka wanted to bring Tidus to Luca; Round.2 is them discussing why Yuna wants Tidus as a guardian; Round.3 is where Lulu says Wakka should be the one to talk to Tidus about him becoming a guardian; finally Round.4 is where they discuss Tidus’ hate of Jecht and memories of their own parents.

The shadow of Jecht part1 & part2 and The Jecht Shot

All three of these options will give you an opportunity to select which parts of the Wakka and Lulu conversation you’ve seen – 30% starts you at round 3 from the previous menu; 70% starts at part 4; and 100% is having seen all four parts. Regardless of your choice you will then be asked to ‘Find the Ball!’ on the deck. The shadow of Jecht part1 gives you the full flashback to Tidus attempting to kick a blitzball as a child, and continues as the story does normally into the Jecht Shot tutorial; The Jecht Shot starts you at the tutorial; The shadow of Jecht part2 will ask you whether you succeeded at learning the Jecht Shot then puts you on the deck to talk to Yuna to continue as normal.

Thunder Plains

Maps and events in the Thunder Plains. The ‘Check the Schedule’ message here is ‘Only debuging![sic]’. Interestingly, if you select Events on Thunder Plains, you'll see "Getting the spear of Gandof", which sets up the quest for the Longinus/Spirit Lance, Kimahri’s Celestial Weapon. Gandof refers to High Summoner Gandof, who was one of the first High Summoners; he also sealed the Qactuars in the stones. However there's no mention anywhere in the game that the Longinus is his spear, which makes it a piece of lore never revealed in the finished game!

Menu Option (Maps) Effect
Thunder Plains South-side Thunder Plains – South. The cactuar ghost is visible here and can be followed to the shrine for the Longinus/Spirit Lance chest will appear – however without the Celestial Mirror in your inventory, it can not be opened.
In front of the Rin Travel Agency Thunder Plains – Agency Front.
Inside of the Rin Travel Agency Thunder Plains – Agency.
Aisle of the Rin Travel Agency Drops you inside the hallway of the Travel Agency, the cutscene where Tidus approaches Yuna’s room as she watches Jyscal's Sphere plays as per the final game. Progress from here continues normally.
The big lightning rod towers of Thunder Plains Thunder Plains – North. Possibly meant to drop you further north, near the trigger for the conversation under the lightning tower.
Menu Option (Events) Effect
Introduction of Thunder Plains Gives you the explanation of moving through the Thunder Plains as it does on your first visit.
Thunder and Rikku Text box “Go north!” - starts immediately after the explanation.
Leaving Rikku Outside the Travel Agency, Rikku begs the party to rest for a bit.
Introduction of “Is Lady Yuna to be wed?” Text Box “Rikku>Rin>Auron” - starts entering Travel Agency during the mandatory visit. Talking to Rikku gives her dialogue about her fear, then Rin arrives; talking to him triggers him commenting on your learning of Al Bhed; he asks if that is Auron is in your party, leading to Rin talking about his meeting Auron just after the start of Braska's Calm.
”Is Lady Yuna to be wed?” - Yuna’s part Drops you inside the hallway of the Travel Agency, the cutscene where Tidus approaches Yuna's room as she watches Jyscal's Sphere plays as per the final game. Progress from here continues normally.
After the event”Is Lady Yuna to be wed?” Text box ”Rikku is!” - in the Travel Agency the following morning, talk to Rikku to leave.
Under the shelter Text box “bound for The big lightning rod tower!” - starts at southern end of Thunder Plains – North, moving forwards will trigger the scene under the shelter where Yuna tells the party she’ll marry Seymour. As normal.
Getting the spear of Gandof Text box “The broken lightning tower has... the sign of [SQUARE]... the Cactuars will lead you to the legend...” - starting outside Guadosalam, the cactuar ghost can be followed again, but this time the Celestial Mirror is in your inventory and the weapon can be obtained as normal. Also of note is that the save sphere will give you the option to play blitzball, however it gives you the message that the team is not at full strength and you need more players. Moving north into Macalania Woods will continue the story.
The selection of the Cactuars Allows you to choose whether to have one, two or three Qactuar stones released and whether to start in the North or South Thunder Plains.


Again, a debug room similar to those in past FF games; you'll be hanging around a bunch of people that warp you to different places. You can move freely here, however the camera stays fixed in place and it’s fairly easy to get stuck on something off screen. When you warp in, an audio clip will play – a Hypello will say ‘noo, I don’t shink so, ish bad idea, yesh?’. This is the clip that plays in the Moonflow when the Lucil, Elma and Clasko are negotiating to cross the Moonflow with the chocobo, after the events of Operation Mi’ihen. Most options here are related to story flags and are found elsewhere in other debug menus albeit with full translations instead of what appears to be initial or more literal translations. The frog musician however has Aeon related options.

The Tanba Debug Room. Rikku continually plays her head shaking animation.


‘Events at Yevon=Baaj’. These options are identical to the Baaj section of the Nogami debug room.

Menu Option Effect
bjyt00 Arraival at Baaj Tidus first arrives in Spira, at Baaj Temple.
bjyt02 Bridge falling Ruins – Underwater Hall. This is the area with the save sphere and where the bridge collapses, throwing Tidus into the water.
bjyt03 Escape to the stair aisle Immediately after Geosangeo blasts Tidus into the ruins.
bjyt04 Arrival at the big hall Shows Tidus entering the large ruined hall for the first time.
bjyt04 Fire!! Also starts with Tidus in the Hall, however he is standing by the door in the the north - approaching the fire will show Tidus lighting it, having already ‘obtained’ the bouquet and flint, even though these are not in your inventory.
bjyt02 After getting the Airhship [sic] Lategame return to Baaj, starts standing on the path that broke on Tidus’ first arrrival in the beginning of the game. Entering the water plays the scene where Tidus tells Wakka and Rikku about Geosangeo, and he can be fought here as normal.
bjyt12 Fayth room In the room with Animas’ Fayth. Walking forward slightly starts the cutscene where you speak to and obtain the summon. Exiting to the previous room with the sphere statues shows you are stuck however, as the glyph you remove to enter normally is still present.


‘Events at Cid’s Ship’ – events on the Al Bhed salvage ship. Rikku will continually shake her head while in the Tanba room. These options are identical to the Cydo Ship section of the Nogami debug room.

Menu Option Effect
cdsp00 Tidus is ordered to dive Tidus wakes up on the Al Bhed ship and is ordered to work by Brother.
cdsp00 Talk with Rikku at the deck Returning the the ship after the section underwater.
cdsp00 Talk with Rikku – Sin attacks Talking to Rikku plays the scenes where she says they’ll take Tidus to Luca to find people who might know him, however Sin interrupts as usual.
cdsp02 Battle with BlitzBall Robot (at Luca) The battle against the Ballshooter machina in Luca to rescue Yuna from the Al Bhed. Starts when Lulu, Kimahri and Tidus land on the ship after jumping from the dock.


‘Other Events’. These options are identical to the Luca, Gagazet Gate and Last Battle sections of the Nogami debug room.

Menu Option Effect
lchb0201 Arriving to Luca This is the start of events in Luca - starting with the FMV where the party arrives on the S.S. Winno.
lchb0301 Mica & Seymour at Luca Starts in Luca - Number 3 Dock, moving forwards starts the scenes where both Mika and Seymour arrive for the tournament.
lchb1500 Riding Cid’s ship In Luca - begins as Lulu, Kimahri and Tidus run along the dock then jump onto the Al Bhed salvage ship to rescue Yuna during her kidnapping.
mtgz00 Mt. Gagazet – Talk with Kelk The party first arrives at Mt Gagazet and talks to Kelk Ronso – simply moving forwards and approaching the gate will start this scene as normal.
mtgz00 Mt. Gagazet – Battle with Biran and Enke This is before the Biran and Yenke boss fight, again moving forwards past the assembled party Ronso towards the Mountain Trail will start the scene and fight against them.
mtgz00 Mt. Gagazet – After getting the Airship Returning to Mt Gagazet during the endgame. Maechen and a small number of Ronso are standing around and talk about the death of most of the clan. Returning to the airship doesn’t produce the Lulu softlock seen in most other options; Cid gives his “The final showdown with S(h)in” line, however Sin is not selectable as a destination, Bevelle cannot be returned to, and Dona appears at Zanarkand (so Yunalesca must be defeated already) so progress is impossible regardless.
sins06 Final Battle 1 Arriving at Sin – Dream’s End at the end of the game. Simply walking forwards begins the scenes with Jecht before fighting Braska’s Final Aeon.
sins07 Final Battle 2 After the fight against Braska’s Final Aeon. Normally this would start the fight against Yuna’s Aeons, however if you have not added any to the party in the Battle debug menu, the fights are simply skipped and you move straight on to Yu Yevon.
sins06 Farewell, Auron After all endgame fights are finished. Begins with Yuna sending Yu Yevon and Auron, and continues all the way to the credits.

Frog Musician

Aeon related debug options.

The Frog Musician's menu.
Menu Option Effect
Get all Aeons Adds all aeons to the party.
Get Valefor Adds Valefor aeon to the party.
Get Ifrit Adds Ifrit aeon to the party.
Get Ixion Adds Ixion aeon to the party.
Get Shiva Adds Shiva aeon to the party. Named ???? in Overdrive section of regular in-game menu.
Get Bahamut Adds Bahamut aeon to the party.
Get Anima Adds Anima aeon to the party.
Get Yojimbo Adds Yojimbo aeon to the party.
Get Magus Sisters Adds Magus Sisters aeon to the party.
Dismiss all Aeons Removes all Aeons from the party.
TGS version flag: ON Disables soft resetting and saving, as well as opening the in game menu with [TRIANGLE] and pausing with [START]. This would likely have had other effects that restricted players of the demo to the two areas seen at Tokyo Game Show; however with no exit from the Tanba debug menu without soft resetting, any additional effects are unable to be verified. Loading into one of the flags in Wakka, Lulu and Rikku’s menus is possible - however with no soft reset, you will need to restart the console/emulator to exit.
TGS version flag: OFF Re-enables soft reset, saving, opening the menu and pausing.
Debug flag: ON No obvious effect.
Baaj’s Fayth’s door flag: ON Seems to have no effect – Glyph blocking entrance to Anima’s Fayth seems to be permanently in place.
Party complete! Adds all members to the main party and closes the menu.


Handles the events for both Djose and Macalania Cloister of Trials, as well as events in Mt Gagazet (again) and inside Sin. A number of the options have text saying things like ‘this works’, however some of these do not appear to work as intended. These messages are always in yellow text, however they have been changed to black here for ease of reading. This room similar to the typical FF debug rooms – selecting the ‘------’ option second from the bottom hides the menu and Wakka and the NPC model will start running around the room while the camera continually changes view. Tidus is uncontrollable and pressing [CIRCLE] brings the menu up again, however the camera changes and running remains. ‘Back to the Start Map’ will return you to the main menu. ‘Press [TRIANGLE] to clear the flags’ is also shown at the bottom of the screen and changes the message to ‘Kataoka’s Flags and scenario flags cleared’ when pressed, however this appears to have no obvious effects.

The Kataoka debug menu.

Djose’s Trial

Events at Djose Temple's Cloister of Trials.

Menu Option Effect
From the start (this works) Begins the Cloister of Trials as normal.
First door opened Begins in the main room of the Cloister by the pillar – ‘door opened’ is only somewhat accurate, the door itself is down however it has no collision and can be passed through regardless.
Centre door opened As above, except the door in front of you leading to the lightning pit opens when you load in.
Elevator appears This is the same as the ‘first door opened’, except standing on the lift behind the pillar and pressing [CROSS] makes the lift rise to the upper area.
4 altars pushed at the 2nd floor Starts in the upstairs area with four of the five pillars are pushed into place. A number of interesting things can happen depending on what you do here – please see note below.
After Sacred Forest (Bevelle) (this also works) Starts at the beginning of the Cloister which can be completed as normal, however the Chamber of the Fayth can not be entered for the end game rewards. The airship and blitzball are unavailable at the save sphere, suggesting this is after the events in Bevelle but before the events in Zanarkand.

Going down to the lower level from the ‘4 altars pushed at the 2nd floor’ option is possible. There are however a couple of ways to get stuck down here, so please explore with caution. A number of things are possible, not limited to:

  • Tidus will warp downstairs if the lift is not on the upper level when you step on it.
  • Pushing the lower pillar off of the right side of the glyph sometimes glitches and the elevator will rise with the pillar on it, leaving Tidus trapped and camera caught between floors.
  • Pushing pillar off the lift platform then riding elevator up also moves pillar to upper level. Examining the pillar downstairs without moving it makes lift rise.
  • Examining the sphere on the left side of the door into the lightning pit room on the lower level makes pillar the invisible – any spheres in the pillar remain visible however. Presumably this is also how it works in the finished trial instead of removing the pillar model.
  • Pushing the downstairs pillar in any direction sometimes locks Tidus’ movement, causing a softlock.
  • The destruction sphere is seemingly always in Tidus’ hand after pushing final pillar upstairs.

Macalania’s Trial

Events at Macalania Temple’s Cloister of Trials.

Menu Option Effect
From the start (this works) Starts as you enter the snowy tunnel, before confronting Seymour.
Seymour defeated (This also works) Starts on the top level of the trial, immediately after the Seymour events. Walking forwards causes the bridge to disappear.
Down the slope Starts on the middle ‘main level’ of the trial. This can be completed as normal.
Down the other slope Starts on the lowest level of the trial. Tidus begins here holding an invisible Glyph sphere – the trial can be completed as normal but the extra glyph sphere will need to be placed either in the destruction sphere recess on the lowest floor or the one on the far right of the main level to finish.
Bridge back in place Starts back on the upper level – contrary to the name, the bridge is not in place. The button on the top level to call the pillar to the top however is already uncovered, meaning you can complete the trial for the destruction sphere on the first go.
After Sacred Forest (Bevelle) (This works too) Starts with the trial complete and the walkway to the lower level filled in, as if it were the first visit. If you walk into the room where you normally confront Seymour and reenter the trial, the bridge will be gone and you will need to complete it again to escape. Entering the Monk’s Chamber, the room on the left side of the entry to the Cloister from the main room of the temple, you will find that all the character models in this room are standing in one spot. If you do leave the trial, the save sphere in the main room does not have the option to leave on the airship, and leaving the temple completely shows your entry being blocked by two warrior monks and a guado. These three can be pushed around, however you are not able to leave past them or reenter the temple at this stage, and are softlocked here.

Mt. Gagazet’s Trail 1

Events at on Mt. Gagazet, up to the Prominence (where you find Seymour again)

Menu Option Effect
From the start (this is supposed to be working) Starts at the beginning of Gagazet – Mountain Trail. Walking backwards into the Gate area will play the scenes with Kelk when the party first arrives; walking forwards up the mountain will play the scene where the Ronso sing the Hymn of the Fayth for the party.
The Ronso singing This option has the same effects as the previous option.
Grave post 1 Starts in front of the first grave marker, which can be approached for the usual scene.
Grave post 2 Starts in front of the second grave marker, which can be approached for the usual scene.
O’aka Starts next to Wantz, who can be spoken to for the usual dialogue about O’aka and his store.
Grave post 3 Starts a short distance from the third grave marker, which once again can be approached for the usual scene.

Final Battle A (Sin on the clouds – Airship)

Events relating to the initial events inside Sin.

Menu Option Effect
ssbt04 Sin’s cloud Option does not work – opening up the debug overlay with [SELECT] before choosing this option shows a NO EVENT error. Console must be reset to escape, soft reset does not work.
sins00 Cid’s Airship 1 Starts at Sin – Near Airship. Can either return to the airship or progress to Seymour Omnis as usual.
sins01 Cid’s Airship 2 This option also does not work – the same NO EVENT error is shown on the debug overlay. Console must be reset to escape, soft reset does not work.
The NO EVENT flag.

Final Battle B (Seymour’s Hatred – Battle with Seymour)

Events relating to the next events inside Sin.

Menu Option Effect
sins02 Seymour’s Hatred Starts in Sin – Sea of Sorrow, the room with the water path before Seymour Omnis.
sins03 Battle with Seymour Starts in Sin – Garden of Pain, the room where you fight Seymour Omnis.

Final Battle C (Jecht – Tower – Another Dimension)

Events relating to the final events inside Sin, after Seymour is finally defeated.

Menu Option Effect
sins04 Jecht’s memories (this works) Starts in Sin – City of Dying Dreams, the room immediately after Seymour Omnis.
sins04 Jecht’s memories (down the cliff) Aslo starts in City of Dying Dreams – no obvious differences to the previous option.
sins09 A huge tower Starts in Sin – Tower of the Dead, next to the final save sphere.
sins05 Another dimension Starts in Sin – The Nucleus, the room with the crystal items to collect. Collecting the 10 items leads to Jecht as normal.


Again, this is your fairly standard FF Debug room, with three women leading to different options, these related to the special movie spheres and the scenes in rooms that are not entered during gameplay (mostly Dream Zanarkand and one in Baaj Temple). The third woman in the room sadly has little of note – of the nine options in the menu, only three are unique and four have no function at all.

Left Woman

Relates to special movie spheres – Jecht, Braska, Auron and Jyscal's spheres. For the most part these play as intended when you select the corresponding menu option and then return you to the area they’re found in, although not necessarily at the right point of the story.

Menu Option Effect
Mem. Sphere at Besaid bvmm00 Jecht’s Sphere – Besaid. See below for notes.
Mem. Sphere at Liki slmm02 Jecht’s Sphere – S.S. Liki. Entering the ships cabin plays the scene where O’aka first meets Tidus, however his model does not load and the game softlocks.
Mem. Sphere Luka [sic] lumm01 Jecht’s Sphere – Luca. See below for notes.
Mem. Sphere at Mi’ihen mimm02 Jecht’s Sphere – Mi’ihen Highroad. Both sections of the Oldroad are called ‘Highroad – Oldroad’ and the Newroad sections are called ‘Highroad – Newroad’ instead of having their north/south identifiers as per the finished game. Moving towards Mushroom Rock begins Operation Mi’ihen events.
Mem. Sphere at MoonFlow gemm01 Jecht’s Sphere – Moonflow. After the sphere scene, you are immediately put into the scene with Lucil, Elma and Clasko attempting to cross the Moonflow with their chocobo. Moving back to Moonflow - South Bank then forwards into South Wharf will show Tidus seeing a shoopuf for the first time.
Mem. Sphere at ThunderPlains kamm03 Jecht’s Sphere – Thunder Plains. Moving south back to Guadosalam will set off the events there; moving north towards Rin’s Travel Agency will start the events there.
Mem. Sphere at Great Bridge stmm01 Jecht’s Sphere – Lake Macalania. This sphere is split into three separate parts, this is the first - Jecht, Braska and Auron leave Bevelle. Plays the entirety of the sphere and awards Shooting Star overdrive as normal.
Mem. Sphere at Macalania Lake mamm00 Jecht’s Sphere – Lake Macalania. This sphere is split into three separate parts, this is the second – Jecht and Auron stand outside the Macalania Travel Agency. Continues to the end of the sphere, however after the sphere you will need to fight Spherimorph to continue.
Serious Jecht’s Mem. Sphere mamm03 Jecht’s Sphere – Lake Macalania. This sphere is split into three separate parts, this is the last part – shows views of the sphere lake and Jecht addresses Tidus directly. Shooting Star overdrive is awarded as if you’d watched the whole sphere.
Mem. Sphere (Jecht at jail) bvmm06 Jecht’s Sphere – Bevelle Prison. Plays scenes of the party entering Macalania Woods for the first time afterwards and continues normally from there.
Auron and Kinoc Mem. Sphere msmm00 Auron’s Sphere. See Below for notes.
Braska’s Mem. Sphere mtmm00 Braska’s Sphere. Plays as normal, return down the mountain to hear the Ronso sing Hymn of the Fayth, uphill to Seymour Flux.
Jyscal’s Mem. Sphere kamm03 Jyscal’s Sphere. Continues from Macalania Temple – Nun’s Chamber as normal into confronting Seymour.
Besaid Sphere

After watching the sphere, you’re left in Besaid as normal, however there are some oddities. There are no NPCs in the village aside from the priest in the temple, the shopkeeper, and the man weaving in one of the tents. Curiously the cats are also still in the Crusader Lodge. The shopkeeper only gives dialogue thanking you for visiting; her inventory is unavailable. Wakka is also present in his tent – speaking with him, he asks you to present yourself to the summoner at the temple as he does in the beginning of the game. After attempting to do so and having the scenes as you approach the statue of Braska in the temple, you can return to Wakka's tent and sleep. The remainder of the Besaid events continue as normal, however with the exception of Luzzu, Gatta and the person who lets you rest in the Crusader Lodge, the NPCs remain missing.

Luca Sphere

After watching the sphere, you start in the hallway of the Auroch's locker room as normal for the first visit to Luca. The door to the locker room itself is closed, however can be passed through as it has no collision; the Aurochs are in here, lined up along one of the walls. In the hallway itself, Lulu, Kimahri, Wakka and Yuna are similarly lined up – Yuna and Kimahri have no dialogue while the other two have their dialogue from where you leave to find Auron in the cafe during the Blitzball match; none of them have any collision and can be walked through.
In the lobby, all NPCs are present as well as the two people at the lobby kiosk with the shops and the woman who handles Blitzball registration. The shops function although at this point in the story the people running are not present and thus not available; the woman who deals with registrations gives dialogue stating you aren’t at full strength and need more players to register. The only thing of note on the Docks is in Dock 5 – Tidus and Auron can be seen standing still in the center of the dock in the same spot, neither of them can be interacted with and both lack collision.
Moving outside to the Bridge makes Yuna appear – she again has no dialogue, can be pushed around the map and doesn’t trigger the usual scenes where she and Tidus move through the area. In the Square outside the cafe, she is again in this state. You can move into the City Limits area beyond the Square, however your exit is blocked by an invisible wall and you can not escape to the Highroad.
Entering the cafe itself, Yuna does not join you. Interestingly in this area, nothing has collision again and you can walk behind not only the counter, but behind the entirety of the structure in the middle of the room (and the flags attached to it on the left side as you move further back) as well as through the patrons. You can move back a fairly long way in this room, you will always stay on top of the back wall and become very small as you move further back. There is also a person standing on the background, between the two flags on the left hand side - they are still present in the final version of the game, but were removed in the HD remaster. Presumably because of the lack of scene in the previous area to progress the story flags, the scenes in the cafe with Kimahri, Biran and Yenke also do not happen and the story can not progress from here.

Auron’s Sphere

After Auron’s sphere, you are in the normal place it’s found in Mushroom Rock Road. Backtracking from here through the Valley to the entrance of the area and out into Mushroom Rock Road proper will set off the events that lead into Operation Mi’ihen. Seymour will appear and give his speech, and once this is over you will be in control again. Interestingly the camera however doesn’t appear in the right place – it uses the angle it changes to when you go left towards the Valley instead of the zoomed out view of the main path. Clasko will interrupt and direct you to the Command Center through the Valley as usual, however the camera will return to it's incorrect position – progressing into the area where the camera changes will fix this and you can go back to the main path and the camera will shift to it’s intended position.
If you move towards the Command Center from the sphere instead, you will be warped back to the events at the start of Mushroom Rock Road. Things play out as intended, however instead of the camera being stuck in the wall, it instead focuses on the water running alongside the main path, down the small cliff. Again, as Clasko approaches the camera will pop back to where it’s supposed to be then pop straight back down again after. This can again be fixed by walking into the small side path leading to the Valley (in both cases the mini-map is correct and can be helpful in directing you to where you need to be). In either case, returning to the Command Center moves the story along as intended after this.

Center Woman

Mostly no effect.

Menu Option Effect
Work Dream Zanarkand sequence on Mt Gagazet, from part way through – starts where you follow the Fayth outside.
Work Tidus speaking to Jecht before you wake up in the Bikanel Oasis. No music, otherwise normal.
Work No effect.
Work No effect.
Work No effect.
Work No effect.
Work No effect.
Work The last stage of the Zanarkand Dream sequence on Mt. Gagazet. The Fayth asks Tidus to let them rest; Progress through the Mountain Cave is normal.
Work Same as first option.

Right Woman

These are all related to flashbacks to Dream Zanarkand and the one in Baaj with a child Seymour.

Menu Option Effect
Dream at Baaj (Tidus’s mom death anniv.) znkd05 Auron blames Tidus for losing the last Blitzball match for his team, then reminds him it’s been ten years and he thought he’d be crying. During the initial visit to Baaj Temple, immediately before he wakes up and fights Click, then gets ‘rescued’ by the Al Bhed.
Dream at Besaid (Jecht Dissapears[sic]) znkd04 The people of Zanarkand talk to Tidus’ mother about looking for Jecht, who is missing. Tidus says he hates his father and hopes he’s dead; his mother says Tidus won’t be able to tell him how much he hates him if he is dead. During Tidus’ nap in Besaid – leads into breaking into the Cloister of Trials to save Yuna.
Dream at Besaid (I hate you!) bsmm00 Tidus sitting on the dock in Besaid, Yuna and Rikku ‘argue’ about which of the two he’s taking to see Zanarkand. Jecht appears and is incredulous that Tidus has two women – Tidus becomes his child self and says he hates Jecht wile Yuna and Rikku cheer him on. Leads into Tidus waking up in the Crusader Lodge and overhearing Lulu and Wakka arguing about Chappu.
Memories of the fans (at kilika) znkd00 Flashback to Tidus seeing all his fans outside the stadium in Zanarkand. Takes place as you lave the Kilika Temple. No music is present in the flashback.
Memories at SS Wino (Jecht Shoot) znkd04 Child Tidus tries to do the Jecht Shot (badly) before Jecht shows him how it’s done. Leads into the Jecht Shot challenge. Yuna can’t be spoken to afterwards; entering the lower corridor triggers O’aka's first appearance; entering the cabin shows Tidus standing up as he does at the start of the S.S. Winno sequence and the Blitzball reappears on the deck. No music is played during the flashback.
Contact with Sin (at Mushroom Rock) kimm00.znkd07 Shows the room in which all the victims of Sin during Operation Mi’ihen walk around – the area is actually The Nucleus, from inside Sin at the end of the game. Interestingly, Luzzu walks past, suggesting he may be the canon death between him and Gatta from Besaid. Events continue as normal after you wake up on the Mi’ihen shore.
Memories at Farplane (Childhood) znkd07 Jecht and Tidus’ mom talk and mostly ignore Tidus, and shows how she was after Jecht disappeared. Takes place during the visit to the Farplane in Guadosalam and continues as normal once you exit.
Memories at the Mysterious Land (humming)znkd04 Tidus sits on a dock in Zanarkand, humming the Hymn of the Fayth which reminds Auron of home; they then discuss how Auron ended up in Zanarkand. During the events under the Macalania Temple.
Illusion of Sin (at Mysterious Land) znkd07, 03 Shortly after the previous scene, when Sin appears. Tidus sees Zanarkand and tells Jecht it isn’t his world anymore but he’s older than he was and is working on finding an end to his suffering as Sin. Tidus wakes up in the Bikanel Oasis as normal.
Meeting with Fayth (at Gagazet)znkd07, 05, 03 The start of the Dream Zanarkand sequence when Tidus touches the Fayth at the top of Mt. Gagazet. Entire sequence is normal and continues as intended afterwards.
Memories or Seymour’s mom (at Baaj) bjyt05 During the party visit to Baaj Temple to obtain Anima. Begins with the flashback to Seymour as a young child with his mother narrating how she wished to give him strength by becoming a Fayth but it backfired. Only this section is played before you regain control of the party – moving forwards again starts the entire conversation and obtaining of Anima. As usual, the exit from the Chamber of the Fayth is blocked by the glyph that is supposed to stop you entering.


This menu has a number of functions. Probably the most significant one is the Blitzball debug options, although events in both Luca and in the lead up to the defeat of Sin are also found here. There are a couple of options that lead to gibberish options due to the lack of Japanese alphabet in the prototype; these have been noted as such.

Menu Option Effect
blitz scout Blitzball scouting options.
blitz debug Blitz ability options.
blitz Other Blitzball options.
fly ship Events on the airship.
luca event Luca related story event flags.
macaranya event Macalania Cloister of Trials.
djose siren event Djose Cloister of Trials – visit plays out normally.
gagazedo event The Ronso sing the Hymn of the Fayth. Visit continues normally.
last battle Battles against Sin’s fins and the surrounding events.
last dungeon Locations Inside Sin.
test map 0803 Softlocks – using the debug view by pressing [SELECT] before choosing this option, the NO EVENT error is shown.
tidus name No effect.
albedo language LV Select either LV 20 or LV MAX – sets Al Bhed level to either 20 (known letters) or max (all letters learned). Note that this does not give you the Al Bhed Primer items so while Tidus will have perfect knowledge of Al Bhed, subtitles remain untranslated.
fly map test Set you on the location select screen – selecting Sin as your destination begins the first sequence against him where you fight the fins, head and Sinspawn Genais.
test map Softlocks – using the debug view by pressing [SELECT] before choosing this option, the NO EVENT error is shown.
love para Sets the affection level for a given character to 50 – this can be seen directly on the debug overlay screen, see images below.
debug flag on No effect. Presumably there would be no way to disable debug options while in a debug menu.

fly ship

Airship related events. As usual, all options here lead into the following events as normal unless otherwise noted. A number of them leads to the party hearing the Hymn of the Fayth playing before the fights against Sin's Fins.

Menu Option Effect
first cockpit First boarding the Fahrenheit during the escape from Home. After Brother and Cid sing the Hymn, Cid will be stuck walking in place.
after engin start As the engines start and the airship lifts out of the ground. Cid will again be stuck walking in place.
free First opportunity to control Tidus after Home is destroyed. Tidus starts in the hallway next to Auron instead of the cockpit.
all yes After exploring the ship and returning to the cockpit – Auron and Cid are arguing about Yuna and her pilgrimage.
get yuna position Talking to Brother begins the scenes where they locate her in Bevelle.
attack monster Starts in Airship – Cabin, the final room before going up the elevator to the deck. Walking towards the elevator itself will play the scene where the party sees Evrae alongside the airship.
efuraie battle(board) The beginning of the Evrae battle, the party arrives on the deck.
before sin(board) The party stands on the deck of the Fahrenheit and can hear the Hymn being sung by the people of Spira.
after sin(morning) After the party defeats Yunalesca and returns to the airship.
free Free movement after the previous option. Moving to Yuna in the Cabin then back to the cockpit starts the dialogue where the idea to play the hymn for Jecht/Sin is first brought up.
go vevele As above, but begins at the scene discussing the hymn.
battle sin Starts in the cockpit, talking to Cid and selecting Sin begins the first Sin assault sequence and the party moves to the deck and hears the hymn.
free Starts in the Cabin, moving to the deck begins the scenes where they hear the hymn before the first assault on Sin.
before battle sin(board) Also starts on the deck where the party hears the hymn.

Luca event

Events for Luca and the mandatory blitzball match.

Menu Option Effect
player in 0800 The Aurochs and Al Bhed Psyches match begins. When returning to the stadium lobby, the short scene panning across the area will play and Tidus will be standing outside the hall to the Aurochs locker instead of the door to the Bridge area.
boroboro wakka0800 Cuts into the match against the Psyches where Wakka is tackled heavily, the Tidus, Kimahri and Lulu prepare to jump onto the Al Bhed ship to rescue Yuna.
victory vs cycs0800 The end of the match against the Psyches. Returning to the stadium gate once again shows the panning shot from your first time in this area.
start match gowars0801 The start of the match against the Luca Goers.
start match sect2 gowars bltz0200 The start of the second half of the match against the Goers – score is 0-0.
time up &change player0801 Starts at the scene partway through the second half where Tidus pauses and the crowd cheers for Wakka to return.
wakka call & leave tidus0801 Starts partway through the previous section, showing the scene of the players in the pool looking around while Bobba says the crowd are calling for Wakka.
wakka appear0801 Wakka enters the sphere pool for the end of the match.
victory0802 Full time. Wakka lies back in the sphere pool and gives Tidus a thumbs up. Leads into the fiend invasion.
stand part1 Scenes of the crowd at the blitzball match – Bobba and Jimma talk before the match and Auron is seen.
stand part2 View of the spectators calling for Wakka in the mach against the Goers.
stand part3 win Aurochs win the match, the crowd are seen cheering. Option to save after this, then into the fiend invasion as normal.
stand part3 lose Aurochs lose the match, crowd still cheers for them. As above after this.

macaranya event

Events for Macalania. Note that proceeding through these into the fight against Seymour, Anima will be invisible.

Menu Option Effect
arrive Entering the Cloister of Trials to find Yuna after seeing Jyscal's sphere.
[blank] As above.
[blank] As above.
siren After Seymour, complete the Cloister of Trials to leave.

last battle

Events for the battles against Sin's fins and head.

Menu Option Effect
left hand battle Part way through the scenes before fighting Sin's fins – Tidus starts lying down on the deck; he stands and the party readies to fight the left fin.
left hand battle Immediately before the left fin fight, Rikku says Sin is pulling them in and the fight begins.
right hand battle Immediately after the fight against the left fin; right fin battle begins.
sin head battle The FMV after the right fin battle, leads immediately into the fight against Sin's head.
ssbt0400 No effect – the debug overlay shows NO EVENT error.
cockpit after sin back battle Cid and Brother are speaking and Tidus, Yuna and Rikku enter and say Sin must be destroyed from the inside. Find Yuna on the deck again afterwards and she’ll talk about using the aeons to defeat Yu Yevon. Leads into...
cockpit before sin head battle Tidus and Yuna return to the cockpit and Cid tells them the airship guns are out of commission. Returning to the deck begins the battle against Sin's head.
near window Same as cockpit after sin back battle, except standing in the Cabin.

last dungeon

Locations inside Sin. Each one plays out events as though entering the area for the first time.

Menu Option Effect
sins0000 Sin – Near Airship.
sins0100 Hangs. NO EVENT flag on debug overlay.
sins0200 Sin – Sea of Sorrow.
sins0300 Sin – Garden of Pain, immediately before Seymour Omnis.
sins0400 Sin – City of Dying Dreams.
sins0500 Sin – The Nucleus.
sins0900 Sin – Tower of the Dead.



Only 'menu' and 'nakazawa' work. Entering this room strips the party to just Tidus.


Menu Option Effect
FONT & MESSAGE ( NORMAL ) Font test, centered.
FONT & MESSAGE ( JIMAKU ) (Subtitles) Font test, aligned to the left.
ALBHED TEST Al Bhed test, uppercase and lowercase.
ENTER NAME SELECTER Allows you to rename Tidus, rename Valefor, or enter a random airship password.
TEST Prints a dummy message that is actually modified from this news article about 9/11 and the hunt for Bin Laden. Screenshot included below, because it has to be seen to be believed.


Menu Option Effect
Scenario_flag advance Unknown effect.
Training school Shows you one of the Monster Arena menus.
Arms shop of Training School Gives you the weapon shop from the Monster Arena.
Arms shop test Allows you to pick any weapon shop from the game by selecting the right number. Selecting an invalid number gives you a default shop.
Items shop test Same thing, but with item shops.
Menu Call Pops up the main menu.
Full Member Gives you all of the party members.
Sphere Monitor Pops up a menu with "Where sphier monitor". You can choose any sphere monitor in the game.
beruge 1/beruge 2/Calm Lands Event Clear Gives you the Summoner's Soul/Aeon's Soul and the last option presumably sets Belgamine as defeated in the Calm Lands.
tutorial data make Probably allows you to choose whatever save file you want to use for the next option.
tutorial GO Allows you to view a tutorial:
Menu Option Effect
test Gives you text from the Summoner's Soul tutorial, with glitchy graphics.
DNA1 First Sphere Grid tutorial.
DNA2 Second Sphere Grid tutorial.
KAIZOU Customization tutorial.
shoukan1 The actual Summoner's Soul tutorial.
syoukan2 Aeon's Soul tutorial.
overdrive Overdrive tutorial... or not? Seems glitchy.
return Back to the previous menu.
tudas name change Allows you to change "Tudas"' name.
makiba count up Gives you the shop number menu again, but doesn't do anything visible.
aria clear/zoku clear/orijinarl clear Gives you most of the monsters in the Monster Arena.
all get Unknown effect.
to battle menu Warps you to BATTLE.
change Sphere Bouad 0/1/2 This is probably supposed to let you change between Sphere Grid boards, but since this is the original US version it really doesn't do anything. Note that there's THREE options to pick: maybe a third grid was once meant to exist , however this could also refer to the standard grid from the JP/NA release, the standard grid from the PAL/HD release (which has minor differences) and the expert grid from the PAL/HD release.


You can push the Cactuar around! Talk to it to open up a menu.

"Battle Debug for DVD"

Battle by Encounter

Gives you a list of places, and a menu to input a number, much like the one in the FF8 debug room. Most are self-explanatory, so the only ones documented here for now are unusual ones. Also, you can make characters fight underwater that weren't supposed to: their battle model will be just doing a T-Pose since they have no underwater animations, including Seymour.

Menu Option Effect
test00 Doesn't seem to work.
zzzz00 Calm land enemies, mostly. Seems to be a tutorial for the Monster Arena?
zzzz002 Doesn't work.

test11 has its own set of battles.

Menu Option Effect
000 A glitchy battle in the Calm Lands. You'll hear Tidus, Wakka and Yuna say some things, the bees will attack, and eventually the game will softlock. Nothing you can do.
001 A Flan in Besaid. If you kill it the battle will just not end. You need to Flee or die to actually escape. This may be related to the tutorial Flan battle in Besaid.
002 A regular battle on the Mi'ihen Highroad.
003 A regular battle in Mushroom Rock.
004 A battle with a Condor (usually found in Besaid) in the Calm Lands, with an otherwise unused (?) camera angle.
005 A battle against an invisible Bahamut in the Calm Lands? If you just skip turns, the battle will end. If you actually kill it, it'll suddenly appear visible again with its death animation.
006 A battle against an invisible Yojimbo in the Calm Lands. If you skip turns he will actually summon himself during his turn, and do nothing until he has a full overdrive. Zanmato will just deal 9999 damage though.
007-009 Invisible Sandy, Cindy, and Mindy individual battles. None of them do anything, with no death animations.
tori00 The forced battles against Guados at Home.

Event Battle

Battle against bosses/forced battles. A few things:

  • Bosses that have to be fought by a certain party will likely not work if fought with a different party, like Geosgaeno.
  • The Kimahri battle doesn't work.
  • You get an instant game over against Isaaru.
  • Biran and Yenke have an absurd amount of HP - 5 million between them.

Battle Settings

Opens up a sub-menu, "Virtual FinalFantasyX Config Menu".

Menu Option Effect
Party Allows you to swap around characters, including Seymour. Note you cannot select Seymour in the menu, but you can always put him in during a battle.
Get All Mostly self-explanatory, except Full of Arms duplicates Tidus' current weapon for every single weapon unused weapon slot.
Invincible Allows you to set yourself or enemies invicible, and also allows you to control enemies! You'll be also able to use YOUR items during enemy controls, which is neat.
Magic & OverDrive Allows you to set MP cost to zero or supposedly to have a permanently full overdrive, but that doesn't work.
Damage Allows you to set your damage to 1, 9999, or 99999, and make your attacks never miss.
Get Item Allows you to always get rare items after a battle, and to multiply AP and Gil x100.
Who's First Allows you to always be ambushed, always get a preemptive attack, or to disable both.
Info Output Doesn't seem to work.
End Returns to the previous menu.

After these are some other commands.

Menu Option Effect
Load Data Loads a save, while still remaining in the BATTLE room.
Save Data Saves the game.
Back Returns you to the STARTMAP.
Sphere Monitor Returns you to the NAKAZAWA menu in PROGRAM.
Blitz Ball Blitzball menu.
Skip Story Same thing as the NEWGAME menu in the Startmap.
Cancel Quits the menu.